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Aligning learning with industry requirements

Armarego, J.

Armarego, J. (2007). Aligning learning with industry requirements. In G. Lowry (Ed.), Information Systems
and Technology Education: From the University to the Workplace (pp. 159–194). Information Science
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Information Systems and
Technology Education:
From the University to
the Workplace

Glenn R. Lowry
United Arab Emirates University, UAE

Rodney L. Turner
Victoria University, Australia

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Information systems and technology education : from the university to the workplace / Glenn R. Lowry and Rodney L. Turner, editors.

p. cm.

Summary: "This book presents a multifaceted, global view of the human dynamics of education, supply, demand, and career development
in the information systems and technology industry. It provides a tool to meet the challenges of providing improved education and
employing an optimal supply of information systems and technology graduates in the decades to come"--Provided by publisher.

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ISBN 978-1-59904-114-8 (hardcover) -- ISBN 978-1-59904-116-2 (ebook)

1. Information technology--Vocational guidance. 2. Information technology--Educational aspects. I. Lowry, Glenn R. II. Turner, Rodney

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Chapter VIII
Aligning Learning with
Industry Requirements
Jocelyn Armarego
Murdoch University, Australia


A review of studies of practitioners of software development reveals a depth of mismatch between their
needs and formal education. The conclusion to be drawn is that industry has made a long-term shift
in its requirements of graduates from technical subjects, laying emphasis on personal and affective at-
tributes. Concern has been expressed that the underlying “socialisation” requirement for a graduate
to achieve “working professional” status is very poorly addressed in formal education. After establish-
ing a framework for comparison between information technology (IT) formal education and industry
requirements, this chapter discusses an action research study based on applying nontraditional and
innovative learning models to address mismatches identified. Results suggest that models which focus
on independent learning and soft skills prepare students to enter industry with the ability to engage in
the career-long, professional learning required for success in professional practice.

Introduction this state-of-affairs (namely, intrinsic difficulty,

uniqueness of each system, multidisciplinary
Software development has been described as a skills necessary, and a requirement for life-long
“craft.” The negative connotations of this label learning in practitioners) are described later on.
include an inability to consistently guarantee a A review of major model curricula for software
quality product, fit for the purpose for which it was development (e.g., information systems [IS], com-
developed, produced on time, and within budget. puter science [CS], and software engineering [SE])
As an example, a mid-1990s study of over 8,000 shows that, in general terms, a graduate within the
projects (Standish, 1995) indicates only 16.2% of broad IT discipline should emerge from formal
software was successful. These rates do not sig- education with knowledge of the basic software
nificantly differ from those reported in the 1970s development processes (and therefore, in theory,
and 1980s (Mann, 1996). The issues that underlie be able to produce successful software). While

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Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

practitioner studies indicate that the base case and self-correcting dialogue (Bach, 1999), based
of content knowledge is covered in models used on insight-driven knowledge discovery (Guindon,
in university programmes, a closer look reveals 1989) facilitated by opportunistic behaviour
the depth of the mismatch between practitioner (Guindon, 1990; Visser, 1992).
needs and formal education in software develop- The risk is that strict adherence to engineering
ment in general. and science methodologies hampers the quintes-
sential creativity of this process (Lubars, Potts,
engineering software & Richer, 1993; Maiden & Gizikis, 2001; Maiden
& Sutcliffe, 1992; Thomas, Lee, & Danis, 2002).
Those involved in the development of software These, potentially:
agree that one mechanism for dealing with the
intrinsic difficulties (e.g., complexity, visibility, • Restrict essential characteristics such as
and changeability [Brooks, 1986]) of developing opportunism (Guindon, 1989)
successful software was to embed its production • Assist in adding accidental complexity
within an applied science environment. Royce through their attempts to control professional
(1970) was the first to note explicitly that an engi- practice (by restricting natural problem
neering approach was required, in the expectation solving, Sutcliffe & Maiden, 1992)
that adhering to a defined, repeatable process • Impose a plan at odds to inherent cognitive
would enhance software quality. planning mechanisms and hence interfering
This interest in engineering is mirrored in with the management of knowledge (Visser
the education of software developers, with an & Hoc (1990) suggest that, in practice, a plan
exponential growth in offerings of undergraduate is followed only as long as it is cognitively
software degrees within an engineering environ- cost-effective)
ment. Increasingly, this education focuses on
process and repeatability, modelling scientific and Practicing software
engineering methodologies. The underlying as-
sumption of this approach is that “good” software The skills and knowledge required to be active as
development is achieved by applying scientific competent professionals are multidisciplinary. For
investigative techniques (Pfleeger, 1999). software development, Zucconi (1995) suggested
the underlying disciplines of central importance
creating software are psychology, CS, and discrete mathematics,
and suggests an IT professional needs to be well
There are positive implications as well for the organised, able to work as a member of a mul-
label “craft.” Each system is considered a unique tidisciplinary team, and able to work within the
synergy between the hardware, software, and scope of the employer’s policies and procedures
organisational context in which it will be utilised. and society’s tenets.
This approach suggests that the development This equates well with the stated needs of
process cannot be repeatable, as the forces at play practitioners. Practitioner-based studies (Lee,
will differ for each context; continually chang- 2004; Lethbridge, 2000; Trauth, Farwell, & Lee,
ing as understanding of the characteristics of the 1993) and in the Australian context (Scott &
developing system grows in all stakeholders. Yates, 2002; Snoke & Underwood, 1999; Turner
From this perspective software is a collabora- & Lowry, 2003) assist us in building a profile of
tive invention. Its development is an exploratory a practicing IT professional.

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

teaching software described in relation to the dominant cur-

riculum models in IT
Freed (1992) coined the term “relentless innova-
tion” to describe the capacity to invent and imple- The chapter continues by discussing the po-
ment new ideas that will impact every facet of tential of nontraditional and innovative learning
life. Oliver (2000) suggests the rate of innovation models to address any mismatch identified. The
is so prolific that most of the knowledge that will need to engage with complexity, the holistic nature
be used by the end of the first decade of the 21st of the domain, and the focus on higher learning
century has yet to be invented. The speed with outcomes imply a commensurate need in teachers
which technology evolves, the multiplicity of its to apply to the learning environment the principles
impact on society, and the ramifications of that they are advocating in their students, namely,
impact mean that metacognitive and knowledge flexibility, adaptability, and creativity.
construction skills as well as adaptability become The question:
vital. This relates to a fourth issue that needs to
be addressed: the need to engage in life-long How useful is the knowledge generally included in
learning. Professional practitioners with such tertiary institution curricula for the practicalities
skills become agents of change (Garlan, Gluch, of being an IT professional?
& Tomayko, 1997).
However, Patel, Kinshuk, and Russell (2000) and based on the results of this:
argue that learners in a traditional setting pre-
dominantly constitute students who focus on Do alternate learning models address any mis-
skills that will yield higher grades as an immedi- match identified?
ate objective. Cognitive skills related to “exam
techniques” acquire importance, though they do Can these be applied successfully within a formal
not model real-life situations. The learning, in (tertiary) education environment?
many cases, is reduced to assignment hopping
with “just-in-time” and “just-enough” learning are tackled from the perspective af an action
to fulfill the assessment tasks. This defeats the research project conducted over several years
(academic) objective of providing a well-balanced within engineering at Murdoch University.
learning experience.
curriculum expectations

reseArch/exPerIence A comparison of the major model curricula un-

questIons dertaken as part of Minor’s (2004) study of re-
quirements engineering (RE) practitioners shows
The aim of this chapter is to provide: that, in general terms, the base case of discipline
knowledge identified in practitioner studies is
• An overview of the dominant pedagogy for covered in models used in universities. Table 1
formal education in IT disciplines provides a summary of this comparison. A look
• An overview of practitioner studies un- at generic IT (as opposed to specific RE) suggests
dertaken over the last 15 years, in order to Minor’s conclusion can be extrapolated—most
establish a base for comparison between IT bodies of knowledge (BOK) and model curricula
formal education and industry requirements, address discipline content comprehensively.

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

Table 1. Minor: Curricula match to perceived industry needs

Discipline Content
RE process o - o
Feasibility study - o -
Elicitation + + +
Analysis + + +
Documentation + + +
Verification + - +
Requirements management - o o
Other Software Topics
Process standards + + +
Project management + + +
Programming languages + + +
Generic Skills
Communication skills + + +
Team skills + + +

Note. RE = requirements engineering. Legend: + = extensive coverage; o = partial coverage; - = minimal or no coverage.

