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PATHFit 222
Instructor 1

Sequence of Tests:
1. Anthropometric Test – BMI, Waist and Hip Circumference
2. Non-Fatiguing Tests – Stick Drop Test, Stork Balance Test, Zipper Test,
Vertical Jump Test
3. Agility and Coordination Test – Hexagon Agility Test, and Jump Rope
4. Local Muscular Endurance Tests – Basic Plank, and Push Up
5. Aerobic Capacity Tests – 3-Minute Step Test

BMI = weight
(kg)/height (m)²

Non-Fatiguing Tests
Strick Drop Test
Procedure: The person to be tested stands or sits near the edge of a table,
resting their elbow on the table so that their wrist extends over the side. The
assessor holds the ruler vertically in the air between the participant's thumb
and index finger, but not touching. Align the zero mark on the ruler with the
participant's fingers. The participant should indicate when they are ready.
Then, without prior warning, the assessor releases the ruler and lets it drop -
the subject must catch it as quickly as possible as soon as they see it fall.
Record in centimeters the distance the ruler fell (the level the participant
grabs the ruler). Repeat this procedure several times (e.g. 10 times) and take
the average score.
Non-Fatiguing Tests

Stork Balance Test

Procedure: Place the hands on the hips, then position the non-supporting foot
against the inside knee of the supporting leg. The subject raises the heel to
balance the ball of the foot. The stopwatch is started when the heel is raised
from the floor.
The stopwatch is stopped if any of the follow occur:
• the hand(s) come off the hips
• the supporting foot swivels or moves (hops) in any direction
• the non-supporting foot loses contact with the knee.
• the heel of the supporting foot touches the floor.
Non-Fatiguing Tests

Zipper Test
Procedure: Stand straight. Lift your right arm, bend your elbow across your
back, and stretch to the farthest that you can do. With your left arm, fold your
elbow up across your back and attempt to reach the fingers of your right
hand. This position makes you look like you are zipping something over your
back. Do the same thing with your left hand.
For the person who is administering the test, see whether there’s a gap or
an overlapping with the fingers. If there’s an overlapping, there will be a
positive score but if there’s a gap, measure the distance by putting a
negative on it. And if the fingers touch, the score will be zero.
Non-Fatiguing Tests

Vertical Jump Test

Procedure: The participant stands side to a wall and reaches up with the hand
closest to the wall. Keeping the feet flat on the ground, the point of the
fingertips is marked or recorded. This is called the standing reach height. The
participant then stands away from the wall and leaps vertically as high as
possible using both arms and legs to assist in projecting the body upwards.
The jumping technique can or cannot use a countermovement. Attempt to
touch the wall at the highest point of the jump. The difference in distance
between the standing reach height and the jump height is the score. The best
of three attempts is recorded.
Agility and Coordination Test

Hexagon Agility Test

Test layout: Using athletic tape, mark a hexagon (six sided
shape) on the floor. The length of each side should be 18
inches, and each angle should work out to be 120 degrees.
Agility and Coordination Test

Hexagon Agility Test

Procedure: The participant begins with both feet together in the middle
of the hexagon facing the front line. On the command 'go', they jump
ahead across the line, then back over the same line into the middle of
the hexagon. Then, continuing to face forward with the feet together,
they jump over the next side and back into the hexagon. Continue this
pattern for three full revolutions, continuing to face forwards throughout
the test. Perform the test both clockwise and anti-clockwise.
Agility and Coordination Test
Agility and Coordination Test

Jump Rope Drills

Procedure: For 2 minutes, count how many
reps you can make.
Local Muscular Endurance Tests

Basic Plank
Procedure: The aim of this test is to hold an elevated position for as long
as possible. Start with the upper body supported off the ground by the
elbows and forearms, and the legs straight with the weight taken by the
toes. The hip is lifted off the floor creating a straight line from head to
toe. As soon as the subject is in the correct position, the stopwatch is
started. The head should be facing towards the ground and not looking
forward. The test is over when the subject is unable to hold the back
straight and the hip is lowered.
Local Muscular Endurance Tests

Basic Plank
Scoring: The score is the total time
Local Muscular Endurance Tests
Local Muscular Endurance Tests

Push Up
Procedure: You may choose which position you are comfortable with:
Local Muscular Endurance Tests

Push Up
Record the number of correct pushups performed within
1 minute.
Aerobic Capacity Tests

3-Minute Step Test

Count the participant’s heart rate for 1 minute and
record it in the RHR (resting heart rate).
Aerobic Capacity Tests

3-Minute Step Test

Begin by demonstrating the alternating stepping cadence to the subject.
In time with the beat step one foot up on the bench (1st beat), step up
with the second foot (2nd beat), step down with one foot (3rd beat), and
step down with the other foot (4th beat.) The participant steps up and
down on the platform at the given rate for a total of 3 minutes. The
athlete immediately stops on completion of the test, sits down and
remains still.
Aerobic Capacity Tests

3-Minute Step Test

Count the participant’s heart rate for 1 minute and
record it in the WHR (working heart rate).
PATHFit 222
Instructor 1

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