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The development of module based on

ARCS (attention, relevance, confidence,

satisfaction) in number materials at grade VII
junior high school/MTS
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2698, 060037 (2023); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0122478
Published Online: 07 February 2023

Fauziah Putri, Yerizon and Yurnalis

AIP Conference Proceedings 2698, 060037 (2023); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0122478 2698, 060037

© 2023 Author(s).
The Development Of Module Based On ARCS (Attention,
Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) In Number Materials
At Grade VII Junior High School/ MTs
Fauziah Putri1, Yerizon1,a), and Yurnalis2
Departement of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Inonesia
Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, Padang, Indonesia.
Corresponding author: yerizon@fmipa.unp.ac.id

Abstract. Every student in the school can not fully implement learning activities in pandemic Covid-19, so the students
were divided into two groups to come to a school that turns day per week. This condition requires teaching materials
that can teach students themselves at home. Various learning resources are very important to support learning activities
during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially those that can teach students independently. Learning resources available at
MTs Muhammadiyah Padang Panjang include textbooks from various publishers or teaching materials made by
teachers. However, the available learning resources have not made students learn independently. This is obtained from
the results of interviews with teachers in Mathematics at MTs Muhammadiyah, who said that students were still unable
to understand learning materials and do assignments without teacher guidance or help from friends. In addition, students
feel less confident about the tasks that have been made. Structured independent teaching material is needed to maximize
student independence in learning. In addition, based on the results of the questionnaire analysis of learning difficulties in
the number material, an average of 40.13% of students still have difficulty in the number material. Based on the problems
above, an ARCS-based module was developed (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) to facilitate students'
independent learning by presenting learning materials that contain learning motivation according to the ARCS
component. The development of this module aims to determine the level of validity and practicality of ARCS-based
modules on the Numbers material.

Mathematics is one of the sciences that plays an important role in education. This important role can be seen
through the government's national education curriculum recommending mathematics to be one
of the compulsory subjects given to students from elementary school to higher education. Learning mathematics in
schools aims to make students understand mathematical concepts, explain the interrelationships between concepts,
develop problem-solving abilities, communicate ideas, and appreciate the use of mathematics in everyday life
(Mendiknas, 2006).
Every student in schools can not fully implement learning activities pandemic Covid-19, so students are divided
into two groups to come to school, which alternate days per week. This condition requires teaching materials that
can teach students themselves at home. Various learning resources are very important to support learning activities
during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially those that can teach students independently. Learning resources available
at MTs Muhammadiyah Padang Panjang include textbooks from various publishers or teaching materials made by
teachers. However, the available learning resources have not made students learn independently. This is obtained
from the results of interviews with teachers in Mathematics at MTs Muhammadiyah, who said that students were
still unable to understand learning materials and do assignments without teacher guidance or help from friends.
B erdasarkan learning difficulties questionnaire analysis results obtained material numbers by an average of 40.13%
of the students are still experiencing difficulties in Numbers matter. In addition, students feel less confident about
the tasks that have been made.

Proceedings of The 5th International Conference of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, 2021
AIP Conf. Proc. 2698, 060037-1–060037-7; https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0122478
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4320-4/$30.00

One of the efforts to maximize students' independence in learning is the availability of structured independent
teaching materials. From the above problems, an ARCS-based module was developed (Attention, Relevance,
Confidence, Satisfaction) to facilitate students to learn independently by presenting learning materials that contain
learning motivation, according to the ARCS component. The development of this module aims to determine the
level of validity and practicality of ARCS-based modules on the Numbers material.
The module is one of the teaching materials packaged completely and systematically. It contains a set of learning
experiences that are planned and designed to help students master specific learning
objectives ( Daryanto, 2013:9). Excess module for sebagaiman, a forward by Daryanto and Dwicahyono (2014:
172), are:
1. Learning activities become more interesting.
2. Opportunity to learn independently and reduce dependence on teacher presence.
3. Get convenience in learning every competency that must be mastered.
The ARCS model defines four main conditions (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction) that must
be met in order for people to become and remain motivated (Keller, 1979, 1983). The ARCS model has several
advantages, namely providing direction on what students should do, the motivation that is strengthened by the
design of student-centered learning forms, motivation to repeat the material that has been learned, and a thorough
assessment of abilities that are more than student characteristics so that more effective learning. So this ARCS
model can affect students' motivation and learning outcomes. ARCS is a form of a problem-solving approach to
design aspects of motivation and learning environment in encouraging and maintaining student motivation to learn.
The components of ARCS motivation are as follows.
1. Attention is a strategy to stimulate and generate curiosity and interest.
2. Relevance (usefulness) is a strategy to connect learners' needs, interests, and motives.
3. Confidence is a strategy to help learners build positive thinking to achieve learning success.
4. Satisfaction (satisfaction) is a strategy to provide extrinsic and intrinsic rewards.
In this study, the number material developed in the ARCS-based module is Basic Competencies (KD) 3.1, 3.2,
4.1, and 4.2 made into four learning activities, namely: Integers, Forms, and Properties of Integer Count Operations,
Fractions, Operational Forms Calculate Fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
According to Nieveen (in Plomp, 2013:160), determining product quality is seen from several aspects, namely
relevance, consistency, practicality, effectiveness. The development of this ARCS-based module is limited to
validity and practicality.
a. Validity
Department of National Education states four aspects of validity: content aspects, language/construct
aspects, presentation aspects, and visual aspects. Validity testing is done by asking for expert review opinions
and then deciding to use it without repair, with improvement, or maybe completely overhauled (Sugiyono,
a. Practicality
According to Sukardi (2008:52), several practical considerations can be seen from the following aspects:
1. Ease of use, including easy to set up, store and can be used at any time
2. The time required for implementation should be short, fast and precise
3. The attractiveness of the device to student interest
4. Easy to interpret by other experts and teachers
5. Have the same equivalence, so it can be used as a substitute or variation

