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The Role of Public Officials

in National Development
Strategic HRM/HRD for
Developing Leadership Performance

Mr. Yangho Ahn

Former Vice Minister
Ministry of Public Administration and Safety


Ⅰ. About Korea
Ⅱ. Government Innovation in Korea
Ⅲ. Strategic HRM/HRD in Korea
Ⅳ. Implications

※ References
I-1. The Korean's Dramatic Experience(1)

• 1945 Liberation from the iron grip of Japan, Military

administration by U.S. forces, South(U.S.) -
North(U.S.S.R.) Division of Korean Peninsula

• Nation Building: 1948 the 1st Constitution(liberal

democracy and free market economy) and government
inauguration of the Republic of Korea, 195-53 Korean
War, 1960 Student Revolution (Syngman Rhee resigned
• 1960, and Jang Myeon Cabinet)

• Modernization: 1961 Military Coup, and thereafter a

dramatic evolution by government-driven export-
oriented industrialization strategies coupled with the
Saemaul Movement(Park Jung Hee, assassinated 1979)
* per capita income $60 in 1960,“developmental dictatorship”,
Military Culture , “chaebol” 3
I-2. The Korean's Dramatic Experience(2)

• December 12 military coup d'etat in 1980, brutal crackdown on

the Gwangju Democratic Movement, the citizen's June 1987
Democratic Uprising against totalitarian regime of Chun Doo

• 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, the June 29 Declaration by Roh

Tae Woo: a stepping stone for the transition from military to
civilian rule, and from authoritarian to democratic politics

• Democratization and Advancement through Kim Young

Sam's“Civilian Government”(1993-1998) and Kim Dae Jung's
“People’s Government”(1998-2003), and Roh Moo Hyun's
“Participatory Government”(2003-2008), Lee Myung
Bak(2008-2013), Park Geun Hye(2013-2017) Administrations,
and present Moon Jae In's “A better Government, ruled by
*Candlelight Revolution 2016-17

I-4. History of Korean Government

Source: Hwang, MOI
I-5. Transition of Korean Government's role
and function


Nation MODERNI Democrat Advancem

Building ZATION ization ent

Building Rapid Economic Insurer but not Government

Foundations for Growth through planner & as a Fair
a ‘bureaucratic Active mobilizer Coordinator in
& etatiste mode Intervention Open
of governance.’ Economic

1940s 1960s 1980s Since 1997

Which stage is your country at?

Korea at a Glance
Changed status of Korea : From one of the poorest countries
to the world leader in ICT
 GDP per capita (1962: $104 → 2018: $33,340)

 Export (1962 : $60mil → 2018 : $604bil)

 82%→71.7% of home has PC (2012→2019)

- 95% use smart phone/100% mobile phone(2018)

cf. Israel 88%, NE 87%, SW 86%

Koreans feel unhappy regardless of the wealth they earned

 Material abundance (23.2 million cars registered for total population of 52 million)

vs. Low level of happiness (Suicide rate 1st, Working Hours 1st, Birth Rate 34th
among 34 OECD member nations)

II-1. Historical transition of Gov't Innovation(1948-60)

Goal & Direction

Admin. Contents of reform Assessment
(Driving Vehicle)

Syngm Formation of Establish basic shape of Built an autonomous

an national system organizations & admin. independent liberal democratic
Rhee based on systems: Central Gov’t state, anti-communist;
(1948- democracy, Organizations & Local BUT, inherited Japanese colonial
60) citizenship, Autonomy System; Civil Service rules, patronage, inefficiency,
capitalistic Meritocracy, Examination, corruption
economy Payment *4ㆍ19 Student Revolution
(No standing Farmland Reform:
body for Gov’t Redistribution of land
Reform) ownership to farmers*
Jang Transition Parliamentary Cabinet System No support from politicians and
Myeon government, Advocate liberalism, people. No will and capacity to
(1960- Democratic order 5 year economic development actual reforms.
61) and freedom plan Uncontrolled explosion of
Plan to slash defense spending sudden freedom ended up
(No) from 40% to 20% of total creating social confusion and
budget. unrest
* 5ㆍ16 Military coup d‘ Etat

