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Discuss how education is financed or funded by the following:

(a)Private companies/Corporations/Organizations
When we talk about ‘private sector’ we intend to say that any enterprise, group or organization which is not a
government agency. Education is a human right, which states have the responsibility to ensure. But they need not be the
sole provider. Private involvement can increase financial resources committed to education and supplement state
capacity to absorb growing demand while assuring standards. While there are various ways in which the private sector
can be involved, a strong regulatory framework is vital to ensure high quality and equity, at the same time encouraging
investment and competition.
The research shows companies invest in education in locations where their employees live and work or where
there is strategic market interest. They invest in education where they have market and growth opportunities, where they
would like to promote community relations and brand recognition or where they can engage their employees.
An example is the leadership of Azim Premji, who has dedicated a significant portion of his personal wealth to
support education.
(c).Public Private Partnership
Public-private partnerships typically have contract periods of 25 to 30 years or longer. Financing comes partly
from the private sector but requires payments from the public sector and/or users over the project's lifetime. The private
partner participates in designing, completing, implementing, and funding the project, while the public partner focuses on
defining and monitoring compliance with the objectives. Risks are distributed between the public and private partners
according to the ability of each to assess, control, and cope with them.
(2)Discuss how are the following schools financed/funded?
(a).DepEd schools
Resources for Basic Education are provided from national-level resources and resources raised and managed by
Local Government Units (LGUs) nationwide.
By law, the biggest share of the National Budget goes to the education sector, which covers funding for the
Department of Education (DepEd), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA), and State Universities and Colleges (SUCs).
(b).State colleges/universities
SUCs are fully funded by the national government as determined by the Philippine Congress. The University of
the Philippines System, being the only national university, receives the biggest chunk of the budget among the 456 SUCs,
and has likewise been strengthened by law through Republic Act 9500.
(c).sectarian schools
Sponsored or supported, at least in part, by a religious denomination; also commonly known as a parochial
school. These schools are usually independently funded, meaning they depend on tuition and/or fundraising efforts to
(d).State Colleges and Universities Sectarian Schools
These schools are usually independently funded, meaning they depend on tuition and/or fundraising efforts to
(e). Non- Sectarian Private Schools
The institution does not adhere to a particular religious belief or tradition. Offer financial aid to qualified
families who cannot afford tuition. Tuition, fundraising and endowment.
(f).Community Colleges
Almost 80 percent of community college revenues come from state and local funds. Public four-year colleges, by
contrast, charge far higher tuition and ultimately spend more than double their state and local funds on their students.

(3).Why should financial literacy be taught in school?

Financial literacy is the confident understanding of concepts including saving, investing and debt that leads to an
overall sense of financial well-being and self-trust. It starts by building basic knowledge of money matters.

(4). More Laws protecting the rights of the child, modern Technology, and more have affected or improved
education/educative process. As teachers or school administrators, what possible problems can arise from these
factors? How / Why?
As a teacher, sometime you are caught in the middle. Modern technology may deprive the child from other valuable
resources. Once you are mentally prepared and equipped to tackle the problem you will be able to do many things you
have never dreamt you are capable of doing.

(5).Give your own concept about Student Discipline. Does Discipline still have role to play in modern education?
How and Why?
Discipline creates habits, habits make routines, and routines become who you are daily. The value of discipline is
the way to do what needs to be done. Not only does practice allow one to establish a positive action. It helps us train our
minds and body and enables us to focus on our goals and to regulate our emotions.

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