Essay -Music and Effects

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Padme Micaela Amba Gonzales

Eugenia Vasquez

First Class Institute

June , 6th , 2024

The Emotional Effects Of Music In People.

Music is one of the worst drugs that can exist .According to scince músic causes the same

levels of pleasure as consuming any substance so music is like a drug.Another curious fact is that

is interesting how listening to a song,a melody or a simple rhythm can bring to mind a specific

memory, provoke happiness,nostalgia,tranquility,peace or some other emotions .Listening to

music can makes people intelligent this is an idea that for years studies have been carried out on

the hypothesis of whether it is true that listening to classical music (specifically Mozart’s

symphonies)can achieve higher intelectual development than peple who do not listen tp this type

of music on the.Now in the other hand talking about the emotional side,music also has other

effects ,so music is a big world in the life of a person besides it also has many emocional

effects :mood chances,some genres of music makes people feel indetified moreover help to

improve the personal relations.

Music can change people's moods .Listen to happy music can lift your mood.Now a days

something that characterizes people is that emotions greatly affect the mood moreover it is a

important point in the society due to the world need that people improve the control of their

moods;nontheless, something that music helps peolpe with is in lifting the mood that means that
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eventually people have a lot of mood changes ,without forgetting that it can also change into a

bad mood.Sad música regulares emotions when people is sad Although some people believe that

when a person is sad listening to happy music is the best solution, sometimes sad music can also

regulate emotions even it can makes people feel happy ,Talking about motivation it also can be

driven by music taking into account that motivation is something necessary these days, at the

same time it is very important for each one, music is a great source of motivation Lastly There

are various good and bad mood swings that can be caused by listening to music and that is

something important that we have to know .

Some genres of music makes people feel indetified.According to scince músic

contribuyes to the discovery of identity, during the life of a person the discovery of each other's

identities is important Especially in teenagers, thanks to music, the discovery of identities is not

very complicated.A genre of music can help people to know themselves ,although music genres

do not seem to be very important in a person's life, it is essential for people to learn more about

them even it can help peolpe to now how another person is . Through music people discover their

personality nowadays it easy to know the personality of person at the moment when people know

which kind of music like despite of that a big part of the society do not take in account that the

different types of music have a big role in the life it is important to know that when people are

growing up the genre of music that is listening implies a lot in the personality that they will

créate in the future .In conclution just as music and it’s genres help people find their

identities ,helping people to know each other even themselves besides feeling identified.

Music is a good help to improve the relationships .Music has a deep power to join people

thids means that when someone likes a genre and another person they can have a topic of which

they can talk that is why people can socialize .Without forgetting that aslo it has the capacity to
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make peolpe romantic love even thouth that some part of the society think that this sounds odd it

is real due to music not only unites friends but also future couples thanks to the peculiar rhythms

that eaxh genre of music has.Music increases the ability to socialize nowadays the power to

socialize is a quit profound point thnaks to the different events that people have

experienced,socializing has become more and more complicated;however, one of the best

solutions is music since it helps people get away from thier confort zone and beings to open up to

the world.In summary music help society a lot in realiton ,being sociable even in romantic

realitonships and that is something important moreover necessary for people.

In conclusion there are a lot of effects that music has.the mood changes or being identifed

and discover identities even in the relationships ;nevertheless,they are not always good due to

there some bad effects that people have to tahe in count although without forgetting that music is

impotant in peolple’s life.To summarize it is important to know which are the effets ,so too take

in advantage og the good effects .

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