II-2. Historical transition of Gov't Innovation(1961-'79)
Goal &
Adm. Contents of reform Assessment
Park Build
Reshuffling org's & institutions to build a bureaucratic-
development state, to develop export-oriented growth
Jung basis for focusing on light/heavy chemical industries, to expand authoritarian
Hee supporting
social overhead capital, activate rural economy
*Saemaul Movement project(“Can do spirit”) in the
rule/purposefulness away
from democratic values: a
(1961- growth, late 1960s mega government, a
79) maximize developmental
efficiency Establish the Board of Audit, the Economic Planning administrative sys’.
“Growth- FIRST”, Board (EPB) to lead 5-year economic development
“Modernization of plans, & the Ministry of Government Expansion of
Motherland” Administration(MOGA) in charge of supervising and administrative org’s and
reorganizing Bureaucracy Strengthening meritocracy, oppressive
(Administrative training and pension system of the public service institutions(KCIA) to
management (government elite group, “technocrats”) preserve the Yushin
Bureau of regime
MOGA~ “Gov’t Resident Registration Number,
Reform Computerization of administrative works *After the 18 yrs of
[Investigation] strong dictatorship,
Committee”) KAIST, KDI, Public Enterprises reform, Anti corruption assassinated on Oct. 26
reform, Anti-communism 1979

II-3. Historical transition of Gov't Innovation(1981-88)
Goal & Direction Results and
Admin. Contents of reform
(Driving Vehicle) Assessment
Chun “Realization of a just Establish the Social Purification * Release June 29
Doo society” Committee, and the Peaceful Declaration by leading
Hwan Unification Advisory Board. Ministry candidate Roh Tae
(1981- Seeking to secure of Sports. Woo and amend the
88) political legitimacy of Constitution for more
*Military new military regime via Abolish upper gov’t units i.e. the democracy (e.g. direct
Coup undemocratic route Office of Planning and Coordination, presidential election)
Dec. 12. and repressing brutally and the Administrative Reform after the occurrence of
the uprising at Committee reporting to the Prime uprisings escalated by
Gwangju in May 1980 Minister. the repressive exercise
Privatization 11 blue chip public of power
corporations(e.g. KT, POSCO) via the
gov’t-issued stock system
Roh “Era of Ordinary
Tae People” Serve as a bridge bt.
Woo Redefine the respective roles of gov’t the authoritarian past
(1988- (re-launched the and private sector and the democratic
93) Administrative Reform future
Committee(ARC, 1988- Organizational Reshuffling, Improve
89) administrative procedures, Revive local
autonomy and decentralization,Open-
Door Policy and Import Liberalization
Plan(e.g. cosmetics) 10
II-5. Historical transition of Gov't Innovation(1993- 98)

Goal & Direction

Admi Results and
Contents of reform
n. Assessment

Kim “Civilian Gov’t” Popular support for his

Young Consolidation(e.g. Ministry of Finance + powerful reform drive in the
End and eliminate vestiges Economic Planning Board → Min. of Finance and early phase.
of third decade of military Economy) and abolishment and re-
rule establishment(e.g. Min. of Energy and Resources Introduce Cost-Benefit
98) Healing the “Korean →Min. of Commerce and Resources) review of regulations and
disease”, Creating a “new Ombudsman system via
Korea” Elimination of core informal group in the military, BLARC.
“a Small yet Strong Gov’t” Real-name property ownership, real-name
“Globalization” financial transaction system, Open the property Start to establish full-scale
of higher civil servants to the public. E-gov’t

Basic Law on Administrative Regulation and Civil

applications (BLARC)1994* → divided into two * Foreign currency crisis
laws 1997), Basic Law on the Promotion of 1997 and IMF’s bailout
Informatization(BLPI) 1995. loans 1998