However, nontechnical skills are usually Practitioner Perspective

addressed at a more abstract level and often in
association with ethics, management, or social Practitioners of Information Systems
concerns. For example, while the Australian
Computer Society’s core BOK for IT profes- Summarising his work of the previous 8 years
sionals (Underwood, 1997) indicates coverage of on the knowledge requirements and professional
group 1 is mandatory (group 1 material relates development of young IS workers Lee (1999)
to interpersonal communications; ethics/social found that:
implications/professional practice; and project
management and quality assurance), little assis- • Significant gaps exist between what indus-
tance in addressing these within a programme of try expects IS workers to know and what
study is provided. universities teach IS students.
Some insight into the skills and knowledge • The knowledge and skills required change,
required for software development activities is so that that the ability to learn quickly on
provided by the studies described next, albeit from the job was critical to IS workers. A wide
many different perspectives. This closer look at range of nontechnical skills were identified
practitioners reveals the depth of the mismatch as important to IS professionals.
between industry needs and formal education in • IS workers need not have a technology-rel-
software development in general. evant degree.
• IS workers draw heavily from a “bi-polar”
knowledge structure—most current techni-

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

cal knowledge and localised team-centric His aim was to gain a practitioner ranking of the
project work, but are unable to exploit tacit usefulness of specific topics compiled from the
organisational knowledge outside their spe- curricula of (emerging) software and computer
cific project. engineering and CS programmes, the influence
of these on respondents’ career, and how much
In a later work Lee suggests there is an under- they had learned formally compared to what was
lying socialisation requirement for a graduate to required as a professional.
achieve working professional status. Lee found Although he found few surprises, an indica-
that one of the “reality shocks” involved in the tion of differing educational focus is provided
socialisation of new graduates to work was the by pronounced bi-polar distribution in his data:
onus of teaching themselves what they needed to Leadership and Negotiation ranked 3rd and 4th for
know in order to perform the task successfully. industrial knowledge, while Technical Writing and
He concluded: Analysis & Design Methods rank as having the
5th and 6th most pronounced bi-polar distribution
... educators should also help students to develop in education (Lethbridge, 1999).
their initiatives and abilities to deal with ill-struc- Of the long list of topics that managers con-
tured problems. This would require approaches sider more important than developers at large,
which emphasize independent learning and col- the high ranking of both RE or analysis-related
laborative teamwork. (p.135) topics and more generic skills is significant (see
Table 2). Unfortunately, many of these appear to
Other studies of IS confirm a change in em- have been learned on the job (see Table 3). At least
phasis to both generic attributes and managerial in this case it can be seen that teaching does not
knowledge—a long-term shift from programming reflect the needs of the practice.
and other technical subjects to business analysis Lee (1986, 1992) also looked at the long-term
and people-oriented skills. professional development of young engineers
as technologists, in studies reported in the late
Practitioners of CS and Engineering 1980s and early 1990s. What was found to have
significance was:
Fewer studies address the skills and knowledge
needed in CS and SE. Lethbridge (2000) examined • Challenging work
industry perception in a comprehensive study:

Table 2. Lethbridge rankings: Most important for managers

Rank Topic
1 Project Management
2 Requirements Gathering & Analysis
3 Giving Presentations to an Audience
4 Management
5 Ethics and Professionalism
6 Analysis & Design Methods
7 Software Architecture
8 Leadership
9 Testing, Verification & Quality Assurance
10 Technical Writing

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

Table 3. Lethbridge rankings: Difference between formal learning and importance

Rank Topic %
1 Negotiation 84
2 Configuration & Release Management 83
3 Leadership 73
4 Maintenance, Re-engineering & Reverse Engineering 72
5 HCI/ User Interfaces 67
6 Software Reliability & Fault Tolerance 64
7 Ethics and Professionalism 63
8 Project Management 63
9 Management 61
10 Requirements Gathering & Analysis 60

• Approach to information seeking in order hensively within formal education. A follow-up

to keep up with the relevant changes in survey to explore the “other skills” aspect of IS
knowledge and information requirements curriculum (Turner & Lowry, 2003) shows that,
• Success of the transition from an academic in general, respondents rate soft skills higher than
environment and the formation of social ties “hard” academic skills.
with veteran colleagues Scott and Yates (2002) report on the experience
with engineering graduates as one of the parallel
These results indicate that the effective prepa- series being undertaken in various professions
ration of young technology workers involves far across Australia and New Zealand. The study
more than just a fixed set of academic subjects. sought to identify:

The Australian Perspective • Capabilities that are seen to be most impor-

tant for successful professional practice in
Other research looks at the situation in an Aus- engineering during the first few years after
tralian context. Snoke and Underwood’s (1999) graduation
study sampled a wide cross section of the IS • Extent to which the universities at which the
academics in Australia, including representatives participating graduates had studied focused
from all universities offering an undergraduate on these capabilities
degree in IS or with a major in IS as of July 1998.
It showed that personal and group attributes are Respondents noted that learning profes-
consistently more highly valued than technical sion-specific content provides the “scaffold” for
knowledge competencies. the important task of career-long professional
The aim of the Turner and Lowry (1999) study learning: The skills to undertake this are of great
was to achieve a better fit between university importance, with the ability to know when and
study and the professional practice of IS. Their when not to deploy technical expertise, and how
survey found that employers lay heavy emphasis to continuously update it, the keys to successful
on personal attributes, though this may be because professional practice. The supervisors in the study
technical skills are generally addressed compre- acknowledged that a high level of technical exper-

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

tise is necessary but not sufficient for successful which influence intellectual abilities and skills,
practice, giving emphasis to the individual’s ability are applied to the acquisition of knowledge to
to diagnose what is really causing a problem and enable the development of higher cognitive activi-
testing solutions in action. ties. They note that at the end of the educational
In summary then, industry requires personable process, students must be able to apply knowledge
professionals who integrate into the organisational to new situations and problems. This requires
structure, and, rather than cope specifically with certain generic intellectual abilities and skills,
today’s perceived problems, have models, skills, which, although highly valued by employers, are
and analytical techniques that allow them to sometimes given only “lip service” in tertiary
learn, evaluate, and apply appropriate emerging education curricula. The personal attributes iden-
technologies in a collaborative environment. tified as important in the model proposed include
The implications of this include initiative, abil- attributes like curiosity, risk taking, personal
ity to deal with complexity, and ill-structure and discipline, and persistence. These can influence
organisational (self, task and information) skills. in important ways the successful application of
The value of these softer, more personal attributes the intellectual skills and abilities to knowledge
has been explored through several studies within to support the higher orders of thinking.
our target disciplines. Scott and Wilson (2002) and Scott and Yates
(2002) confirm the value of these attributes. They
exploring Affective Attributes discuss their findings in relation to a framework
that identifies professional capability as five scales
Bentley, Lowry, and Sandy (1999) suggest a de- consisting of:
velopmental process in which personal attributes,

Figure 1. Professional capability framework (Scott & Wilson, 2002)

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

• Emotional intelligence – Personal (EI-P) and have taken several forms. In general, however,
• Emotional intelligence – Interpersonal (EI- these have been attempted within the framework
I) of traditional learning, and, according to practitio-
• Intellectual capability (IC) ners, soft skills are still not emphasised enough.
• Profession-specific skills and knowledge Lowry and Turner (2005) suggest that tradition
(Prof) and inertia act as some of the formidable barriers
• Generic skills and knowledge (Gen) to substantive revisions to curricula in line with
• Educational quality (EQ) scale the findings of practitioner-based studies.

In Scott and Wilson (2002) the Professional Learning IT

Capability Framework is refined (see Figure 1):
Emotional Intelligence (personal and interperson- Macauley and Mylopoulos (1995) acknowledge
al (now social)) becomes Stance and Intellectual that a standard university lecture cannot achieve
Capability is now defined by two components, Way what industry requires. For them, activities associ-
of Thinking (incorporating cognitive intelligence ated with efficient software development “require
and creativity) and Diagnostic Maps (developed a certain level of knowledge and maturity which
through reflection on experience). can only be gained through experience in deal-
Respondents to their studies were asked to ing with practical problems.” Others also note
rate items from the capability scales on their the inadequacy of formal education in training
importance for successful performance in their competent software professionals (Lethbridge,
current professional work and then to rate the 2000; Robillard, 1999). Bach (1997) stated that
extent to which the university they attended one reason software engineering is not more
focused on them. The results of these studies seriously studied is the common industry belief
show that Emotional Intelligence ranks highest that most of the books and classes that teach it
in importance, closely followed by Intellectual are “impractical”: it does not address the inher-
Capability, addressing generic issues such as ab- ent cognitive complexity (Robillard, 2005) of
straction and contingency, while profession-spe- software development.
cific knowledge ranks relatively low. The ability As exemplified by the model curricula, ap-
to work in teams, particularly cross-disciplinary proaches to learning IT tend to emphasise techni-
teams that are common in the IT workplace, is cal knowledge. In general this education is based
also considered vital. on traditional learning models and adheres to
a normative professional education curriculum
Issues with traditional learning (Waks, 2001). Students first study basic science,
then the relevant applied science, so that learn-
A review of these studies indicates practitioners ing may be viewed as a progression to expertise
emphasise attributes additional to profession- through task analysis, strategy selection, trial,
specific knowledge and skills. These latter are and repetition (Winn & Snyder, 1996).
generally addressed by the content of a BOK As Waks (2001) explains, in this normative
and applied within model curricula, as is initial model science provides “a rational foundation
competence (i.e., cognitive attributes Bloom, for practice” [original emphasis], with practi-
1956), though whether at an appropriate level is cal work at the last stage, where students are
a moot point. expected to apply science learned earlier in the
Practitioner concerns have been addressed curriculum to real-life problems. The addition of
through interventions in the learning environment either a capstone project and/or an industry-based

