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In fields of wheat and hidden hollows deep,

Where shadows dance and moonlight seeps,

There dwells a creature small yet bold,

In tales untold, its story told.

With whiskers fine and eyes aglow,

It scampers swift where breezes blow.

In search of crumbs and hidden grain,

A quest that echoes through the plain.

Amidst the maze of roots and burrowed halls,

It scuttles light upon the walls.

A tiny heart, a beating drum,

In whispered pitter-patter, it hums.

Oh, gentle mouse, with fur so soft,

In your world, where dangers oft

Lurk in corners dark and wide,

You navigate with grace and stride.

Though small in stature, mighty in soul,

In tales of old, your legends roll.

From Cinderella's coach to a quest so grand,

You leave your mark upon the land.

In fields and barns, in homes so fair,

You weave your dreams with tender care.

A creature meek yet filled with grace,

You find your way in every place.

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