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A Way to get Away with Problems

A lot of Filipinos today are diagnosed with depression. Filipinos face different problems every day.
These problems are hard to deal and can cause stress.

I honestly think that if Filipinos have so much stress it can lead to depression.

One of the causes of stress by Filipinos is money.

Sometimes, Filipinos borrow money from others or in the bank. However, they find it hard to pay
back the money that they borrowed.

For me, saving money and not spending money on unimportant things can help avoid loans. In this
way, the money saved can be used to pay bills.

Another problem that Filipinos have is on access to free health care. Hospitals are not free.
Hospital bills are very expensive. It is sometimes scarier than being admitted in the hospital. That is
why my mother always tell me to take care of myself.

I should eat healthy food and avoid vices. I also tell my parents the same thing.

There was a time that my family was running out of rice and didn’t have enough money to buy it.
My family and I decided to sell some of our clothes and jewelries. My mom used my savings that I was
supposed to use in the future.

My savings helped my family a lot.

I learned that day that savings can help us especially during emergencies.

There is always a way to solve problems though it will always not be easy.

Everyone has problems, everyone can find a way to solve it.

Play for the Gold

It has been so long since Division of Bukidnon was declared the over-all champion in Regional

Most athletes who qualify for the Division Meet need more enhancement to win championship. This
is why Schools Division Superintendent Ma’am Victoria V. Gazo implemented the clustering of athletic

In the cluster meet, at least 5 municipalities of the Division of Bukidnon compete to win or see who
among them can qualify.
If I were an athlete, I would surely enjoy playing in the cluster meet even if I lose. For me, cluster
meet is a very good program for athletes.
It can train me to become a better player. It can teach me sportsmanship, to be an active player, and
let athletes be more prepared for the next meet.
I support Ma’am Victoria V. Gazo, our SDS implementing cluster meet because I can improve before
playing in the Division Meet.
When I played volleyball in District Meet, I had a lot of fun and exciting. However, my team lost and
only placed third. It would have been more fun if we could have played in cluster level.
There was a time when I also joined Read-a-Thon last year. I won in District level and at that time
there was still no congressional level yet.
I trained a lot with my coach, Maam Cherrylyn M. Gumban. She supported and trained me.
I failed to win. My teacher said that I needed more training. My world teared apart as I only placed
4 . Cluster level would have prepared me better for the Division Meet.
Athletes just have to remember to be always competitive but at the same time be respectful to the
opposing team.
Be ready for the Division Meet.
Let’s Talk about Tiktok

A lot of teenagers, even children, are now addicted to Tiktok. It is an application that is popular to
young people.
Many people make fun content through this application. There are dancing, singing, and other
Tiktok for me is an enjoyable app. There are also interesting contents that teachers and learners
It even contains Mathematics problem, science laboratory explanations, and other study contents
where learners can learn.
I have also watched learning contents that actually taught me a lot. There is a content that’s called
SchoolTok. It contains space and science facts.
However, Tiktok must only help in learning. Learners should still focus learning in school.
Although learning on the internet is much faster and easier, I believe that listening to the teacher is
best. I can ask immediately my teacher if I have confusion in our lesson.
There are also bad and adult content in this app. A lot of students already know adult content. This
can be avoided by parents moderating the screen time.
What I am going to do is not watch bad contents and focus to watch on learning contents. I will also
tell my siblings to do the same.
Use Tiktok wisely.

There is Life in Reading

Learners in the Philippines have an alarming low performance in reading.

Children learn new things through reading. It teaches about life and can take you to a fantasy world
where it can be fun and exciting.
Reading can also let children enjoy stories. It stimulates imagination.

Reading is not only for children but for all ages.

A lot of teens nowadays are into books and eventually it becomes their hobbies. This can also
increase their knowledge for their lessons.
Teenagers, or even children, who are in love with reading are called bookworms.
There was a time, I watched a movie titled Bookworm. A girl doesn’t know how to read and lacks
She was always scolded by parents because she did not know how to read. Then one day, her father
decided to teach her.
In the end, the girl learned how to read and started to collect books that later on she built a library for
I know how important reading is especially to children. Until now, I still keep reading and I even
read for my siblings.
I hope when they grow older they won’t find reading hard and find it fun.
When we read, we learn.
Planting Hope for the Next Generation

Recent incidents of forest fires and deforestation are very alarming. In this connection, Department
of Education issued DepEd Memorandum No. 69 series of 2023- DepEd’s 236,000 Trees- A Christmas Gift
for the children.

This activity can help our environment recover from the abuse.

