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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:83330–83340



Hierarchy performance assessment of industrial solid waste utilization

— tracking resource recycling and utilization centers in China
Ning Wang1 · Xuexin Chai1 · Zhanqiang Guo2 · Chuanyin Guo1 · Junxia Liu2 · Jian Zhang1

Received: 11 July 2022 / Accepted: 21 May 2023 / Published online: 20 June 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023

The massive production and accumulation of industrial solid waste (ISW) have led to environmental pollution and natural
resource underutilization. China’s efforts to build trial industrial waste resource utilization centers provide strong support
for sustainable development. However, these centers and the factors driving ISW utilization have yet to be evaluated. This
paper utilizes context-dependent data envelopment analysis models without explicit inputs (DEA-WEI) to evaluate the overall
utilization performance of 48 industrial waste resource utilization centers in China from 2018 to 2020. It also builds a Tobit
model to assess which indicators and waste types affect overall ISW utilization. The results show overall ISW utilization
performance of centers in the sample has improved, with the average value falling from 1.7193 in 2018 to 1.5624 in 2020.
However, there are clear regional performance gaps, with East China having the highest utilization performance (1.3113)
while the Southwest had the lowest (2.2958). Finally, this paper proposes measures to improve the overall utilization of
industrial waste resources based on an analysis of the factors driving solid waste utilization.

Keywords Industrial recycling · Solid waste management · Resource utilization · Performance analysis · Data envelopment
analysis · Tobit model

Introduction to the European Union (EU) Green Deal, GHG emissions

need to be reduced considerably and this should also gen-
Throughout the world, population growth, economic devel- erate commensurate economic benefits. For the waste sec-
opment, rapid urbanization, and rising living standards have tor, the goal is to achieve reductions of nearly 40% by 2030
greatly accelerated the depletion of natural resources and (Pelin and Mehmet 2022). As the world’s second-largest
waste generation, and this is especially acute in develop- economy, China became the biggest producer of solid waste
ing countries (Liu et al. 2017; Guerrero et al. 2013). The in 2004 due to its unprecedented urbanization, industriali-
world generates 2.01 billion tons of municipal solid waste zation, and steady improvements in living standards (Chen
annually, with highly conservative estimates putting at least et al. 2014). In addition, China became the world’s largest
33% of that managed in an environmentally unsafe man- carbon dioxide emitter in 2014. It is estimated that 1.6 bil-
ner. Global waste is expected to reach 3.40 billion tons by lion tons of ­CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions was
2050, growing at more than double the rate of population generated from solid waste treatment and disposal in 2016,
growth in the same period (World Bank 2019). According equivalent to 5% of global emissions (World Bank 2019). In
contrast to China, many developed countries like Germany
and Japan have adopted systematic approaches to deal with
Responsible Editor: Ta Yeong Wu solid waste disposal. Likewise, the European Union and the
USA have developed complex and multifaceted solid waste
* Jian Zhang
zhangjian@bistu.edu.cn management systems by combining and coordinating new
technologies, economic approaches, and regulatory institu-
Beijing Key Lab of Green Development Decision tions (Pires et al. 2011). These practices have led to posi-
Making Based On Big Data, Beijing Information Science tive changes in sustainable development and improved solid
and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China
waste management.
China Association of Circular Economy, Beijing 100037,

