1001-Beliefs-Working-for-Yourself-for-Others (1)

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Welcome to the Belieflets® series. This is a collection of beliefs — one thousand


one, to be exact — about a variety of topics that many people have issues about.
beliefs were co-created. Beliefs were downloaded in healing sessions with clients,
workshops, and in creating these booklets.

Instructions for Use

Each booklet has a series of beliefs that you can check yourself using applied
kinesiology or muscle testing, for. Some are “good” beliefs — i.e. beliefs that
serve you.
Others are beliefs you may feel comfortable having, but you are likely to do far
without. The latter have “(No)” after them, to indicate the recommended answer when
you are testing yourself for these beliefs is “No.”

Of course, every person is different and, based on your collective belief systems,
may best be served by a different response than other people. So use your common
sense, your intuition, and your connection to whatever you believe is guiding you,
determine which beliefs serve you and which you would rather transform.

If you know how to change beliefs, you can change these. If you are unfamiliar with
belief work, you can consult, Theta Healing, by Vianna Stibal. Or you can purchase
Belieflets® CD’s, which | recorded and which are programmed to teach you the
you need from this booklet. Both of these resources are available on my website at


Throughout this booklet | use the term “Creator” to mean the energy in everything.
Some people call it God, or Source, or the Universe, or Consciousness, or All That
Is. |
believe it is Universal Consciousness not specific to any religion or culture. The
itself is not important. You can substitute any name you choose in your mind.

Beliefs vs. Affirmations

If you are familiar with affirmations, beliefs are a bit different. Belief work is
designed to
identify beliefs held at conscious and subconscious levels that no longer serve you
your client, and, once identified, to then change them, replacing them with new
that do serve you now. You will experience instant relief and change from belief
While affirmations do effect change in people’s lives and behaviors, it takes time
these changes to take place. Repetition and positive thinking do assist change. But
belief work does not require repetition or thinking a certain way. By removing old
and replacing them with new ones, new neural networks are formed, and cell
in the body change. As a result, you may experience your new beliefs virtually
Of course, use common sense in playing with your new beliefs, since everyone’s
experience is different.

Have fun going through these lists. And remember to be kind to

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Each one is meant to keep you safe and happy

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ef that your conscious mind finds embarrassing,

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you found it, so you can consciously choose wha

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If you enjoyed this introduction to Belieflets®, check out the series at

www.ThetaTimes.com. These include:

1001 Beliefs About Money & Success

1001 Beliefs About Love & Relationships

1001 Beliefs About Body & Food

1001 Beliefs About Energy & Healing

1001 Beliefs About Manifesting

1001 Beliefs About Voice & Speaking

1001 Beliefs About Teaching & Learning

1001 Beliefs About the Six Senses

1001 Beliefs About the Holidays

1001 Beliefs About Family
1001 Beliefs About Home
1001 Beliefs About Travel

1001 Beliefs About Babies & Children

1001 Beliefs About Teenagers
1001 Beliefs About Grown Ups

1001 Beliefs About Aging

1001 Beliefs About Writing & Writers

1001 Beliefs About Art & Artists

1001 Beliefs About Acting & Performing

1001 Beliefs About Music & Musicians

1001 Beliefs About Multi-Level (Network) Marketing

1001 Beliefs About the Business of Healing

1001 Beliefs About Working for Others & for You rself
1001 Beliefs About Investing

Thanks for reading, and Many Blessings to You!


Please use common sense. This information is for entertainment purposes

only. No results are promised. Nothing in this Belieflets® series is meant to
diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, or mitigate any disease or condition or to
recommend treatment. Belieflets® does not replace proper medical
consultation with a qualified health or medical professional to meet the
health and medical needs of you or a loved one. If you have a physical or
emotional issue or a medical or psychological condition, please consult
with a qualified medical professional. Neither does it replace legal, accounting,
tax, or other professional advice.

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1001 Beliefs About Working for Yourself & for Others

| have Creator’s definition of “employment”.

My definition of “employment” is the same as Creator’s.
| have Creator’s perspective of being employed.
My perspective of being employed is the same as Creator's.
| have Creator’s understanding of being employed.
My understanding of being employed is the same as Creator’s.
| know what it is to be employed by someone.
| have Creator’s definition of an “employee”.
My definition of an “employee” is the same as Creator’s.
| have Creator’s perspective of being an employee.
My perspective of being an employee is the same as Creator’s.
| have Creator’s understanding of being an employee.
My understanding of being an employee is the same as Creator’s.
| know what it is to be an employee.
| have Creator’s definition of an “employer”.
My definition of an “employer” is the same as Creator's.
| have Creator’s perspective of being an employer.
My perspective of being an employer is the same as Creator's.
| have Creator’s understanding of being an employer.
My understanding of being an employer is the same as Creator’s.
| know what it is to employ someone.
| have Creator’s definition of “self-employed”.
My definition of self-employed” is the same as Creator's.
| have Creator’s perspective of being self-employed.
My perspective of being self-employed is the same as Creator's.
| have Creator’s understanding of the benefits of being self-employed.
| know the benefits of being self-employed now.
| have Creator’s definition of a “job”.
My definition of a “job” is the same as Creator's.
| have Creator’s perspective of a job.
My perspective of a job is the same as Creator's.
| have Creator’s understanding of working at a job.
My understanding of working at a job is the same as Creator's.
| know what it is to work at a job.
| have Creator's understanding of the phrase’ “holding down a job”.
My understanding of “holding down a job” is the same as Creator’s.
| know how to have a job without having to hold it down.
| know how to have a job without letting it hold me down.
| have Creator’s understanding of what is required to do a good job at my job.
My understanding of what is required to do a good job at my job is the same as
| know how to do a good job at my job.
| know how to recognize when | am doing a good job at my job.
It's OK for others to recognize that | am doing a good job at my job.
| know how to know when enough is enough.
| know how to do a good job at my job without having to overwork myself.

46. | know how to recognize when | am overworking myself.

47. | know how to recognize when others are overworking themselves.
48. | know how to recognize when | am overworking others.
49. | know how to succeed in my job without having to overwork myself.
50. | know how to succeed in my job without having to overwork others.
51. | have Creator’s definition of a “boss”.
52. My definition of a “boss” is the same as Creator’s.
53. | have Creator’s understanding of the role of a boss.
54. My understanding of the role of a boss is the same as Creator’s.
5. | have Creator’s understanding of working with a boss.
56. My understanding of working with a boss is the same as Creator’s.
Sie | know how to work with a boss.
58. | have Creator’s perspective of my boss.
59. My perspective of my boss is the same as Creator's.
60. | understand my boss.
61. | know how to work with my boss.
62. | know how to be a good boss.
63. | know how to manage my time when | work for myself.
64. | know how to manage my time when | work for others.
65. | know how to identify my priorities when working for myself.
66. | know how to know what to focus on from one moment to the next when | work

for myself.
67. | know how to identify my employer’s priorities.
68. | know how to identify my client’s priorities.
69. | know how to know what to focus on from one moment to the next when | work

for others.
70. | know how to manage my money when | work for myself.
ar | know how to manage my money when | am earning a salary.
72. | know how to manage my money when | am earning a commission.
f3. | know how to be motivated to accomplish what needs to get done when | work
for myself.
74. | know how to be motivated to accomplish what needs to get done when | work

for someone else.