Trees are getting lesser due to deforestation. The tree planting activity can help in saving the

Due to cutting or burning of trees, animals are also dying because they no longer have anywhere to

Tree planting is also a fun way of spending time with my friends and families. Instead of watching
and scrolling in my phone, spending time planting trees is more meaningful.

I see the importance of trees as my grandmother own a farm. There are a lot of trees and fruits in her
farm. She always tell me not to spend so much time on our screen and help in gardening.

My grandmother have always tell us to take care of the nature for us to enjoy the fruit of our labor.

As a Supreme Elementary Learner Government officer, I participated in tree planting activities. It

was so fulfilling knowing that I was able to contribute, in my own way, for the future.

The DepEd Memorandum was a gift for the future generation but it also taught us to be responsible
and take care more of our environment.

Plant trees as our present to the future generation.

Saving Lives from the Big One

Earthquakes were felt to almost all places of the Philippines. Numerous buildings were damaged, and
several people were injured.

Earthquake is caused by the movement of parts of the Earth’s crust. It is can cause broken windows,
collapsed building, and other damages.

This has also injured many people due to falling of rocks or parts of the building. Powerful ones can
cause landslides.

I have experienced earthquake before.

That was the time when I went to my cousins’ house when I felt the ground was shaking.

I saw my tita panicking calling all my cousins to come down stairs. Immediately we went out of the

This is why I believe that earthquake drill is very important. I was taught in school what to do,
before, during, and after an earthquake.

I was startled at first but since my teacher always tell us how important staying calm in emergencies,
I calmed myself down.

As a Supreme Elementary Learner Government (SELG) officer, I will take part in different activities
and programs that can raise awareness about earthquake. As the Philippines is in the Pacific Ring of Fire,
preparedness will be the key.

Protect Filipinos, protect your family, and protect yourself from this natural disasters.
Developing Feelings at a Wrong Time

Learners are now dating even at a young age. Love is known to be important in human values.
Everyone wants to love and be loved.

It makes us forgive and find happiness.

Sometimes love makes people do good things. For example rescues from loneliness, heals emotional
wounds and do good deeds.

Teenagers get involved on a relationship more than adults. Half of high school or middle school
learners have now been in a relationship, even young learners.

I honestly think that these minds of young learners aren’t yet capable of knowing what is romance.
There are also high school learners that are dating but prioritizes their studies.

I suggest that younger learner, like me should be more focused on their studies. Admiring someone is okay
but I will put school above all things.

My parents told me that I am not allowed to have a relationship because I am too young for dating.

I may have crushes, but I do not plan to be in a young relationship. This is because I have one goal,
which is to reach my dream.

I want to reach my ambitions in life.

Let this be an advice to learners that dating in a young age is not advisable. Focusing on school is
what important.

Enjoy young life because love can wait. Take things slow.
Saving Earth from the Environmental Foe

Heat index is rising rapidly. Rivers are drying. Earth is suffering from Global Warming.

Global warming is a term that everyone must have heard because it is one of Earth’s biggest

Earth has ozone layer that keeps the planet safe from direct heat from the sun. The heat form
the sun goes back to space because of the protection of the ozone layer.

With the thinning of the ozone layer, heat index is rising.

I have experienced intense heat when I was at school. I played under the sun with my friends, and I
didn’t really care about the neat because I was enjoying.

When we went back to our classroom, that’s when I felt severe headache. Minutes later I could feel
my body heating up. I told my teacher about it and she gave me medicine.

This is the reason why I am not in favor of letting factories operate without environmental

I do not support products that can harm the nature.

There are a lot of things that people can do to help lessen global warming.

As a pupil, I can help through participating in tree planting activities. I will lessen the use of
electricity as well since this can add to the factor of global warming.

Protect our environment. Save our one and only Earth.

Young Lives Matter

Alarming cases of abortion because of teenage pregnancy are being recorded every day.

Being a parent at a young age means great responsibility.

If I were pregnant, I would not be able to focus on my studies. I would need to quit my studies and
look for a job so that I can provide food, clothes, and shelter for my baby.

My parents would disagree and disappointed if I would have a baby in my age.

My parents had me when they were 23 years old. They were able to raise me because they were
prepared and had money to provide my needs.

I would not let myself be pregnant so early because I want to finish my studies. I have a dream to
become a doctor someday.

It is a big dream so I will focus on my studies rather than become a young parent who cannot afford
even basic needs for my baby.

Teenagers should do the same thing. The priority must be education to reach their ambition.

There are still a lot of time to get pregnant in the future. Right now, I should enjoy my young life and
not waste it by getting pregnant.

Life of a baby is precious but I should have one when I am ready and stable.

I will enjoy my teenage life.

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