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:83330–83340 83331

Researchers use different models in academic studies Table 2  Comprehensive utilization of ISW (unit: million tons)
to predict and evaluate solid waste management efficiency ISW production ISW utilization Utilization rate
(Table 1) and put forward corresponding management meas-
ures and policy opinions based on the results. 2016 3092.10 1840.96 59.5%
These studies used the gray model (GM), two-stage data 2017 3315.92 1811.87 54.6%
envelopment analysis (DEA), ASTM D5231-92, waste 2018 3661.02 1935.82 52.9%
input–output model (IO), and other methods to predict 2019 3867.51 2061.59 53.3%
ISW generation and utilization. They also used correlation 2020 3675.46 2037.98 55.4%
analysis to assess solid waste management from economic Data for 2018 was estimated due to missing data
and climatic perspectives; examined the impact of indus-
trial structure, consumption patterns, export structure, and
technological changes on ISW generation and utilization; ISW utilization is a hot topic in China. Since the 1990s,
and explored the relationship between various industries and China has targeted comprehensive utilization of solid
ISW. However, due to the limited amount of sample data waste in its strategy for environmental protection. As part
available, there is little research on ISW utilization at the of the strategy, solid waste was separated into four major
city/industrial park level, and big data analysis needs to be categories: municipal solid waste, ISW, hazardous waste,
utilized for more in-depth research. and agricultural waste (Zhou et al. 2017). ISW is typi-
Globally, various industrial sectors are major resource cally further divided into general industrial solid waste
consumers and polluters, and the scale and intensity of and hazardous solid waste. Data from China’s National
industrial activity in China is the world’s highest. In 2020, Bureau of Statistics shows that total annual ISW produc-
China’s total ISW production exceeded 3.67 billion tons tion increased from 2409 million tons in 2010 to 3675
(Table 2; NBS (National Bureau of Statistics of China) million tons in 2020, up 52.5% in 10 years. So far, a total
2022). The low utilization rate of solid waste such as alu- of about 60 billion tons has accumulated, covering more
mina red mud, phosphogypsum, and steel slag, means the than two million hectares of land, and posing a significant
total average utilization rate is below 60%, leaving consider- threat to sustainable development. Thus, it is clear the
able room for improvement. comprehensive utilization of ISW is an important step

Table 1  Some research on solid waste management

Reference Research object Sample size Sample period Methodology

Adeniran et al. 2017 Characterizing solid waste gen- Four zones Three weeks American society of testing
eration, University of Lagos, material (ASTM) D5231-92,
Nigeria Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (RCRA) Waste
Sampling Draft Technical Guid-
ance methods
Ugwu et al. 2020 Quantification and characteriza- 52 waste collection points 2017–2018 ASTM D5231-92 method/stand-
tion of municipal solid waste ard
Yang et al. 2016 Analyzing and predicting indus- 24 industrial sectors 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002 Regional IO analysis generation
trial solid waste production model
Guan et al. 2019 ISW production and relation- 22 economic sectors 2013 A composite waste input–output
ships among different sectors (WIO) model
Yang et al. 2020 Predicting ISW generation and ISWs in China 2006–2017 Metabolic gray model (MGM)
Rakibul et al. 2022 Yard waste prediction 12 years of waste data 2007–2018 Gray model (GM)
Lema et al. 2019 Assessing the status of solid 413 households 2017 Cross-sectional design
waste management in Asella
Li et al. 2020 Industrial waste processing 30 provincial-level regions 2006–2010 Two-stage DEA with undesirable
treatment and recycling inputs
Pathak et al. 2020 Assessing factors impacting 3300 households May 2016 A random sampling technique
waste generation
Guo et al. 2021 Factors affecting solid waste 16 years of data 2004–2019 A structural equation model
management in developing

