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Trung tâm Tiếng Anh Bigtree Land C1-C2 – ÔN THI CHUYÊN ANH 9 VÀO 10




EX1: Fill in the blank with an appropriate form of one of the words given to
make a meaningful passage.

bridge live allegation sequential name

healthy corporate accompany license gainful

William Sydney Porter (1862-1910), who wrote under the (1) pseudonym of O. Henry,
was born in North Carolina. His only formal education was to attend his Aunt Lina's
school until the age of fifteen, where he developed his (2) lifelong love of books. By
1881 he was a (3) licensed pharmacist.

However, within a year, on the recommendation of a medical colleague of his Father's,

Porter moved to La Salle County in Texas for two years herding sheep. During the time,
Webster’s (4) Unabridged Dictionary was his constant (5) companion and Porter gained
a knowledge of ranch life that he later (6) incorporated into many of his short stories.
He then moved to Austin for three years, and during this time the first recorded use of
his pen name appeared (7) allegedly derived from his habit of calling "Oh, Henry" to a
family cat. In 1887, Porter married Athol Estes. He worked as a draftsman, then as a
bank teller for the First National Bank.

In 1894 Porter founded his own humor weekly, the "Rolling Stone", a venture that failed
within a year, and later wrote a column for the Houston Daily Post. In the meantime,
the First National Bank was examined, and the (8) subsequent indictment of 1886 stated
that Porter had embezzled funds. Porter then fled to

EX2: Supply the correct forms of the word given

1. To the uninitiated, most computer systems seem complex and difficult to

understand. (INITIATIVE)

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2. The pieces of evidence fell into place with the unequivocal precision of a well-
made jigsaw puzzle. (VOICE)

3. Parents have deep misgivings about allowing business values to be used in schools.

4. For many people, social networking offers them a feeling of escapism from the real
world. (ESCAPE)

5. Not sick, Mai guessed, but probably hungover now that she drank a lot at the party
last night. (HANG)

6. The boats surrounded the whales, drove them into nets, where they became
enmeshed and were rendered helpless by harpoon thrusts. (MESH)

7. “P” is a bilabial consonant. (LIP)

8. Perhaps counter – intuitive recent computer modeling studies predict fewer tropical
cyclones if the ocean heats up further as a result of global warming. (INTUITION)

9. New immigrants have been successfully assimilated into the community. (SIMILAR)

10. We have to learn good examples, to look at our behavior and to stop being self-righteous


EX3. Supply the correct word form of the words in brackets.

1. She stood there completely expressionless so l had no idea at all what she was thinking


2. Any actor who becomes known for one role is in danger of becoming an typecast (TYPE)

3. This school was once requisitioned as a military hospital during the war. (REQUIRE)

4. So far, the United States has said it cannot agree to legislate all types of antipersonnel
mines. (LAW)

5. In Scotland, there is greater emphasis on self-evaluation by individual schools.


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6. According to a recent survey in Britain, more women than men emphasized

confidence and trust. (CONFIDENCE)

7. People also read these papers for their reviews of new books, films and plays and for
their (EDIT) editorials

8. Since most important problems are multi – faceted, there are several alternatives to
choose from, each with unique advantages and disadvantages. (FACET)

9. The rocks appear to be stationary but in the high winds that whip across this desert
landscape, they are in reality moving imperceptibly ( PERCEIVE)

10. After the cup final, the triumphant team bussed back to the hotel parading the

cup as they went. (TRIUMPH)

EX4. Supply each gap with the correct form of the words given in the box.

alter slouch course mind misery

recede round reside real multiple


Holidays at home are usually a last (1) recourse when all other options have been ruled
out for one reason or another, but, in these tough times when money is perhaps tighter
than ever before, the grim (2) reality that the stay-at-home vacation may be the only
realistic (3) alternative is one that more and more of us are faced with.

However, this does not have to mean a (4) miserable time in the same old (5) surrounds
you are in for the other 355-odd days of the year. For those willing to think outside the
box a little, there are, in fact, a (6) multitude of possibilities that should be explored.

Ever thought about a house swap, for example? The house swap is ultimate holiday (7)
recession buster. And there are now websites on which (8) like-minded individuals,
couples and families looking to get a flavour of the life lived in some else's home can
hook up and start house swapping.

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Okay, so it’s nọt the two weeks in Gran Canaria you might have hoped for, but staying
in someone else’s (9) residence for a few days at least, whether it be ten, fifty or one
hundred miles away, sure beats (10) slouching around at home on your sofa.
EX5: Supply the correct forms of the words given.

1. The cottage has no vehicular access but can be reached by a short walk across the
moor. (VEHICLE)

2. He climbed out, leaving the car upended on its roof. (END)

3. Physicians must exercise caution when prescribing anti – depressants DEPRESS)

4. He pointed out that e-books were not only cheaper, because of the lack of wear and
tear and thefts, but they also offered great opportunities for older housebound readers.

5. One of the United Nations' earliest successes was to promote a largely peaceful
process of decolonization (COLONY)

6. After several threatening calls, we decided to go ex – directory (DIRECT)

7. At least in theory, this should make the region increasingly attractive to foreign
investment from further afield (FIELD)

8. “Villa' was something of a misnomer the place was no more than an old farmhouse.

9. Mickey Mouse made his screen debut on November 18, 1928 and has been a crowd-
pleaser ever since. (CROWD)

10. A baby leopard has been pictured suckling a lioness in the wild, ïn the first ever
documented example of inter – species parenting of its kind. (SPECIES)

EX6: Fill in the blank with an appropriate form of one of the words given to make
a meaningful passage.
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regulate value back feed cognitive

except provide direct decide know

Children's educational environment contributes to the IQ score and the way intelligence
is used. For example, a very close positive relationship was found when children`s IQ
scores were compared with their home educational (1) provision. The higher children's
IQ scores, especially over IQ 130, the better the quality of their educational (2) backup
measured in terms of reported verbal interactions with parents, number of books and
activities in their home etc. Because 1Q tests are(3) decidedly influenced by what the
child has learned, they are to some extent measures of current achievement based on
age-norms; that is, how well the children have learned to manipulate their knowledge
and (4) know-how within the terms of the test. But IQ tests can neither identify the
processes of learning and thinking nor predict creativity.

