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TCVN TIEU CHUAN QUOCGIA TCVN ISO 21001:2019 ISO 21001:2018 Xuat ban lan 4 TO CHUC GIAO DUC - HE THONG QUAN LY DOI VOl TO CHUC GIAO DUC - CAC YEU CAU VA HUONG DAN SU’ DUNG Educational organizations - Management systems for educational organizations - Requirements with guidance for use HA NOI- 2019 TCVN ISO 21001:2019 Muc luc Loi n6i dau Loi gist thie 1 Pham vi ap dung 2 Tai ligu vien dn 3 Thuat ng@ va dinh nghia 4 Béi canh cia té choc 4.1 Hidu 16 chirc va bi canh cta'td chive... 4.2 Hiéu nhu cdu va mong dgi cila cc bén quan tam. 4.3. Xac dinh pham vi he théng quain iy cba 18 chite gido dye. 4.4 H@ théng quan ly cla t6 chizc gido dye (EOMS) .. 5 Sy lanh deo... 5.1 Sy lanh dao va cam két.. 5.2 Chinh sach. 5.3 Vai tré, trach nhiém va quyén han trong 18 chirc. 6 Hoach dinh isan 6.1 Hanh dong gidi quyét rai ro va co hdi 6.2 Myc tidu ca 18 chire gido dyc va hoach dinh a dat due myc tieu.. 6.3 Hoach dinh céc thay déi.. 7 Hb tr. 7.4 Nguén luc. 7.2. Nang lye 7.3 Nhan thie 7.4. Trao dbi théng tin, 7.5. Théng tin dang van ban 8 Thyc hie 8.1 Hoach dinh va kiém soat viée thyc hi 8.2 Yéu cau di voi san phdm va dich vu gido dyc 8.3 Thiét ké va phat trién san pham, dich vy giéo duc 8.4 Kiém soat qua trinh, san phdm va dich vy do bén ngoai cung cép. 8.5 Cung cap san phdm va dich vy giao duc. 8.6 Théng qua san phdm va dich vu giao dyc 8.7 Kiém soat dau ra vé giao duc khéng phu hop... 9 Banh gid ket qua thye hién.. 8.1. Theo dBi, do lung, phan tich va danh gid 9.2. Banh gid ndi 9.3 Xem xét olla tanh dao 10 Cai tién...... ss psi 10.4 Sy khéng phii hop va hanh dong kha phy 10.2 Cai tién lien tye... 10.3 Co hoi cdi tién. TCVN ISO 21001:2019 Phy luc A (quy dinh) Yéu cau bd sung déi vei giao dye mam non...... Phy Iyc B (tham khao) Nguyén téc d6i voi EOMS. Phu luc C (tham khdo) Phan loai cac ben quan tam olla t8 chive giao dye Phy luc D (tham khao) Hutng dn vé trao di théng tin voi cdc bén quan tam. Phy Iyc & (tham khdo) Cac qué trinh, bign php va cng oy trong tb chizc gido duc. Phy Ic F (tham khdo) Vi dy vé'lép lién két voi tiéu chuan khu vy. Phy luc G (tham kha) Cac xem xét v8 sirc khée va an toan di voi 18 chire gido dye. Tau myc tai ligu tham khdo. 110 118 124 126 128 TCVN ISO 21001:2019 Table of content Page Foreword .. Introduction. 1 Scope 2 Normative documents. 3 Terms and definition, 4 Context of the organization 4.1 Understanding the organization and its context . 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties. 4.3 Determining the scope of the management system for educational organizations... 32 4.4 Management system for educational organizations (EOMS). 33 5 Leadersti 34 5.1 Leadership and commitment . 34 5.2 Policy 36 5.3. Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities 37 6 Planning. 38 6.1. Actions to address risks and opportunites... 6.2 Educational organization objectives and planning to achieve them 6.3 Planning of changes 7.3. Awareness 7.4 Communication. 7.5 Documented informatio 8 Operation 8.1. Operational planning and control 7 8.2 Requirements for the educational products and services... 8.3 Design and developmentof the educational products and services... 8.4 Controlof externally provided processes, products and services.. 8.5 Delivery of the educational products and services 8.6 Release of the educational products and services 8.7 Control of the educational nonconforming output: 3. Performance evaluation 9.1. Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation .. 9.2. Internal audit 9.3 Managementreview 10 Improvement. 40.1. Nonconformity and corrective action. 10.2. Continual improvement. TCVN ISO 21001:2019 10.3 Opportunities forimprovement. Annex A (normative) Additional requirements for earty childhood education . Annex B (informative) Principles for an EOMS.... enn ‘Annex C (informative) Classification of interested parties in educational organizations Annex D{informative) Guidelines for communication with interested partie: Annex E (informative) Processes, measures and tools in educational organizations. 