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In the quiet corners where sunbeams play,

A creature of grace holds sway.

With eyes that gleam like polished jade,

And a purr that melts the toughest facade.

Soft paws tread with silent ease,

Through alleys dark or gardens breeze.

Whiskers twitch in subtle delight,

As night descends with velvet might.

Oh, feline muse with fur so sleek,

You hold the secrets that shadows seek.

From rooftops high to cozy nooks,

You navigate with graceful looks.

Aloof yet loving, independent yet near,

You whisper mysteries in every ear.

In your world of whiskers and purrs,

You teach us how to linger and observe.

With a flick of tail, you claim your throne,

In realms of cardboard, you reign alone.

Oh, guardian of the midnight hours,

You wield your charm like magic powers.

So sleep now, whiskered friend,

In moonlit dreams that never end.

For in your eyes, both wild and wise,

Lies the heart of ancient ties.

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