Fo. | know how to use technology to improve my productivity.
76. | know how to use technology to help me get things done with grace and ease.
fT. | know how to be excited about my work.
78. Work is love made visible.
79. | know what it feels like to love what | do.
80. It’s safe to love what | do.
81. It’s safe to do what | love.
82. | have Creator’s understanding of how to make money doing what | love.
83. My understanding of how to make money doing what | love is the same as

84. | have Creator’s understanding of how love creates.
85. My understanding of how love creates is the same as Creator’s.
86. | have Creator’s understanding of how doing what | love contributes to my

87. My understanding of how doing what | love contributes to my abundance is the

same as Creator's.

88. | have Creator’s understanding of “A woman’s work is never done.”

6o.. My understanding of “A woman’s work is never done’ is the same as Creator’s.
90. | know how to get my work done as a woman with grace and ease.
a1, | have Creator’s perspective of the role of luck in business.
92. My perspective of the role of luck in business is the same as Creator's.
93. | have Creator’s understanding of the role of luck in business.
94. My perspective of the role of luck in business is the same as Creator’s.
95. | am lucky.
96. | know the difference between inspiration and “dumb luck”.
97. | know how to take the steps | need to take even when | trust luck.
98. | know the difference between what | like to do and what needs to be done for

business to succeed.
99. | have Creator’s understanding of what services | need to provide for myself as

self-employed person.
100. My understanding of what services | need to provide for myself as a self-

employed person is the same a Creator's.

101. | have Creator’s perspective of how to provide services for myself as a self-

employed person.
102. My perspective of how of how to provide services for myself as a self-employed

person is the same as Creator’s.

103. | know how to provide services to myself as a self-employed person now.
104. | know how to provide my own fringe benefits.
105. | know what fringe benefits | need.
106. | know how to get my own health insurance.
107. | know how to know what kind of health insurance | need.
108. | know how to understand health insurance coverage.
162. | know how to evaluate health insurance programs without being overwhelmed.
110. | know how to ask questions of an insurance agent.
as | know how to know what questions to ask.
112. | know what types of insurance | need to have to cover my business as a self-

employed person.
113. | know what types of insurance | need to have to cover my family as a self-

employed person.
114. | have Creator’s understanding of the value of insurance.
115; My understanding of the value of insurance is the same as Creator’s.
116. | know how to evaluate liability insurance.
117. | know how to evaluate property and casualty insurance.
118. | know how to evaluate worker’s compensation insurance.
119. | know how to evaluate errors and omissions insurance.
120. | know how to understand liability insurance policies.
Tat. | know how to understand property and casualty insurance policies.
122. | know how to understand worker's compensation insurance policies.
123. | know how to understand errors and omissions insurance policies.
124. | know how to understanding insurance policies without being overwhelmed.
125. | have Creator’s understanding of retirement planning.
126. My understanding of retirement planning is the same as Creator’s.
127, | have Creator’s perspective of retirement planning as a self-employed person.
128. My perspective of retirement planning as a self-employed person is the same as


129. | know how to know what | need to retire.

130. | know how to set up my own retirement account.
131. | know how to have enough money to set aside for retirement.
132. | know how to know when the amount of money | have set aside for retirement is

132. | have Creator’s understanding of self-motivation.
134. My understanding of self-motivation is the same as Creator’s.
135. | know how to be self-motivated when | am self-employed.
136. | know what it feels like to be self-motivated when | am self-employed.
137. It's possible for me to be self-employed and self-motivated now.
138. | Know how to be motivated when | work for others.
139. | know what it feels like to be motivated when | work for others.
140. | have Creator’s understanding of motivating my employees.
141. My understanding of motivating my employees is the same as Creator’s.
142. | know how to motivate my employees.
143. | know how to motivate those who work for me.
144. | do motivate my employees successfully now.
145. | have Creator’s understanding of “I mean business”.
146. My understanding of “I mean business” is the same as Creator’s.
147. | know what it is to mean business.
148. | have Creator’s understanding of how to set up my own schedule when | am

149. My understanding of how to set up my own schedule when | am self-employed is

the same as Creator’s.

150. | know how to set up my own schedule when | am self-employed.
154. | know how to spend my time profitably when | am self-employed.
152. | know what it feels like to spend my time profitably when | am self-employed.
153. It's possible for me to make money from my actions as a self-employed person.
154. | have Creator’s definition of “excellence”.
155. My definition of “excellence” is the same as Creator’s.
156. | have Creator’s perspective of achieving excellence.
15%. My perspective of achieving excellence is the same as Creator's.
158. | have Creator’s understanding of achieving excellence.
159. My understanding of achieving excellence is the same as Creator’s.
160. | know how to achieve excellence.
161. | know what it is to have a passion for excellence.
162. | know how to have a passion for excellence now.
163. | do have a passion for excellence.
164. | am smart enough to achieve excellence.
165. | am talented enough to achieve excellence.
166. | am worthy of achieving excellence.
167. | know who | am when | have achieved excellence.
168. | know what to do when | have achieved excellence.
169. | know how to instill in my employees the desire to achieve excellence.
170. | know how to give my employees the tools to achieve excellence.
LF1 3 | know how to motivate the people | work with to achieve excellence.
172. | know how to attract employees whose actions support my company.
173. It's possible for me to attract employees whose actions support my company.

174. | have Creator’s understanding of what actions to take to best support my

company’s success.

175. My understanding of what actions to take to best support my company’s success

is the same as Creator's.