110 118 121 126 128 ‘Annex F (informative) Exemple of mapping to regional standard: ‘Annex G (informative) Health and safety considerations for educational organizations Bibliography... Loi noi dau TCVN ISO 21001:2019 hoan toan tong duong voi ISO 21001:2018; TCVN ISO 21001:2019 do Ban ky thuat Tiéu chuan Quéc gia TCVNI176 Quan If chat wong va Bam bdo chat lvong bién soan, Téng cyc Tiéu chudn Bo lvéng Chat Ieng G8 nghi, B6 Khoa hoc va Céng nghé céng bé. TCVN ISO 21001:2019 TCVN ISO 21001:2019 Loi gidi thigu 0.1 Khai quat Tiéu chuan nay cung cdp cdng cu quan ly chung cho cdc td chire cung cp san phdm va dich vy gido dye o6 thd dap ing yéu cdu ctia ngudi hoc va c&c bén huéng yi khac. 0.2 Sy lién quan Cé nhu edu thiét yéu va thing xuyén ddi vi cdc 18 chirc gido duc trong viée éanh gid mie 46 té chive dap img cae yéu cau cla ngudi hoc, cée ben huéng Igi, céc bén quan tém cé lién quan hae va trong vie nang cao kha nang ctia té chive trong vigc duy tr didu nay. CHU THICH: Viéc phan loai cdc bén quan tam trong t chére gléo due due néu trong Phy lye C. Mac di t8 chic giéo duc va ngudi hoc trén ton cu 1a cdc bén hudng Igi chinh tty tiéu chuan nay, nhung tt c cae bén quan tam cling sé hung Iai tir hé théng quan ly duge chuan héa ella t6 chic gido dyc. ‘VI DY: Nguai sir dung lao dng tai tre’ va khuyén khich ‘nhan vién tham gia vao cde dich vy giéo dye cling ob th8 hudng loi ti tidu chudn nay, Lgi ich tiém an cho t8 chic tir vigc ap dung he théng quan ly cho t8 chire giéo duc (EOMS) theo tiéu chudn nay az a) c&c myc tigu va hoat déng lién két t6t hon voi chinh sach (bao gdm ca sir ménh va t&m nhin); b) tréch nhiém xa hoi dec nang cao thong qua vigc cung cap gido dyc cé chat lvgng toan dign va cong bang cho tét cd moi ngudi; ¢) viée hoc tap duge chuyén biét hoa hon va dap. Introduction 0.1 General This document provides a common management tool for organizations providing educational products and services capable of meeting leamers’ and other beneficiaries’ requirements. 0.2 Relevance There is a critical and continuous need for educational organizations to evaluate the degree to which they meet the requirements of leamers and other beneficiaries, as well as other relevant interested parties and to improve their ability to continue to do so. NOTE A classification of interested parties in ‘educational organizations is provided in Annex C. Although educational organizations and leamers worldwide are the main beneficiaries of this document, all interested parties will benefit from standardized management systems in educational organizations. EXAMPLE Employers who sponsor and encourage staff to participate in educational services can also benefit from this document. The potential benefits to an organization of implementing a management system for educational organizations (EOMS) based on this document are: a) better alignment of objectives and activities with policy (including mission and vision); b) enhanced social responsibility by providing inclusive and equitable quality education for all; ¢) more personalized learning and effective ing higu Ive hon tat c& ngudi hoc va dic bigt la nh@ng ngudi cé nhu cdu gido dyc dac biét, ngudi hoc tir xa va co hoi hoc tap sudt doi; 4) cde qué trinh va cdc cbng oy danh gia nhdt quan 8 ching t6 va lam tang higu lye va hiéu qua; e) tang uy tin cia t8 chic; ) cach thire gidp 13 chive gido dye ching t két cia minh d6i véi viée the hanh quan ly gido dyc ob higu lyc; g) van héa va cai tién t8 chiro; h) hai hoa tiéu chudn khu vc, quéc gia, tiéu chudn mé, tigu chu&n déc quyén va cae tiéu chudin khdc trong khudn khé quéc 16; i) i) khich 18 sy xudt sc va d8i méi. ma rong sy tham gia cia céc bén quan tém; 0.3 Méi quan tigu chuan khac jira tiéu chuan nay voi cae Tiéu chudn nay la mét tigu chuan vé hé théng quan ly dc lap, théng nhdt voi TCVN ISO 9001. Tiéu chun nay chi trong vao hé théng quan Wy ctia t6 chive gido duc ofing nhu anh hudng cia h@ théng