83332 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:83330–83340

in improving waste resource utilization efficiency and is DEA model development

necessary for sustainable economic and social develop-
ment (Zhou 2021). Data shows that developing countries DEA is a non-parametric method based on linear program-
have entered a period of rapid development in solid waste ming that obtains an index of efficiency in order to assess the
reuse and recycling (Li et al. 2018). Most notably, the performance of decision-making units (DMUs) with multi-
carbon neutrality target proposed in 2020 puts forward ple inputs and outputs (Sala-Garrido and Molinos-Senante
new requirements for ISW utilization. 2020). Each DMU can adopt a weighting to maximize its
Constructing ISW utilization demonstration centers performance score in comparison to other units. DEA, intro-
promotes utilization of ISW. With the continued role out duced by Charnes et al. (1978), and its model structure have
of ISW utilization centers, it is estimated that by 2030, been applied to many different research settings. Standard
the total utilization of ISW in China will exceed 4 billion DEA models are typically created using the input and output
tons, which will, directly and indirectly, reduce carbon data of each DMU. However, some datasets lack inputs, or
emissions by about 970 million tons per year (CACE the original input–output data cannot be easily recovered.
2021). Improving the efficiency at ISW utilization centers This is the case in this paper, as it is difficult to attain the
will boost economic development and also be good for the input data and statistics for overall ISW utilization, and only
environment. To do this requires optimizing these centers output indicators can be used.
and developing industries that can utilize ISW, increasing Despite this issue, DEA is still suitable for evaluating the
scientific and technological investment to accelerate utili- effectiveness of multiple outputs and inputs in the field of
zation, developing and integrating cutting-edge technolo- waste utilization and circular economy. For instance, Fan
gies, and converting scientific and technological break- et al. (2017) used DEA to evaluate and rank the ecological
throughs into practical solutions. Before all this occurs, efficiency of 40 industrial parks in China in 2012 and find
we must first get a clear picture of the current situation, critical factors influencing eco-efficiency. Al-Refaie et al.
by calculating and ranking ISW utilization efficiency. In (2016) evaluated the industrial sector’s energy efficiency and
this way, differences between centers can be compared, productivity growth from 1999 to 2013 using DEA. Pelin
and appropriate targets can be set. However, trial ISW and Mehmet (2023) optimized the energy costs of ground-
utilization centers still suffer from low ISW utilization water treatment using DEA. Giannakitsidou et al. (2020)
and low added value. Thus, it is also necessary to evaluate measure the environmental and circular economy perfor-
what factors drive solid waste utilization performance. mance of 26 EU countries by implementing DEA using the
In order to track resource utilization at ISW centers generated quantity of MSW per capita and the three dimen-
and provide a scientific basis for waste management, this sions of the Social Progress Index as inputs and recycling
paper evaluates how each center performs in terms of ISW or cyclical material use rate as outputs. In addition to tradi-
resource utilization. It also analyzes what factors influ- tional DEA, other methods such as two-stage DEA are also
ence performance through the context-dependent DEA used in the field of resource evaluation: Shao et al. (2019)
model without explicit inputs (DEA-WEI model) and the and Wang and Feng (2020) evaluated the eco-efficiency of
Tobit model. The structure of the paper is as follows: China’s industrial sector using a two-stage DEA analysis
The “Model” section introduces the DEA-WEI model model with undesirable inputs to assess the efficiency of
and selects output efficiency indicators; the “Results recycling treatment and industrial waste reuse. Storto (2021)
and discussion” Sect. 3 shows ISW utilization rates and implemented three different DEA-based models to meas-
ranks 48 industrial centers on these rates, analyzes the ure municipal solid waste service productivity from 2010
factors influencing ISW utilization performance through to 2017.
the Tobit model, and makes policy recommendations; the In addition, Wang et al. (2020) measured the CE effi-
“Conclusion” Sect. 4 summarizes the main conclusions ciency of circular transformation pilot industrial parks
and findings of this study, and points out the limitations by developing an original DEA-RA model. Zhang et al.
and possible future research directions. (2020) developed a model using both DEA and inverted-
DEA to enhance the discrimination power of DMUs with
undesirable outputs. Halkos and Petrou (2019) examined
the efficiency of 28 EU member states for 2008, 2010,
Model 2012, and 2014 by employing DEA and a directional
distance function to tackle undesirable outputs. Yu et al.
As the need to research industrial pollution has grown in (2020) analyzed the ecological efficiency trends in indus-
recent years, the DEA model has seen increasing use to trial enterprises in China’s coastal provinces using the
evaluate industrial resource utilization. non-ideal output super-efficiency DEA model (US-DEA).
The above research shows how a standalone DEA method

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:83330–83340 83333

or a DEA model in combination with other methods can 𝜃o∗ = max 𝜃 (2)
be used to evaluate industrial, ecological, and environ-
mental efficiency. However, few studies evaluate ISW n
utilization. Therefore, using big data on solid waste, this

s.t. 𝜆j yrj ≥ 𝜃yro , ∀r
paper uses the DEA-WEI method to evaluate ISW resource j=1
In some cases, we use outputs to evaluate waste utiliza- n
tion in industrial parks without explicitly considering the

𝜆j = 1
inputs. In real-world scenarios, often only a section of an j=1
index is usable. In the DEA literature, DEA models for index
data have been widely used (Despotis 2005; Liu et al. 2011; 𝜆j ≥ 0, ∀j
Lahouel et al. 2020). Yu and Hou (2016) established a super
efficiency interval data envelopment analysis model based Next, we look at the output-oriented context-dependent
on traditional DEA, which not only discriminates the per- DEA model without inputs.
formance of efficient DMUs from inefficient ones, but can Defining J 1 = {DMUj , j = 1, … , n}, J l+1 = J l − El, where
also distinguish between the efficient DMUs. However, inef- E = {DMUo ∈ J l |𝜃 ∗ (l, o) = 1}, and 𝜃 ∗ (l, o) is the optimal

ficient DMUs are typically unable to quickly improve their value to the following output-oriented model:
performance due to obstacles like technology limitations,
𝜃 ∗ (l, o) = min 𝜃(l, o) (3)
lack of available resources, and local government policies. In 𝜆j ,𝜃(l,o)
the case of ISW resource utilization, issues such as a lack of
resources, policy, and technology make it difficult for centers n
to quickly improve waste utilization performance.