176. | know what actions to take to best support my company’s success now.
177. | do act in ways that supports my company’s success now.
178. | know what it feels like to have the support of my employees.
179. | know what it feels like to have the support of my staff.
180. | know what it feels like to have the support of my peers.
181. | know what it feels like to have the support of my clients.
182. | know what it feels like to have the support of the community.
183. | know how to have the support of my staff.
184. | know how to have the support of my employees.
185. | know how to have the support of my peers.
186. | know how to have the support of my clients.
187. | know how to have the support of the community.
188. | do have the support of my staff now.
189. | do have the support of my employees now.
190. | do have the support of my peers now.
191. 1 do have the support of my clients now.
192. | do have the support of the community.
193. | know how to invent something new.
194. | know what it feels like to invent something new.
195. | am smart enough to invent something new.
196. | know when an idea is worth developing.
197. | know what to do with an idea.
198. | know how to make an idea a reality.
199. | know how to make an idea for a new product a reality.
200. | have Creator’s understanding of perseverance.
201. My understanding of perseverance is the same as Creator's.
202. | know how to persevere.
203. | know when to persevere.
204. | know what to persevere at.
205. | know how to encourage my staff to have perseverance.
206. | know how to encourage the people | work with to have perseverance.
207. | know how to attract people to my company who know how to persevere.
208. | have Creator’s understanding of confidence.
209. My understanding of confidence is the same as Creator's.
210. | know how to have confidence.
211. | know how to have confidence in myself.
212. | know how to have confidence in others.
213. | know who to have confidence in.
214. | know what to have confidence in.
215. | know when to have confidence.
216. | know how to have confidence in my intuition.
217. | know how to attract employees | can be confident in.
218. | know how to attract employees who have confidence in me.
219. | know how to attract team members | can be confident in.
220. | know how to attract team members who are confident in me.

221; | know what it feels like to be confident in myself.

222. | know what it feels like to be confident in others.
223. | know what it feels like for others to be confident in me.
224. | know how to live my life without the fear of letting other people down.
225. | know how to live my life without the fear of letting myself down.
226. | have Creator’s understanding of how to perform my job.
227. My understanding of how to perform my job is the same as Creator’s.
228. | know how to perform my job.
229. | know how to tell others what it is | am hiring them to do.
230. | know how to tell others what | require of them in their own jobs.
231. | know how to attract people who perform their jobs well.
232. | know how to attract employees who perform their jobs well for my company.
233% | know how to attract professionals who perform their jobs well for my
234. | have Creator's understanding of good performance for my company.
235. My understanding of good performance for my company is the same as

236. | know how to recognize when my company is performing well.
237. | know what to do to enhance my company’s performance.
238. | know the difference between performance and promises.
239. | know how to deliver performance rather than just promises.
240. | know how to recognize when my company is performing well financially.
241. | know how to achieve good financial performance.
242. | know how to make decisions free from doubt.
243. | Know what it feels like to make decisions free from doubt now.
244. | know how to make choices free from doubt.
245. | Know what it feels like to make choices free from doubt now.
246. | Know how to trust myself.
247. | Know how to trust my staff.
248. | Know how to choose good people to work for me.
249. | know how to trust my hiring choices.
250. | have Creator’s understanding of how much autonomy to give to my employees

in performing their jobs.

261: My understanding of how much autonomy to give to my employees in performing

their jobs is the same as Creator’s.

252. It’s safe for me to give my employees autonomy in performing their jobs.
253. It's safe for my company for me to give autonomy to my employees in performing

their jobs.
254. | have Creator’s understanding of managing people.
255. My understanding of managing people is the same as Creator’s.
256. | know how to manage people.
257. | know the difference between managing someone and micro-managing

258. | know how to manage my employee’s work without managing his or her

personal life.
259. | have Creator’s perspective of appropriate boundaries with employees.
260. My perspective of appropriate boundaries with employees is the same as

261. | know what appropriate boundaries with my employees are.
262. | know how to have appropriate boundaries with my employees.


263. | know what it feels like to have appropriate boundaries with my employees.
264. | know how to attract employees who respect my boundaries.
265. My employees can respect my boundaries and still perform their jobs
266. | know the difference between having healthy boundaries with my employees and

building a wall between my employees and me.

267. | know how to have healthy boundaries with my employees and clear

communication too.
268. | know how to respect my employees’ boundaries.
269. | know when to respect my employees’ boundaries.
270. | know the difference between respecting my employees’ boundaries and

ignoring what is going on with them.

211. | know how to respect my team members’ boundaries.
272. | know what it feels like to respect my team members’ boundaries.
273. | know when to respect my team members’ boundaries.
274. | know how to communicate with my employees when respecting my boundaries.
275. | know how to communicate with my team members when respecting their

276. | know how to manage my company’s finances.
211; | know how to trust my financial choices.
278. | know how to have healthy financial boundaries with my employees.
279. | know how to have healthy boundaries with my team members.
280. | have Creator’s understanding of how to talk about money.
281. My understanding of how to talk about money is the same as Creator’s.
282. | know how to talk about money.
283. | know when to talk about money.
284. | know how to talk about money with my employer.
285. | know how to talk about money with my clients.
286. | know how to talk about money with my employees.
287. | know how to talk about money with my team members.
288. | know when to talk about money with my employer.
289. | know when to talk about money with my clients.
290. | know when to talk about money with my employees.
291. | know when to talk about money with my team members.
292. | know what it feels like to talk about money with my employer with grace and

293. | know what it feels like to talk about money with my clients with grace and
294. | know what it feels like to talk about money with my employees with grace and

295. | know what it feels like to talk about money with my team members with grace

and ease.
296. | have Creator’s understanding of job security.
297. My understanding of job security is the same as Creator’s.
298. | know what it feels like to have job security.
299. | know how to recognize when | have job security.
300. | know how to recognize when | need job security.
301. | know when job security is worth the investment of time and energy to work

someone else.
302. | have Creator’s understanding of the energy exchange that takes place between

employer and employee.

i i

303. My understanding of the energy exchange that takes place between employer
and employee is the same as Creator's.

304. | understand the energy exchange that takes place between employer and
employee now.

305. | am willing to keep up my end of the energy exchange at work.

306. | know how to receive the energy my employees provide in exchange for their

jobs and benefits.

307. | am willing to receive the energy my employees provide in exchange for their

jobs and benefits.

308. | know how to accept the energy my employees provide in exchange for their

jobs and benefits.

309. | am willing to accept the energy my employees provide in exchange for their

jobs and benefits.