t6i ngudi hoe va cdc bén quan tm cb {ign quan. Tiéu chudn nay phi hgp voi cdc yéu cau vé tiéu chuan hé théng quan ly. Nhing yéu cau nay bao gdm cdu tric cép cao, ndi dung cét 161 tong déng va cac thuat ng@, dinh nghia chung duge thiét ké dé tao thudn Igi cho ngudi sir dung trong vige 4p dung nhidu tiéu chudn cla ISO vd he théng quan ly. Tigu chudn nay cd thé duge 4p dung cing voi cc tiéu chudn hoac tai ligu lién quan khac cla TCVN ISO 21001:2019 response to all learners and particularly to learners with special education needs, distance learners and lifelong learning opportunities; 4) consistent processes and evaluation tools to demonstrate and increase effectiveness and efficiency; ¢) increased credibility of the organization; f) a means that enables educational organizations to demonstrate their commitment to effective educational management practices; 9) a culture for organizationalimprovement; h) harmonization of regional, national, open, proprietary, and other standards within an international framework; j) widened participation of interested parties; }) stimulation of excellence and innovation. 0.3 Relationship between this document and other International Standards This document is a stand-alone management system standard, aligned with ISO 9001. Itfocuses on the management systems of educational organizations as well as the impact of these on learners and other relevant interested parties. This document conforms to ISO's requirements for standards. These requirements include a high level structure, management system identical core text, and common terms with core definitions, designed to benefit users implementing multiple ISO management system standards. This document can be implemented alongside regional, national, open, proprietary and other TCVN ISO 21001:2019 khu vyc, quéc gia, tiéu chuan, tai liéu mé, doc quyén va tiéu chudn, tai liu khac. CHU THICH: Phy luo F néu vi dy v8 cdch thoe 4p dyng tiéu chudn nay cing voi Khung dam bao chat lung giéo duc va dao tao nghé eta Chau Au (EQAVET). 0.4 Nguyén tac déi voi EOMS EOMS doi hdi cac nguyén tac quan ly sau: a) huéng véo ngudi hoc va céc bén huéng igi kde; b) lanh dao c6 tam nhin; ©) sy tham gia cia moi nguéi; 4) cach tiép én theo qua trinh; e) ci tién; f) quyét dinh dya trén bang ching; g) quan ly méi quan hé; bh) trach nhigm x8 hoi, i) kha nding tiép can va sy binh dang; J) Ung xi? c6 dao dite trong giéo duc; k) an toan va bao vé dir ligu. CHU THICH: Chi tiét v8 c&c nguyen tie nay duge phan tich trong Phu lyc B. 0.5 Gach tiép cn theo qué trinh 0.5.4 Khai quat Tiéu chuan nay thic day viée chdp nhan cach tiép c&n theo qua trinh khi xy dung, 4p dung va cai tién higu lye cla EOMS nham nang cao sy théa man ca ngudi hc va bén hwéng lgi khée théng qua vigc dap (mg cae yéu cau cia nguéi hoc va bén huréng Igi khac. Cac yéu cdu cy thé duge coi 1a thiét yéu trong viée chdp nhan cach tiép can theo qué trinh duce néu & 4.4. 10 standards or related documents. NOTE Annex F provides an example of how to implement this document alongside the European ‘Quality Assurance Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET), 0.4 Principles for an EOMS This EOMS entails the following management principles: ) focus on leamers and other beneficiaries; b) Visionary leadership; ° d) engagenment of people; process approach; ) improvement; 1) evidence-based decisions; 9) relationship management; fh) social responsibilty; i) accessibility and equity; j) ethical conduct in education; k) data security and protection. NOTE The details of these principles are analysed in Annex B. 0.5 Process approach 0.5.1 General This document promotes the adoption of @ process approach when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of an EOMS, to enhance leamer and other beneficiary satisfaction by meeting beneficiary requirements. Specific requirements considered learner and other essential to the adoption of a process approach are included in 4.4. Vige higu va. quan Ij cdc qué trinh fign quan