s.t. 𝜆j yrj ≥ 𝜃(l, o)yro , ∀r
Therefore, a more realistic target for an inefficient DMU j∈F (J l )
should be based on something easier to achieve. Progress
measures provide incremental goals for the performance n

of inefficient DMU through different levels of best prac- 𝜆j = 1
tice frontiers. In order to obtain relative practicality, some j∈F (J l )
scholars use a context-dependent DEA method by defining
the relative performance concerning a particular best prac- 𝜆j ≥ 0, j ∈ F(J l )
tice context according to their evaluation contexts. Seiford
and Zhu (2003) developed an algorithm to remove the best where F(J l ) signifies DMUj ∈ J l , and F(.) indicates the cor-
practice frontier to allow for the remaining inefficient DMUs respondence from DMUj to the corresponding subscript
and then obtained a new second-level best practice frontier. index set. When l = 1, model (3) degenerates into model
This can be extended to remove the second-level best prac- (2), and E1 consists of all the frontier DMUs. When l = 1,
tice frontier and obtain a third-level best practice frontier, model (3) provides the second-level best practice frontier
and so on, until no DMU is left. Eventually, the DMUs can after removing the first level frontier DMUs, and so on. We
be partitioned into several levels of best practice frontiers. identify several levels of best practice frontiers in this man-
Motivated by the above examples, we developed the ner. El is the l th-level best practice frontier.
DEA-WEI model. This model can be used to assess perfor- The following algorithm identifies these best practice fron-
mance and efficacy, even though inputs are not taken into tiers by using model (3).
account, as is the case when assessing waste utilization Algorithm for stratifying DMUs:
performance in industrial parks. Step 1. Set l = 1. Use model (3) to evaluate the entire set
Assuming each DMUj (j = 1, 2, ⋯ , n) has s outputs yrj , of DMUs J 1 = {DMUj , j = 1, … , n} to obtain the first-level
(r = 1,2,…,s) without explicit inputs. We first define the frontier DMUs, and set E1.
production possibility set: Step 2. Exclude the frontier DMUs from future DEA runs,
{( )|∑n ∑n } set J l+1 = J l − El. If J l+1 = ∅, then the algorithm stops.
T = 1, yr |
| j=1
𝜆j yrj ≥ yr , ∀r;
𝜆j = 1;𝜆j ≥ 0, ∀j Step 3. Use model (3) to evaluate the new subset of “inef-
(1) ficient” DMUs J l+1 to obtain a new set of efficient DMUs El+1.
According to definition (1) of production possibility set Step 4. Let l = l + 1, go to step 2.
for DMUo , we develop the following output-oriented VRS Thus, we obtain a stratification of the whole set of DMUs
envelopment DEA performance evaluation model without in the algorithm.
inputs based on Lovell and Pastor (1999):