310. | know how to work for someone else without resentment.
311. | know what it feels like to work for someone else without resentment.
312. It's possible for me to work for someone else without resenting him or her.
313. | know how to work a 9 to 5 job without resenting the job.
314. | know how to be grateful for my job.
315. | know when to be grateful for my job.
316. | know what it feels like to be grateful for my job.
317. | know how to work for myself without having to work 24 hours a day or 7 days
318. | know what it feels like to work for myself without having to work 24 hours a

or 7 days a week.
319. | know what to do to get my work done without having to work 24 hours a day or

7 days a week.
320. | know how to set work hours for myself when | work for someone else.
321. | know how to set work hours for myself with | work for me.
322. | know how to get my work done during work hours.
323. | know what it feels like to get my work done during work hours.
324. It's possible for me to get my work done during work hours.
325. | know how to respect my own time boundaries.
326. | know what it feels like to respect my own time boundaries.
327. It's possible for me to respect my own time boundaries and still be
328. | know how to take care of business without always having to work weekends.
329. | know how to take care of business without always having to work late.
330. | know how to take care of business without always having to skip vacations.
331. | know how to take care of business without always having to do everything

332. | know how to take care of business without having to sacrifice my personal
333. | know how to take care of business without having to sacrifice my
334. | know how to take care of business without having to sacrifice my health.
335. | know how to take care of business without having to sacrifice playtime.
336. | know how to take care of business and still have time for my family.
337. | know how to take care of business and still have time for my friends.
338. | know how to take care of business and still have time for my hobbies.
339. | know how to take care of business and still have time for me.
340. | know what it feels like to take care of business without always having to



341. | know what it feels like to take care of business without always having to

342. | know what it feels like to take care of business without always having to

343. | know what it feels like to take care of business without always having to do
everything myself.

344. | know what it feels like to take care of business without having to sacrifice
personal life.

345. | know what it feels like to take care of business without having to sacrifice

346. | know what it feels like to take care of business without having to sacrifice

347. | know what it feels like to take care of business without having to sacrifice

348. | know what it feels like to take care of business and still have time for my
349. | know what it feels like to take care of business and still have time for my
350. | know what it feels like to take care of business and still have time for my

351. | know what it feels like to take care of business and still have time for me.
352. It’s possible for me to take care of business without always having to work

weekends now.
353. It's possible for me to take care of business without always having to work

354. It’s possible for me to take care of business without always having to skip

vacations now.
355. It's possible for me to take care of business without always having to do

everything myself now.

356. It’s possible for me to take care of business without having to sacrifice my

personal life now.

357. It's possible for me to take care of business without having to sacrifice my

relationships now.
358. It's possible for me to take care of business without having to sacrifice my

359. It's possible for me to take care of business without having to sacrifice

360. It's possible for me to take care of business and still have time for my
family now.
361. It's possible for me to take care of business and still have time for my

362. It's possible for me to take care of business and still have time for my

363. It's possible for me to take care of business and still have time for me now.
364. | do take care of business without always having to work weekends.
365. | do take care of business without always having to work late.
366. | do take care of business without always having to skip vacations.
367. | do take care of business without always having to do everything myself.
368. | do take care of business without having to sacrifice my personal life.
369. | do take care of business without having to sacrifice my relationships.
370. | do take care of business without having to sacrifice my health.
Di I. | do take care of business without having to sacrifice playtime.


372. | do take care of business and still have time for my family.
31d, | do take care of business and still have time for my friends.
374. | do take care of business and still have time for my hobbies.
375. | do take care of business and still have time for me.
376. | have Creator’s understanding of the relationship between how much | work and

how well | do.

OTT. My understanding of the relationship between how much | work and how well | do

is the same as Creator’s.

S76. | know how to work smart.
379. | know how to recognize when my work is done for the day.
380. | know what it feels like for my work to be done for the day.
381. | know how to recognize when a project is completed.
382. It's OK for me to complete projects.
383. | know the difference between completing a project and completing my mission.
384. | know what to do with myself when a project is completed.
385. | know what to do with my time when a project is completed.
386. The boss is always right. (No)
387. | know how to recognize when the boss is in error.
388. | know how to communicate an error to the boss without challenging his or her

389. | know how to communicate an error to the boss without making him or her

390. | know how to communicate an error to the boss without judging him or her as a

391. | know how to recognize when an employee is in error.
392. | know how to communicate an error to an employee without challenging his or

her authority.
393. | know how to communicate an error to an employee without making him or her

394. | know how to communicate an error to an employee without judging him or her

as a person.
395. | know how to recognize when | am in error.
396. | know how to recognize my own errors without being afraid of undermining my

own authority.
397. | know how to recognize my own errors without making everything | do wrong.
398. | know how to recognize my own errors without judging myself to be a bad

399. | know how to allow people to take business risks.
400. | know how to allow people to learn from their mistakes.
401. | know how to learn without always having to make mistakes.
402. | have Creator’s understanding of where my security comes from when | work for

403. My understanding of where my security comes from when | work for myself is the

same as Creator's.
404. | know where my security comes from when | work for myself now.
405. | Know how to be self-employed and secure.
406. | know what it feels like to be self-employed and secure.
407. | know how to be self-employed and financially secure.
408. | know what it feels like to be self-employed and financially secure.


409. | know how to be self-employed and to have balance in my life.

410. | know what it feels like to be self-employed and to have balance in my life.
411. It’s possible for me to be self-employed and to have balance in my life now.
412. | know how to balance work and family.
413. It's possible for be to balance work and family.
414. | know how to balance work and personal time.
415. | know what it feels like to balance work and personal time.
416. | know how to balance work and play.
417. | know what it feels like to balance work and play.
418. | know how to balance time with my clients and time with my children.
419. | know what it feels like to balance time with my clients and time with my
420. | have Creator’s definition of a “routine”.
421. My definition of a “routine” is the same as Creator’s.
422. | have Creator’s perspective of a routine.
423. My perspective of a routine is the same as Creator's.
424. | have Creator’s understanding of the value of a routine.
425. My understanding of the value of a routine is the same as Creator's.
426. | know when to have a routine.
427. | know how to establish a routine.
428. | know why to establish a routine.
429. | know how to set up a routine that supports me.
430. | know how to set up a routine that supports my family.
431. | know how to set up a routine that supports my work.
432. | know what it feels like to have a routine that supports me.
433. | know what it feels like to have a routine that supports my family.
434. | know what it feels like to have a routine that supports my work.
435. It's possible for me to benefit from a routine.
436. | know the difference between a routine and a rut.
437. | know the difference between a routine and boredom.
438. | know the difference between being in a routine and being stuck.
439. | know the difference between being in a routine and being obsolete.
440. | know how to have fun at work.
441. | know how to create a fun environment for my employees.
442. | know how to create a fun environment for my staff.
443. It's safe for me to create a fun environment for my employees.
444. It's safe for me to create a fun environment for my staff.
445. | know how to have fun at work and still be productive.
446. | have Creator’s understanding of the relationship between fun and
447. My understanding of the relationship between fun and productivity is the same
448. | understand how fun enhances productivity now.
449. | know how to be in business for fun and profit.
450. | know what it feels like to be in business for fun and profit.
451. Fun and profit are consistent with my other business goals.
452. | have Creator’s understanding of how fun and profit are consistent with my

business goals.
453. My understanding of how fun and profit are consistent with my other business

goals is the same as Creator's.

