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4 Components of a Robot
The main components and subsystems of an industrial robot are the mechanical structure, the sensors,
the actuator and the controller, as it is shown in Figure 00.

4.1 Mechanical Structure

The mechanical structure represents the physical framework and body of the robot. The robot's
mechanical structure includes the chassis, joints, and links that determine its form and range of motion.
The design of the mechanical structure influences the robot's stability, payload capacity, and ability to
navigate its environment. It is tailored to meet specific application needs.

4.2 Sensors
Sensors are devices that provide robots with information about the surrounding environment. Robots
use various sensors, such as cameras, force/torque sensors, and proximity sensors, to perceive and
interpret their surroundings. For example, a camera can be employed for object recognition, while
force/torque sensors enable the robot to sense external forces and adapt its actions accordingly.

4.3 Actuators
Actuators are mechanisms responsible for the movement and control of the robot's physical parts.
Motors and servos serve as actuators in robots, converting electrical signals into mechanical motion.
They enable precise control of the robot's limbs, joints, and other movable parts. Actuators play a
crucial role in executing tasks such as picking, placing, and manipulating objects.

4.4 Controller
The controller is the central processing unit that manages and coordinates the robot's functions. The
controller receives input from sensors, processes the information, and sends commands to actuators. It
acts as the robot's "brain," orchestrating its movements and responses. Advanced controllers use
algorithms to ensure safe and efficient robot operations.

5 Characteristics of a Robot
A robot possesses various characteristics that define its capabilities and functionalities. Understanding
these features is crucial for designing robots tailored to specific tasks. Let's delve into the key

5.1 Maximum Payload Capacity

5.2 Workspace

5.3 Positioning Accuracy

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