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In the heart of a marsh where lilies sleep, Lives a creature where secrets
deeply keep. With emerald coat and eyes of gold, A sentinel in the
shadows, bold.

At dusk, it leaps with a graceful sway, Silent as the evening's soft ballet.
Through reeds it glides, a fleeting sprite, Casting ripples in the fading

In the chorus of the night's embrace, It croons its tale with gentle grace.
A lullaby of ancient lore, Echoes through the wetland floor.

With each leap, a story told, Of empires in mud and kingdoms old.
Mossy throne in a kingdom grand, Ruled by a prince with webbed

Oh, frog of ponds and murky streams, You haunt the land of wistful
dreams. In your symphony of dusk and dew, You enchant the world

So sing your song, oh creature small, In moonlit dance, hear nature's

call. For in your humble, verdant guise, Lies the magic of earth's

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