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ªÀiÁzÀj ¥Àæ±ÉߥÀwæPÉ - 2023-24

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Model Question Paper - 2023-24
Subject: Sociology Subject Code No - 28

Time: 03:15 Max Marks: 80

Total No. of Questions: 42

Part - A
I. Choose the correct answers. 5x1=5

1. Father of Sociology
a) Herbert Spencer b) Emily Durkheim

c) August Comte d) Karl Marx

2. who introduced the concept of primary clusters

a) C.H. Cooley b) E.A. Ross

c) W.G. Sumner d) McIver & Page

3. These are the unique ways in which social interactions are organized.

a) Social Institutions b) Community

c) Society d) Social processes

4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of culture.

a) Tolerance b) Social

c) Shared d) Relative

5. History of human marriage who composed the scriptures

a) Wester Mark b) A.R. Desai

c) H.T. Majumdar d) Irawathi Karve

II. Fill in the blanks Choosing the correct answers given in the bracket below.

6. Man is a social animal state by ................................................

7. Permanent bond between permissible mates is called ................................................
8. The Concept of 'Evolution' introduced by ................................................

9. Source of Secondary Data is ................................................

10. Cause of change in the colour of Taj Mahal monument is .................

(Marriage, Books, Aristotle, Air Pollution, Charles Darwin, Water Pollution)

III. Match the following. 5x1=5


11. Society a) Servant

12. Famulus b) Companionship

13. Education c) Purpose in views

14. Observation d) Decibel

15. Noise pollution e) Questionnaire

f) Educare

IV. Answer five of the following questions in one sentence each. 5x1=5

16. Who is the India's first woman sociologist?

17. What is Association?

18. Give an example for informal agencies of socialization.

19. What is interview?

20. What is pollution?

Part – B

V. Answer any five of the following questions in two to three sentences each.

21. Define community.
22. What is assimilation?

23. What is material culture?

24. Write the types of family.

25. Write any two elements of religion.

26. Name the types of education.

27. Mention any two advantages of questionnaire.

28. What is Bio-diversity?

29. Name any two environmental movements.

VI. Answer any six of the following questions in 15 sentences each. 6x5=30

30. Explain the types of applied sociology.

31. Briefly describe the characteristics of society.

32. State the importance of cooperation.

33. Briefly explain the characteristics of culture.

34. Analyze the role of mass media in socialization.

35. Explain the primary functions of the family.

36. Discuss the consequences of social change.

37. Define social evolution and state the principles of social evolution.

38. Write a note on the Science of Ecology.

Part - D
VII. Answer any two of the following questions in 30 sentences each. 2x10=20

39. Explain the factors that contributed to the emergence of sociology.

40. What is social groups? and Explain the characteristics of social groups.

41. Define competition and analyze Bernard's types of competition.

42. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the interview method.

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