454. | know how to create fun and profitability.


455. | know how to create an environment of trust at work.

456. It’s safe for me to create an environment of trust at work.
457. | have Creator’s understanding of the relationship between trust and
458. My understanding of the relationship between trust and productivity is the

as Creator’s.
459. | understand how trust enhances productivity now.
460. | know how to take an interest in my employees.
461. | have Creator's perspective of when to take an interest in my employees.
462. My understanding of when to take an interest in my employees is the same as

463. | know when to take an interest in my employees now.
464. | have Creator's understanding of my industry.
465. My understanding of my industry is the same as Creator’s.
466. | have Creator’s understanding of how to succeed in my industry.
467. My understanding of how to succeed in my industry is the same as Creator's.
468. | know how to succeed in my industry.
469. | have Creator’s understanding of the trends in my industry,
470. My understanding of the trends in my industry is the same as Creator’s.
471. | know how to see the trends in my industry.
472. | know how to recognize what is happening in my industry now.
473. | have Creator’s understanding of our changing times.
474. My understanding of our changing times is the same as Creator's.
475. | know how to stay successful through changing times.
476. | know how to make money through changing times.
477. | know how to address my clients’ changing needs.
478. | have Creator’s perspective of soliciting feedback.
479. My perspective of soliciting feedback is the same as Creator’s.
480. | have Creator’s understanding of the value of feedback.
481. My understanding of the value of feedback is the same as Creator’s.
482. | know the difference between feedback and criticism.
483. | know the difference between feedback and complaints.
484. | know the difference between feedback and griping.
485. | know the difference between feedback and condemnation.
486. | know how to solicit feedback from my clients.
487. | know how to solicit feedback from my employees.
488. | know how to solicit feedback from my staff.
489. | know how to solicit feedback from my vendors.
490. | know how to solicit feedback from my teachers.
491. | know how to solicit feedback from my students.
492. It’s safe for me to solicit feedback from my clients.
493. It’s safe for me to solicit feedback from my employees.
494. It’s safe for me to solicit feedback from my staff.
495. It’s safe for me to solicit feedback from my vendors.
496. It’s safe for me to solicit feedback from my teachers.
497. It's safe for me to solicit feedback from my students.
498. It’s safe for my business for me to solicit feedback from my clients.
499. It’s safe for my business for me to solicit feedback from my employees.
500. It’s safe for my business for me to solicit feedback from my staff.
501. It's safe for my business for me to solicit feedback from my vendors.


502. It’s safe for my business for me to solicit feedback from my teachers.
503. It's safe for my business for me to solicit feedback from my students.
504. | have Creator’s understanding of what to do with the feedback | receive.
505. | know how to make adjustments based on honest feedback.
506. It’s safe to incorporate feedback into my business strategies.
507. | know how to incorporate feedback into my business strategies.
508. | am willing to incorporate feedback into my business strategies now.
509. | know what feedback to incorporate into my business strategies now.
510. | have Creator’s understanding of how to hear feedback.
511. My understanding of how to hear feedback is the same as Creator’s.
512. | know how to hear feedback.
513. | know what it feels like to hear feedback.
514. | know how to give feedback to my employees.
515. | know when to give feedback to my employees.
516. | know what it feels like to give honest feedback to my employees now.
517. It's safe for me to give honest feedback to my employees.
518. It's safe for my business for me to give honest feedback to my employees.
519. | know how to give feedback to my boss.
520. | know when to give feedback to my boss.
521. It’s safe for me to give feedback to my boss.
522. | can give my boss honest feedback and keep my job.
523. | have Creator’s definition of “praise”.
524. My definition of “praise” is the same as Creator’s.
525. | have Creator’s perspective of praise.
526. My perspective of praise is the same as Creator’s.
527. | have Creator’s understanding of the value of praise.
528. My understanding of the value of praise is the same as Creator's.
529. | know how to give praise.
530. | know what it feels like to give praise.
531. | know when to give praise.
532. | know how to receive praise.
533. | know how to accept praise.
534. | know what it feels like to receive praise.
535. | know what it feels like to accept praise.
536. | know how to praise my employees.
537. | know when to praise my employees.
538. | know how to praise my staff.
539. | know when to praise my staff.
540. | know what it feels like to praise my staff.
541. | know how to hear praise.
542. | know what it feels like to hear praise.
543. It’s safe for me to hear praise.
544. | know how to hear praise about my employees.
545. | know how to hear praise about my staff.
546. | know how to hear praise about my company.
547. | know how to hear praise about my products
548. | know how to hear praise about me.
549. | have Creator’s understanding of the importance of praise in business.


500. My understanding of the importance of praise in business is the same as


551. | have Creator’s understanding of the role of praise in business.

552: My understanding of the role of praise in business is the same as Creator's.
553. | have Creator's understanding of the role of praise in relationships.
554. My understanding of the role of praise in relationships is the same as
555. | have Creator's understanding of the importance of praise in relationships.
556. My understanding of the importance of praise in relationships is the same as

557. | know the difference between praising someone and being patronizing toward

558. | know the difference between praise and flattery.
559. | know the difference between genuine praise and false praise.
560. | know how to praise my boss without sucking up to him or her.
501; | know how to praise my employees without sucking up to them.
562. | have Creator's understanding of valuing my employees.
563. My understanding of valuing my employees is the same as Creator’s.
564. | know how to value my employees.
565. | know how to express to my employees how much | value them.
566. | know when to express to my employees how much | value them.
567. | have Creator’s definition of “dedication”.
568. My definition of “dedication” is the same as Creator's.
569. | have Creator’s perspective of dedication.
570. My perspective of dedication is the same as Creator's.
5/11, | have Creator’s understanding of dedication.
Sf 2, My understanding of dedication is the same as Creator's.
573: | know how to be dedicated.
574. | Know what it feels like to be dedicated.
3/5. | know what to dedicate myself to.
576. | know who to dedicate myself to.
S77. | know when to be dedicated.
578. It’s safe for me to be dedicated.
579. It’s safe for others for me to be dedicated.
580. | know how to be dedicated to my business.
581, | know what it feels like to be dedicated to my business.
582. | know how to be dedicated to my employees.
583. | know what it feels like to be dedicated to my employees.
584. It’s safe for me to be dedicated to my business now.
585. It’s safe for me to be dedicated to my employees now.
586. | know the difference between being dedicated and being obsessed.
587. | know the difference between being dedicated and being driven.
588. | know the difference between being dedicated to something and being a slave
589. | know the difference between being dedicated to something and being owned by

590. | know the difference between being dedicated to someone and being owned by

him or her.
591. | know how to be dedicated to my business without being obsessed by it.
592. | know how to be dedicated to my business without being a slave to it.