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

placement, typically towards the completion of the Schön (1987) looked to an alternative episte-
qualification, have been seen as a means of ad- mology of practice when attacking the normative
dressing general practitioner concerns, providing professional education curriculum discussed pre-
opportunities for both authentic and experiential viously. For him, practitioners apply tacit knowl-
learning. Waks continues that the crisis of the edge-in-action, and when their messy problems do
professions arise because real-life problems do not yield to it, they “reflect-in-action,” and in the
not present themselves neatly as cases to which languages specific to their practices. This view
scientific generalisations apply. of professional practice as ill-structured design
This poor fit between the characteristics of has implications:
professional practice and those of the learning
model produce an “incorrect” learning environ- • It is learnable but not didactically or discur-
ment, where the learner is not directed to the sively teachable: it can be learned only in
important features of the domain, where, as and through practice.
Bubenko (1995) notes: • It is holistic: its parts cannot be learned
in isolation. It must be learned as a whole
• Complexity is added to rather than reduced because all components of a situation have
with increased understanding of the initial meaning.
problem • It depends upon the ability to recognise
• Metacognitive strategies are fundamental desirable and undesirable qualities of the
to the process discovered world. But novice students do
• Poblem-solving needs a rich background not possess this ability, and it cannot be
of knowledge and intuition to operate ef- conveyed to them by verbal descriptions,
fectively only in the operational context of the task.
• A breadth of experience is necessary so that
similarities and differences with past strate- For Schön (1987) the ideal site of education
gies are used to deal with new situations for reflective practice is the design studio, under
the close supervision of a master practitioner
Aligning learning with domain serving as coach.
characteristics Others (Boud, 1985; Spiro, Feltovich, Jacob-
son, & Coulson, 1991) also argue against tradi-
The nature of software development (complex, tional learning:
Nguyen & Swatman, 2000; cognitive, Robillard,
2005; opportunistic, Guindon, 1989; creative, • Learning based around constructivist prin-
Thomas et al., 2002; emergent, Budgen, 1995) ciples is likely to be more suitable in domains
implies a need to transcend traditional education involving ill-structured problems.
and focus on flexibility, productive thinking, • Appropriate learning in ill-structured do-
and creativity-enhancing activities. In this way, mains and/or dealing with ill-structured
while students learn to use past experience on problems should itself be problem based.
a general level, they are also able to deal with • Problem-based learning best provides an
each new problem situation in its own terms. effective environment for future profession-
The implication of this is effort spent on higher als who need to access knowledge across a
(metacognitive) learning skills, including abstrac- range of disciplines.
tion and reflection.

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

Problem-based learning (PBL) is one example and understanding is not a thing located within
of learning environments that embrace these ideas. the individual thinker, but is a process that is
It integrates the learning of content and skills distributed across the knower, the environment in
in a collaborative environment, and emphasises which knowing occurs, and the activity in which
“learning to learn” by placing great responsibility the learner participates, is fundamental to how
for learning on the learner (Wilson & Cole, 1996). this research is conducted.
As an ideology, PBL is rooted in the experiential
and action learning traditions advocated by Schön Research for Action
(1987) and others, but with a number of different
forms according to the nature of the field and goals Action research is proposed as a means of meet-
of the learning situation: for example, Schön’s ing this need for contextual research for action.
design studios exemplify Savin-Baden’s (2000) It combines theory and practice through an it-
PBL model for professional action. This focuses erative process of change and reflection and has
on know-how, which will allow students to gain been categorised into several types, based on
competence to practice within given discipline the underlying assumptions and world views of
frameworks and is seen to apply within curricula the participants (Carr & Kemmis, 1986; Grundy,
that have strong links with industry and are in- 1982).
fluenced by the community of practice. Several models exist for undertaking action
Its supporters claim PBL results in increased research in education, based on Lewin’s (1946)
motivation for learning, better integration of concept of a spiral that incorporates a cycle of
knowledge across disciplines, and greater com- problem diagnosis, action intervention, and reflec-
mitment to continued professional learning (Boud, tive learning, all leading to continuous improve-
1985). As well as offering the flexibility to cater to ment of practice and an extension of personal and
a variety of learning styles, the emphasis moves professional knowledge (Zuber-Skerritt, 1995).
from dealing with content and information in Action research places the teacher in the dual
abstract ways to using information in ways that position of producer of education theory/policy
reflect how practitioners might use it in real life and user of that theory through their practice.
(Oliver & McLoughlin, 1999). Within IT research, action research is celebrated
The purpose of the research described in the as unique in the way it associates research and
next sections was to apply and evaluate alternate practice (Avison, Lau, Myers, & Nielsen, 1999).
learning models based on PBL in order to ascertain Although a survey of the literature shows that
their success in addressing the mismatch identified the IT academic community almost totally ig-
between practitioner needs and formal tertiary nored action research (Avison et al., 1999 report
education for software development. only 29 articles on action research, spanning the
years 1971 to 1995), by the end of the 1990s it
began growing in popularity for use in scholarly
reseArch desIgn investigations of IS, spurred by the relevance of
research results.
The contrasting philosophical and epistemological
assumptions implicit in natural science and social A Framework for Action research in
science research approaches have been described It education
and discussed at great length in a number of
widely cited works (e.g., Bunge, 1984; Guba & The model of action research applied to this study
Lincoln, 1994). The assumption, that cognition is adapted from the work of Borg, Gall, and Gall

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

(1993). However, a model for the research design this model, single-loop learning is a characteristic
is not sufficient: The context of the study suggests of a stable context in which problem solving
that the action research be placed within a con- is patterned on proven solutions and previous
ceptual framework that reflects the “culture” of experience (Argyris & Schön, 1974). Double-loop
the organisation in which the study is conducted. learning, in contrast, is seen as transformative:
The context of this study is an institution of required by a context where change is inevitable
(formal) tertiary education, therefore requiring but its direction unpredicted. In this environment
an acknowledgement of theories of learning as reflection becomes the basis for decision making
fostering cognitive change through the construc- that relies on intuitive and tacit knowledge
tion and organisation of knowledge. and critical analysis. Informed, directed, and
The learning that takes place is not confined committed action (thus Praxis) requires reflective
to the student participants in the research being activity in order to change the frames of reference
undertaken. The value of action research is its by which action is taken.
ability to focus on the researcher’s learning as The dominant characteristics of this study
a fundamental component of the context under suggest that a conceptual framework for action
investigation. The framework for double-loop research in IT education requires each of these
learning proposed by Hatten (1997) provides components to be incorporated. The process is
a basis for consideration of the researcher’s a defined action research model, the context an
participation within each action research cycle. In environment where the aim is learning (cognitive

Figure 2. Conceptual framework for action research for cognitive change

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

change). The iterations explicit in the research • Feedback: Formal and informal question-
design require double-loop learning on the part naires provide a mechanism for participants
of the researcher at least, so that future action is to address areas of interest to the researcher,
based on varied reflection. Figure 2 illustrates while interviews allow for both general im-
this framework. pressions to be uncovered and tight analysis
to be undertaken.
Data Acquisition and Evaluation These are applied in this study to provide
mechanisms to validate the interpretations made
This research is undertaken with an acceptance through a process of triangulation (Denzin,
of the view that not only is education a social 1970)
discipline, but so is the (knowledge/discipline)
domain into which the students expect to enter. Data Evaluation
The study adopts a mixed method approach as the
most appropriate for the development of multiple The action research strategy adopted utilises both
interpretations, guided by the concept of compli- formative and summative evaluation techniques
mentarity, reflecting the intention to use the results but also allows for monitoring analysis to take a
of one strand to elaborate, enhance, and illustrate prominent position: The integration of data collec-
the results from the other strand. The value of this tion/data analysis allows the research to be shaped
nested concurrent approach (Creswell, 2003) is and reshaped by the participants in the research,
that it provides broader perspectives than by using based on the themes identified through examina-
the predominant method in isolation: Here the tion of the data. This thematic analysis aims to
predominant approach is qualitative but contain- identify important elements, with the categories
ing smaller quantitative data collection phases. induced from the data itself. According to Orona
And, since change is accepted as a fundamental (1990), the value is in the approach’s acceptance
goal of this research, an evaluation strategy that (though not reliance) on intuition and creativity,
applies a qualitative approach to the collection nuances and detail.
and analysis of data is seen to have the potential
to provide the information required.
PresentAtIon oF reseArch
Data Acquisition results/exPerIence

