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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

School of Education
Fr. Eusebio Salvador, SJ Campus, La Purisima St., Zamboanga City 7000 Philippines


AY 2023-24

Rojas, Justin Carl I.


This week is allotted to computing grades for the students while at the same time giving
students a post test and pre-test for the last quarter of the school. Post-test and pre-test are
assessment methods used in educational settings to evaluate a student's understanding of a
subject before and after instruction, respectively. The pre-test is administered before instruction
begins to gauge the student's baseline knowledge, while the post-test is given after instruction to
measure the knowledge gained or the effectiveness of the instruction. They help educators tailor
their teaching strategies and measure the effectiveness of their teaching methods.

In administering pre-test and post-test, I utilized the reward system for the students to
motivate them to get good scores in the exam, also I expect that students will be more serious in
answering their exam. One of the challenges I have face during this week is how to manage and
prepare for the whole week lesson plan for next week, my teacher gave me one CAPSLET with
different lesson for Week 1 for 4 th Quarter, while it is easy to present the lesson, deciding for
activity that is aligned to the lesson is the most crucial part. Different lessons mean different
activities to prepare, what is good is during our free time with my co-PSTs we are sharing
possible activities that we can apply in our lesson, especially I am handling Grade 7 Students.
The advice of my CT is that when choosing activities for seventh-grade students, consider their
developmental stage, interests, and learning objectives. Engage them with hands-on activities,
group projects, and interactive lessons to promote collaboration and critical thinking. Balance
academic challenges with opportunities for creativity and exploration to keep them motivated
and engaged. Also, ensure activities are age-appropriate and inclusive, catering to diverse
learning styles and abilities. I also ensure that all my lesson, students are really engaged with
their peers, so that they will also have freedom to express their ideas with their peers. Peer and
group activities play a crucial role in the holistic development of students. They provide
opportunities for collaboration, communication, teamwork, essential skills in both academic and
real-world settings. Through peer and group activities, students learn to respect diverse
perspectives, problem-solve collectively, and build social-emotional skills like empathy and
cooperation. Moreover, these activities foster a sense of belonging and community, promoting a
supportive learning environment where students feel valued and connected to their peers.
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
School of Education
Fr. Eusebio Salvador, SJ Campus, La Purisima St., Zamboanga City 7000 Philippines

Overall, peer and group activities not only enhance academic outcomes but also contribute to the
social and emotional growth of students.

For this week, next Monday will be for my consultation and checking of Lesson Plan and
preparation of my Instructional Materials at the same time. Time management is always the first
thing to consider, as it is best when the materials are well prepared for the students. I learned that
it may be hard to adjust but sometimes it’s just knowing our priorities, and so there are irrelevant
tasks that I have learned to unload. Truly, effective time management is vital for teachers to
balance instructional duties, administrative tasks, and personal responsibilities. By prioritizing
tasks, setting realistic goals, and creating a schedule that allocates time for teaching, planning,
grading, and personal activities, teachers can maintain consistency and efficiency in their work.
Utilizing time-saving tools, delegating responsibilities, and minimizing distractions further
optimize productivity. Taking breaks and periodically reflecting on and adjusting time
management strategies are also essential for preventing burnout and maintaining a healthy work-
life balance.

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