Enact the Administrative Procedure

Act(1996), Information Disclosure Act
II-5. Historical transition of Gov't Innovation(1998-'03)
Goal & Direction
Adm. Contents of reform Assessment
(Driving Vehicle)
Kim “The People’s Gov’t” Based on New Public Management theory: result- Comprehensive
Dae oriented reform, downsizing public sector, restructuring drive
regulatory reforms, preliminary feasibility on the premise of
Jun IMF, WB forced neoliberal
investigation system. 2 vice-prime-ministerial competition and
g reforms for small gov’t and grade, Ministry of Gender Equality. Install efficiency,
(199 deregulation. ‘Executive Agencies’. downsizing gov’t
8- Introduce Open-type position system, org.s, budget,
2003) *Gov’t Organization Reshuffling Performance-based benefits and annual salaries. workforce.
Deliberation Cmtt. prepared the
first reshuffling plan before the Select top 11 core projects(G2G, G2C, G2B) of e- Implement
Gov’t inauguration. gov’t, and E-gov’t Act 2001. performance-driven
*Act on Promoting the Transfer of the Central Administrative reform assessable
Authority to the Local Governments. with quantitative
Well-functioning gov’t along
5-year National Fiscal Operation Plan, total budget
with the people.
Roh An efficient, service-oriented,
system, programmed budget, accrual-based book
keeping. Performance Management system. “Senior
Mo transparent, capable, Civil Service” system 2006 abolishing grade 1-3,
reform: cultural
changes &
o participatory, inclusive, clean Personnel exchanges bet. Ministries. Open recruitment
Hyun gov’t. system, Total personnel expense ceiling system.
manag’t techniques.
(200 E-gov’t roadmap 2003: real-time information sharing
Aspire to implement
3 good governance
system, internet-based service(G2G, G4C, G4B), e-
-08) Procurement, Home tax, e-Saram, Digital Budget and
Accounting System (DBAS-“dBrain) etc. Fully amended
“Innovation fatigue”,
Information Disclosure Act
too many reform
tasks 12
II-5. Historical transition of Gov't Innovation(2008-2017)
Adm. Goal Contents of reform Assessment
Lee "entrance into Radical downsizing: reduced by 55 offices/bureaus, UN E-Government Survey twice:
Myung the club of 93 departments, 3,427 officials. Maintain fiscal health. first in 2010 and second in 2012.
Bak first-rate Abolish the Central Personnel Cmtt.→ back to Specifically, Information Network
countries MOGAHA Village ( and
2008- through Administration Service 24
2013 advancement," E-Gov’t/“e-People”(unified pan-gov’tal channel for (
ddddd communicating& feedback with the people), develop
Visions: a & disseminate “standard framework” & shared Despite huge amount of efforts
"capable, small component for e-Gov’t. Privacy Protection Act 2011. for local consolidation, only two
and pragmatic cases( succeeded,
that serves the *Imprisonment
Openness, Sharing, Communication,
Geun *2016-17 Candlelight
Trusted Gov’t, collaboration
2013- Happier “e-Gov’t” is the core of gov’t reform to Demo, Impeachment
People maximize the citizen satisfaction in the digital and Imprisonment
17 society. “Personalized Service”
Transparent Disclosure and distribution of public
* information for creative commercial use
Daugh and Service-
ter of oriented,
former Competent Government 3.0
Preside Gov’t
nt Park
Government 3.0

Source: Hwang, MOI
After Candlelight Revolution....
Moon Jae-In Administration(2017~ )
Vision: “Government ruled by the People”
Goal: Restoring /Promote the Public Interest through Citizen
Participation and Trust

Three Major Strategies

Budgeting Performance

Participation Social-Value
and Oriented Trustworthy
cooperation Government government

Organizational Personnel
Management Management

Source: MOIS
Reform is a journey rather than a 16
<표 2>역대정부의 정부개혁의 이념적 토대

The Strategic HRM/HRD for
ensuring Leadership Perfomance
in Korean Government


Ⅲ-1. The Role of Public Officials in National
Development Stage in South Korea
Public Officials as Planners / Executors (Implementing, Monitoring,
Supporting) in Economic Development Process in the Early Stage :
(ex) 5-yrs Economic Development plan, Balanced Social
Development Plan
Public Officials as Propagators in National Development :
“Saemaeul Movement”
Public Officials as Guardians to protect Publicness in Economic
Development of South Korea

☞ Multiple roles, such as Planners, Executors,

Propagators, Facilitators, as well as Servants and
Guardians during Economic Development Process
※ ppt.5-17: YongSoo Kwon, NHI Lecture Note 2016

Ⅲ-3. The History of Personnel Policy
in National Development Stage in South Korea
• CSC established, • CSC abolished
Certain public personnel
• HCSEC & functions remain under • Personnel office
MGA* MOGAHA * under new MPAS *

1948 1963 1999 ` 2004 2008

• Personnel Bureau • Functions are

established under MGA * completely
integrated into

• HCSEC : the Higher Civil Service Examination Commission • MGA : Ministry of Government Ad
• MPAS : Ministry of Public Administration and Security • CSC : Civil Service Commission
• MOGAHA : Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs • OPM : the Office of Prime Ministe
* Currently the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS)
Ⅲ-4. The History of Personnel Policy in
National Development Stage in South Korea