Excellence does not emerge without appropriate help. To reach a(n) (5) exceptionally

high standard in any area very able children need the means to learn, which includes
material to work with and focused challenging tuition -and the encouragement to follow
their dream. There appears to be a qualitative difference in the way the intellectually
highly able think, compared with more average-ability or older pupils, for whom
external regulation by the teacher often compensates for lack of internal regulation. To
be at their most effective in their (6) self-regulatory stratcgies, all children can be helped
to identify their own ways of learning - (7) metacognition which will include strategies
of planning, monitoring, (8) evaluating, and choosing what to learn. Yet, in order to
learn by themselves, the gifted do need support from their teachers. Conversely,
teachers who have the tendency to (9) over-direct can diminish their gifted pupils'
learning autonomy. Although (10) spoon-feeding can produce extremely high
examination results, these are not always followed by equally impressive life successes.

EX7: Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of

the word in block capitals

1. For many people, Ludwig Van Beethoven is the most influential figure in the history
of western classical music. (INFLUENCE)

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2. His extraordinary talent was already clearly evident. (ORDINARY)

3. His day-to-day relationships with people invariably turned out to be rather turbulent.

4. He apparently fell in love with a number of society women. (APPEAR)

5. However, the identity of the girl who lay closest to his heart remains elusive

to this day. (ELUDE)

6. The cargo was containerized for safe and efficient shipping. (CONTENT)

7. She sidesteps questions about whether she plans to run, saying she`s focused on her
voter registration and campaign finance initiatives. (STEP).

8. Mark, a telegenic commentator, was often featured on state television

explaining government policy. (TELEVISION)

9. Politicians and academics pointed to the building’s unbecoming contours as a

cautionary tale of architectural overreach. (BECOME)

10. The project was subject to the usual vicissitude of exploratory research. (VICIOUS)

EX8: Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space.

A live broadcast of any public event, such as a space flight or sporting occasion, is
almost (1) invariably (VARIABLE) accompanied by the thoughts of a (2)
commentator (COMMENT). This may be on television, along with the relevant
pictures, alternatively on radio. The technique involved (3) differs (DIFFERENT)
between the two media, with radio broadcasters needing to be more explicit and (4)
descriptive (DESCRIBE) because of the absence of visual information. TV
commentators do not need to paint a picture of their audience; instead, their various (5)
observations (OBSERVE) should add to the images that are already there. There will
sometimes be silences and pauses in a TV commentary, although these are becoming
(6) increasingly (INCREASE) rare. Both types of commentators should try to be
informative, but should avoid sounding (7) opinionated (OPINION). In sports
commentaries, fairness and (8) impartiality (IMPART) to both sides is vital, but
spontaneity and enthusiasm are valued by those watching or listening. Sports

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commentators usually broadcast live in an essentially unscripted way, although they

may refer to previously prepared materials such as sports statistics. Because of the (9)
unpredictable (PREDICT) nature of live events, thorough preparation in advance is
vital. The Internet has helped enormously with this aspect of the job. Anyone interested
in becoming a commentator should have excellent (10) organisational (ORGANISE)
skills, the willingness to work irregular hours, and a strong voice.

EX9: Supply the correct forms of the word given

1. All the judges gave her ten out of ten for her flawless (FLAW) performance.

2. A cost of $5,000 was on Monday imposed by a court in New Delhi on Chief Minister
Sheila Dikshit in a (FAMOUS) defamation case lodged by her against BJP leader
Vijender Gupta.

3. He was in such a haste to return home that he left at daybreak (DAY)by the first bus.

4. His collection of plants contains many rarities (RARE).

5. For many people, social networking offers them a feeling of escapism (ESCAPE)
from the real world.

6. lf you can afford it, and still have lots of money left, buy it outright (RIGHT).

7. We all take pride in our indestructible (DESTROY) friendship.

8. The (ELECTRIC) Electricity of those mountainous villages is the greatest

achievement of this government.

9. The little boy dreams of being a sports commentator (COMMENT) for the TV

10. The young girl is at a very impressionable (IMPRESS) age so we must make sure
that she goes with the right sort of person.

EX10: Supply the correct forms of the word given

Until comparatively recent times science and technology performed different and
separate functions, the progress of one so often completely (l) unrelated (RELATE) to
the progress of the other.

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(2) Historians (HISTORY) have established that, since the earliest times, the
improvements in our way of life have resulted from an empirical approach, that is a
process of trial and error, by which equipment and tools are made to satisfy important

needs. It is to this approach that we owe the evolution of technology. Our modern
concept of science, both (3) philosophical (PHILOSOPHY) and pragmatic in
approach, stems from the seventeenth century, when extensive investigations into the
natural laws governing the behavior of matter were (4) undertaken (TAKE). It was this
(5) revolutionary ( REVOLUTION) style of thought which led to a science- based
technology. Scientific knowledge was not in itself seen as a (6) replacement (PLACE)
for the earlier system of trial and error, but it did help the technical (7) innovators
(INNOVATE) to see which path of experimentation might be more (8) fruitful
(FRUIT) . With the industrialization of the nineteenth century, the bond between
science and technology (9) strengthened (STRONG). In our own time, the mutual (10)
reliance (RELY) of one discipline upon the other has increased still further.