Kember and Kelly (1993) divide observation tech- Since 1995, Murdoch University Engineering
niques common to action research in education (MUE) has provided a suite of programmes in SE.
into three categories: The teaching objectives have focused on produc-
ing graduates with a special skill in software: We
• Diagnostic: These devices include student expect our graduates to find career opportunities
assessment, learning inventories, interaction in both professional engineering industries that
schedules, diagnosis of conception (e.g., have a strong interest in software as well as in IT
mind maps). disciplines where the design and implementation
• Records: Records include such items as of quality software is considered a priority.
diary/journal and supporting documents The investigation into characteristics of learn-
including syllabus, documents for course ing and of the discipline, described in previous
development and accreditation, student as- sections, has suggested that the issues highlighted
sessment planned as either practitioner or domain needs of formal

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

education could be best addressed through less of core knowledge and skill in software
traditional approaches to learning, with a focus development and evolution
on advanced knowledge acquisition (Spiro et al., • Engineering: These offer knowledge and
1991). An education framework for software de- skills in engineering practice and principles
velopment should exploit the learning models that and are common to all our engineering
provide an appropriate environment for practice. students. They include natural sciences,
It should: be based on constructivist theory with a mathematics, management, and ethics,
focus on strategic knowledge; be placed within a which provides the basis for:
situated experiential environment where authentic • Engineering internship/thesis: This
context is exploited; and provide learners with is also common to all engineering
exposure to activities that allow students to act students, though the domain of applica-
opportunistically and creatively. tion targets the appropriate discipline
Pursuing these objectives has meant a gradual of study. The internship is wholly in-
shift from more traditional learning, resulting in dustry-based in that the student is an
the development of a studio learning model. Based “employee” of the organisation. The
on a PBL approach, integrating Schön’s (1987) thesis may also be linked to workplace
ideas on design studios with creativity-enhanc- experiences, but the student is not
ing activities, this learning model has been seen employed during the duration of the
to provide students with a solid foundation in project.
subject matter, while at the same time exposing
them to real-world characteristics. Within the con- As can be appreciated from this brief descrip-
straints of professionally accredited curriculum, tion, the learning environment adheres very
studio learning addresses the issues previously closely to the traditional model described by
described: Waks (2001).
The reduced opportunity for group-based
• An increasing focus on scientific generali- projects due to the introduction of the semester-
sation as the education of choice for soft- long internship/thesis was one trigger for the
ware restructure of some of the core SE units. Other
• Potential for misalignment with industry triggers included a need to provide students with a
needs taste of the types of “messy” problems they would
• An acknowledged need for life-long learn- encounter during their internship. Exposure to the
ing uncertainties, inconsistencies, and idiosyncrasies
associated with real problems would enhance
The curriculum for the Bachelor of Engineer- graduates’ potential to deal in their own turn with
ing, Software Engineering BE(SE) at Murdoch ill-structured problems within an organisational
University originally integrated units1 in three context.
primary components:
cycle 1: engaging with Authentic
• Computer science: These cover fundamen- Practice
tal aspects and form the basis of technical
knowledge and skills in software and hard- In this cycle, the focus is split between two
ware units—a final semester final year (Sem 2, Year
• Software engineering: These focus on 4) unit that treats students as novice profession-
SE theory and practice and form the basis als (G4772), and the effects on students placed in

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

this environment of the prerequisite unit (G260), • To practise the art as well as science of SE
which treats students as apprentices. in a controlled setting.
• To test the understanding of theory, its
Students as Novice Professionals connection with application, and develop
(G) theoretical insight.
• To deal with incompleteness and ambigu-
A design studio model was applied, anchored by ity.
a PBL process based on Koschman, Myers, Bar- • To think independently and work coop-
rows, and Feltovich (1994) and in the context of eratively, fostering insight into individual
the phased development of a software product. As strengths and weaknesses.
described elsewhere (Armarego, 2002), student
evaluation undertaken in weeks 4, 7, 11, and 13 However, an unexpected problem was en-
highlighted student concerns: countered early in the semester. While students
were accepting of the idea of directing their
• The need to learn new content as well as own learning in a capstone project and thesis
adapt previous knowledge environment, they felt (very strongly, at times)
• Dependence on other members of the team that within a formal unit they should be taught:
(10+ students) both for achieving the tasks They were comfortable with the concept of a
and for critical assessment components “master” there to oversee their every action. This
through peer and self assessment perception could be traced back to a reasonably
• Lack of stability in teams and task (students high level of teacher direction in prerequisite
were rotated into and out of teams, roles, SE units, confirmed through analysis of teach-
and problem component) requiring a need ing style and a review of the introductory unit
to “come up to speed” very quickly at each (G260) based on Reeves (1997). The instrument
change developed by Reeves provides 14 dimensions for
the evaluation of technology-assisted learning.
However, benefits were identified: This review indicated a transitional approach
to teaching, which did not challenge students’
James we learn so much “practical” stuff from expectations of traditional learning. The initial
this project, it would be good to get an- student resistance to the environment provided in
other chance to actually do it right
the final unit showed that these expectations were
Chad learnt a lot about design skills and still evident 2 years later in their studies.
approaches for problems
Sam interesting group experience
Students as Apprentices (G0)
Brad you need more practical application of the
theory you teach ([this unit’s] style)
The learning environment for the introductory SE
unit (on RE) at this time was based on a cogni-
The restructured unit was seen to provide
tive apprenticeship model (Collins et al., 1989).
students with a number of opportunities (Ar-
In cognitive apprenticeship settings, the teacher
marego, 2002):
models effective practices within professionally
relevant contexts: the students are presented with
• To identify, analyse, and solve a number of
tasks they would undertake as practicing profes-
issues, repetitively. This acts as preparation
sionals, requiring proficiency with notations and
for professional employment.
tools, but also an appreciation of the context in

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

which these must be applied. This requires an issues in RE theory and practice; organisational
understanding of the underlying conceptual involvement; group dynamics). The second part
frameworks used in the domain. Because these of the semester focused on issues of group work
skills are all new to students, the teacher closely and knowledge transfer—students are involved
coaches them, to apply a process for modelling in a group project that requires them to apply
each task as they reason about the issues being the tools to model a complex problem. In broad
raised. Whenever the students reach an impasse terms, the phases (see Table 4) of the cognitive
and are unable to continue or complete the task apprenticeship model are traversed throughout
independently or with assistance from group the semester, though without a clean break—the
peers, the teacher can “take over” by once again focus of the class sessions changes, but the ability
modelling the appropriate approach, often in a to revisit any phase as required exists.
protocol analysis environment, for all students. Evaluation of the model was based on ele-
Gradually, students are required to complete ments of assessment (which included mind maps
tasks more independently, with the final class to provide some information on conceptual un-
assessment item requiring the development of a derstanding, portfolios that provided information
complete model of a problem, with critique and on student’s willingness to explore outside the
justification of the approach taken, with minimal boundaries provided within the unit, and hence
support from the teacher. transcend the unit material) and student feedback,
The curriculum for this unit was addressed as both formal university-wide and school-based,
a two-cycle spiral: The first part of the semester open-question surveys.
(8-9 weeks) focused on learning the use of the Evaluation of the cognitive apprenticeship
tools, gaining an understanding of the conceptual model in relation to practitioner characteristics
framework (in this case object-orientation prin- indicated that although this model addressed
ciples), and an appreciation for the context in which some components of industry needs, the fit be-
professionals practice (e.g., historical overview; tween characteristics of action in the discipline

Table 4. Phases of cognitive apprenticeship model as implemented

Phase Component Class Activities & Teacher Role
I Modelling 6 • Demonstration of a task as a process
• Example approaches and sample
solutions provided as basis for
comparison and critique
• Teacher explains strategies applied and
use of modelling tools (e.g., notation)
II Coaching 10 • Critique and whole-class discussion of
individual approaches applied
• Focus is on exploration of multiple
perspectives and the reasoning process
III Scaffolding 4 • Teacher’s role is to question, prompt,
and encourage students to stay on task
IV Fading 6 • Student collaboration and peer
discussion lead to a negotiated solution
for submission