Kin nhau nhy mét hé théng déng gép cho higu lye va higu qua trong viée dat dugc cac két qua dy kién cilia té chive, Céch tiép can nay gitip t8 chive kim soat méi quan hé va sy phy thudc lan nhau gia cdc qua trinh cla hé théng, sao cho két qua thuc hign téng thé clia té chire 6 thé duge nang cao. Céch tiép can theo qua trinh d6i hdi vide x4o dinh ‘va quan ly mét cdch hé théng céc qua trinh va sy tuong tac gidra céc qua trinh, 48 dat duc két qua dy kién theo chinh sch, muc tiu va ké hoach chién luge cla t8 chire. Viée quan ly céc qua trinh va hé théng nhu mét tng thé cd thé dat dugc théng qua viéc st dung chu trinh PDCA (xem 0.5.2) véi sy tap trung ting thé vao tw duy dya trén rui ro (xem 0.5.3) nh&am ndm bat co hoi va ngain ngta cdc két qua khéng mong muén. Viée p dung cach tiép can theo qua trinh trong EOMS giep: = hiéu va nhat quan trong viée d4p Gng cdc yau cau; = xem xét céc qua trinh vé mat gid tri gia tang; - dat duoc cae két qua thy hién qua trinh co higu lye; - cai tién cdc qué trinh trén co so danh gid do ligu va théng tin, Hinh 1 bidu dién dudi dang so dé qua trinh bat ky va thé hign sy tuong tac glita cfc yéu t6 cla qua trinh. Cac diém kiém tra trong theo déi va do luéng can thiét cho vie kiém soat la cy thé cho ‘ting qué trinh va sé thay d6i tly thudc vao rbi ro 6 lién quan, TCVN ISO 21001:2019 Understanding managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the and organization's effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its intended results. This approach to control the interrelationships and interdependencies among enables the _ organization the processes of the system, so that the overall performance of the organization can be enhanced. The process approach involves the systematic definition and management of processes, and their interactions, so as to achieve the intended results in accordance with the policy, objectives and strategic plan of the organization. Management of the processes and the system as a whole can be achieved using the PDGA cycle (see 0.5.2) with an overall focus on risk-based thinking (see 0.5.3) aimed at taking advantage of opportunities and preventing undesirable results. The application of the process approach in an EOMS enables: = understanding and consistency in meeting requirements; = the consideration of processes in terms of added value; - the achievement of effective performance; Process = improvement of processes based on evaluation of data and information. Figure 1 gives a schematic representation of any process and shows the interaction of its elements, The monitoring and measuring check points, which are necessary for control, are specific to each process and will vary depending on the related risks. "1 TCVN ISO 21001:2019 | Hat dena: Ca > Na phn r san a 4 ng 24S | (KB cud cam gs hiaa | (Hoi Ra= ade wn, | hoe Gao. ays, rae ttm | \ivcciagléodve | Inouih sir aing bo a I 1 1abea | 1 i ' Aik Jl. Hinh 1 - Bigu dién duéi dang so dé cac yéu té ciia mét qua trinh (qua trinh danh gia higu lyre giao dyc) Soorces oF inputs: Inputs: Aas: Outputs: Receivers ofoutputs: r a" m4 4c ar -4 frome | faa) aaanaa) [esc] wenn | pee = aie : [stint ote, | aoe | ere | Sa eal ! | [ilomaainabst || eluebonenestenen | | It 1 L _j ema tL ' Pose cried crest pice naner sat mesure pero Figure 1—Schematic representationofthe elements ofasingle process {assessmentofthe educational effectiveness process) 12 0.5.2 Chu trinh Hoach dinh - Thyc hign - Kiém tra — Hanh déng Chu trinh Hoach dinh - Thye hién - Kiém tra - Hanh dong (PDCA) 06 thé duces dp dung cho tat 4 cc qua trinh va cho foan b6 EOMS. Hinh 2 minh hoa cac digu tir 4 dén 10 c6 thé duoc chia nhém theo chu trinh POCA. Chu trinh PDCA cé thé dugc mé ta tém tét nhu- sau: + Hoach dinh: thiét lp oéc myc tiéu va cdc qua trinh cla hé théng; c4c ngudn lye cn thiét 4 mang lai két qua phu hop voi yéu cdu cla nguéi hoc va bén hung Igi va cdc chinh sch cia t3 chire; nhan biét va gidi quyét cdc ri ro va co héi; - Thye hign: thye hin nhong noi dung 