Ⅲ-5. Function

HR Recruitment Personnel Management

Exam Principles & Methods Central Planning & Promoting Innovative
Administration of Exam Gov’t. Personnel Management
SCS, Diversity & Inclusion
Management Public Service Ethics
HRD, PM, Remuneration, National Talents Information Civil Service Code, Disciplinary System
Pension, Welfare Management Registration of Properties, Restriction on
Civil Servants Training Employment of Retired Officials
Disciplinary Action
Labor-Management Occupational Accident
& Appeal Commission
Partnership Compensation
Reviewed by Commission
Collective Bargaining in HRM
Supporting Rehab and Return-to-
♣ Characteristics of the CS in Korea
Formation of CS System
 1949 the National Civil Service Act
- modern CS system began during the Rhee administration
 1961 the Civil Service Training Act, 1963 the new National Civil Service Act
- a series of innovations during the Park Jung-Hee Admin. (1963~79)

Major characteristics

• Merit System – employed in accordance with open compettive

entrance exam result, work performance, and actual ability
• Rank Oriented Classification Sys.
• Closed Career Sys
• Centralized Personnel Management Sys.

Ⅲ-6. Classifications of National Civil Service

Career Service Non-Career Service

• When appointed,
• Appointed by performance, performance, qualifications not required
• Permanent job status, life-long work • No permanent job status

• Administration, technical, • Appointed by election,

General research National Assembly approval
• Classified by group & series of Service • High-level decision makers
classes • ※ Prime minister, cabinet members,
• ※ SCS, Grades 3-9 Chairman
of the Board of Audit and Inspection
• Grade & appointment stipulated
Specific in special acts • Appointed by separate qualifications
Service Excepted
• ※ Police, diplomat, firefighter, Service • Doing particular functions
military service, judges, prosecutors • ※ personal secretaries

▣ Number of Civil Servants

1,104,508 (100.0%)

•Executive •Constitutional •National Election

•Legislative •Judicial •Court •Commission

4,064 17,751 1,079,516 310 2,867

•Central Officials •Local Officials

663,306 416,210
(60.1%) (37.7%)

Administration •Education •Public Safety •Post Office etc.

104,227 359,282 166,613 33,184

(9.4%) (32.5%) (15.1%) (3.0%)

▣ Public Service Classification System
- Grade Structure

Minister &
Vice Ministers

Grades 1-3 Senior Civil Service

(Deputy Ministers,

Grades 3-4
(Division Directors)

Grade 5
(Deputy Directors)

Grades 6-9
(General Staff)

* Headquarters of Ministries 23
Ⅲ-7. Recruitment (1)
General Open competition recruitment to reinforce the merit system
recruitment →(Recently) Recruitment of talent & experts

Evaluation Liberal arts knowledge test → Specialized knowledge test (law, etc.)
method → (Recently) Test of competency & qualification as a public official
* Public Service Aptitude Test(PSAT) & competency interview were introduced.

Open competition recruitment Career competition recruitment

 No restrictions for application
 Selecting those who possess specific qualification
 Admissions based solely on exam results
or career requirement
 Type: G5,G7,G9 open competition recruitment
* PSAT (‘04-)
- Evaluation of knowledge level in specific fields * G5 Recruitment Exam for Private Sector Experts (‘11-)
→ Comprehensive thinking & problem-solving test - Administered by relevant agencies
- Logical Reasoning, Data Analysis, Situation judgment → Administered by MPM solely
* Competency interview (‘05-)
- Easier application requirements such as career,
- Final decision relied on written test score.
→ - Interview was strengthened for job performance academic background, etc.
competency. → Increased employment of outstanding talent &
experts from the private sector <#>
- Interviewers are not given applicants’ background
data, e.g. academic background, grade.
Ⅲ-9. Recruitment _ Open Competition Exam.

▣ Recruitment_ Recent Improvement

▣ Recruitment– Affirmative Recruitment Policy

▪ Exams used to select 5 or more persons(women: ’96-’02, both genders: ’03-)

Based on
 When the ratio of selected males/females is less than 30%,
Gender additional acceptance is made.
(gender equality) * Currently, 47% of civil servants are women as in 2019

▪ G7, G9 open competition exams: 6% of new recruitment to be held

Based on by disabled persons (When the existing disabled employment rate in public service
Disability less than 3.4%, 6.8% of new recruitment shall be from the disabled.)
 Special recruitment of the severely disabled since 2008
& Income
* 25 persons in ‘18 → 25 persons in ‘19 → 39 persons in ‘20
▪ 2% of new positions are given to those from the lowest-income bracket
(Open competitive recruitment for G9)