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EX11: Supply the correct forms of the word given

1. He gave a self-deprecating shrug. He is always making his own achievements seem

unimportant. (DEPRECATE)

2. It’s a well-rounded article which is fair to both sides of the dispute. (ROUND)

3. My friends started going out late to nightclubs so I decided to dissociate myself

from the group. (SOCIAL)

4. New immigrants have been successfully assimilated into its community.


5. She felt her husband constantly belittled her achievements. (LITTLE)

6. Steroids often help reduce the inflammation and itching in the skin. (FLAME)

7. The amounts of radioactivity present were infinitesimally small. (FINITE)

8. The museum’s collection includes artefacts dating back to prehistoric times. (FACT)

9. There is a strong smell of disinfectant in the hospital. (INFECT)

10. This document needs proofreading before sending to the publishing house.

EX12: give details of the type of employment the applicant will be seeking at the
completion of their course

- nim cattle emit firm govern

live voice pose praise project

In January 2001 the (1) intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued its
latest report on climate change. Climate models worked out by giant super-computers
had become far more reliable since the previous report in 1995 and allowed them to (2)
reappraise the earlier (3) projections for global warming. Their conclusions were that
something very serious is happening and that it cannot be a natural process. The 1990s
was the hottest decade for 1.000 years and the Earth is warming faster than at any time
in the last 10.000 years. According to the report, human activities are (4) unequivocally
to blame for the temperature rise. The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide

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and, due to deforestation, there are fewer trees to absorb this gas and recycle it back into
oxygen. Methane concentrations have also gone up dramatically because of increases
in rice culture and (5) cattle raising, both of which generate methane from (6)
decomposing vegetation. These greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere
and cause the temperature to rise.

The IPCC reported-that, in the worst case, the average temperature could rise by 5.8 °C
this century, 2°C higher than their original predictions. The resulting melting of ice-
caps and glaciers would cause sea level to rise by up to 88 cm, endangering the homes
and (7) livelihoods of tens of millions of people who live in low-lying regions.

Unfortunately, there is far greater (8) unanimity among the world's scientists over the
issue than among politicians. As long ago as 1990, the IPCC recommended a 60%
reduction in carbon dioxide (9) emissions as the basic level required to return the
planet's climate to a healthy level.

Now that Governments globally failed to enact these proposals. Now that the dangers
have been (10) reaffirmed by the latest report, it is high time that governments took an
active interest in exploring alternative, renewable energy sources.

EX13: Give the correct form of the word in brackets.

1. The act of disenfranchisement should be prohibited under any circumstances.

Everyone has equal rights to vote. (FRANCHISE)

2. The boss ordered his staff to be collaborative with each other in dealing with the
company's end-of-year burden. (LABOR)

3. It is such a hard-luck story that the mom lost her child when her family immigrated
from Africa into Europe. (LUCK)

4. The mayor was determined that he would do everything in his power to demystify
the murder case. ( MYSTERY)

5. The government stressed it was not abandoning its tough anti-inflationary policies.


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6. The woman detected her precancerous conditions soon after she felt ill in her body.

7. I cast my eyes heavenwards and saw the geese flying in V-line. (HEAVEN)

8. In-service programs are offered to those who want to do professional training

while being païd to work. (SERVICE)

9. It is inhumane to sell dismembered limbs of the animals, such as rhinoceros or

elephants, in the marketplace. (MEMBER)

10. He was regarded as a runaway winner as he beat his opponents in three straight sets.

EX14: Use the correct form of each of the words given in the box to fill in the blank
in the following passages.

persist confer dispose lonely difficult

part think out condition conscious

More than half the world's population consider themselves shy, delegates to the first
international (1) conference on shyness, being held in Cardiff, will be told today. One
in 10 cases is severe. Effects include mutism, speech problems, (2) loneliness blushing,
shaking and trembling, lack of eye contact, (3) difficulty in forming relationships and
social phobia - the most extreme form of shyness, defined by the American Psychiatric
Association as a pronounced and (4) persistent fear of social or performance situations
in which embarrassment may occur. Shy people tend to blame themselves for social
failure and attribute success to (5) outside factors. They expect their behaviour to be
inadequate remember only negative information about themselves and accept without

challenge adverse comments from others.

The causes are complex and not fully understood. The latest theory is that it can be
traced to genes as well as to social (6) conditioning One estimate, based on research
with twins, is that around 15 percent of the population are born with a (7) pre-disposition
to shyness. Some psychologists believe there are two types: an early developing, fearful

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shyness and a later developing, (8) self-conscious shyness. The fearful version emerges
often in the first year of life and is (9) thought to be (10) partly inherited.

EX15: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses

1. For the first night's performance the understudy had to be called in to take the part
because the leading lady was illI. (STUDENT)

2. She survived the crash with minor injuries, but the car was a write-off.(WRITE)

3.Some disaffected members left to form a new party. (AFFECT)

4. They are on a(n) fact-finding mission to gather all data, surveys and specialist reports
to oppose the no smoking ban in Ireland. (FACT)

5. Paying children too much attention when they misbehave can be self-defeating.
(DEFEAT) to achieve but having an opposite effect

6. Prices may rise and consumption may fall as individuals refrain lun purchasing new
cars, computers and other non-essentials (ESSENCE)

7. The only slight imperfection in the painting is a scratch in the corner. (PERFECT)

8. His life offered me no hope of betterment. (GOOD)

9. Catholic leaders have not disassociated themselves from the ambivalent statement
emanating from last week’s funeral. (SOCIAL)

10. Native speakers of all.written languages use context to disambiguate homophone

pairs that have a single written form. (AMBIGUOUS)

EX16: Complete the following passage using the words given in the box below. You
may change the form of the word if necessary.

decimation information weaker pick institute

governmental capital lobby legislate states

“After decades of cutting its own staff and research arms, much of Capitol Hill's (1)
institutional memory and policy expertise now resides in the (2) lobbying industry.This
is the most important sentence in the article. Our penny-wise, pound foolish country has

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(3) decimated its expertise in the sectors that are the object of its (4) legislation ,so now
it relies on lobbyists to tell us how things work.

Unlike government experts who receive decent salaries to keep their congressmen(5)
informed so that they can negotiate with lobbyists with knowledge, these lobbyists use
their monopoly on knowledge to manipulate the system, now regularly writing the laws,
only to get a rubber stamp from Congress. According to our Constitution, democracy
resides in our government. All this (6) anti government propaganda, from the right and
the Democratic centrists, (7) weakens our republic. There are many things markets do
well. There are many things governments do well. The only things the Constitution says
about markets or (8) capitalism (is) that states should regulate their trade and that the
federal government regulates (9) interstate and international trade. Our republic is
supposed to promote the general welfare, not easy (10) pickings for global corporations.