This research and development use the Plomp development model, which consists of three stages, namely:
1. Preliminary Research Phase
This stage is carried out to determine and define the requirements needed to develop modules on the
Numbers material. At this stage:
a. Teacher Interview
The results of interviews with teachers obtain an overview of teaching materials that can improve the
quality of learning, increase students' understanding and motivation in learning, and facilitate students'
independent learning. This is used as a guide in research on the development of learning tools based on
ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) on the Numbers material.
b. Curriculum Analysis

The curriculum analysis aims to see the curriculum structure as a reference in developing ARCS-based
learning tools. The curriculum structure is the organization of Core Competencies (KI). Basic Competencies
(KD), learning content, subjects, and lesson loads (Mendikbud, 2014).
The results of the analysis at this stage are:
1) The number material in the curriculum based on Basic Competence (KD) is KD 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, and 4.2
made into four learning activities, namely: Integers, Forms, and Properties of Integer Counting
Operations, Fractions, Forms of Counting Operations Fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication,
2) The material is sufficient to achieve the objectives of the curriculum.
3) The material is well sorted.
In Curriculum analysis, the method used is the documentation method (in the form of document analysis)
using a checklist. At the same time, the analysis uses descriptive analysis.
c. Concept Analysis
Concept analysis aims to identify facts, principles, and procedures that students must master. The results
of the analysis at this stage include:
1) The essential concepts that need to be present are integer and fractional arithmetic operations to assist
in achieving the desired competence.
2) Concept map of the essential concepts.
3) Facts, principles, and procedures that students must master.
The method used is the documentation method (in the form of analysis of various textbooks, learning
resources, or literature on suitable concepts to class VII MTs. The instrument used is a checklist. At the same
time, the analysis technique is descriptive analysis.
d. Student Needs Analysis
This analysis aims to identify the characteristics of students and what kind of learning is following the
characteristics of students. So what will be analyzed at this stage are:
1) Characteristics of class VII MTs related to learning mathematics.
2) What kind of teaching materials or learning devices are desired by students.
3) Prototyping Phase
At this stage, the design of learning tools based on ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence,
Satisfaction) is carried out according to the characteristics and needs of students. ARCS-based module
Contains learning materials, student activity sheets (student activities, columns with pictures of people and
books, evaluation of learning activities), a summary of learning materials, answer keys for number material
student activity sheets following competency standards, basic competencies, competency achievement
indicators, and predetermined learning objectives.

2. Prototyping phase
It consists of prototype 1, prototype 2, and prototype three, which is the result of the formative evaluation
as follows:
a. Prototype 1
In prototype 1, 2 assessments were carried out, namely:
1) Self Evaluation
Self-evaluation is evaluating a prototype that has been designed with and assisted by colleagues.
The goal is to re-check the completeness of the components contained in the developed module. The
instrument used to analyze the data is to use the self-evaluation sheet. The self-evaluation sheet
obtained that the module has been designed following the overall module elements and contains the
ARCS component. The ARCS module is designed to follow good and correct Indonesian rules.
2) Expert Review
After the module has been designed, an assessment or validation by experts is carried out. Before
validating the learning device, the research instrument sheet was validated first, and then the
instrument validation was analyzed according to what had been determined.
The module was consulted with the validator and revised according to the suggestions given. Then an
assessment is carried out by the validator to assess the validity of the ARCS-based module.
b. Prototype 2
Next, a small group evaluation was conducted to a group of students consisting of 6 class VIII students
who had studied with different learning abilities. This small group evaluation aims to improve the

implementation of learning tools and see the ease of implementation. Based on the small group evaluation
field notes, the following module improvements were made:
1) Add answer choices to student activities by choosing one of the correct answers
2) Clarify the instructions regarding the various fractions
After repairing the ARCS-based module from the small group evaluation, it produces prototype 3.
c. Prototype 3
In prototype 3, a field test of the ARCS-based module was conducted. The field test of this ARCS-based
module is for class VII students. B MTs Muhammadiyah Padangpanjang, so that mathematics learning on the
material of numbers students uses ARCS-based modules for six meetings.
The researcher noticed that students looked quite serious in learning to use the module during the field
test. However, they still needed a lot of guidance and explanation from the teacher in understanding and
completing tasks in learning activities. This is due to the lack of understanding of the basic concepts of
student numbers.
3. Assessment Phase
Field tests were conducted to obtain a practical assessment of the ARCS-based module on the number
material. The ARCS-based module practicality assessment is carried out by giving students a practical response
questionnaire sheet which is made according to the ARCS-based module practicality response questionnaire

