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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines



Subject Instructor: Engr. Noli M. Esperas Jr,
Module No. & Title: 1. Introduction to Physics for Engineers
1. Introduction to Physics for Engineers
Outline of Topics
1. Units and Measurement
2. Trigonometry
3. Scalar and Vector Quantity
4. Vector Component
5. Vector Addition and Subtraction

Specific Intended Learning Outcome/s (SILOs)

At the end of this topic, the student should be able to:
• Identify unit and measurement
• Recognize with basic trigonometry concept
• Describe difference between scalar and vector quantity
• Determine the component of a 2D vector
• Sketch and solve addition and subtraction of vectors

The science of physics has developed out of the efforts of men and women to explain our physical
environment. These efforts have been so successful that the laws of physics now encompass a remarkable
variety to phenomena, including planetary orbits, radio and TV waves, magnetism, and lasers, to name just
a few.

Lesson 1: Units and Measurements

Unit Prefixes

Physics is a quantitative science. The lessons and calculations throughout this subject always involve
measured quantities with specified numerical values. Scientific measurements are expressed in the metric
system. This is a decimal system in which all of the units of a particular quantity are related to one another
by factors of 10. The common prefixes used to express these factors are listed in below.

Table 1.1 Metric Prefixes

Factor Prefix Abbreviation Factor Prefix Abbreviation
10 yotta Y 10-1 deci d
1021 zetta Z 10-2 centi c
1018 exa E 10-3 milli m
10 15
peta P 10-6 micro μ
1012 tera T 10-9 nano n
109 giga G 10-12 pico p
106 mega M 10-15 femto f
103 kilo k 10-18 atto a
102 hector h 10-21 zepto z
101 deca da 10-24 yecto y

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Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines


Basic Units in Metric System

The metric system is the main system of measurement units used in science. Each unit is considered to be
dimensionally independent of the others.

Table 1.2 Basic Units of Measurement in Metric System

Measurement Unit (Symbol) One Unit Equal to
Basic Unit
Length meter (m) 100 cm, 3.28 ft, 1.09 yd
Mass mass (kg) 1000 g, 2.20 lb, 35.274 oz
Time second (s) 1000 ms, 0.0167 min
Electric Current ampere (A) 1 V/Ω (I=V/R)
Temperature kelvin (K) K = oC + 273
Amount of Substance mole (mol) mol = mass x molar mass (n=mM)
Luminous Intensity candela (cd) 1 lumen(lm)/steradian(sr)
Other Important Unit
Volume cubic centimeter (cm3) 1000 L
liter (L) 0.001 cm3
Electromagnetic Radiation
Angstrom (Å) 0.1 nm

Unit Conversion

Since any quantity, such as length, can be measured in several different system of units, it is important to
know how to convert from one unit to another. For instance, the height requirement for a male to joined the
PNP is 5 feet and 4 inches (5’4”), it can be measured in 162.56 cm of 1.5256 m.

Table 1.3 Basic Units of Measurement Conversion

Measurement System
Basic Unit
Length 1 meter (m) 100 centimeter (cm) 3.281 foot (ft)
Mass 1 kilogram (kg) 1000 gram (g) 0.0685 slug (sl)
Time second (s) second (s) second (s)

Example Problem 1.1

The highest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls in Venezuela, with a total drop of 979.0 m. Express this
drop in feet.

3.281 feet
Length = (979.0 meter) ( ) = 3,212.099 feet
1 meter

Practice Problem 1.1

Express the speed limit of 65 miles per hour in terms of m/s.

Answer: 29.06m/s

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Practice Problem 1.2

The world’s largest cut diamond is the First Star of Africa (mounted in the British Royal Scepter and kept in
the Tower of London). Its volume is 1.84 cubic inches. What is its volume in cubic centimeter? In cubic

Answer: 30.2 cm3; 3.02 x 10-5 m3

• In any conversion, if the units do not combine algebraically to give the desired result, the conversion
has not been carried out properly.
• Only quantities with the same units can be added or subtracted

Dimension Analysis

In physics, the term dimension is used to refer to the physical nature of a quantity and the type of unit used
to specify it. Dimension analysis is used to check mathematical relation for the consistency of their
dimensions. As an illustration, consider a car that starts from rest and accelerates to a speed (v) in a time
(t). Suppose we wish to calculate the distance (x) traveled by the car but are not sure whether the correct
1 1
relation is x = vt 2 or x = vt. We can decide by checking the quantities on both sides of the equals sign to
2 2
see whether they have the same dimensions. We use the dimension for the distance (L), time (T), and
speed (L/T) in the following way:

1 2 Dimensions:
x= vt L
2 [L] = [ ] [T]2 = [L][T]

Dimensions cancel just like algebraic quantities, and pure numerical factors
like ½ have no dimensions, so they can be ignored. The dimension on the left
of the equals sign does not match those on the right, so the relation x = vt 2
cannot be correct.
1 Dimensions:
x = vt.
2 L
[L] = [ ] [T] = [L]

The dimensions on the left of the equals sign matches that on the right, so
this relation is dimensionally correct. If we know that one of our two choices is
the right one, then x = vt. Is it.