EX17: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the given word.

1. The private school feared losing its accreditation with the state's university system.

2. That the child behaved endearingly made the couple happy. (DEAR)

3. The candidate made a(n) inflammatory speech that incensed all those who heard it.

4. The business is insolvent as it can no longer meet the repayments on its debt.

5. A cyber-café is a popular place for tourists and travellers to send and receive e- mails.

6. In Scotland, there is greater emphasis on self-evaluation by individual schools.


7. Babies affected by the disease will be born small, deformities and brain - damaged.

8. She stood there completely expressionless so I had no idea at all what she was
thinking. (EXPRESS)

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9. “What if?” questions involving counterfactuals are familiar in historical



10. The Prime Minister warned the people of his country that they must be ready

for any eventuality - even the possibility of war. (EVENT)

EX18: Complete the passage with appropriate forms from the words given in the

offend respect irritate temper tolerate

ground construct organize compose burst


We’ve all felt anger at some time, whether as faint annoyance or blind rage. Anger is a
normal, sometime useful human emotion, but uncontrolled (1) outbursts of temper can
be destructive. People who give free rein to their anger, regardless of the(2) offence this
may cause, haven't learned to express themselves (3) constructively, says Martin
Smolik, who runs weekend residential courses in anger management. 'It is Important to
maintain your (4) composure and put your case in an assertive, not aggressive manner
without hurting others. Being assertive doesn't mean being "pushy or demanding; it
means being (5) respectful of yourself and other people.” He adds that people who are
easily angered are (6) intolerant of frustration, inconvenience or irritation and, not
surprisingly find relating to other people very difficult. But what causes people to
behave like this? It seems there is evidence to support the idea that some children may
be born (7) irritable and prone to anger and this tendency is sometimes apparent from a
very early age. However, research also suggests that a person’s family (8) background
may have an influence. Very often, people who are (9) quick-tempered and often find
it difficult to express their emotions come from (10) disorganized and disruptive

EX19: Use a word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space

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Students learning English as a second language are sometimes given a word by their
tecacher and asked to give an (1) explanation (EXPLAIN) as to what that word means;
in other words, to provide a (2) definition (DEFINE). The (3) (ASSUME) is that if
you know a word, you can define it. (4) Logically (LOGIC), that might make sense,
but in reality it is not always (5) reasonable (REASON) to assume that. There are words
and phrases that even native speakers use in conversation without much (6) thought
(THINK) which can lead to (7) confusion (CONFUSE) when you ask a native speaker
to define them. Take the (8) concept (CONCEIVE) of *Zeitgeist, for example, which
has entered English from German. It’s(9) undoubtedly (DOUBT) much easier to use
than it is to define. With a word like *Zeitgeist), it may be more (10) sensible (SENSE)
to test the student`s understanding in ways other than asking them to define it.

EX20: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses.

1. I'm not against vivisection ,but obviously we all want to avoid animals suffering
unnecessarily. (SECTION)

2. The administration announced that the U.S. would no longer produce anti-personnel

landmines or acquire new ones, including replacing expiring munitions in its stockpile.

3. And lastly, it provided the authorities with an opportunity to dispose of troublesome

true believers or neighborhood malcontents (CONTENT)

4. She hopes to parlay her success as a model into an acting career. (LAY)

5. Mohammed Zardah, 26, a slim, bespectacled man with an academic mien, studied

computer engineering in Damascus, he says. (SPECTACLE)

6. Hunger and a slap-up meal did not sit happily side by side. (SLAP)

7. The machine must be expeditious ,executing as fast as a mower is able to cut.


8. Anticoagulants are medicines that lower the chance of blood clotting.


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9. With the great achievement of the U23 Vietnam team, many international newspapers
wrote encomia praising our heroes. (COME)

10. In the countryside, farmers try to demarcate their land with a view to keeping out
their neighbours` cattle. (MARKER)

EX21: Complete the passage with appropriate forms from the words given

in the box.

produce utile replace infect depend

luminaire extract temporate orient respect

The natural uses of bioluminescence vary widely, and organisms have learnt to be very
creative with its use. Fireflies employ bioluminescence primarily for(1) reproductive
means - their flashing patterns advertise a firefly's readiness to breed. Some fish use it
as a handy spotlight to help them locate prey. Others use it as a lure; the anglerfish, for
example, dangles a (2) luminescent flare that draws in gullible, smaller fishes which
get snapped up by the anglerfish in an automated reflex. Sometimes, bioluminescence
is used to resist predators. Vampire squids eject a thick cloud of glowing liquid from
the tip of its arms when threatened, which can be (3) disorientating. Other species use
a single, bright flash to (4) temporarily blind their attacker, with an effect similar to
that of an oncoming car which has not dipped its headlights.

Humans have captured and (5) utilized bioluminescence by developing, over the last
decade, a technology known as Bioluminescence Imaging (BLI). BLI involves the of a
DNA protein from a bioluminescent organism, and then the integration of this protein
into a laboratory animal through transgeneticism. Researchers have been able to use
luminised pathogens and cancer cell lines to track the (6) respective spread of (7)
infections and cancers. Through BLI, cancers and infections can be observed without
intervening in a way that affects their (8) independent development. In other words,
while an ultra-sensitive camera and bioluminescent proteins add a visual element, they
do not disrupt or mutate the natural processes. As a result, when testing drugs and
treatments, researchers are permitted a single perspective of a therapy's progression.

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Once scientists learn how to engineer bioluminescence and keep it stable in large
quantities, a number of other human uses for it will become available. Glowing trees
have been proposed as (9) replacements for electric lighting along busy roads, for
example, which would reduce our dependence on (10) non-renewable energy sources.

EX22: Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.

1. Do you know that exceptionally successful entrepreneurs, such as Richarc Branson,

used to be academically outshone by their peers when they were at school? (SHINE).