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

and those of the learning model exhibited ele- of integration—the methods, techniques, tools,
ments of an “incorrect” learning environment. and so forth acquired within a few isolated units
The environment exhibited some of the traits of do not permeate the students’ approach to other
surface learning—students focused on learning software-related tasks within their programme
the tools and techniques of RE at the expense of of study. An attempt could now be made to
a more expansive view of the discipline: They did present a more holistic approach within the SE
not see themselves as acquiring the more generic curriculum.
skills valued by practitioners, with the majority This second cycle focused on the first SE
of students focused on passing the unit. When unit encountered (G260), at that time still early
the teacher “faded” early in the subsequent unit (Sem 1, Year 2) in the 4-year programme. The
(G477), students were loathed to take ownership core component—RE—provided an appropriate
of their learning—they insisted they had a “right environment for attacking student expectations
to be taught.” of a learning environment.
The outcome of this initial phase was to con- Education for REs based on traditional learning
firm the need to build into the curriculum a focus models tends to emphasise technical knowledge
on generic skills as part of the outcomes of the and is based largely on notations and prescribed
unit, with the intentions of improving students’ processes (Nguyen & Swatman, 2000). Although
learning ability, developing employability skills, Budgen (2003) suggests this is a requirement of
and preparing for lifelong learning. To maximise the software domain, it is at odds with the inherent
effectiveness, these needed to be embedded into characteristics associated with real RE problems,
the knowledge base constructed by the student which imply a need to:
during the unit. This has the advantage of en-
abling students to develop the requisite skills • incorporate creativity-enhancing activities
situated within the learning context but, of course, within the curriculum,
potentially required extensive adaptation of the • foster adaptability in students by providing
existing material. for divergent as well as convergent thinking,
The conclusion reached was that the master/ and
apprentice relation needed to be down played • focus on metacognitive strategies and reflec-
so that students took early control of their own tion as an aid to transfer of the skills and
learning. knowledge learned.

cycle 2: creative software The implication of this is the explicit develop-

development ment of metacognitive strategies and the ability
to reflect in as well as on action. The value of
Reflection on the learning experience highlighted metacognition is confirmed in the recurring find-
a need to emphasise student-centred learning ings from Scott’s work on applying a professional
earlier—the final year was too late. This led to capability framework (previously discussed). A
a review of prerequisite units, with a view to focus on flexibility and productive thinking is
making pedagogical changes early in the SE cur- also necessary, so that students learn to use past
riculum. Opportunities to focus in greater depth experience on a general level, while still being
on issues raised in the discussion of education able to deal with each new problem situation in
for software development were also identified. its own terms. Gott, Hall, Pokorny, Dibble, and
One additional issue could also be tackled: IT Glaser (1993) posit that this adaptive/generative
education has historically been plagued by a lack capability suggests the performer not only knows

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

the procedural steps for problem solving but rather than divergent thinking, with the value of
understands when to deploy them and why they conventional behaviour, well-defined problems
work, in effect is wise in the use of them. and good grades emphasised. In addition, many
Glass (1995) suggests that discipline and cre- cultures (here we may say discipline-based as
ativity are the “odd couple” of software develop- well as social) encourage respect for the past and
ment—the discipline imposed by methodology, discourage disruptive innovations. Promoting
for example, forms a frame for the opportunistic widespread creativity raises expectations that
creativity of design. The educational dilemma may change employment patterns, educational
becomes one of providing an educational base that systems, and community norms.
enables software developers to both create and Amabile’s (1996) general theory of creativity
engineer the systems they build: to be adaptable to suggests three components:
the changing environment that is inevitable in their
chosen discipline. Cropley and Cropley (1998), • Domain relevant skills: The more skills
however, suggest that the process of creativity the better, and the ability to imagine/play
and innovation is poorly understood in engineer- out situations
ing and not adequately fostered in undergraduate • Creativity-relevant processes: Including
teaching. This deficiency results in an engineering breaking perceptual (the way you perceive
culture that is frequently resistant to the factors a situation) and cognitive (the way you anal-
that promote creativity and innovation. yse) set and breaking out of performance
“scripts,” suspending judgement, knowledge
The Place of Creativity of heuristics, adopting a creativity induced
work style (e.g., tolerance for ambiguity,
Albert (1996) notes that schooling at the age of high degree of autonomy, independence of
starting formal education emphasises logical judgement)

Figure 3. The CreativePBL model

PBL Stage
PBL Stage

PBL Stage Idea

3 Generation

PBL Stage

Learners Evaluation
PBL Stage

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

Table 5. Positive influences for enhancing creative potential

Encouraging assertion of ideas
No reliance on order and training
No fear of failure
Providing time and resources
Developing expertise
Giving positive, constructive feedback that is work or task focused
Encouraging a spirit of play and experimentation
Providing a mix of styles and backgrounds with opportunities for group
Making a safe place for risk taking allowing free choice in task engagement
Offering rewards that recognise achievements or enable additional perfor-
mance but maintain intrinsic motivation rather than controlling behaviour

• Intrinsic task motivation, which are neces- PBL were seen as relevant to the specific domain
sary for the enhancement of creative poten- (RE) tackled in the introductory SE unit:
• Its problem solving requires the mental rep-
The PBL process applied in the design studio resentation of problematic situations—the
model in G477 provided an environment that problem space (Newell & Simon, 1972)
could be adapted/enhanced for the development must be constructed, either individually or
of creative potential. Table 5 lists some of these, (of more relevance in RE) socially through
based on Amabile’s (1996) work. negotiation.
A CreativePBL model (Figure 3) was devel- • Active manipulation of the problem space
oped to address the characteristics of software is required for PBL problem solving and
development (specifically RE in G260) as a involves information gathering, model build-
domain and to provide a learning environment ing, hypothesis generation, speculation, and
that enhances the opportunity for creative and solution testing, among others. This engages
divergent thinking. The prime motivation, there- conscious activity, and in successful problem
fore, in changing the learning environment was solvers, leads to more systematic manipula-
to address the issues identified previously as an tion of the problem space.
“ill-fit” as early as feasible within the student’s
programme of study and to challenge the false Within the CreativePBL framework the focus
expectations students had of learning through is firmly on examining the problem at length
less traditional approaches. rather than quickly solving it. There is evidence
The congruence between Edmonds and that students who have been taught to explore
Candy’s (2002) elements of creativity (see Table different ways to define problems engage in
6) and the PBL stages of Koschmann et al. (1994) more creative problem solving over the longer
enabled creative activities to be embedded into term (Baer, 1988), addressing flexibility and
the PBL process. In addition, other properties of adaptability issues raised by practitioners. The

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

Table 6. Creativity activities (Edmonds & Candy, 2002)

Exploration of ideas, knowledge, and options is based on

• breaking with conventional expectations, whether visual, structural, or
conceptual is a key characteristic of creative thought
• immersion—the complexity of the creative process is served well by
total immersion in the activity
• holistic view—the full scope of a design problem is only fully embraced
by taking a holistic or systems view. The designer needs to be able to
take an overview position at any point and, in particular, to find multiple
viewpoints of the data or emerging design important
• parallel channels—keeping a number of different approaches and
viewpoints active at the same time is a necessary part of generating new
Exploration involves accessing source data that may be examined, assessed,
and interpreted in terms of the goals. This is an open process, possibly without
observable directions, but the thoroughness and selectivity of the activity is critical.
Having a comprehensive set of knowledge sources readily available is extremely
advantageous. Knowing where to look and how to select the knowledge is even
more important.
Idea generation—problem formulation, as distinct from problem solving, is
critical to the effectiveness of the solution space that is defined. It draws upon a
wide range of analogous cases often outside the immediate domain. This has been
characterised as an ability to make remote associations. Creativity is demonstrated
by the generation of many potential solutions instead of gravitating quickly toward
a single and (usually) familiar solution that is not necessarily the optimal one. The
ability to consider parallel lines of thought and to select and transform the results to
meet the demands of a different situation is a critically important aspect of solution
Evaluation involves taking the results of the generative activity and testing
the candidate solutions against a set of constraints. This leads to modifying,
reformulating, or discarding solutions depending on the feedback. Selection of the
optimal solution may involve a number of trade-offs against the constraints that are
applied especially where, as is usually the case, the product is a complex one. The
application of tight constraints may be considered conducive to creative solution
finding and thus evaluation is a vital part of the creative process. Evaluation may
be viewed as a pervasive activity that takes place from the exploration phase
onward. The use of expert knowledge in evaluation has been identified as an
important aspect of successful solution finding.

model was developed to focus on creativity and Evidence from qualitative and quantitative
divergent thinking, so that, instead of students evaluations3 of this environment (Armarego,
aimed at finding the single, best, “correct” an- 2005) indicates that while some deep learning is
swer to a standard problem in the shortest time exhibited students are still “hedging their bets”
(convergent thinking), they aimed at redefining or by focusing some of their learning strategies on
discovering problems and solving them by means learning for reproduction. This suggests that fur-
of branching out, making unexpected associations, ther work is required in building an appropriate
applying the known in unusual ways, or seeing learning environment that provides students with
unexpected implications. the ability to transcend imposed frameworks,
whether those of disciplinary boundaries or of
personal stance.