593. | know how to be dedicated to my business without being owned by it.

594. | have Creator’s understanding of self-sufficiency.
595. My understanding of self-sufficiency is the same as Creator’s.
596. | know how to be self-sufficient.
597. | know when to be self-sufficient.
598. | know the difference between being self-sufficient and having to do

599. | know how to be self-sufficient and still be able to delegate.
600. | know how to recognize what to delegate even when | am self-sufficient.
601. | know how to be self-sufficient and be part of a team.
602. | know what it feels like to be self-sufficient and still be part of a team.
603. | know how to foster self-sufficiency in my employees.
604. | know how to foster teamwork.
605. | know how to build a team.
606. | know when to build a team.
607. | know how to recognize when | need a team.
608. | know how to recognize when | have the resources to pay for a team.
609. | know how to attract all of the resources | need to support my business.
610. | know how to attract all of the resources | need to support me.
611. | have Creator’s understanding of the value of a salary.
612. My understanding of the value of a salary is the same as Creator's.
613. | know how to recognize the value of a salary.
614. | know how to appreciate the value of my salary.
615. | know how to determine the appropriate salary for each employee.
616. It’s safe for me to pay fair salaries.
617. | know how to recognize a generous salary.
618. | know how to recognize when | can afford to pay an employee a generous

619. | know how to recognize when an employee has earned a generous salary.
620. | know how to receive a salary without becoming a wage slave.
621. | know the difference between employment and indentured servitude.
622. | know how to work for someone else without feeling indentured.
623. | know how to work for someone else without feeling enslaved.
624. | know how to work for someone else without feeling trapped.
625. | know how to live my life without being afraid of being employed.
626. | know the difference between being employed and being used.
627. | know the difference between being employed and being abused.
628. | know how to be employed and respected.
629. | know what it feels like to be employed and respected.
630. | know what it feels like to be employed and valued.
631. | know how to be employed and valued.
632. | know how to recognize when my employer respects me.
633. | know how to recognize when my employer values me.
634. | know how to receive my employer's respect.
635. | know how to accept my employer's respect.
636. | know how to recognize when my clients respect me.
637. | know how to recognize when my clients value me.
638. | am valued by my employer now.
639. | am respected by my employer now.


640. | know how to receive my clients’ respect.

641. | know how to accept my clients’ respect.
642. | know what it feels like to be respected by my clients.
643. | know what it feels like to be valued by my clients.
644. | am respected by my clients now.
645. | am valued by my clients now.
646. | know when it is time to change jobs.
647. | know how to recognize when | have learned all | can learn at a given job.
648. | know how to recognize when | have more to learn at a job.
649. | have Creator's definition of “interdependence”.
650. My definition of “interdependence” is the same as Creator's.
651. | have Creator’s perspective of interdependence.
652. My perspective of interdependence is the same as Creator’s.
653. | have Creator’s understanding of interdependence.
654. My understanding of interdependence is the same as Creator’s.
655. | know how to be interdependent.
656. | know what it feels like to be interdependent.
657. It’s safe for me to be interdependent with my employees.
658. It’s safe for me to be interdependent with my clients.
659. | know when to be interdependent.
660. | know who to be interdependent with.
661. It's safe for my business for me to be interdependent with my employees.
662. It’s safe for my business for me to be interdependent with my staff.
663. It's safe for my business for me to be interdependent with my clients.
664. | know the difference between being interdependent and being co-dependent.
665. | know the difference between being interdependent and being dependent.
666. | know the difference between being interdependent and being independent.
667. | understand how | and my employees and my clients are all part of All That
668. | have Creator’s definition of “enthusiasm”.
669. My definition of “enthusiasm” is the same as Creator’s.
670. | have Creator’s perspective of enthusiasm.
671. My perspective of enthusiasm is the same as Creator’s.
672. | have Creator’s understanding of enthusiasm.
673. My understanding of enthusiasm is the same as Creator’s.
674. | have Creator’s understanding of the role of enthusiasm in marketing my

675. My understanding of the role of enthusiasm in marketing my business is the

same as Creator’s.
676. | know how to be enthusiastic about work.
677. | know what it feels like to be enthusiastic about my work.
678. | know how to be enthusiastic about my business.
679. | know what it feels like to be enthusiastic about my business.
680. | know how to encourage enthusiasm in my employees.
681. | know how to encourage enthusiasm in my staff.
682. | know how to encourage enthusiasm in my clients.
683. | know how to keep the focus on meeting my clients’ needs.
684. | know how to recognize my clients’ needs.
685. | know how to meet my clients’ needs.
686. | know how to teach my employees to meet my clients’ needs.


687. | know how to meet my employer's clients’ needs.

688. People need what | have for sale.
689. | know what it feels like for people to need what | have for sale.
690. It’s possible for many people to need what | have for sale.
691. People have the money for what | have for sale.
692. People have desire for what | have for sale.
693. | know what it feels like for people to desire what | have for sale.
694. It's possible for many people to desire what | have for sale.
695. | know what it is to be richly rewarded for meeting my clients’ needs.
696. | know what it is to be richly rewarded for meeting my customers’ needs.
697. | know what it feels like to be richly rewarded for meeting my clients’ needs.
698. | know what it feels like to be richly rewarded for meeting my customers’
699. | know what it is to be richly rewarded for meeting my employer’s clients’
700. | know what it is to be richly rewarded for meeting my employer’s customers’

701. | know what it feels like to be richly rewarded for meeting my employer's

702, | know what it feels like to be richly rewarded for meeting my employer's

customers’ needs.
703. | am richly rewarded for meeting clients’ needs now.
704. | am richly rewarded for meeting customers’ needs now.
705. | know how to make a sale now.
706. | know how to attract clients who are ready to buy now.
707. | know how to attract customers who are ready to buy now.
708. | know how to establish trust with a client.
709. | know how to establish trust with a customer.
710. | know what it feels like to have a trust-based relationship with my clients.
F113 | know what it feels like to have a trust-based relationship with my
¥ 12. It's safe for me to have a trust-based relationship with my clients.
713. It’s safe for me to have a trust-based relationship with my customers.
714. | have Creator’s definition of a “leader”.
715. My definition of a “leader” is the same as Creator's.
716; | have Creator’s perspective of leadership.
(ave My perspective of leadership is the same as Creator's.
718. | have Creator’s understanding of leadership.
719, My understanding of leadership is the same as Creator’s.
720, | know how to be a leader.
721. | know what it feels like to be a leader.
722. It’s safe for me to be a leader.
123. It's safe for others for me to be a leader.
724. It’s possible for me to be a leader.
725, It's possible for me to be a good business leader.
726. | know how to be a successful leader.
f2t. | know what it feels like to be a successful leader.
728. | know how to inspire people.
129. | know what it feels like to inspire people.
730. | know what it feels like to be inspired.
731. | know how to be inspired.
732, | know how to live an inspirational life.