Lesson 2: Trigonometry
Trigonometric Functions

Scientist use mathematics to help them describe how the physical universe works, and trigonometry is an
important branch of mathematics. Three trigonometric functions are utilized throughout this course.
Trigonometric identities are the ratios of two sides of a right triangle with respect to an angle θ (theta).

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F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

opposite side (ho ) adjacent side (ha) opposite side(ho)
sin θ = cos θ = tan θ =
hypotenuse (h) hypotenuse(h) adjacent side (ha)

Example Problem 1.2

On a sunny day, a tall building casts a shadow that is 67.2 m long. The angle between the sun’s rays and
the ground is θ = 50.0o. Determine the height of the building.

θ = 50.0o
ha = 67.2 m

tan θ =
ho = ha tan θ = (67.2m)(tan50o ) = (67.2m)(1.1917)
ho = 80.09 m

Practice Problem 1.3

A certain mountain road is inclined 3.1° with respect to the horizon. What is the change in altitude of the
car as a result of its traveling 2.90 km along the road?

Answer: 157 m

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Often the values for two sides of the right triangle are available, and the value of the angle θ is unknown.
The concept of inverse trigonometric functions plays an important role in such situations.

h h h
θ = sin−1 ( o) θ = cos −1 ( a ) θ = tan−1 ( o)
h h ha

Example Problem 1.3

A lakefront drops off gradually at an angle θ, as figure below indicates. For safety reasons, it is necessary
to know how deep the lake is at various distances from the shore. To provide some information about the
depth, a lifeguard rows straight out from the shore a distance of 14.0 m and drops a weight fishing line. By
measuring the length of the line, the lifeguard determines the depth to be 2.25 m. (a) What is the value of
θ? (b) What would be the depth (d) of the lake at a distance of 22.0 m from the shore?

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F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines


(a) Using the inverse tangent, find angle θ.
ho 2.25 m
θ = tan−1 ( ) = tan−1 ( ) = 9. 13o
ha 14.0 m

(b) With θ = 9.13o, use the tangent function to find the unknown depth d.
ho = ha tan θ
d = (22.0 m)(tan 9.13o ) = 3.54 m

Practice Problem 1.4

Three sticks are arranged to form a right triangle. If the lengths of the three sticks are 0.47 m, 0.62 m and
0.78 m, what are the three angles of the triangle?

Answer: 90°, 53°, and 37°

Pythagorean Theorem

Pythagorean Theorem defines the relationship among the lengths of the three sides of a right triangle.

h2 = ho 2 + ha 2

• The choice of which side of the triangle to label opposite and adjacent can be made only after the
angle is identified.
• The use of -1 as an exponent for inverse trigonometric function does not mean “take the reciprocal”
Another way to express is to use arc sin (sin−1 ), arc cos (cos −1 ), and arc tan (tan−1 ).

Lesson 3: Scalar and Vector Quantity

A scalar quantity is one that can be described with a single number (including any units) giving its sixe or
magnitude. Common examples are volume, time, temperature and mass.

A quantity that deals inherently with both magnitude and direction is called vector quantity.

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Because direction is an important characteristic of vectors, arrows

are used to represent them; the direction of the arrow gives the
direction of the vector. In the figure above, the colored arrow is
called the displacement vector, because it shows how the car
displaced from its starting point. The length of the arrow represents
the magnitude of the displacement vector. By convention, the
length of a vector arrow is proportional to the magnitude of the

The fundamental distinction between scalars and vectors is the

characteristics of direction. Vectors have it, and scalars do not.

Conceptual Example 1.1

There are places where the temperature is +20oC at one time of the year and -20oC at another time. Do the
plus and minus signs that signify positive and negative temperatures imply that temperature is vector
quantity? Yes or no, explain your answer.

In this course, we will represent vectors in symbols with arrows above them. Thus, a displacement vector is
written as ⃗A = 750 m, due east. By itself, however, separated from the direction, the magnitude of this
vector is a scalar quantity. Therefore, the magnitude is written as A = 750 m.

Lesson 4: Vector Component

Vector components are very important in physics and have to

basic features that are apparent in the figure above. One is that
the components add together to equal the original vector.

r = x⃗ + y⃗

The component x⃗ and y ⃗ indicates how the finish point is displaced

relative to the starting point. The other feature of vector
components is that x⃗ and y⃗ are perpendicular vectors.

