Performance E - Topic 1

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Level: Elementary

Learning outcomes: After the lesson, you will

1. Have your pronunciation corrected

2. Review food-related vocabulary & the use of LINKING VERBS
3. Have a role play about this topic
4. Make a performance about this topic

OPTION #1: Write down the words that you have learned
/iːt laɪk ə hɔːrs/ / spɔɪl ði ˈæpɪtaɪt/ /ə ˌvedʒəˈteriən/ /welkʊkt/
/bi əˈlɜːrdʒɪk tə/ /ˈmaʊθ wɔːtərɪŋ/ /get ˈfuːd pɔɪzənɪŋ/ / ə bɪg fæn əv/
/hoʊmkʊkt/ /ˈfleɪvərfʊl/

OPTION #2: Use the words you learned in the lesson. Write the suitable words that talk about …
How people eat How the food is After people eat


In 3 minutes, by using LINKING VERBS, make sentences showing your opinions about these pictures
Sample sentences:

Vietnamese pancakes look really oily.







Role play the situation below. Use the small conversation to break the ice.

Boyfriend (Student A): You’re very hungry now. You eat like a horse but you are a big fan of
Western food, and Vietnamese food spoils your appetite. Discuss the suitable food to order
when you eat out with your girlfriend.
Girlfriend (Student B): You’re very hungry now. You eat like a bird and Vietnamese food is really
mouth-watering to you. Western food, however, isn’t your taste. Discuss the suitable food to
order when you eat out with your boyfriend.


Choose 1 option below and prepare a talk

Option #1 Option #2 Option #3

• Talk about a healthy/an • Talk about a sweet food • Talk about an eating
unhealthy food that spoils you are a big fan of. You experience you enjoyed
your appetite or that you should say: • You should say:
are a big fan of • You should say: • when this was
• You should say: • What it is • where you enjoyed it
• What it is • When you often use it • how you felt
• How it is made • How you feel when you use • and say what you liked and
• How it looks, smells, it disliked about it
and tastes • And also say why you are a
• Also say what you big fan of it.
like/dislike about it and
explain why

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