1. Module Validity
The validity of the ARCS-based module (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) in the Numbers
material for class VII MTs students is reviewed from the aspects of the feasibility of content, language,
presentation, and graphics.
Assessment of the feasibility aspect of the content is carried out to see the modules that have been designed
under the elements and components of the module and components of the ARCS so that it can generate student
motivation in learning. Assessment of linguistic aspects is carried out to see that ARCS-based modules have
legibility and clarity of information, use language following good and correct Indonesian language rules, and
follow student development. Assessment of presentation aspects is carried out to see the presentation of learning
materials in ARCS-based modules sequentially and systematically and contains complete information. At the
same time, the assessment of the visual aspect is carried out to see the design and overall appearance of the
The recapitulation of the results of the ARCS-based module validation per assessment aspect is Table 1:

TABLE 1. Validator Assessment Score

Validator Assessment
Total Max
No Appraisal Score % Information
score Score
1 Content 29 36 0 40 105 120 87.50 Very Valid
2 language 10 12 12 15 49 60 81.67 Very Valid
3 Presentation 28 32 32 32 124 140 88.57 Very Valid
4 Graphics 28 32 32 32 124 140 88.57 Very Valid

The recapitulation of the final validation results of the ARCS-based module by the validator is presented in
the Table 2.
TABLE 2. Validity of The ARCS
No Validator Score Information
1 Eka Pasca Surya Bayu, M. Pd 76.00 Valid
2 Journalist, M. Pd 86.40 Very Valid
3 Dra. Ratna Sari Dewi Pohan, M. Pd 84.71 Very Valid
4 Afnizar, S. Pd 88,80 Very Valid
Final Validation Score Average 83.98 Very Valid

Based on the criteria for assessing the validity of the ARCS-based modules that have been previously
determined, the ARCS-Based Modules (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) on the Numbers
Material for Class VII SMP/MTs students meet the very valid criteria, namely 80 ≤ V < 100 with an average
validity score of 83 .98%, then the module is feasible to use with a slight revision.

2. Module Practicality
The ARCS-based module practicality assessment is viewed from the Didactic, Construction, Technical
aspects. Practical response questionnaires were given to all 8th grade VII.B students. . The recapitulation of the
results of the student practical response questionnaire analysis is presented in the following Table 3:

TABLE 3. Pratical of Modul

No Indicator Student Information
1 Activated Ease of using the module 81.67 Very Practical
Understanding the concept of Numbers 79.29 Practical
ARCS Components 83.66 Very Practical
The effect of using the module on students 81.07 Very Practical
2 Construction Languages used in the module 83.21 Very Practical
Sentence structure in module 78.93 Practical
Order of presentation of learning materials 84.64 Very Practical
3 Technical The text used in the module 87.5 Very Practical
Images presented in the module 85 Very Practical
Module Display 84.52 Very Practical
Total Score n Practicality Assessment 82.86 Very Practical

The results of the practicality assessment of the module by students obtained a practicality assessment
with an average of 82.86%, which met the very practical criteria, namely 80 ≤ V < 100, so that the ARCS-based
module was very practical to use in mathematics learning material Numbers.
This is screen chapter development of module based on ARCS in Figure 1 and Figure 2.

Cover preface Teacher Guidelines

FIGURE 1. Module Based on ARCS

Learning materials Students Worksheet Worksheet Lock

FIGURE 2. Module Based on ARCS

1. The results of the assessment of the validity of the ARCS-based module on the Numbers material for class
VII MTs students by the validator from the aspects of the feasibility of content, language, presentation, and
graphics with a final validation score of 83.98 %, which met the very valid criteria, namely 80 ≤ V < 100. So
that the ARCS-based module on the Numbers material is feasible to use with a slight revision according to the
advice of the validator.
2. The results of the practicality assessment of the module by the teacher were stated to be very practical, with an
average score of 88.67%. From the assessments of students and teachers, the average final practicality score
was 85.76% which met the very practical criteria, namely 80 ≤ V < 100. The ARCS-based module was very
practical to use in mathematics learning for Numbers.
3. Based on the research and development results, it can be concluded that the ARCS-based module on Numbers
material for class VII MTs students meets the criteria of being very valid, very practical.


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