133: | know what it feels like to live an inspirational life.

734. | know how to run my business honestly.
735. | know what it feels like to run my business honestly.
736. | know how to create an organization that rewards honesty.
737. It's possible for me to create an organization that rewards honesty now.
738. It’s safe to base my organization on honesty.
739. | know how to attract honest employees.
740. | know how to attract honest staff.
741. | know how to attract honest professionals.
742. | know how to attract clients who base their business dealings on honesty.
743. | know how to attract customers who base their business dealings on honesty.
744. | know how to create a mutually beneficial business environment.
745. | know what a mutually beneficial business environment looks like.
746. | know what a mutually beneficial business environment feels like.
747. It's possible for everyone involved with my business to honestly benefit from

or her involvement.
748. | know how to attract job opportunities with people who base their business

dealings on honesty.
749. | know how to attract job opportunities in organizations where honesty is
750. | know how to attract job opportunities in organizations where trust is
fo, | know how to create a vision for my business.
752. | know how to articulate my business’ vision.
753. | know how to passionately own my business’ vision.
754. | know what it feels like to passionately own my business’ vision.
155; | know how to implement my business’ vision.
756. | know what it feels like to successfully implement my business’ vision.
757. | know how to share that vision with everyone who is part of my business.
758. | know how to communicate my vision to the world.
759. | have Creator’s definition of “loyalty”.
760. My definition of “loyalty” is the same as Creator’s.
761. | have Creator’s perspective of loyalty.
762. My perspective of loyalty is the same as Creator’s.
763. | have Creator’s understanding of loyalty.
764. My understanding of loyalty is the same as Creator's.
765. | know how to be loyal to an employer.
766. | know when to be loyal to an employer.
767. It's possible for me to be loyal to an employer and to myself.
768. | know how to be loyal to an employer and to myself.
769. | know what it feels like to be loyal to an employer and to myself now.
770. | know how to inspire loyalty in my employees.
TH: | know what it feels like to inspire loyalty in my employees.
Tf2. | know how to inspire loyalty in my clients.
gee | know what it feels like to inspire loyalty in my clients.
TTA. | know how to inspire loyalty in my customers.
175. | know what it feels like to inspire loyalty in my customers.
776. | know how to be loyal to my employees.
TG | know what it feels like to be loyal to my employees.
778. | know how to be loyal to my clients.
779. | know what it feels like to be loyal to my clients.


780. | know how to be loyal to my customers

781. | know what it feels like to me loyal to my customers.
782. | know how to create group loyalty in my organization.
783. | know how to foster group loyalty.
784. | know the difference between inspiring loyalty and demanding control.
785. | know the difference between loyalty and manipulation.
786. | know the difference between healthy loyalty and blind loyalty
787. | know the difference between being loyal and kissing up.
788. | know the difference between being loyal and being controlled.
789. | know the difference between loyalty and powerlessness.
790. | know the difference between loyalty and surrender.
791, | know how to be loyal without having to give up my autonomy.
792. | have Creator’s understanding of how group loyalty contributes to our

793. My understanding of how group loyalty contributes to our business goals is the

same as Creator’s.
794. | know what it is for my business to work for me.
795. It’s possible for my business to work for me now.
796. | know what it feels like for my business to work for me.
797. My business does work for me.
798. | know how to create referrals from happy clients.
798, | know what it feels like to have many good referrals from happy clients.
800. | have Creator’s definition of “innovation”.
801. My definition of “innovation” is the same as Creator's.
802. | have Creator’s perspective of innovation.
803. My perspective of innovation is the same as Creator’s.
804. | have Creator’s understanding of innovation.
805. My understanding of innovation is the same as Creator's.
806. | know how to innovate.
807. | have Creator’s understanding of when to innovate.
808. My understanding of when to innovate is the same as Creator’s.
809. | know when to innovate.
810. | have Creator’s understanding of why to innovate.
811. My understanding of why to innovate is the same as Creator's.
812. | know why to innovate.
813. | know how to use innovation to improve efficiency.
814. | have Creator’s understanding of profiting from experience.
815. My understanding of profiting from experience is the same as Creator's.
816. | know what it is to profit from experience.
817. | know what it feels like to profit from experience.
818. | know how to profit from experience.
819. | know when to profit from experience.
820. | do profit from experience now.
821. | can profit from good experiences.
822. | have Creator’s understanding of the importance of the bottom line.
823. My understanding of the importance of the bottom line is the same as
824. | know when to focus on the bottom line.
825. | know how much focus to put on the bottom line.
826. | have Creator’s understanding of what to focus on in addition to the bottom


827. My understanding of what to focus on in addition to the bottom line is the

as Creator’s.

828. | know what to focus on in addition to the bottom line now.

829. | know how to hire character and train skill.
830. | know when to hire character and train skill.
831. | have Creator’s definition of “automation”.
832. My definition of “automation” is the same as Creator’s.
833. | have Creator’s perspective of automation.
834. My perspective of automation is the same as Creator’s
835. | have Creator’s understanding of automation.
836. My understanding of automation is the same as Creator’s
837. | know how to automate.
838. | know when to automate.
839. | know what to automate.
840. | know how to use automation to enhance efficiency.
841. | know when to make rules.
842. | know why to make rules.
843. | know when to make exceptions to rules.
844. | know why to make exceptions to rules.
845. | have Creator’s understanding of the difference between the cost of a thing

its value.
846. My understanding of the difference between the cost of a thing and its value.
847. | know the difference between the cost of a thing and its value.
848. | have Creator’s understanding of how to create value through my business.
849. My understanding of how to create value through my business is the same as

850. | know how to create value through my business.
851. | know what it feels like to create value through my business now.
852. It’s possible for me to create value through my business now.
853. | do create value through my business now.
854. | know how to have my heart in my business.
855. | know what it feels like to have my heart in my business.
856. | do have my heart in my business now.
857. | know how to run my business without exploiting anyone.
858. It’s possible for me to run my business without exploiting anyone now.
859. My business values are the same as my personal values.
860. | know how to know how much | can give my clients for their money.
861. | know how to know how much | can give my customers for their money.
862. | have Creator’s understanding of how to deal with people.
863. My understanding of how to deal with people is the same as Creator's.
864. | know how to deal with people.
865. | do deal with people now with grace and ease.
866. | have Creator’s understanding of financing a business.
867. My understanding of financing a business is the same as Creator's.
868. | know how to finance my business.
869. | Know when to use my own money to finance my business.
870. | Know when to borrow money to finance my business.
871. | know when to look for investors to finance my business.
872. | have Creator’s understanding of investment capital.