2. Efforts have been made to recover disaster-stricken and war-torn areas of the
country, hope fading day by day. (WAR)

3. I think saying that all black people are lazy is a very racist remark, to be honest

4. In some countries, women can sue their husband for having extramarital affairs and
opt for one-sided divorce. (MARRY) .

5. New full-time students from lower income households will be able to apply for a(n)
non-repayable maintenance grant offered by the government, but have to work in public
sectors after they graduate. (PAY)

6. I don't think their marriage will last long. They're continuously quarrelling.

7. Six-core processor is one of the most cutting-edge technologies yet invented to

revolutionise the way computers work. (CUT)

8. It’s furious when people won't believe things that they are obviously true. (FURY)

9. Globalization is the ongoing process that deepens and broadens the relationship and
interdependence among countries. (DEPEND) .

10. The board of directors pour scorn on the oversight dereliction of duties, causing the
company to suffer catastrophic quarterly losses. (SEE)

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EX23. Fill in each blank with the correct form of one suitable word from the list

colony advantage access evolve settle

establish plant sufficient wild isolate

The principal difference between urban growth in Europe and in the North American
colonies was the slow (1) evolution of cities in the former and their rapid growth in
the latter. In Europe they grew over a period of centuries from town economies to their
present urban structure. In North America, they started as (2) wilderness communities
and developed to mature urbanism in little more than a century.

In the carly (3) colonial days in North America, small cities sprang up along the Atlantic
Coastline, mostly in what are now New England and the Middle Atlantic states in the
USA and in the lower Saint Lawrence and France, particularly England, from which
most capital goods (assets such as equipment) and many consumer goods were

Merchandising (4) establishments were, accordingly, (5) advantageously located in port

cities which goods could be readily distributed to interior (6) settlements. Here, too,
were the favored locations for processing raw materials prior to export. Boston,
Philadelphia, New York, Montreal, and other cities flourished, and as the colonies grew,
these cities increased in importance.

This was less true in the colonial South, where life centered around-large farms, known
as (7) plantations , rather than around towns, as was the case in the areas further north
along the Atlantic coastline. The local (8) isolation and the economic (9) self-
sufficiency of the plantations were antagonistic to the development of the towns. The
plantations maintained their independence because they were located on navigable
streams and each had a wharf (10) accessible to the small shipping of that day. In fact,
one of the strongest factors in the selection of plantation land was the desire to have it
on a water highway.

EX24. Fill in each blank with the correct form of one suitable word given

1. These shoes are very nice, but they're terribly overpriced (PRICE).

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2. The outward (OUT) appearance of the building has not changed at all in 200 years.

3. Sadly, some economists think that full employment in Europe is an unattainable

(ATTAIN) goal.

4. The state must ensure the independence and impartiality (PART) of the justice

5. Sales of precooked (COOK) meals have risen sharply over the past few years.

6. He refused to say anything on the grounds that he might incriminate (CRIME)


7. The recent factory closures and job losses are just a foretaste (TASTE) of the
recession that is to come.

8. Most of the errors were corrected at the proofreading (READ) stage before the copies
are finally printed.

9. Vou can accuse me of cowardice (COWARD), but I still wouldn't volunteer to fight
in a war.

10. When we re-examined the regulations, we realised that we had misinterpreted


EX25. Fill in each blank with the correct form of one suitable word given

suffice terminate foot signify evolve

power nature resource submit conscious

Mankind’s intuition of freedom, and our identification of freedom with knowledge, sets
us apart from animals. The animal`s grasp of freedom is (1) significant in comparison.
being only the freedom to respond to external stimuli. The nearest creature to us on the
(2) evolutionary tree of life, the chimpanzee, cannot retain an image for a (3) sufficient
length of time to be able to reflect on it. So animal life is largely a matter of conditioned
reflexes, performed in an (4) interminable present; in short, animals are little more than
machines with (5) consciousness

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While the animal is carried along (6) submissively on the stream of time, mankind has
certain capacities that (7) empower us to resist the current or look into the future. Our
(8) resourceful invention of language was the first step towards this ‘conquest of time’.
Language 'fixes` experiences, and places the experience of the past on an equal (9)
footing with that of the present. Imagination was bound to follow, as a (10) natural
progression from ‘labelling’ a past experience to conjuring up its mental image.

EX26: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses

1. She also points out that mandatory full – service fuel pumping creates jobs for all the
people who pump the fuel. (SERVICE).

2. There is concern that the judges might misuse their power (USE)

3. Constant correction by a teacher is often counterproductive as the student may

become afraid to speak at all. (PRODUCE)

4. It sees restructuring of Urenco as the means to convert a loss-making

business into one with potential for growth and profit. (LOSS)

5. Like all tyrannical leaders, he demanded unquestioning obedience from his

followers. (QUESTION)

6. She’s such a perfectionist that she notices even the tiniest mistakes. (PERFECT)

7. Workers are fully exposed to chemical toxins and hazardous machines, and suffer
sickness, disfiguration and death at the highest rates in world history. (FIGURE)

8. By sheer luck, the gas released in Oklahoma City was blown into a mostly
uninhabited area. (HABITAT)

9. His methodical painstakingness was another point of divergence from the

Impressionists and he devoted many studies to creating the composition. (PAIN)

10. Hundreds of sailors and Marines yesterday loaded supplies and equipment aboard
the amphibious ships. (AMPHIBIAN)

EX27: Complete the passage with appropriate forms from the words given

in the box

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absent observe variable describe opinion

fair predict alternate enthuse regular

A live broadcast of any public event, such as a space flight or sporting occasion, is
almost (1) invariably accompanied by the thoughts of a commentator. This may be on
television, along with the relevant pictures, or (2) alternatively on radio. The technique
involved differs between the two media, with radio broadcasters needing to be more
explicit and (3) descriptive because of the (4) absence of visual information. TV
commentators do not need to paint a picture for their audience; instead their various (5)
observations should add to the images that are already there. There will sometimes be
silences and pauses in TV commentary, although these are becoming increasingly rare.
Both types of commentator should try to be informative, but should avoid sounding (6)
opinionated In sports commentary, (7) fairness and impartiality to both sides is vital,
but spontaneity and (8) enthusiasm are valued by those watching or listening. Sports
commentators usually broadcast live in an essentially unscripted way, although they
may refer to previously prepared materials such as sports statistics. Because of the (9)
unpredictable nature of live events, thorough preparation in advance is vital. The
internet has helped enormously with this aspect of the job. Anyone interested in
becoming a commentator should have excellent organisational skills, the wiliingness to
work (10) irregular hours and a strong voice. .