83334 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:83330–83340

Indicators and data sources the number of input and output indicators; otherwise, many
effective DMUs may be ignored (Golany and Roll 1989). In
The sample of 48 DMUs is drawn from the “Industrial this study, the number of DMUs was 24 times the number of
Resource Comprehensive Utilization Center List (Second indicators, in line with the research specification.
Batch).” These 48 industrial waste resource utilization cent-
ers were selected by the National Development and Reform
Commission of China, as they had a considerable amount Results and discussion
of ISW. As such they are the focal point of China’s efforts
to improve ISW utilization. In addition, the total amount of LINGO software was used to calculate the overall ISW
solid waste generated from these sites increased from 700 resource utilization value for each DMU in 2018 and 2020.
million tons in 2018 to 770 million tons in 2020, while uti- The hierarchical method was used to generate the ratings
lization increased from 480 million tons to 630 million tons. for the 48 centers in the sample. Where the DEA-WEI
As such, these centers are significant for studying the per- evaluation value of the first layer is 1, DMU performance
formance evaluation of ISW utilization. Data for Pingxiang is optimal. The overall utilization performance rating of
City, Jiangxi Province, was missing and was replaced by ISW resources in 2018 and 2020 is 19 and 18, respectively.
data for Yanshan County, Jiangxi Province. In addition, other
missing data points have been checked and supplemented.
In ISW management, the input and output indicators are Performance evaluation of DMUs
not clearly defined (Geng et al. 2011). As various factors
may determine ISW resource utilization, there is no set of The values of all DMUs in the first-layer effective frontier
standardized input data. Based on Zhou and Zhang (2019) are between 1 and 4.4674 in 2018, and between 1 and
and Li et al. (2020), and the availability and accuracy of the 2.0427 in 2020, showing the performance gap between
sample data, ISW utilization rate (waste utilization) and out- DMUs shrunk. Yanshan County and Xiangyang City had
put values (economic benefits) are used as output indicators. the best overall utilization performance in 2018 and 2020;
The raw data are shown in Appendix 1, and the statistical Huzhou city and Zhengzhou city, industrial bases with
description of the data is shown in Table 3. Compared with larger GDP, had the highest utilization performance in the
2018, the average ISW utilization rate and output value in second tier. Jincheng, Anning, and Dongchuan (in Kun-
2020 increased by 18.8% and 57.5%, respectively. By imple- ming) had performance ratings lower than the 17th tier.
menting advanced technology programs, the minimum value The performance rankings for 2018 and 2020 are shown
of ISW utilization increased from 26.1 to 65.6%, an increase in Fig. 1. We analyze the performance gap between the
of 151.3%. This reflects improvements to ISW utilization high-efficiency DMUs Yanshan and Xiangyang, and the
at each center, with the ISW utilization rate growing more lowest-efficiency Jincheng, Anning, and Dongchuan.
than 50%. The maximum ISW utilization rate value also Yanshan had the most efficient overall ISW utilization
improved. Despite that, the maximum and minimum val- in 2018 and 2020. Yanshan is rich in minerals and gener-
ues of ISW utilization output differ significantly between ates a lot of waste resources, mainly mine tailings. The
2018 and 2020, indicating that there is still a large gap in total utilization rate in 2020 was 130%, as all the solid
the utilization rate. According to DEA best practice, the waste generated in 2020, plus the solid waste accumulated
number of DMUs assessed should be more than five times in previous years was also processed. This efficient use of
solid waste resulted in considerable economic benefits.
For example, in 2018, 11.03 million tons of solid waste
Table 3  Evaluation indicators and descriptive statistics was utilized, including 8.24 million tons of mine tailings,
generating more than CNY 300 million in economic profit.
Output indicators ISW utiliza- ISW utilization
tion rate (%) output value (CNY The Yanshan Industrial Park has excellent technology,
billion) equipment, R&D, and management, helping it achieve
these results. Their efficient resource recycling industrial
2018 Average value 70.1 6.24
chain improves waste resource recycling efficiency while
Variance 236.3 8,199,720
also recovering and utilizing rare/precious metals (in both
Maximum value 116.6 45.34
recycling them and rendering them harmless); its man-
Minimum value 26.1 0.23
agement, made up of a team of four, also helps improve
2020 Average value 83.3 9.83
performance. Finally, its location in central China means
Variance 117.4 16,844,300
labor costs are cheaper than the more economically devel-
Maximum value 134.0 53.2
oped coastal areas.
Minimum value 65.6 1.03

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:83330–83340 83335

Fig. 1  Evaluation values for 48 centers and 7 regions in 2018 and 2020 (Appendix 2)