43 hoach dinh; ~ Kiém tra: theo doi va (khi thy hign dug) do uéng cdc qua trinh va cdc san pham va dich vy tgo ra theo chinh séch, myc tiéu, cdc yéu cau va cdc hoat déng 44 hoach dinh va bao co két qua; - Hanh dng: thye hién hanh dong dé cai tién két qua thy hign khi can. TCVN ISO 21001:2019 0.5.2 Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle ‘The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle can be applied to all processes and to the EOMS as a whole. Figure 2 illustrates how Clauses 4 to 10 can be grouped in relation to the POCA cycle. The PDCA cycle can be briefly described as follows: = Plan: establish the objectives of the system and its processes, and the resources needed to deliver results in accordance with learners’ and other beneficiaries’ requirements and the organization's policies, and identify and address risks and opportunities; ~ Do: implement what was planned; - Check: monitor and (where applicable) measure processes and the resulting products and services against policies, objectives, requirements and planned activities, and report the results; ~ Act: take actions to improve performance, as necessary. 13 TCVN ISO 21001:2019 4 EOMS trong khuén khé TCVN ISO 21001 t aan Pent Tra Poker ae Thy hign @ Hidu6 ene va él cnn coats Sera 3 meee onde (4.1) Kétqudcia Higa nhu oud OMS (outed mong deca rman eta ngutt fe ban quan ge va bén ‘en (42) hg eK: Youcdv cba sin pin va gud ne va deh w) bin nad it de eh og ven enh pham v ela EOMS (6:3) cath ip hog aun We Sc gio ae (4.4) Hit) Pree uy ant CHU THICH: Cac sé trong ngodc Gon chi éidu ota tieu chudn nay Hinh 2 - Biéu dién cau tric cia tiéu chuan theo chu trinh PDCA TCVN ISO 21001:2019 EOMS in the framework of ISO 21001 Tntraction (0) Scope) Terws nd dtions 3) Infemave comets Operation @ Planing Leadership (=) Understanding the organization ants context (41) Understanding the needs and expectations of interest Resltsof OWS (leaner and coher benofiary satisfaction; Performance paries(¢2) evaluation prodcand ® servi) cers a ter Tearcnes reqs Q bateminingthe scope of BMS (3) Improvement Management syste for education oranzalins (44) Support (7) Normative anne, NOTE Numbers in brackets referto clauses in this document, Figure 2— Representation of the structure of this document in the PDCA cycle 15 ‘TCVN ISO 21001:2019 0.5.3 Tw duy dya trén rai ro Tw duy dya trén rili ro la thiét yéu cho viée dat dug EOMS cé hidu Ivc. Bé phi hop voi cdc yeu cau cla tigu chudn nay, t8 chire c&n hoach dinh va thye hién céc hanh dong 4é gidi quyét rui ro va co hGi. Vide gidi quyét ca rUi ro va co’ hdi thiét Jap co so cho viée néng cao higu Ive cia hé théng quan ly chat lugng, dat duge cac két qua cai tién va ng’n nga nhimg tac dong tiéu oye. Cac co héi c6 thé nay sinh te két qua cia mét tinh huéng thuan Igi cho vie dat duge két qua dy kién, nghia la tap hop cdc trudng hep cho phép td chire thu hit ngudi hoc va cée ben hurdng igi khac, phat trién céc san phdm va dich vy mdi, gidm lang phi va nang cao nang suét. Hanh dong gidi quyét co hdi cling ¢6 thd bao gdm vige xem xét cdc ri ro ¢6 lién quan. Rui ro la anh hvéng lla sy khéng chdc chan va sy khdng chic chan 6 thé cS anh hudng tich cye hoae teu cyc. Chéch huéng tich cye nay sinh tir mot ri ro 66 thé mang lai co hoi, nhung khéng phai tat cd cdc nh hung tich cyc cia mii ro du mang Iai co hoi. Hinh 3 minh hoa chién luge EOMS lién quan dén sir ménh va t&m nhin, 16 0.5.3 Risk-based thinking Risk-based thinking is essential for achieving an effective EOMS. To conform to the requirements of this document, an organization needs to plan and implement actions to address risks and opportunities. both risks and opportunities establishes a basis for increasing the ‘Addressing effectiveness of the quality management system, achieving negative effects. improved results and preventing Opportunities can arise as a result of a situation favourable to achieving an intended result, e.g. a set of circumstances that allow the organization to attract