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The bar chart illustrates the proportions of the global population in India, China, the USA, and Japan

in the fifties and the

early 2000s as well as depicts its projections for 2050. The data is given in percentages.

Overall, it can be seen that countries such as China, the USA, and Japan presented a downward trend whereas India had
an upward trend. The same pattern is shown in the population projections.

In 1950 China was the country that accounted for the greatest population figure reaching 24% roughly, followed by India
which reached 15% in the same year. However, by the early 2000s in 2002, the Chinese population decreased to a fifth
while the Indian population increased steadily reaching 17%. It is expected that this pattern will remain for future
decades so, China will reduce its figure reaching 15% whereas India will rise reaching almost a fifth.

Regarding the USA and Japan, the countries with the lowest population figures, in 1950 the former reached 7% roughly
whereas the latter accounted for just 5%. In the following decades, the figures for both countries went down and
reached 5% and 3% respectively. The projections for 2050 show that the American population will remain the same
while the Japanese population will decrease even more, reaching 1% roughly.

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