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Yusuf Ibrahim

1. The title: The Pity Boys
2. Plot: Progressive
3. Setting
a. Time: in the night, morning, evening, daytime
b. Place: bedroom, house, cage, bridge, village
c. Atmosphere: quite, tense
4. Character
a. Myself: trauma, psychopath, persistent
b. Father: cruel, not responsible
c. Mother: care
d. Aunt Martha: cruel
e. Uncle: cruel
f. Aunt Martha’s sons: cruel
5. The story

The Pity Boys

I was shocked in the middle of my sleep in the night. My father came late as
usual, my mother got mad on him. I don't know what stuff was thrown. It happens
every day, since my little brother was born several months ago. My mother was tired
of caring my brother and my father did not care at all. They fight almost every day. I
don't know what they are arguing about. In fact, they often fight in front of me
directly, they even hurt each other. They throw anything that is near them, even some
of their tosses have hit me.

Suddenly I heard my mother screaming. “No! I’m begging you!”

“What happen? Is she fine?” I wondered.

I was so wondering, but I was very afraid to come out of my room. Suddenly,
gunfire rang out. I think it was gun sound. How there is gun in my house? Is that
really gun sound? I encourage myself to get out from my room.
Oh my lord! What I just saw! It’s so awful! My mother was laying bleeding all
over her body. My father put a gun at my mother. He was trembling. I still not believe
with what I was looking at.

“What are you doing?!” I snapped on him.

“I do nothing!!!” he answered.

“Don’t you dare tell my doing to police or I will kill you!!!”

My father got panicked. He escaped, leaving my mother and me. I approached

my mother, she was no breathe anymore. She was shot right in the head. Her face was
completely covered by blood. The blood flowed so that it stained the floor and walls.
Around it are also broken vases, glasses and plates. In some of her body there are also


Two years passed. May my mother rest in peace. My father was jailed a month
ago, after one year of a fugitive, and several months undergoing trial. He was
sentenced to twenty years in prison. Actually, I wish that he was dead execution.

Now, my little brother and me was taken care by my auntie, Martha in rural.
She lives with her husband and her five sons. They all are older than me. Martha’s
family are very rich, they have a big house, and a lot of livestock with a wide cage
too. Everyday Martha and her husband take care of this farm without the help of

But, they didn't take care of me seriously. Fortunately, they take care of my
brother well. They told me to stay in a cage with their livestock and eat their leftovers.
They also don't let me go to school like other kids in my age. I have to help them to
manage their farm.

The cage I was living in was spacious but very smelly, noisy and humid. At
night this place is very low light so it is very scary. Therefore, I often have a fever.
When I got fever my auntie kept forcing me to work.

Not only my aunt and uncle did evil to me, their five sons were also the same.
They often told me to take their ball when they play football. They also often give a
lot of salt in my food. I often scold them if they bother me, but they beat me instead.
Because they are older and bigger than me, I often lose and get beaten up by them.

One day, the youngest son, Mark be nice on me. He invited me to fish on the
bridge which is located quite far from home. We went fishing when nobody at the
home, and my brother go with my auntie. We walk to the bridge during the daytime,
after he come back from school. The fish we got were very much at that time, I put
them in a bucket. Accidentally, I spilled out the bucket and its fell into the river, and
then the bucket was float off. I apologized to him but he was very angry on me. He hit
my head very hard. I can’t stand on his treatment. I hit her head back. We fought on
the bridge at that time. We fought until we have no power. When he would kick my
belly, I caught his foot, push him and drop it from bridge to the river. The river is very
deep, the distance from the bridge to the surface of the river is about 5 meters. I saw
with my eyes, he was swept away and can't swim. I threw all of stuff we brought in to
the river and go home as if nothing happened.

I arrived at home and no one in there. I did my work as usual. In the evening
all of them were home. Aunt Martha realized that she didn’t see Mark. She searched
Mark everywhere but she didn’t find him. He told all of us to search Mark. I also
pretend to search Mark, and pretend not to know where he is. Aunt Martha called
police to search Mark. Fortunately, after several weeks searching, they couldn’t find
Mark. They not suspicious on me at all. Although not willing with the loss of Mark,
they tried to continue their live normally.

One morning, I woke up late because I got fever. The weather was very cold.
It rained heavily last night. Aunt Martha, flushed me with a bucket of rainwater. I
woke up and doing my work weakly. This incident made me mad on her and I really
want to do a revenge to her. I can’t stand with their doing.

In the next morning I woke up earlier finished my work while waited Aunt
Martha finished cooking for breakfast. After I finished my work, and my aunt finished
cooking, I enter her house from behind and ask her to play with my brother. When I
get through the kitchen, immediately I put rat poison in to the food. I played with my
brother out of the house while watched they ate their breakfast. They ate their
breakfast voraciously, without realizing that their food is poisonous. Even they did not
set aside their food in the slightest. After spending the food, they don’t felt the
symptom at all until several hours. They felt the symptom at the night, they weak, and

A day after, I saw them was died. After doing what I did yesterday, I burned
the rat poison bottle, and washed their used tableware using a glove. I brought my
brother leaved that house, their death body and this city. I searched an orphanage and
asked them to adopt us.


I found an orphanage who want to adopt us. This orphanage was very friendly.
My brother and I was treated well. I went to school like other kids. The caregivers
were not suspicious with me. I said to them that my parents were died, we didn’t have
any house or any heritage for us, and I was lived in the streets. Surely they feel sorry
for seeing me hold my little brother and bring him whenever and also about my
condition with full of bruised scar. When they asked why there was a lot of injury in
my body, I just said that I have to fight with thugs. They didn’t know what I’ve done

Several days after I leaved my aunt’s house, police found the death body of
aunt’s Martha and his family, the police found their corpses had rotted and expanded.
But after several months, the autopsy result said that they were died by rat poison, but
they couldn’t find the suspect. This case became popular, the newspaper posts this
news every day, people were talking about it every day. In the end, this news was
muffled, and police had closed this case and didn’t continue this investigation.


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