learners and other beneficiaries, develop new products and services, reduce waste or improve productivity. Actions to opportunities can also include consideration of associated risks. Risk is the effect of uncertainty and any such uncertainty can have positive or negative effects. A positive deviation arising from @ tisk can provide an opportunity, but not all address positive effects of risk result in opportunities. Figure 3 illustrates EOMS strategy as related to mission and vision. TCVN ISO 21001:2019 Van hoa cia (6 chite Hinh 3 - Chién lec cua EOMS lién quan dén sir ménh va tam nhin Figure 3 — EOMS strategy as related to mission and vision 7 ‘TCVN ISO 21001:2019 0.6 Sw ménh, tam nhin va chién luge cia td chive Cac tuyén bé vé chinh s4ch EOMS dua tren khudn khd van héa ota t6 chire (tap: hgp hoan chinh v8 long tin va cdc gia tri hinh thanh nén hanh vi ng xi? ca td chirc) va cdc nguyén tac cla EOMS. Tiép 46, cdc tuyén bé vé chinh sach EOMS dua ra khudn khd cho vige thiét lap cc muc tiéu EOMS, nhing muc tigu nay durgc xem xét dinh ky 48 dim bao st ménh ctia 16 chive Suge thire hign mét cach higu lye va higu qua trén hanh trinh huéng toi viée dat duge tm nhin cla 16 chic. Viéc khép néi cdc yéu té nay thu@ng duc goi la chién luge. 0.7 Cac yéu cau va huéng dan bé sung Phu lye A quy dinh cdc yéu cau bé sung déi voi t8 chire cung c4p dich vu vé gido duc mam non. Phy luc B néu cae nguyén tac déi voi EOMS. Phy luc C dua ra phan loai cdc bén quan tam. Phy lye D dua ra huéng dan trao ddi théng tin véi cée bén quan tam. Phy lc E dura ra huéng dan vé cde qua trinh, cdc bién phap va céng cy trong td chive gido duc. Phu luc F néu vi dy v8 vie lap lién két voi tiéu chudin khu vye. Phy luc G dua ra céc xem xét vé an toan va sire khde d6i voi t3 chive gido duc. 18 0.6 Organizational mission, vision and strategy The EOMS policy statements are framed by the organization's culture (the complete set of beliefs and values that condition its behaviour) and by the EOMS principles. In tum, the EOMS policy statements provide the establishment of the EOMS objectives, which are periodically revised to ensure the organization's the framework for mission is effectively and efficiently accomplished while walking the continuous path towards the achievement of the organization's vision. The articulation of these elements is usually called a strategy. 0.7 Additional requirements and guidance Annex_A specifies additional requirements for early childhood education for organizations that provide this service. ‘Annex B outlines the principles for an EOMS. ‘Annex C provides a classification of interested parties. Annex D provides guidelines for communication with interested parties, ‘Annex _E provides guidance on processes, ‘measures and tools in educational organizations. Annex F gives an example of mapping to regional standards. Annex G outlines health and safely considerations for educational organizations. TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA*NATIONAL STANDARD TCVN ISO 21001:2019 T6 chive giao duc — Hé théng quan ly ddi voi t6 chtec giao duc - Cac yéu cau va hwong dan str dung Educational organizations — Management systems for educational organizations — Requirements with guidance for use 4 Pham vi 4p dung Tiéu chun nay quy dinh céc yéu cdu adi voi he thdng quan ly cia td chire giao dye (EOMS) khi 16 chirc nay: a) can ching t6 kha nang cia minh trong viée hé tre dat duge va phat trién nang lyc thong qua giang day, hoc tap hoae nghién cu; b) hwéng t6i nang cao sy thoa man cla nguéi hge, ode bén hudng Igi khéc va nhan vién théng qua viéc 4p dung c6 higu Iyc EOMS, bao gdm ca cac qué trinh cai tién hé théng va dam bao sy phu hyp véi cc yéu cdu cia ngudi hoc va cc bén huréng Igi khéc. Toan b6 cdc yéu cau cia tiéu chudn mang tinh khai quat va nham 4p dung cho td chirc bat ky sir dung chong trinh giang day dé hé tro phat trign nang lye théng qua gidng day, hoc tap ho&e nghién cévu, khéng phan biét loai hinh, quy mé hay phwong phép cung cap. Tiéu