Xiangyang is a vital automobile manufacturing products. It generated 16.01 million tons of waste in 2018,
and phosphorus chemical base, rich in phosphate rock much more than other locations, but the overall utilization
resources. Its economy is dominated by heavy industry, rate was only 38.8%. The most common types of waste are
which produces various types of ISW in large quantities, coal gangue and fly ash, and added value is relatively low,
among them, phosphogypsum, fly ash, and about 7.95 mil- resulting in low utilization. Over in Anning, the develop-
lion tons of other bulk ISW in 2018. In the same year, ment of traditional iron, steel and phosphorus industries
the overall utilization rate of solid waste reached 73.6%. has encountered a bottleneck due to resource depletion.
Xiangyang has formed a complete resource recycling In 2018, the comprehensive utilization rate of waste was
industrial system around industrial waste such as lead, 38.5%, while total phosphogypsum utilization added value
scrap steel, and aluminum. It has also cultivated industrial was low. However, as completion of the center drew to a
clusters with gypsum production as the core. There are close in 2020, the utilization rate increased to 78%. Thus,
eight enterprises with an output value exceeding CNY 1 large amounts of solid waste resources became economic
billion, as such they are essential engines for Xiangyang’s resources, and Anning’s utilization rank went up four
economic and social development. In 2018, industrial places. Dongchuan is a typical resource-exporting mining
waste such as scrap steel and aluminum scrap were almost city and a source of raw materials for the copper industry.
fully utilized, but the utilization rate of phosphogypsum It is also a resource-poor city focused on copper mining
was less than 30%. However, as the technology at enter- and smelting. Its geographical location and lack of mineral
prises engaged in ISW utilization improved, total utiliza- resources led to low utilization rates.
tion has continued to grow. By 2020, the total utilization Figure 2 shows that some locations have significant
rate of phosphogypsum exceeded 60%. differences between 2018 and 2020, such as Xinyu High-
One of the main reasons some locations performed tech Zone (XYG), Jixi City (JC), Yulin City (YL), and
worse than others is the low utilization rate of solid waste. Fuquan City (FQ). Xinyu is a pilot city for dealing with
For example, Jincheng is a typical mining city. Its eco- resource exhaustion. Due to the constraints of local eco-
nomic development has long relied on coal and it gen- nomic development, insufficient investment in science and
erates a large amount of ISW when producing industrial technology, lack of skilled workers, and the lack of public

83336 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:83330–83340

Fig. 2  Comprehensive utilization evaluation value of samples in 2018 and 2020 (the larger the number, the lower the performance)

technology platforms, Xinyu has not yet formed a techni- management levels in different regions, with eastern regions
cal support system to develop ISW utilization. While the doing better than central and western regions.
overall utilization rate of other bases has improved, XYG’s
utilization rate dropped from 70.4% in 2018 to 70.3% in Factors influencing performance
2020, so utilization performance fell seven levels in just
2 years. This section analyzes the factors influencing utilization effi-
ciency. The dependent variable is the performance of each
Regional performance comparative analysis DMU, with values greater than one, in line with the Tobit
regression model.
To analyze performance trends on a larger scale, we divided
the sample into seven regions: North China (NC), Northeast Tobit model setting and variable selection
China (NE), East China (EC), Central China (CC), South
China (SC), Southwest China (SW), and Northwest China Technology research and development and the transforma-
(NW). Figure 1 shows the average value for the effective tion of scientific and technological achievements into practi-
frontier of the first layer in 2018–2020 for the seven regions. cal applications play a pivotal role in overall ISW utilization.
Overall, ISW utilization in 2018–2020 has mostly improved. The three explanatory variables below represent the level of
In 2018, East China performed the best, with 1.3113; while science and technology at each location:
Southwest China was the worst, at 2.2958. There are sev-
eral major differences between these two regions which help The proportion of technology research in the total output
explain the gap. value of the center (Rate R&D)
From 2018 to 2020, the seven regions continued techno- The number of technology transformation projects imple-
logical research, with more and more S&T achievements, mented (Project S&T)
transformative projects, and high-tech enterprises. South The number of high-tech and innovative enterprises
China’s performance improved dramatically due to progress (High-tech Enterprise)
at Yulin city. Although the ISW performance in Southwest
China increased the most in 2020, reaching 1.7118, it still Rate R&D represents the technological innovation capa-
ranks last among the seven regions. Furthermore, there is bility of each location, reflecting the government’s financial
still a big gap between East China and South China. Perfor- support for the utilization of industrial resources. Project
mance in Northwest and East China fell. In the Northwest, S&T measures the ability enterprises in a location are able
the reason for the decline was its poor location and lagging to turn scientific and technological breakthroughs into prac-
technological development; East China was affected by the tical applications, thereby increasing solid waste utilization
diminishing marginal utility of its ISW utilization rate. This and adding value. Finally, High-tech Enterprise measures
indicates China’s waste utilization performance has promi- the number of high-tech enterprises in a location. The more
nent regional characteristics, but regional gaps are narrow- high-tech enterprises there are, the better the industrial
ing. Our findings are in line with the research results of Geng structure is.
et al. (2011), which showed a significant difference in ISW