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

Table 7. Savin-Badin – Model IV: PBL for transdisciplinary learning

knowledge the examining and testing out of given knowledge and frameworks
learning critical thought and decentring oneself from disciplines in order to
understand them
problem characterised by resolving and managing dilemmas
students independent thinkers who take up a critical stance towards learning
facilitator an orchestrator of opportunities for learning (in its widest sense)
assessment opportunity to demonstrate an integrated understanding of skills and
personal and propositional knowledge across disciplines

Within the context of education for software • Content: Guidelines for implementing PBL
development, Savin-Badin’s (2000) model IV may indicate that success is partly based on a
provide an appropriate framework for learning. reduction to the content covered: assum-
As Table 7 summarises, in this model students are ing too much content is a pitfall in a PBL
encouraged to develop an autonomous position environment (Albanese & Mitchell, 1993).
as individuals within the group, and as a group, • Time to develop project: Bridges (1992)
and implies an evaluation of one’s own stance suggests that each PBL project requires
and openness towards the stance of others. Stu- 120 to 160 hours to construct, field-test, and
dents take a critical position towards knowledge, revise. To this figure should be added techni-
themselves, and their peers and elect to use the cal effort when the problem is developed in
group to resolve dilemmas. A learning environ- an online environment.
ment based on this model enables students to • Cost: PBL is economical for classes of less
deal with problems within a metacognitive-rich than 40 students (Albanese & Mitchell,
framework that makes complexity apparent and 1993). It is considered not to scale well to
lets students deal with it explicitly. The challenge large student numbers without a greater
for the teacher is to focus on quality of product increase in staffing resources.
and provide feedback to the group, as well as • More time to teach less content: Albanese
facilitate the process. and Mitchell (1993) also suggest 22% more
Although generally considered beyond under- time is required to teach in PBL mode,
graduate learning, this model appears to reflect despite the reduction in content usually ad-
more closely the skills required to undertake vocated. In their study, when academic staff
software development and therefore provides consider the hours per week in preparation to
both a challenge and a goal in the context of teach problems in comparison to presenting
undergraduate education for IT. lectures, instead of 8.6 hours/week primarily
While much has been written regarding the preparing lectures, staff spend 20.6 hours/
value of PBL in learning, (e.g., Boud, 1985; Wil- week primarily in groups with students.
son & Cole, 1996), undertaking such a project • Diffculty in transitioning, both for staff
comes at a cost: and students: Bridges (1992) suggests aca-
demic staff are uncomfortable withholding

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

Table 8. Thomas: Issues in flexibility and creativity

Issues identified by Thomas et al Addressed in this context

Individuals or groups do not engage in Problem analysis is a critical stage:
effective and efficient processes of in- starting from the unknown and
novative design. As examples of struc- progressing to a description of the
turing failure, people typically fail problem itself, and the knowledge
to spend sufficient time in the early needed to deal with it is fundamen-
stages of design: problem finding and tal to RE.
problem formulation, then often bring
critical judgment into play too early in Problem-solving habit is chal-
the idea-generation phase of problem lenged by the need to generate
solving. As another example, empirical alternate solution paths.
evidence shows that peoples’ behav-
iour is path dependent and they are In learning RE this problem analy-
often unwilling to take what appears to sis is a critical outcome.
be a step that undoes a previous action
even if that step is actually necessary
for a solution (Thomas et al, 1977)
Evidence suggests individuals have The value of alternative perspec-
a large amount of relevant implicit tives is fostered through participa-
knowledge that provides alternate tion in a collaborative environment
perspectives to a problem. Provid- and the active promotion of critical
ing appropriate strategies, knowl- friendship.
edge sources or representations can
significantly improve an individual’s Critical appraisal and self-appraisal
effectiveness in problem solving and skills are developed through the
innovation (Thomas et al., 1977) use of reflection tools such as the
4SAT (Zimitat & Alexander, 1999)
The appropriate level, type, and direc- Although external motivation is
tionality of motivation are not brought difficult to eliminate within an un-
to bear. dergraduate degree, PBL is seen to
foster intrinsic motivation through
the authenticity of the tasks under-
taken (Wilson & Cole, 1996).

information as they watch students struggle suggest there is a widening gap between the de-
with problems and need training to develop gree of flexibility and creativity needed to adapt
facilitator skills or they may be unsuccess- to a changing world and the capacity to do so.
ful in PBL. Students may be uncomfortable Table 8 summarises these issues and indicates
with the extensive collaboration required or the approach taken to address them within the
with the lack of teacher direction given. framework developed.
Evaluation of this model indicated that student
However, despite these costs, the Creative- conceptions of the characteristics of the learning
PBL approach also had the value of addressing environments were related to their study orienta-
issues identified by Thomas et al. (2002): They tions and strategies. Meaning-oriented students

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

were likely to see their learning environment with process of sequential stages. To some extent, this
positive terms such as having good atmosphere was an inhibitor to student engagement with the
and demanding deep learning, while reproduction learning environment—so much effort was ex-
orientation was associated with the view that the pended in applying and monitoring the process
learning environment demands surface learning rigidly (a novice characteristic) that students did
and requires students to be overworked. not transcend characteristics of surface learning,
These findings give support to the contextual nor, in particular, allow opportunism and heuristic
view of student learning: Study approaches or insight the importance it was warranted.
orientations are formed in the interaction between The aim of the next cycle was to improve
individuals and their environment. Figure 4 sum- the proportion of students using aspects of deep
marises student perception of their learning in learning approaches and to downplay the process
this environment and confirms results from other of learning (to some extent), while still focusing
evaluation instruments. on reflection on learning in order to balance the
Although a great deal of effort went into importance of both process and product on pro-
developing the CreativePBL environment, stu- fessional practice.
dents needed greater preparation in order to
tackle a different learning model (e.g., a better cycle 3: Agents of change
understanding of the PBL process) and support
structures (examples, guidelines), so that they Studies of the design process indicate the im-
have a clear indication of the appropriateness of portance of opportunistic approaches (Carroll
their learning. & Swatman, 1999; Guindon, 1990; Khushalani
Therefore, while the CreativePBL model pro- & Smith, 1994), based on the catastrophe cycle
vided some insights to student learning, ultimately illustrated in Figure 5 (Nguyen & Swatman,
it is a process-oriented approach, implying process 2000) rather than a smoothly evolutionary prob-
is of greater importance than the product (Dahl- lem-solving model. The catastrophe cycle can
gren, 2000), and that problem solving is a smooth be compared to classical Wallas’ (1926) model

Figure 4. Learning in a CreativePBL environment

learning this way

(n = 23)


more 9%

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

Figure 5. Catastrophe cycle for RE

of RE model


of creative problem solving. He identified four variable and novel and that do not neatly match up
stages of invention: (1) preparation, (2) incubation, with the (artificial) boundaries between discipline
(3) illumination (insight), and (4) the verification or knowledge areas. The CreativePBL environ-
and expression of insight. ment students experienced has gone some way
Schön (1987) notes that in the ordinary form to addressing these:
of practical knowledge practitioners do not think
about what they are doing, except when puzzled or • Shifting the focus from teaching to learn-
surprised. Schön named this reflecting-in-action ing. The environment is student-centred and
and argued that it is central to the ability to act minimises “teaching.”
effectively in the unique, ambiguous, or divergent • Concentrating on developing (generic) capa-
situations that become central to professional bilities and on student learning outcomes. It
practice. Conceptually, this means being able may be considered a creative environment
to think outside the existing boxes altogether in that enhances divergent thinking and the
order to invent new ones (Table 7 provides one creative potential of students.
framework that applies these concepts), which • Moving from highly differentiated and
are critical in “messy” disciplines. fragmented curricula to integrated learning
This relates to a further issue that needs to be programmes. The approach is somewhat
addressed: the need to engage in life-long learn- holistic.
ing. The speed with which technology evolves,
the multiplicity of its impact on society, and the Therefore, while the progressive development
ramifications of that impact mean that meta- of design studios and CreativePBL models have
cognitive and knowledge construction skills as had some measure of success, the learning diag-
well as adaptability become vital. Professional nostics (e.g., Approaches to Study, Entwistle &
practitioners with such skills become agents of Ramsden, 1983) results indicated at least as strong
change (Garlan et al., 1997). a bias to surface learning as there is to deep learn-
Bowden and Marton (1998) explore several ing. The literature suggests this is an outcome of
significant ways of engaging with the question the (different) learning environments students are
of preparing others for situations that are highly exposed to in (different) units. Ultimately, innova-