Any type of vector may be expressed in terms of its components. Figure above shows an arbitrary vector ⃗A
and its vector components A⃗⃗⃗⃗x and ⃗⃗⃗⃗
Ay . the components are drawn parallel to convenient x and y axes are
⃗⃗⃗ :
perpendicular. They add vectorially to equal the original vector A

⃗⃗⃗ = A
A ⃗⃗⃗⃗x + ⃗⃗⃗⃗

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Example Problem 1.4

A displacement vector r has a magnitude of r = 175 m and points at an angle of 50o relative to the x axis.
Find the x and y components of this vector.

The x and y component can be obtained using trigonometric

x = r cosθ = (175 m)(cos 50o ) = 112.49 m

y = r sinθ = (175 m)(sin 50o ) = 134.06 m

Practice Problem 1.5

A displacement vector is 23 km in length and directed 65° south of east. What are the components of this

Answer: 770 m, 250m

• For a vector to be zero, every vector component must individually be zero
• Two vectors are equal if, and only if, they have the same magnitude and direction.

Lesson 5: Vector Addition and Subtraction

A car moves along a straight line, with a displacement vector A ⃗⃗⃗ of 275 m, due east. Then, the car moves
again in the same direction, with a displacement vector B ⃗ of 125 m, due east. These two vectors add to

give the total displacement vector R, total vector is often called resultant vector.

With the tail of the second arrow located at the head

of the first arrow, the two lengths simply add to give
the length of the total displacement. This kind of
vector addition is identical to the familiar addition of
two scalar number and can be carried out here only
because the vectors point along the same direction.
Formally, the addition is written as follows:

⃗R = ⃗A + B

⃗R = 275 m, due east + 125, due east = 400, due east

Perpendicular vectors are frequently encountered and figure below indicates how they can be added. This
⃗ of 275 m, due east, and then with a
figure applies to a car that first travels with a displacement vector A

displacement vector B of 125 m, due north.

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The two vectors add to give a resultant

displacement vector ⃗R . Once again, the vectors to
be added are arranged in a tail-to-head fashion, and
the resultant vector points from the tail of the first to
the head of the last vector added. The resultant
displacement is given by the vector equation:

⃗ =A
R ⃗ +B

We use Pythagorean theorem to get the magnitude

⃗ , symbolically |R
of R ⃗ |, bars indicate magnitude
⃗ | = √(275m)2 + (125m)2 = 302.08 m
R = |R

The angle θ gives the direction of the resultant vector. We use inverse trigonometric function, we find that:

B 125 m
θ = tan−1 ( ) = tan−1 ( ) = 24. 4o
A 275 m
Thus, the resultant displacement of the car has a magnitude of 302 m and points north of east at an angle
of 24.4o.

Adding Vectors by Means of Graphical Method

When two vectors to be added are no perpendicular, the tail-

to-head arrangement does not lead to a right triangle, and the
Pythagorean theorem cannot be used.

One procedure for adding vectors utilize a graphical

techniques, in which the vectors to be added are arranged in
a tail-to-head fashion, the resultant vector is drawn from the
tail of the first vector to the head of the last vector.

The lengths of the vector arrows are drawn to scale, and the
angles are drawn accurately(with a protractor, perhaps). Then
the length of the arrow representing the resultant vector is
measured with a ruler.

The subtraction of one vector from another is carried out in a

way that depends on the following fact. When a vector is
multiplied by -1, the magnitude of the vector remains the
same, but the direction of the vector is reversed.

Figure in the left shows the difference in graphing vector

addition and subtraction

Adding of Vectors by Means of Component Method

The component of a vector provide the most convenient and accurate way of adding or subtracting any
number of vectors. Consider the figure below:

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Suppose that vector ⃗A is added to vector B ⃗ . the resultant is ⃗C, where ⃗C = ⃗A + B⃗ . Figure a illustrates this
vector addition, along with the x and y vector components of A ⃗ and B⃗ . In part b of the drawing, the vectors A⃗
and B⃗ .have been removed, because we canuse the vector components of these vectors in the place of
them. The vector component ⃗⃗⃗⃗ Bx has been shifted downward and arranged tail to head with vector
component Ax . Similarly, the vector component ⃗⃗⃗⃗
⃗⃗⃗⃗ Ay has been shifted to the right and arranged tail to head
with the vector component By . The x components are collinear and add together to give the x component of
the resultant vector ⃗C. in the like fashion, the y components are collinear and add together to give the y
component of C ⃗.

In terms of scalar components, we can write

Cx = Ax + Bx and Cy = Ay + By

For magnitude and direction:

C = |C| = √Cx 2 + Cy 2 θ = tan−1 ( )

Example Problem 1.5

Three players on a reality TV show are brought to the center of a large, flat field. Each is given a meter
stick, a compass, a calculator, a shovel, and (in a different order for each contestant) the following three

⃗ = 72.4 m, 32.0° east of north; B

A ⃗ = 57.3m, 36.0° south of west; C
⃗ = 17.8 m due south

The three displacements lead to the point in the field where the keys to a new Porsche are buried. Two
players start measuring immediately, but the winner first calculates where to go. What does she calculate?