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:83330–83340 83337

As the evaluation value of ISW utilization is greater than improve ISW utilization performance. However, the Rate
one, the parameters estimated by ordinary OLS regression R&D in this study has an inhibitory effect on the utilization
will be biased and inconsistent. In this paper, the limited performance. It may be due to the technology not being fully
dependent variable Tobit model is used to analyze the main mature, or a large amount of research investment has not had
factors affecting the ISW utilization performance; using data a transformative effect on ISW utilization technology; also,
from 48 resource utilization centers in 2020 for regression, the small sample size may have caused a calculation error.
the Tobit model is: The other two factors do promote overall ISW utili-
zation performance. Project S&T encapsulates the idea
y = C + b1 × Rate R&D + b2 × Project S&T
(4) that the more projects implement S&T achievements, the
+ b3 × Hightech Enterprise + e better ISW utilization. Therefore, centers should actively
encourage technological innovation through policies that
where the dependent variable y is the evaluation values on
encourage implementing S&T achievements in various
the first-layer effective frontier in 2020 calculated by the
projects; promote efficient, high-value, and large-scale
DEA-WEI model in the “Results and discussion” section; C
ISW utilization; and generally push forward solid waste
is the intercept term; b1, b2, and b3 are the regression coeffi-
resource utilization.
cients of Rate R&D, Project S&T, and High-tech Enterprise,
High-tech Enterprise represents the number of high-
respectively; e is the residual term.
tech enterprises in a location. The scientific and techno-
logical research and development of high-tech enterprises
Empirical results analysis
can help break through any bottlenecks holding back devel-
opments in the ISW utilization industry. Strong intellec-
Using SPSSAU to estimate the Tobit model, the sample size
tual property protection is an important factor to create
was 48. The factors influencing ISW utilization are shown
technological innovation, as without IP protection, com-
in Table 4. The variance inflation factor (VIF) indicated no
panies will not invest resources in this area of technol-
severe multicollinearity among the explanatory variables.
ogy. To further stimulate development at ISW utilization
All three explanatory variables are generally correlated
enterprises, central and local government should introduce
with comprehensive utilization performance at a signifi-
new or adapt existing policies relating to land supply, tax
cance level of 0.1; Project S&T and High-tech Enterprise
reduction and exemption, construction funds, and invest-
positively impact utilization. Contrary to expectations, Rate
ment incentives.
R&D has a negative impact.
According to SAF (sensitivity analysis factor) = △y/y/
(△x/x), the greater the absolute value of the sensitivity
Impact of solid waste type on ISW utilization
coefficient, the stronger the sensitivity. When Rate R&D,
Project S&T, and High-tech Enterprise change by 10%, the
It is worth noting that the type of solid waste also affects
corresponding sensitivity coefficients are ± 36.9%, ± 49.3%,
overall utilization performance. The most common types of
and ± 47.4%, respectively. Therefore, the changes in the
ISW of the 48 centers in this study are fly ash, coal gangue,
three factors affect the first-level efficiency value to varying
mine tailings, metallurgical slag, chemical slag, desulfurized
degrees, and Project S&T is the main sensitivity factor. This
gypsum, and red mud.
is the theoretical support for each center to attract investment
Coal-fired power plants and other enterprises that con-
and increase projects. Generally, improving technological
sume large quantities of coal produce a great amounts of
research and development capabilities and introducing more
fly ash. Therefore, if utilization rates of fly ash are low, it
technical research teams and scientific research experts will
will quickly accumulate. As fly ash can be used in the pro-
duction of cement and building materials, higher volumes
of fly ash promote a general increase in the total utiliza-
Table 4  Tobit regression results tion rate in centers where fly ash is used effectively. For
example, in Zhengzhou, Xiangyang, Hefei, Tongling, and
Regression Standard error z-value p-value
coefficients other high-efficiency areas, fly ash utilization was 100%.
Another commonly produced ISW in locations with rich
Intercept 1.625 0.087 18.598 0.000 coal resources is coal gangue. Utilization of coal gangue
Rate R&D 0.008 0.004 1.77 0.077 in applications like power generation, cement, building
Project S&T − 0.008 0.004 − 1.947 0.052 materials, and backfilling goaf has pushed the utilization
High-tech Enter- − 0.006 0.004 − 1.728 0.084 rate of coal gangue to 53.7% in 2018. For example, cities
like Changzhi, Qitaihe, and Gangcheng have relatively
log(Sigma) − 0.936 0.108 − 8.676 0.000
high ISW utilization performance as coal gangue is the