▪ Regional talent recruitment target system

Based on : For local university graduates, additional acceptance is made within the
range of less than 20%(G5, 30% G7) of successful applicants.
▪ Career intern program for regional talents: For local university graduates
Talents with excellent grades recommended by the university president,
G7 appointment is given followed by exams & one-year internship. <#>
Ⅲ. Promotion
A. Promotion to SCS

SCS Rescreening Proposing
of the
Candidate Competency of the SCS the most
▶ ▶ promotion ▶ ▶ ▶ Appointment
Developmen Assessment promotion qualified
t Program review board candidate

B. Promotion to grade 3 or higher

Making Screening of the Selecting the civil
promotion ▶ promotion review ▶ servant to be ▶
= Promotion
eligibility list board promoted

※ To be eligible for promotion, the minimal lengths of service

are required at the present grade
Grade Grade
Grade Grade
Grade Grade Grade 4 3
6 5
9 8 7
4 year 3 year
2 year 3.5 year <#>
2 year
1.5 year
▣ Criteria of Promotion

Ⅲ. Senior Civil Service (in Jul. 2006)
The Senior Civil Service (SCS) is a strategic HR system through performance-oriented HRM.
By separating deputy ministers & bureau directors who assume key roles in policymaking
from general staff, the government makes good use of them in the right place at the right time and strengthens
openness & competition in an effort to be a better government.

Strengthening government’s competitiveness

Core Factors of SCS System
& improving administrative service qualities

“Openness &
Better performance & higher competency of SCS
• Grade abolished
Before After • Open Position System,
Job Posting System
Rank in Person Rank in Position “Performance & “Competency
Seniority system Performance-based Accountability”
(Buggins’ turn) Development”
Closed • Performance Core • Candidate
Open agreement
Grade-related salary Remuner Job, Performance-related • Job performance- Factors Development Program
ation based bonus • Competency
salary • Qualification assessment

※ “Government at a Glance 2011” by the OECD (in Jun. 2011) <#>

- Korea ranked world’s 6th in HRM of senior civil servants.
▣ Roadmap to the SCS

▣ Competency Assessment Methods

Ⅲ-10. HRD (Human Resource Development)
Training Education Development
Job-based, Human-based, Organization-based,
Change of Behavior Change of Knowledge Change of Attitude &


Classification Concept Training method (Providers)

Basic Public officials training institutes
Training courses that enable newly-appointed &
Training promoted officials (or the candidates) to foster • G9 -G7 - G5 – director-level - SCS
(General, Foundation, Grade-based training before appointment
professional ethics & enhance competency. •
Grade-based) • OJT or commissioned training available

Training courses for acquisition of - OJT

specialized knowledge & skills needed in - Public officials training institutes
Training the line of duty - Domestic commissioned training

Other -Training of national agenda, government
policy, & general knowledge - Public officials training institutes
Trainings -Training of civil service ethics, etc
- Domestic commissioned training
- Individual learning <#>
▣ Structure of Basic Training Program

▣ Training Programs categorized by Providers


Classification Training courses Outline Target

Professional training International organizations, • SCS

(1-1.5 years) Foreign government agencies, etc. • Director-level

General course Academic course-work,

Long-term • G4 & lower
(2-2.5 years) Internship experience, or both
Domestic + overseas International policy,
training • G4 & lower
(1 yr at home+1 yr overseas)
Global Public Administration, etc.

Individual training Research on foreign policies

• G9 & higher
(less than 6 months) related to each agency

Customized training for Research on urgent issues

respective agencies • G9 & higher
of each agency
(about 3 weeks)
Short- Inter-agency team training Joint research on common issues
term Team • G9 & higher
(about 2 weeks) by inter-agency team
Central-local govt. team training Joint research on common issues
• G9 & higher
(about 2 weeks) by central-local govt. team

Training at Foreign training institutes Training at

• G9 & higher
(about 2 weeks) specialized training institutes

For continuous development of individuals & competitiveness of the government,

the Self-directed Ongoing Learning Program was introduced. (’07-)
→ Each government employee must complete 80-hour learning a year.
• Self-directed learning is available anytime anywhere through online education. <#>
▣ Self-directed On-going Learning

Ⅲ-11. Performance Management

 The Government Performance Evaluation Act(2006) required

Central agencies and Local bodies should
- establish a 5 year long-term performance management strategic
plan/an annual execution plan respectively,
- link National Development Agenda to Organizational Performance
Goals/Individual Performance Goals
Ⅲ-11. Flow of Performance Management

▣ Evaluation System(SCS, G4 & Higher)

▣ Evaluation System(G5 & Lower)

 Civil Service Performance Management
Change HR focus was changed from rank & career into competency &
direction job performance.