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

tion introduced a few units may be undermined if By applying studio learning throughout en-
traditional approaches are maintained elsewhere gineering the aim was to enable all graduates
in the students’ programme—so that benefits may to meet the dramatic changes of a transforming
only be apparent or are enhanced if the innovation industry.
is introduced across the entire curriculum. In order to effect the “cultural change” towards
The next cycle therefore took a two-pronged learning required by this move, students coming
approach: into third year (and for 2005, 4th year students)
were involved in an orientation programme (Ar-
• Applying a studio learning model across marego & Fowler, 2005). The objectives of this
all units and all programmes within engi- week-long activity included:
neering, albeit for the final 2 years of study
only. This approach addressed the issue of • Modelling studio learning
undermining the learning “philosophy” • Establishing the roles and responsibilities of
being effected in the SE programme.4 students and academics within this model
• Building into the curriculum an even greater • Providing an introduction to the necessary
focus on generic skills as part of the out- support services made available with the
comes of the learning environment. Further learning environment
refinement to the model was also required
in order to achieve a greater degree of “fit” These were achieved through a small-scale
or constructive alignment between the design task as a means of identifying and exposing
components of the learning environment. the studio learning approach and an introduction
to generic tools, techniques, methods, and pro-
Design Week cesses that might otherwise have to be duplicated
in each studio.
In 2005 the school instituted a shift to studio A key component of the orientation was re-
learning in the final years of all undergraduate flection on the process and outcomes by way of
engineering programmes. Based on the model a journal/diary indicating tasks, outcomes, and
developed through the research described in this times spent. This incorporated student feedback
chapter, studio learning is a group-based learn- on the value of the experience. As additional
ing approach that requires academics working feedback, students were asked in Week 6 (fourth
as facilitators to provide guidance in a richer, years) and a few weeks later (3rd year students)
holistic learning environment. The aims of this during the semester to comment on the Design
move were: Week in the light of subsequent experiences with
studio learning. In addition, students were
• Improved learning outcomes for students in required to complete a set of learning styles
areas such as project management; problems diagnostics prior to commencement. These act
solving; group and co-operative work skills; as benchmarks and will be one of the bases for
and communication skills ongoing evaluation of the learning approach.
• Increased focus on design content within All students completed the programme suc-
each discipline area cessfully—success being measured in terms of
• A closer match to professional requirements both the product (task adequately designed) and
and the potential to integrate into employ- the process (group process established, PBL
ment positions on graduations

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

process applied). Students demonstrated their single day and 10 hours of additional class time.
engagement with this learning model: The quality Therefore, students were expected to spend a
of the final presentations and diversity of solu- minimum of 2 days a week on each studio plus
tions emphasised their ability to be self motivated any added time required by individual study
independent learners. Significantly, initial obser- habits.5
vation indicated that students who were in the To tackle the issue of a surface learning focus
department prior to the Design Week were better in student (or, in reality, a lesser swing to deep
able to make the shift to studio learning—under- learning than could be expected) a curriculum
standable since it is pre-empted in several units map was developed to examine the alignment
already running. However, articulation students between outcomes and assessment. English
and (international) students joining the school on (1978) advocated the use of mapping to ensure
exchange programmes initially found the learning that the declared aims of a curriculum match
model disorienting and confronting. those which are taught and learned, while Biggs
(1999) suggested mapping of assessment in order
Curriculum Mapping to achieve the alignment of declaration, delivery,
learning, and assessment of individual skills.
As well as other adaptations, applying the studio Based on a model developed by the Engineering
learning model required changes in class structure. Subject Centre of the Learning and Teaching
All discipline-specific units were moved to the Support Network (LTSN, 2002), all topics in the
final 2 years. This meant G260 (or its equivalent unit were categorised, firstly by the broad area
design studio) moved into Sem 1, Year 3. Also, of syllabus and then by the learning outcome to
rather than time set aside for lectures, tutorials, be addressed.
and labs, studios worked in a block-teaching The map based on this model (see Figure 6)
framework—each studio was allocated 10 hours indicates that the learning objectives noted in the
of class contact (teacher present)—generally on a unit documentation are modified through student

Figure 6. Alignment between outcomes and assessment (adapted from LTSN, 2002)

Intended Outcomes determine Assessment Criteria


Intended Appropriate Emergent Assessment
Learning Learning Learning Criteria
Outcomes Activities Outcomes
Open-ended Additional
Tasks Outcomes

Alignment feedback to Intended Learning Outcomes

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

engagement with the tasks and activities. The

teacher identifies additional outcomes drawn from Simon In my opinion I learn more commu-
this engagement that address generic attributes. nication skills and in organizing and
less in technical skills in this unit. So
If alignment exists, the assessment is based on in my opinion I learned neither more
demonstration of the combined outcomes. The nor less in this unit, but different
feedback loop ensures adaptation is facilitated things which I haven’t learned before.
for closer alignment in the next offering of the Vaughn Seriously I feel I have learnt a lot more
unit. useful things in this unit compared to
most of the other units I have taken at
this University … I am learning more,
Students as Studio Learners much more for reasons that include:
• I have been working in a very good
team and feel that some of the
The student cohort undertook the unit success- knowledge I have learnt has resulted
fully—although exams are not a totally ap- from the interaction with my team
propriate summative assessment component in members i.e. I don’t believe the level
this environment, they do indicate “individual” of understanding I now have, would
have been achieved by working on
performance as opposed to group achievement. A the assignments by myself
statistically significant increase in marks across • The assignments being based
all components of the exam was noted, with the around a problem gives a more
realistic context as opposed to
exam modelling previous offerings intention- some abstract exercise to test
ally.6 The average exam marks are as indicated understanding of theory
in Table 9. • I have found that the assignments
have been an extension of the
However, more telling are (sample) comments
previous one other and clearly a
made in response to the question regarding indi- process that is being built upon
vidual student perception of their learning in this at every stage i.e. each additional
environment (Figure 4 also refers to results for stage in the process has enlightened
me to the relevance of the previous
the same query from a previous year). stage. This method of teaching has
provided me with a framework that
I can use to identify future problems
and develop solutions.
Table 9. Comparative exam marks I have noticed that the design studios
require a lot more work from me than
Year Average exam mark if I was working alone. For example
I have to spend more time working on
2001 48.08
problems because of the extra overhead
2002 56.53 of working in a team (meetings and
2003 55.53 social interaction). There is also the need
to do extra research to gain information
2005 67.45 that is normally just handed out in a
lecture. However I don’t mind putting in
the extra effort because I feel the extra
effort is worth it because I feel more
confident that I do know the material (not
an impostor) and can apply it to future

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

Alaina I felt I have not learnt adequately • Alaina is concerned about her organisational
because I could not manage my time skills.
effectively. However, the context of this • Simon acknowledges his learning of generic
unit was very interesting and the amount
of workload was not heavy, I believe I
could have learnt much more if I could • Vaughn and student B acknowledge the
organise the study more successfully importance of social stance in learning.
Dermot I personally feel I learn less, I guess this • Student A and Vaughn comment on the
is not my style of learning. It is as good educational quality of the environment.
as me taking a unit externally and just
staying at home and teaching my self, • Student C demonstrates diagnostic map-
and if I have problems asking a friend, ping.
or researching further. I guess however • Dermot indicates awareness of his personal
teaching your self things you do tend to
understand concepts better. However I
stance and how it affects his learning.
feel that I am an audio visual learner,
thus listening to someone explaining the Interestingly, Dermot’s comments support the
concepts, PowerPoint’s and teaching it
findings of Entwistle and Tait (1990, 1995). They
to us makes life easier for me. I believe I
gain a better understanding in this way found that students who reported themselves as
adopting surface approaches to learning teach-
From the university-wide student survey (un- ing and assessment procedures that supported
dertaken anonymously at the end of semester) the that approach, whereas students reporting deep
following comments are noteworthy: approaches preferred courses that were intellec-
tually challenging and assessment procedures
student A This unit teaches a process that
that allowed them to demonstrate their under-
is built on knowledge but more standing.
importantly that knowledge is Students also noted that with all their studies
converted to a skill via practice
undertaken within a studio learning environment,
on the problem. I don’t believe
this is achieved by the other style they felt a reduction in the need to justify their
of teaching e.g. lectures and efforts. Probing of this concept within a focus-
exercise type assignments group environment indicated the following:
student b These design studios are a
formalisation of what is occurring
• Students felt academic staff were more
naturally i.e. we learn from and
work with each other already tolerant of the needs of other studios.
student c This method of teaching has • With a full-time load of only two studios,
provided me with a frame work student time was not as fragmented across
that I can use to identify future different areas.
problems and develop solutions.
• Except for the (negotiated) compulsory at-
tendance, students could vary the time they
Comments such as these samples may be spent on each studio in response to their total
aligned with the professional capability frame- learning context. It was the project manager’s
work described earlier. Students are demonstrat- role to ensure tasks were on schedule.
ing awareness of their capabilities in several of
the scales: They concluded that this flexibility reduced
stress and allowed them to focus on the learning
they needed to achieve.