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EX1: Rewrite each of the sentences with the given word or the given beginning so
that the new sentence has the same meaning as the previous one

l. Pop stars are corrupted by the adulation of their fans.

It’s the way the fans adulate them that corrupts pop stars.

2. What I understand from her words is that it seems neither Cole nor Ledley King
will be going to Japan.

Reading between the lines, it seems neither Cole nor Ledley King will be going to

3. The crash victim was beyond help when emergency services reach her. WHATSOEVER

There was nothing whatsoever emergency services could do on reaching the crash

4. The staff hated Frank’s new policies intensely and so went on strike.

So intense was the hatred for Frank's new policies that the staff went on strike.

5. The fourth time he asked her to marry him, she accepted

Only on his fourth proposal did she agree to marry him.

6. He worked very hard but he was unable to earn enough for his living. ENDS

Hard-working as he was, he was unable to make ends meet.

7. Competition is fierce, but Frozen is a firm favourite to win the award for Best
Animation of the year. LOOKS

In the face of fierce competition, Frozen looks set to win the award for Best
Animation of the year.

8. Her latest novel isn't as good as her previous one. PAR

Her latest novel isn't on a par with her previous one.

9. She was very angry when her son made changes to her computer without her

permission. TAMPERING

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Her son’s tampering with her computer blew her stack.

10. She herself admitted to being rather selfish

On her own admission, she admitted to being rather selfish.

EX2: Rewrite each of the sentences with the given word or the given beginning so
that the new sentence has the same meaning as the previous one

I. Absolute secrecy was crucial to the success of the mission.

=> Without absolute secrecy, the mission wouldn't have succeeded.

2. The two sides never looked likely to reach an agreement.

=> At no time was there any likelihood of the two sides reaching agreement

3. He is a complete hypocrite; in public he condemns smokers, yet he smokes a packet

a day himself.

=> So great a hypocrite is he that in public he condemns smokers, while he smokes a

packet a day himself.

4. Ruth never asks anyone for a loan as she doesn't like to admit she has

financial problems.

=> Ruth is too proud to ask anyone for a loan as she doesn't like to admit she has

financial problems.

5. He loses his temper at all things, even the slightest one.

=> He flies off the handle at all things, even the slightest one.

6. Initially, losing one's job can seem awful; afterwards it can work out well, for

some people. BLESSING

=> Losing one's job has proved a blessing in disguise for some people.

7. He’s a pleasant man socially, but he's a tough businessman. BARGAIN

=> He's a pleasant man socially, but he drives a hard bargain in business.

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8. As a champion swimmer, she will never be better than she is now. PRIME

=> As a champion swimmer, she is in her prime.

9. A summary cannot bring out the high quality of this book. JUSTICE

=> A summary cannot do justice to the high quality of this book.

10. The inspector showed us four potential health hazards. DREW

=> The inspector drew our attention to the potential health hazards.

EX3: Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.

1. Linda was very nervous, which made her look like a bashful girl. (CAME)

=> Such was Linda's nervousness that she came over as a bashful girl

2. As soon as the funds ran out, they had to abandon the scheme. (PETERED)

=> The instant the funds petered out, they had to abandon the scheme.

3. Why did you reveal my plan to Kathy? (BREATHED)

=> I’d rather you hadn't breathed a word about my plan to Kathy

4. David was responsible for the family business as soon as his father retired. (CHARGE)

=>Scarcely had David’s father retired when he took charge of the family business.

5. Your encouragement helped to make things less grievous after such a heavy

loss. (CUSHION)

=>It was your encouragement that helped (to) cushion below after such a heavy loss

6. Tina was crazy about stamps, so she spends lots of money on them every

month. (SPLASHED)

=> Had it not been for Tina's craze about stamps, she wouldn't have splashed out on
them every month

7. He tried hard but couldn`t compensate for what he had done. (AMENDS)

=>Try as he might, he couldn't make amends for what he had done.

8. Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves. ( DESCENDED)

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=> All dogs are thought to have been descended from wolves by

9. We didn't learn he still managed to live with very little money as a waiter

until later. (EKED)

—>Not until later did we learn, he still eked out an existence as a waiter

10. Nobody is certain ïf the project will be permitted to continue. (GO- AHEAD)

=> It’s still touch and go whether the project will be given a go-ahead or not.

EX4: Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that
their meanings remain unchanged.

1. “Because of this new evidence I have no alternative but to release you,” the Judge
told the accused. (LIGHT)

=> “ In the light of this new evidence I have no alternative but to release you.” the
judge told the accused.

2. It is important to know the difference between a joke and a lie. (DRAW)

=> It is important to know how to draw the line between a Joke and a lie.

3. The government recommends a balance of reward and punishment when

dealing with young offenders. (STICK)

=> The government favours a carrot and stick approach to young offenders.

4. Let's all work together, and we will finish the job very quickly. (NEXT)

=>We'll have this job done in next to no time if we cooperate.

5. He was really jealous when he saw his brother's new car. (GREEN)

=> He was green with envy to see his brother`s new car.

6. It’s sad, but unemployment is unlikely to go down this year.

=> Sad as it is , unemployment is unlikely to go down this year.

7. People believe that the Chinese invented paper in 105 A.D

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=> Paper is believed to have been invented by the Chinese in 105 A.D

8. It’s a pity that you wrote that letter.

=> I’d rather that you hadn't written that letter

9. He decided to repair the thing himself and not to take it back to the shop.

=> Rather than taking it back to the shop, he decided to repair the thing himself.

