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After the lesson, students will be able to

Pronounce new vocabulary correctly

LUNCH FIGHT Use the new vocabulary to give opinions

when ordering food and drinks

Match the words 1-10 with the meanings a-k

1. Eat like a horse a. Someone who never eats meat or fish.

2. (Be) allergic (to) b. Having a strong and pleasant taste

3. A vegetarian c. Really like

4. Get food poisoning d. ____ food looks or smells extremely nice.

5. Spoil the appetite e. Having been cooked with skill so as to be pleasant to eat

6. Mouth-watering f. Eat a lot

7. Well-cooked g. Prepared at home

8. Flavorful h. Become ill or get a rash when you eat, smell, or touch something.

9. Home-cooked meal i. Become ill because you have eaten food that has gone bad.

10. Be a big fan of j. make you want to eat less at the next meal

1._____ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

6._____ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______


/iːt laɪk ə hɔːrs/ /welkʊkt/ /bi əˈlɜːrdʒɪk tə/

/ə ˌvedʒəˈteriən/ /ˈfleɪvərfʊl/ /get ˈfuːd pɔɪzənɪŋ/

/hoʊmkʊkt/ / spɔɪl ði ˈæpɪtaɪt/ / ə bɪg fæn əv/

/ˈmaʊθ wɔːtərɪŋ/


Use the words or phrases above to fill in the blanks

1. If you are a _____________, you can save the world because you don’t eat meat.
2. The steak was ____________ and cooked as ordered.

TOPIC 1 | Food and Drinks

3. People will wait in line for hours to enjoy the _________________ pizza.
4. I like crabs but unluckily I'm _____________________ them.
5. Meat must be _____________ while you are pregnant.
6. If you __________________ vegetables, you should go to a vegetarian restaurant.
7. You may get __________ if the food is not well-cooked.
8. When I’m hungry, I often _____________________
9. Husbands should not eat out. They should stay home and enjoy _____________.
10. I don't want to have any more chocolate – it'll ____________________.

#1 In pairs, role play the situation below

Boyfriend (Student A): Girlfriend (Student B):

You’re very hungry now. You eat like a You’re very hungry now. You eat like a bird
horse but you are a vegetarian because but you are a meat eater because you are
you’re allergic to meat. Discuss the not a big fan of vegetables: vegetables
suitable food to order when you eat out may spoil your appetite. Discuss the
with your girlfriend. suitable food to order when you eat out
with your boyfriend.

#2 In groups of three, role play the situation below

Businessman from Northern Vietnam (Student A):

After a long tiring meeting, you’re very hungry now. You’re allergic to seafood but you’re a big fan
of street food. Discuss the suitable place to eat out with the other 2 businessmen.
Businessman from Southern Vietnam (Student B):
After a long tiring meeting, you’re very hungry now. You often get food-poisoning, so you’re really
afraid of street food. Discuss the suitable place to eat out with the other 2 businessmen.
Businessman from Central Vietnam (Student C):
After a long tiring meeting, you’re very hungry now. Seafood is really mouth-watering to you and
you’re a big fan of street food, too. However, vegetables may spoil your appetite. Discuss the
suitable place to eat out with the other 2 businessmen.

Ask and answer these questions
1. What kind of food / drink will spoil your appetite?
2. Are you a big fan of seafood? Meat? Vegetables? Why?
3. What do you think about some vegetarians who eat vegetarian pork, vegetarian
chicken, etc.?

TOPIC 1 | Food and Drinks

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