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

Vaughn’s comments in response to the ques- this studio, of taking a final exam or presenting
tion: a working demonstration of the problem/system.
Although the latter requires much more effort and
Do you feel there are any good things about a is group-based, the cohort decided to dedicate
unit structured in this way? the (extra) time required in producing a working
system. The implication of this decision is their
act as a summary of student perception: ability to gauge the level of proficiency of their
attempts to master the problem and complete the
Vaughn Yes I think this design studio is very very task: They appear to be drawn actively into the
very (Did I mention very) well run. The problem and learning environment, suggesting
problem (Development of the game envi-
ronment by Mursoft for TerColl) covers
“real learning” is occurring.
all the learning outcomes. We have to Student engagement with subsequent design
apply learning’s to a realistic problem studios has been exemplary: In effect, the teacher
which means it moves as out in the real was consulted only as required. More interest-
world e.g. the lecturer (TerColl) pointed
out errors in thinking and this resulted ingly, as students rotated into the role of project
in us having to revise what we had com- manager, they (individually) applied what they
pleted previously in order to move to the had previously learned with regards to learning
next step. I found this gave me a greater
depth of knowledge than the usual do strategies and approaches to study in order to
an assignment get some of it wrong and motivate their group members.
move on to the next usually non-related Markus has the final word, in an e-mail 6
months after the end of the studio:
The lecturer spending the agreed allocat-
ed time in the class room has been very Sent: Wednesday, 0 May 00 :0 AM
useful i.e. we have been able to learn at
a faster rate because we have been able
to consult with the lecturer when we Sorry I have not got back to you sooner, I have
where unsure i.e. the lecturer became a been waiting on definitive answers regarding
mentor/consultant who suggested and internship possibilities[…] The particular project
guided rather than just giving being a is a large one and most likely I will only get to the
lecturer/guru. simulation phase. I will be redesigning a complete
operating system. I am confident of doing the task
with both my background […], and also using the
Students as Advanced Learners methodology of Software Design you have taught
I still stand by that the Software Design Studio you
This student cohort was further observed in a taught last year really has given much confidence
subsequent studio—specifically the unit where in the process and the importance of Software
previous cohorts had “insisted on being taught.” Design.
On this occasion, students exhibited a willingness
to work independently and to vary their interac- He exhibits many of the attributes this research
tions (e.g., teacher explaining, students discuss- was attempting to target. He expresses confi-
ing together, students working individually, etc.) dence in his own ability to learn and apply new
depending on the needs of the learning situation, knowledge as well as adapt what he has learned.
calling on the teacher only as required. This confidence is based on knowledge and
Extensive data provide significant insight to metacognitive skills that have been encouraged
the students’ perceptions of themselves as learn- and developed throughout his formal education.
ers. As one example, students have the choice, in

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

Reviews of Studio Learning • Provide students with authentic experiences

that address competencies additional to
A department-wide review of the studio learning specific discipline knowledge
model was undertaken at the end of the first-se-  Students were exposed to learning both
mester offerings. Feedback was sought from all as a “generic” metacognitive activity
academic staff involved and student representa- and as a skill to be continually adapted
tives across all design studios. The conclusion and utilised within a discipline con-
reached was that while refinement was needed, text
(for many staff this was the first implementation  Flexibility in thinking—addressing
of nontraditional learning environments), and a creativity, opportunism, and divergen-
need for student feedback aligned to the learning cy/convergency—was made explicit
environment identified, design studios had been and strategies to exploit it developed
successful. Students commented positively on • Provide learners with a deep understanding
the provision of an introduction and rationale of self and others in complex human activity
to PBL and design studios (46% of comments systems:
received, n = 33) and to the value of working in  In a collaborative environment, stu-
interdisciplinary groups (30%). Staff noted that, dents became aware of and learned to
despite concerns regarding “lost” content, learn- utilise each others’ strengths and weak-
ing objectives were achieved. nesses in achieving the unit outcomes.
External review of the proposal (as opposed They learned how to “jell,” what to do
to post-implementation) for design studios by if they did not, and to be empathetic to
the professional accreditation panel suggested others’ contexts.
this could become the leading programme in this  They learned to value and exploit alter-
country, while a school review undertaken by the nate perspectives brought to a problem
university, at the end of one academic year of by different stakeholders (client, teach-
design studios, acknowledged staff and student er/consultant, other team members) to
satisfaction with studio learning and recom- enrich their learning context.
mended that the model be applied throughout the  They became aware of the need to
school (i.e., not just to engineering). Longitudinal be self-motivated and learn indepen-
monitoring with data collection will go some dently.
way towards confirming these initial findings  Students were confident in question-
and perceptions. ing their own and others’ assumptions
within the learning environment.
• Allow time to explore new ideas and to reflect
dIscussIon oF reseArch on possible processes and outcomes:
results/exPerIence  Students were open to discussion and
feedback and willing to retrace their
Although in its infancy within this university and steps/redo the work in order to advance
in the discipline of IT, studio learning has been to a solution.
seen to address issues raised in studies of disci-  They were willing to “trust” each
pline practitioners and the education literature. other’s knowledge (implicit or not,
The need to: technical or not), accepting the mul-
tidisciplinary nature of the skills and

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

Table 9. Questions and answers addressed

Question 1 How useful is the knowledge generally included in tertiary institution curricula for the practi-
calities of being an IT professional?
Answer Practitioner studies indicate a mismatch: profession-specific knowledge is generally addressed
adequately within model curricula. However, practitioners emphasise affective qualities and
generic intellectual abilities and skills. “Lip service” is more likely to be paid to these within
formal education.
Question 2 Do alternate learning models address any mismatch identified?
Answer Learning models based on construction of knowledge within a collaborative active learning
environment appear to address issues raised by practitioners, especially if problems tackled are
complex, ill-structured, and authentic.
Question 3 Can these be applied successfully within a formal (tertiary) education environment?
Answer This research shows it can, at least in the context in which it was applied. In addition, the model
developed—studio learning—has been successfully applied to all disciplines of engineering at
3 rd and 4 th Year within this university. Long-term success, however, is based on employer reac-
tion and graduate career prospects. These require further research.

knowledge required to achieve the students—in 2005 the request was for 10 students
learning objectives who had participated in studio learning in SE.
• Be challenged More revealing, this demand was not matched at
 Students were motivated by the (in- other universities in the state offering engineering
creasing) complexity of the task and programs for software.
were able to focus on cognitive and A further indication of employer satisfaction
interpersonal skills to adapt to the is provided by graduate career prospects. While
changes required. empirical evidence is in the process of being ac-
cumulated, (there are still too few SE graduates
Within the context of IT learning within to provide statistically significant results), the
Murdoch Engineering, this research goes some anectodal evidence is also encouraging. Where
way to answering the questions posed at the com- one (20%) 2004 graduate SE was employed by
mencement of this chapter (see Table 9). the same global software development organisa-
As noted previously, within the SE programme, tion noted in the previous paragraph, of the 2005
additional research has been undertaken to cohort 50% (six graduates) are now employed
evaluate student ability to transfer the skills and there. Both 2006 graduates (100%) are also with
competencies gained to subsequent units and to a the same organisation.
workplace-learning environment (in the context of
an internship). While that work is discussed only
briefly here, preliminary results, and in particular, conclusIon
employer reaction within the IT discipline are
encouraging, to say the very least. Industry requires professionals who integrate into
As an example of employer reaction, a the organisational structure, and rather than cope
global software development organisation with specifically with today’s perceived problems, have
a workforce of over 60,000 accepted a lone SE models, skills, and analytical techniques that allow
intern in 2003. In 2004 this was doubled to two them to evaluate and apply appropriate emerging

Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

technologies. More broadly, software technol- reFerences

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Aligning Learning with Industry Requirements

endnotes consistency and test-retest reliability; quali-

tative—based on surveys, interviews, and
Within the environment of this university personal journals.
a unit is equivalent to a course. Within a 4
Since SE students must also complete generic
defined programme of study (e.g., BE(SE)), engineering units.
a prescribed set of units must be completed 5
A full-time load was defined as enrolment
successfully. in two design studios, requiring 40 hours.
These codes are inserted purely to assist in 6
This has been the case throughout the study.
identifying the units being discussed. While questions differ, the outcomes being
Quantitative—based on assessment com- assessed and the form of the question did
ponents and the reduced Approaches to not. In addition, students always had access
Study Inventory confirmed by Richardson’s to previous exams.
(1990) work to possess adequate internal

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