10. I'm sure it wasn`t Mrs. Elton you saw because she's in Bristol.

=> It can’t have been Mrs. Elton you saw because she's in Bristol.

EX5: Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.

1. It’s believed that the school prestige has improved immensely in the last few
decades. (MEASURE)

=> The school prestige is believed to have improved beyond measure

2. If I were him, I would return home no later than 11 o'clock,

=>It is advised that he return home by 11 o'clock at the latest.

3. It was rash of Jimmy to react so aggressively that his wife felt heartbroken.

=> Had Jimmy not reacted so aggressively on impulse, his wife wouldn't have felt

4. Tony regretted criticising his friend’s business plan so strongly. (POURED)

=> If only Tom hadn't poured scorn on his friend's business plan.

5. Harry didn't realize who the lady was until she moved forward into the light.

=> Not until the lady moved forward into the light did it dawn on Harry who she was.

6. The whole affair has been a set of misfortunes from the beginning. (CHAPTER)

=> From start to finish, the whole affair has been a chapter of accidents

7. You were so pessimistic about what happened (VIEWED)

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=> You should have viewed what happened in a positive light.

8. Come what may, you should look on the bright side. (CHIN)

=> No matter what happens, you should keep your chin up.

9, Nobody is sure if the scheme will be allowed to go ahead. (GREEN)

=> It is still in the balance whether the scheme will get the green light or not

10. This patient's condition is rather worrying if you look at his medical history.

=> Given his medical history, this patient's condition is rather worrying.
EX6: Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.

1. Thomas was not given details of the company's new projects. DARK

=> Thomas was kept in the dark about the company’s new project.

2. In the area, Thailand is much better than all other countries in football.

=> In the area, Thailand is head and shoulders above all other countries in football.

3. I 'm afraid our problems are just beginning. ICEBERG

=> I 'm afraid our problems are just the tip of the iceberg.

4. The final version of the plan was quite different from the initial draft.

=> The final version of the plan bore no/little resemblance to the initial draft.

There was little resemblance between the final version of the plan and the initial draft.

5. I expected the film to be good, but it wasn't at all. LIVE

=> The film didn't live up to my expectations.

6. You must do something to make sure this doesn't happen again. STEPS

=> You must take steps to make sure this doesn't happen again.

7. Even though I admire his courage, I think he is a foolish.

=>Much as I admire his courage, I think he is foolish.

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8. He sounds as ïf he has spent all his life abroad.

=> He gives the impression that he has spent all his life abroad.

9. His recent behaviors are outrageous.

=> The way he has recently behaved is out of the ordinary.

10. My salary is half what Ì would be in the job Ï was offered in January.

=> If I had accepted the offer in January, my salary would be twice as much as now.

EX7: Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.

1. Sam was so crazy about stamps that he spent lots of money on them every month.

=> So strong was Sam's craze for stamps that he splashed out on them every month.

2. The impression most people have of Kathy is that he is an honest person.

=> Kathy comes across as an honest person.

3. It’s impossible to predict how long it will take the business to make a great deal of
profit. (TELLING)

=> There is no telling how long it will take the business to become lucrative.

4. She cannot make her mind up about whether to stay up or sleep.

=> She was torn between staying up and turning in.

5. His argument was irrelevant to the case being discussed.

=> His argument had nothing to do with the case being discussed.

6. The father was over the moon when his son was born.

=> The father was as pleased as punch at the birth of his son.

7. 1 don't mind if you stay at my house tonight. (PUTTING)

=> I'm not averse to putting you up at my house tonight

8. Seeing that Tuan was determined to get the job, I knew he is serious about his
future. (BUSINESS)

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=>In light of Tuan's determination to get the job, I knew he meant business with
regard to his future.

9. If you want, you can leave. (LIBERTY)

=> You are at the liberty to leave as you wish.

10. The young lady was angry that no one confessed to having broken her vase.

=> The young lady was beside herself with rage that no one made a clean breast and
owned up to having broken the vase.

EX8: Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.

1. Immediately after winning the race, Sandy began training for the next one. (had)

=> No sooner had Sandy won the race than she began training for the next one.

2. Going to and fro with all the cases is what I can't stand about holidays. (toing)

=> It’s all the toing and froing with all the cases that I can't stand about holidays.

3. As a result of the bad weather, there may be delay to some international flights.(subject)

=> Due to the bad weather, some international flights will be subject to possible

4. Bill changed his ways when he came out of prison. (leaf)

=> Bill has turned over a new leaf since he came out of prison.

5. The committee had a long discussion but they could not make up their mind.(reach)

=> Lengthy as the discussion was, the committee could not reach a decision.

EX9: Rewrite each of the sentences with the given word or the given beginning so
that the new sentence has the same meaning as the previous one

1. The president's bodyguards stood behind him watching.

=> Watchfully standing behind the President were his bodyguards.

2. Success in the academic field depends on your ability to amass qualifications.

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=> The more qualifications you have, the more successful you are in the academic

3. I find his clothes the most irritating about him.

=> What most irritates me about him is his clothes

4. Richard only took over the family business because his father decided to retire

=> But for his father’s early retirement, Richard would not have taken over the family

5. It wasn`t Melanie’s fault that she ended up breaking the law.

=> Through no fault of her own, Melanie ended up breaking the law

EX10: Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.

1. He contributed significantly to the success of the project. (import)

=> His contribution was of great import to the success of the project.

2. He was terribly upset by the news. (blow)

=>The news came as a terrible blow to him.

3. The new town has made the town centre nicer, but public transport could still be
improved a lot. (room)

=> The new town has made the town centre nicer, but there could still be plenty of
room for improvement with regard to public transport.

4. Trying desperately to compensate for his terrible behaviour, he bought her a

bunch of flowers. (amends)

=> In a desperate attempt to make amends for his terrible behaviour, he bought her a
bunch of flowers.

5. We decided to stay for longer because we were so thrilled by the plane. (prolonging)

=> Our heart was set on prolonging our stay, so thrilled were we by the plane.