83338 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:83330–83340

main type of ISW produced. In comparison, Red mud has Conclusion

the lowest utilization rate of the different types of ISW
assessed. Red mud is formed from solid waste discharged This paper uses the DEA-WEI model to evaluate the ISW
when alumina is extracted from bauxite. With the annual utilization performance at 48 ISW utilization centers in
increase in alumina production and the gradual decrease China and analyzes the areas with high/low utilization per-
of bauxite grade, the production of red mud in China will formance and their changes. The results show the aver-
continue to increase. In 2018, the utilization rate of red age utilization value has decreased from 1.7193 in 2018
mud in China was less than 5%. Low red mud utilization to 1.5624 in 2020, and gaps in utilization performance
rates at Zibo (6.6%) and Jiaozuo (0.2%) cities in 2018 between different bases are narrowing. Yanshan and
highlight this. As a result, the utilization performance Xiangyang ranked the best in comprehensive utilization
of ISW resources in these two cities was relatively low. performance in both years: Yanshan’s utilization rate was
Therefore, large amounts of red mud at a center seri- 134% in 2020, and the utilization output value exceeded
ously affect the overall utilization performance of ISW CNY 11.9 billion; the utilization rate of phosphogypsum in
resources. Xiangyang went from less than 30% in 2018 to more than
60% in 2020. Comparative analysis shows that Dongchuan
Recommendations lags the other centers due to its geographical location and
mineral resource depletion. Other than some locations like
In order to improve ISW utilization, this paper puts forward Xinyu High-tech Zone and Yulin city which have seen
the following suggestions. large changes, the overall performance ranking of other
Firstly, enhance the completeness of solid waste recy- locations has not changed much. This paper finds regional
cling policies by developing circular economy incen- differences in comprehensive utilization efficiency, with
tives at the regional level and increase financial sup- the highest efficiency in East China and South China and
port for infrastructure and other major projects related the lowest in Southwest China. Still, policy guidance and
to comprehensive utilization; setting up special funds for technological development have led to significant changes
ISW utilization, focusing on developing and promoting in the Southwest region, whose evaluation value went from
utilization of advanced and applicable processes, tech- 2.2958 in 2018 to 1.7118 in 2020. Compared with other
nologies, and products; implementing preferential value- regions, the overall utilization performance in Northwest
added tax policy for products made via ISW utilization; China has seen the slowest improvements due its disad-
and increasing the tax rate rebate for products with poor vantages in technology and location. However, regional
overall utilization performance: For example, red mud differences in ISW utilization performance are narrowing.
could have 50% of the value-added tax refunded, while A Tobit model was used to analyze which factors influence
phosphogypsum should aim for 70%. Project planning ISW utilization performance and analyze how solid waste
and financial support should also focus on supporting type impacted ISW utilization. The findings are greater
these waste projects. amounts of solid waste such as fly ash, coal gangue, and
Secondly, facilitate research into and diffusion of sci- red mud affect regional utilization performance; this study
entific and technological achievements. Guide research also found Project S&T and High-tech Enterprise have a
institutions to participate in the construction of enter- positive impact, while Rate R&D has an inhibitory effect
prise technology R&D centers, strengthen talent training on utilization performance. This finding requires a larger
and team building, encourage technological transforma- sample size for further in-depth analysis. This article has
tion and upgrading of enterprises, and promote resource some limitations. First, this research is limited to a dataset
sharing. Areas with low performance should strengthen of 2 years, so it is hard to draw conclusions on longer-
technical cooperation and exchange, learn from proven term trends. Second, a larger sample size is needed to
experience and technologies, introduce technologies with better understand which factors have an impact on ISW
economic benefits, adapt technology to local conditions, utilization. Third, future research directions should focus
and apply scientific and technological achievements. on richer data to further examine ISW utilization from
Thirdly, focus on solid waste that is produced in large a productivity perspective (such as operations, resource
amounts but has low utilization rates, starting with red productivity, and management skills).
mud and mine tailings. First, research needs to be done
into innovative techniques that can increase ISW resource Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at https://​doi.​org/​10.​1007/​s11356-​023-​27909-y.
utilization and have good economic benefits. From there,
these techniques can be used across sectors and regions to Author contribution All authors have read and agree to the published
boost utilization rates for these types of ISW. version of the manuscript. All authors contributed to the study con-
ception and design. Conceptualization of ideas, research objectives,

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:83330–83340 83339

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