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F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines



Practice Problem1.6
A cross-country skier skis 1.00 km north and then 2.00 km east on a
horizontal snowfield. How far and in what direction is the she from the
starting point?

Answer: 2.24 km; 63.4o east of north or 26.6o north of east

Practice Problem 1.7

⃗ ) and then 105
A jogger runs 145 m in a direction 20 o east of north (A
o ⃗
m in a direction 35 south of east (B). Using components, determine
the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector ⃗C for these two
displacements. (Figure at the left)

Answer:155 m, 29o


Physics 9th Edition by Cutnell, et. al.

Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics Technology Update 13th Edition by Young, et. al.

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EN PHYS 1 – PHYSICS FOR ENGINEERS Period: ___________________

Name of Student: ____________________________________________Course and Year: __________
Schedule (Time and Day): _____________________________________Final Rating: ______________
1. Introduction to Physics for Engineers
Direction: Accomplished and submit only the assessment task on the next delivery of learning materials.

Assessment Task
I. Units and Measurement
1. A student sees a newspaper ad for an apartment that has 1330 square feet of floor space. How
many square meters of area are there?

2. Suppose a man’s scalp hair grows at a rate of 0.35 m per day. What is this growth rate in feet per

3. Consider the equation v = zxt 2. The dimensions of the variables v, x, and t are [L]/[T]. [L], and [T],
respectively. the numerical factor 3 is dimensionless. What must be the dimensions of the variable
z, such that both sides of the equation have the same dimensions? Show how you determined your

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F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines


II. Trigonometry
1. A highway is to be built between two towns, one of which lies 35.0 km south and 72.0 km west of
the other. What is the shortest length of highway that can be built between the two towns, and at
what angle would this highway be directed with respect to due west?

2. The corners of a square lie on a circle of distance D = 0.35 m. Each side of the square has a length
L. Find L.

3. The two hot-air balloons are 48.2 and 61.0 m above the ground. A person in the left balloon
observes that the right balloon is 13.3o above the horizontal. What is the horizontal distance x
between the two balloons?

III. Scalar and Vector Quantity

1. Identify each statement either a scalar or vector quantity, explain your answer.
a. I walked 2 miles along the bench.

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F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines


b. I walked 2 miles due north along the beach

c. I jumped off a cliff and hit the water travelling at 17 miles per hour.

d. I jumped off a cliff and hit the water traveling straight down at a speed of 17 miles per hour.

e. My bank account shows a negative balance of -25 pesos.

IV. Vector Component

1. The components of vector ⃗A are Ax and Ay (both positive), and the angle that it makes with
respect to the positive x axis is θ. Find the angle θ if the components of the displacement vector ⃗A
are (a) Ax = 12 m and Ay = 12 m, (b) Ax = 17 m and Ay = 12 m, and (c) Ax = 12 m and Ay = 17 m.

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2. During takeoff, an airplane climbs with a speed of 180 m/s at an angle of 34 o above the horizontal.
The speed and direction of the airplane constitute a vector quantity known as the velocity. the sun is
shining directly overhead. How fast is the shadow of the plane moving along the ground? (that is,
what is the magnitude of the horizontal component of the plane’s velocity?

⃗ . The vertical
3. Your friend has slipped and fallen. To help her up, you pull with a force F
component of this force is 130 Newton, and the horizontal component is 150 Newton. Find
the (a) magnitude of ⃗F and (b) angle θ.

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F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines


V. Vector Addition and Subtraction

1. Consider the following four force vectors:
⃗⃗⃗⃗1 = 50N, due east, ⃗⃗⃗⃗
F F2 = 10N, due east, ⃗⃗⃗⃗
F3 = 40N, due west, and ⃗⃗⃗⃗
F4 = 30N, due west

Which two vectors add together to give a resultant with the smallest magnitude, and which two
vectors add to give a resultant with the largest magnitude? In each case specify the magnitude and
direction of the resultant.

2. A golfer, putting on a green, requires three strokes to hole the ball. During the first putt, the
ball rolls 5.0 m due east. For the second putt, the ball travels 2.1 m at an angle of 20o north
of east. The third putt is 0.50 m due north. What displacement (magnitude and direction
relative to due east) would have been needed to hole the ball on the very first putt?

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F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines


3. On a safari, a team of naturalists sets out toward a research station located 4.8 km away in
a direction 42o north of east. After travelling in a straight line for 2.4 km they stop and
discover that they have been travelling 22o north of east, because their guide misread his
compass. What are (a) the magnitude and (b) the direction (relative to the east) of the
displacement vector now required to bring the team to the research station?

Student’s Corner
Write your feedback and learning in the lesson.

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