6. The north west of Britain has more rain each year than the southeast.

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=> The annual rainfall in the north west of Britain is greater/ higher than (that in) the

7. They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights.

=> The excuse for the declaration of the war is the defence of their territorial rights

8. No one stands a chance of beating Mansell in this year’s championship.

=> It's a foregone conclusion that Mansell will win this year's championship

9. This house is very different from the little flat we used to live in. (cry)

=> This house is a far cry from the little flat we used to live in.

10. The spectators got so angry that they had to cancel the football match.

=> Such was the anger of the spectators that they had to cancel the football match.

EX11: Rewrite each of the sentences with the given word or the given beginning
so that the new sentence has the same meaning as the previous one

1. When confronted with his crime the accused was unrepentant. (REMORSE)

=>The accused showed no remorse for the crime he had committed.

2. My brother gets a terrible rash every time he eats seafood. (BRINGS)

=> Eating brings my brother out in a terrible crash.

3. Journalists are expected to work until late at night. (PUT)

=> Journalists are expected to put in long hours

4. He had no idea what was going to happen to him when he walked into that room.

=> Little did he know what was in store for him when he walked into that room.

5. I was determined to take advantage of the experience. (MISSED)

=> I would not have missed out on such an experience for all the world.

6. Someone must have seen the thieves escaping with the jewels. (MAKING)

=> The thieves must have been seen making their escape with the jewels.

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7. In order to discover how the disagreement had started, Mary talked to each child
separately. (ONE)

=> Mary talked to the children one by one/one at a time in an attempt to discover how
the disagreement had started.

8. Minnie meant well so you mustn’t be offended by her comments. (AMISS)

=> Please don't take Minnie's comments amiss because she meant well.

9. There are so many different styles of ethnic cuisine to choose from these days.

=> These days, we are spoilt for choice when it comes to ethnic cuisine.

10. Ray agonized over whether he should tell his host that the chicken was underdone.

=> Discovering that his chicken was underdone - put Ray in quandary should he tell
his host or not.

EX12: Rewrite each of the sentences with the given word or the given beginning
so that the new sentence has the same meaning as the previous one

1. I was too scared to tell him what I really thought.

=> I lacked the courage to tell him what I really thought.

2. It’s a widespread assumption that George was wrongly accused.

=> George was widely assumed to have been wrongly accused.

3. He declared his disapproval of the behaviour of some of his supporters.

=> He let it be known that he disapproved of the behaviour of some of his supporters.

4. The collision didn't damage my car much.

=> Not a great deal of damage was caused to my car by the collision.

5. Although he is 8 years older than her, they were good friends.

=> Despite their 8-year-old difference, they were good friends.

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EX13: Rewrite each of the sentences with the given word or the given beginning
so that the new sentence has the same meaning as the previous one

1. I presume you are coming to the party Miriam. READ

=> Can I take it as read that you are coming to the party Miriam?

2. After a long hard journey, I cheered up when I saw my home. SIGHT

=> After a long hard journey, my spirits rose / (were) lifted - when I caught sight of
my home.

3. Yvonne did everything she could to ensure the trip was successful. LENGTHS

=>Yvonne went to great lengths to ensure the success

4. Russs’ opinions on the new management policies were very different from those of
his fellow workers. ODDS

=>Russ was at odds with his fellow worker over the new management policies.

5. I tried as hard as I could to make sure that this problem would not arise. POWER

=> I did everything within my power to prevent this problem from arising.

EX13: Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
given one.

1. The singer has strongly and publicly opposed the war.

The singer has been a vociferous opponent of the war.

2. We carried out market research to see whether the public would like our new car.

We carried out market research to gauge public/people's reaction to our new car.

3. The rock star made an emotional request for the earthquake victims, which
produced a huge response.

The rock star’s passionate entreaty for help for the earthquake victims produced a
huge response.

54. The team will post accounts of their progress on their website every few days.

The team will post regular updates on their progress on their website.

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EX14: Rewrite the following sentences using the given words.

1. After I had introduced my guests to each other I made a long speech on the current
changes in the computer technologies.

Having introduced my guests to each other, I made a long speech on the current
changes in the computer technologies.

2. George won't lend his tape recorder to you if you don't promise to bring it back by
Saturday. (UNLESS)

Unless you promise to bring George's tape recorder back by Saturday, he won't lend it
to you.

3. Jerry had terrible problems with solving the riddle. (HARDLY)

Jerry hardly solved the riddle.

4. Our representatives have been criticizing the new concept. (CRITICAL)

Our representatives have been critical of the new concept.

5. It doesn't make any difference if they paint the board white or yellow. (MATTER)

It doesn't matter if they paint the board white or yellow.

6. Finally, the new prime minister has been appointed. (LAST)

The new prime minister has been appointed at (long) last.

EX15: For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in
meaning to the original one, using the word given.

I. Going to and fro with all the cases is what I can't stand about holidays.

=> It’s all toing and froing with all the cases that I can't stand about holidays

2. The village shop is now being managed by a national supermarket chain.

=> A national supermarket chain has taken over the management of the village shop.

3. This door is an emergency exit and must never be locked for any reason.

=> On no account must this door ever be locked because it is an emergency exit.

4. Yolanda`s family persuaded her to enter the competition.

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=> Yolanda was talked into entering the competition by her family.

5. So many people were really delighted when the government lost the election.


=> There was much jubilation when the government lost the election.

6. The board had a secret meeting in order to discuss changes in company policy.


=> The board was met behind the closed door in order to discuss changes in company

7. Peter was in trouble with his boss because he didn't finish an important project by
the deadline. (HOT)

=> Peter was in hot water because he didn't finish an important project by the

8. She told everyone that she had been fired by the company (SACK)

=> She let it be known that she had been given the sack by the company.

9. Should there be a problem, contact us at all costs. (LINE)

=> In the event of a problem, drop a line at all costs.

10. Although the manager is sluggish, he is a smooth speaker. (GIFT)

=> Sluggish as the manager is, he has the gift of the gab.

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