Performance -Application: Officials subject to annual pay system, including director-level

& higher, contractual officials(’99-)
-Method: Differential in evaluation rating, accumulated in standard basic salary
yearly stipend
next year

Evaluation rating S A B C
Ratio of persons top 20% 30% 40% lower 10%

Payment rates 15% 10% 6% 0%

- Target: G4 & below subject to salary class system except director-level (’01-)
bonus - Method: Determined autonomously by relevant agency among individual &
division-type bonus or mixed-type bonus

Evaluation rating S A B C
Ratio of persons top 20% 40% 30% lower 10%
Payment rates 172.5% 125% 85% 0%
♣ Remuneration
[Pay Structure]

Fixed yearly stipend

Political Service
Job performance and
task-related yearly
Senior Civil Service system
Grade 5 or higher, Performance-related
Contractual Service yearly stipend

Seniority-based Payment +
Grade 6~9
Performance bonus

▣ Civil Service Reforms : A Paradigm Shift

(50~60s) (70s) (80~90s) 2000s 이후

인사행정 인사관리 인적자원관리 인적자본관리

(Personnel (Personnel (Human Resource (Human Capital
Administration) Management) Management) Management)

♧ Common Issues (HRM/HRD → HCM)

- Make traditional hierarchical bureaucracy & public officials
more effective, strategic, open, flexible, responsible, de-privileged
- ‘war for talent’ for mission (performance/goal) achievement
- investment for development of competency & leadership
- emphasis on public value, customer, global standard & collaboration
- representativeness as well as fairness(procedure)
- creative/smart working culture
▣ Strategic HRM Reform Framework

▣ Implications & Lessons
(1) Control Tower for Strategic HRM
(2) Pursuing Fairness and Equity of
Personnel Management
(3) Substantial Incentives for High Performer
- Special Promotion, extra performance bonus, Incresed
portion of Performance Payment in annual salary etc.
(4) Strengthening Linkage between Organizational Goals and
Indivisual performance goals

♣ A pivotal role played by Korean government officials in national

development era over the past 60 years, from now on, will be almost
impossible. That's why we, government officials, must be equipped
creativity and
imagination to achieve the nation's vision.” <#>
Choi, Jin-Wook , 2016. Good Governance and Government Reform. ppt.

Hwang, Hie-Shin, 2005. A Comparative Study of Government Innovations in Korea : Focusing on the Participatory
Government , KIPA

Hwang, Myung Suk, 2017. Government innovation in Korea Shift in focus from nation to citizens,_KDISchool, ppt.

K-developedia, KDISchool,

KIPA, 2015. Key Policies and Administration of the Governments of the Republic of Korea(1948~2013)
Lee, Chang Gil 2017.

Mah, Luis 2011. Lessons from Korea to Africa: Leaders, Politics and Developmental States, Lisboa. This paper was
originally presented at the 4th European Conference on African Studies in Uppsala (Sweden) on the 17th of June 2011

MOGAHA, 2005. Initiatives for Government Innovation in Korea

MOI, 2017. Government 3.0: Government innovation in Korea Shift in focus from nation to citizens
2017. “Innovation in the Public Sector: The Korean Perspective”
MOIS, 2018. Master Plan
MOSPA, 20014. Government 3.0 & E-Government in Korea

OECD, 1995, Governance in Transition: Public Management Reforms in OECD Countries

OECD, 2017. Embracing Innovation in Government: Global Trends, February

Park, Jin 2015. Government Reform: Direction and Strategy, ppt.

2011 Government Reform for economic Development, ppt.
2012. Change Management for Government Reform

Park, Sangin, 2011. Government’s Role in Korea’s Economic Development from a Perspective of the Institutions
Hypothesis. The Korean Journal of Policy Studies, Vol. 26, No. 3 pp. 115-128. © 2011 by the GSPA, Seoul National

정충식, 2015. 전자정부론(The Theory of ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT, 서울경제경영

총무처 직무분석기획단, 1997, 신정부혁신론(New Theory on Government Innovation), 동명사 50

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