873. My understanding of investment capital is the same as Creator’s.

874. | know how to attract investment capital.
875. | know when to attract investment capital.
876. | know why to attract investment capital.
877. | have Creator’s understanding of the taxes that apply to my business.
878. My understanding of the taxes that apply to my business is the same as

879. | understand the taxes that apply to my business.
880. | know how to do business without being afraid of paying taxes.
881. | know how to minimize my taxes legally.
882. | know how to recognize opportunities to minimize my taxes.
883. | know how to implement opportunities to minimize my taxes.
884. | know what it feels like to be comfortable paying legitimate business taxes.
885. It's possible for business taxes to be clear and easy.
886. It’s possible for business taxes to be taken care of with grace and ease.
887. The truth is simple.
888. | know how to communicate business principles simply.
889. | know how to communicate my marketing message simply.
890. | know how to communicate what it is | want from my employees simply.
891. | know how to communicate my business results simply.
892. | know how to communicate my business policies simply.
893. | know how to communicate with professionals who support my business simply.
894. | have Creator’s understanding of the value of simplicity.
895. My understanding of the value of simplicity is the same as Creator's.
896. | know the value of simplicity now.
897. | know how to communicate the value of simplicity to my employees.
898. | know how to communicate the value of simplicity to all who support my

899. | know the difference between simple and stupid.
900. | know the difference between simple and innocent.
3011. | have Creator’s understanding of clear communication.
902. My understanding of clear communication is the same as Creator’s.
903. | know how to communicate clearly.
904. | know how to communicate with my employees clearly.
905. | know how to communicate with my staff clearly.
906. | know how to communicate with my clients clearly.
907. | know how to communicate with my students clearly.
908. | know how to communicate with my customers clearly.
909. | know how to communicate with the public clearly.
910. | know how to recognize when communication is required.
a1. | know how to recognize when others need me to communicate with them.
912. | know how to communicate complex concepts clearly.
913. | know how to communicate business policies clearly.
914. | know how to communicate financial results clearly.
915. | know how to communicate feedback clearly.
916. | know how to communicate my company’s mission clearly.
OTT. | know how to communicate my company’s policies clearly.
918. Clarity and simplicity are compatible.
919. | have Creator’s understanding of the role of timing in success.


920. My understanding of the role of timing in success is the same as Creator’s.

921. | know how to have good timing.
922. | know how to recognize the right timing for my ideas.
923. | know how to recognize the right timing for my products.
924. | know how to recognize the right timing for growing my business.
925, | know how to recognize the right timing for changing direction.
926. | know how to recognize the right timing for expanding.
927. | know how to recognize the right timing for hiring.
928. | know how to recognize the right timing for my book.
929. | know how to recognize the right timing for my vision.
930. | know what it feels like to do things at the right time for them.
931. It's possible for me to recognize the right timing always.
932. It's possible for me to do things in the right time.
933. | do things in the right time now.
934. | have Creator’s understanding of the relationship between ownership and

935. | have Creator’s definition of “business ownership”.
936. My definition of “business ownership” is the same as Creator’s.
937. | know how to be a business owner.
938. | know what it feels like to be a business owner.
939. It's safe for me to own my own business now.
940. | know how to be a successful business owner.
941. | know the difference between talking about something and doing it.
942. | know when to stop talking about something and to start doing it.
943. | have Creator’s understanding of the value of debate.
944. My understanding of the value of debate is the same as Creator’s.
945. | have Creator’s understanding of the role of debate in business.
946. My understanding of the role of debate in business is the same as Creator’s.
947. | know how to entertain healthy debate.
948. | know when to entertain healthy debate.
949. | have Creator’s definition of “due diligence”.
950. My definition of “due diligence” is the same as Creator’s.
951. | have Creator’s perspective of the role of due diligence.
952. My perspective of the role of due diligence is the same as Creator’s.
953. | have Creator’s understanding of due diligence.
954. My understanding of due diligence is the same as Creator’s.
955. | know when to do due diligence.
956. | know how to do due diligence.
957. | know why to do due diligence.
958. | know how to recognize when | have completed doing due diligence for my

959. | have Creator’s understanding of the value of tithing.
960. My understanding of the value of tithing is the same as Creator’s.
961. | Know when to tithe.
962. | have Creator’s understanding of giving of my services.
963. My understanding of giving of my services is the same as Creator’s.
964. | know what it feels like to give of my services.
965. | have Creator’s understanding of when to give of my services.
966. My understanding of when to give of my services is the same as Creator’s.


967. | know when to give of my services.

968. | have Creator’s understanding of to whom to give services.
969. My understanding of to whom to give services is the same as Creator’s.
970. | know to whom to give services.
971. | have Creator's understanding of how my business can be of some benefit in

972. My understanding of how my business can be of some benefit in the world is the

same as Creator’s.
973. | know how my business can be of benefit to the world.
974. | know how to recognize when what we are doing is making a difference.
975. | know how to recognize opportunities for my business to make a difference.
976. | know how to make a difference and still succeed.
977. | know how to recognize when to invest in people.
978. | know how to recognize when to invest in my community.
979. | know how to recognize when to invest in me.
980. | have Creator’s understanding of financial freedom.
981. My understanding of financial freedom is the same as Creator's.
982. | know how to create financial freedom for myself now.
983. | know what it feels like to create financial freedom for myself now.
984. | know how it’s possible to create financial freedom for myself and those |

985. | deserve financial freedom.
986. Financial freedom is possible for me now.
987. | know how to create financial freedom doing the things | love now.
988. It’s possible for me to create financial freedom doing the things | love now.
989. | can create financial freedom for those who contribute to my business’
990. It’s possible for me to create financial freedom for those who contribute to

business’ success now.

991. | know what to do with my time when | have financial freedom.
992. | know what to do with my money when | have financial freedom.
993. | know how to be motivated when | have financial freedom.
994. | know who | am when | have complete financial freedom.
995. | know how to relate to others when | have complete financial freedom.
996. | know what my purpose is when | have complete financial freedom.
997. | know how to receive and accept total financial freedom now.
998. | know how to work for myself and others.
999. It’s possible for me to work for myself and others.

1000. | know how to work for others and have others work for me.
1001. I’m comfortable working for others and having others work for me.


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