chudn nay 06 thé duge Ap dung cho cdc to due nm trong cdc t6 chive lon hon 6 hoat dong chinh khéng phai la giéo dyc, chang han nhu c&c co quan dao tao chuyén chore mon. 1 Scope This document specifies requirements for a management system for educational organizations (EOMS) when such an organization: a) needs to demonstrate its ability to support the acquisition and development of competence through teaching, learning or research; b) aims to enhance salisfaction of learners, other beneficiaries and staff through the effective application of its EOMS, including processes for improvement of the system and assurance ‘of conformity to the requirements of learners and other beneficiaries. All requirements of this document are generic and intended to be applicable to any organization that Uses a curriculum to support the development of competence through teaching, learning or research, regardless of the type, size or method of delivery. This document can be applied to educational organizations within larger organizations whose core business is not education, such as professional training departments. 19 TCVN ISO 21001:2019 Tiéu chudn nay khéng dp dung cho eac 16 chive chl san xuat hodc ché tao san phdm gido dyc. 2 Tailigu vign dan Khéng c6 tai ligu vién dan, 3 Thuat ngi va dinh nghia Tiéu chudn nay 4p dung cdc thuat ngir va dinh nghia dui day. 34 Té hire Nguti (3.35) hoe nhém ngudi voi chic nang inh cé trach nhiém, quyn han va méi quan hé dé dat duge c&c muc tiéu (3.8) cia minh. ridng cba CHU THICH 1: Khai niém t8 chic bao gdm, nhung kh6ng gidi hen 6, thuong nhn déc quyén, cong ty, tap doan, hang, xi nghigp, co quan quan IY, quan he a6i tac, Oi tir thign hay vién, hay mét phn hode su két hop ca ning loai hinh trén di c6 dugc hop nhét hay kkhéng va la tb chire cng hay tu. 32 Bén quan tam Bén lign quan Ca nhén (3.35) ho&e t6 chic (3.1) c6 thé anh hung, chiu énh hudng hodic ty cam thdy bj anh hung bi mét quyét dinh hay hoat déng. CHU THICH 4: Phy luc © dura ra phan logi v8 cdc bon quan tam cila #6 chtte gido duc (3.22). 20 This document does not apply to organizations that only produce or manufacture educational products. 2 Normative references There are no normative references in this document. 3. Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 1SO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: + 180 Online browsing platform: available at https:/lwww.iso.ora/obo. = IEC Electropedia: available at siwww.ele i 34 organization person (3.35) or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationships to achieve its objectives (3.8) Note 4 to entry: The concept of organization includes, but is not limited to sole-trader, company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority, pertnership, charity or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated or not, public orprivate, 32 interested party stakeholder person (3.35) or organization (3.4) that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision oractivity Note 1 to entry: Annex C gives a classification of interested parties in educational arganizations (3.22). 33 Yéu cau Nhu cu ho&e mong dgi dugc tuyén bd, ngam hibu chung hod bat bube. CHU THICH 1: *Ngdm hiéu chung” nghfa la déi voi 18 chie (3.1) va céc bén quan tam (3.2) nhu cau hoae mong doi duoc coi la ngam hiéu mang tinh thong 18 hodc thc hanh chung. CHU THICH 2: Yeu cu duge quy dinh la yeu cdu aa dugc tuyén bé, vi du trong théng tin dang van ban (411). 34 H@ théng quan ly Tap hop cdc yéu 16 06 lin quan hog twong tac ln nhau cita 18 chitc (3.1) 8 thiét l8p chinh sch (3.7), muc tiéu (3.8) va c&c qué trinh (3.12) 8 dat due cdc myc tiéu 46. CHU THICH 1: Mot hé thong quan ly c6 thé gidi quyét mot hay nhidu finh vc. CHU THICH 2: Cac yéu té ctia hé théng quan If bao. aim oo cdu, vai tré va trach nhiém, vige hoach dinh va van hanh cia t6 chive. CHU THICH 3: Pham vi cla hg théng quan ly 6 thé bao gdm toan bd t8 chit, c&c chive nang cy thé dug nhan biét trong t3 chirc, cac bO phan cy thé duye nhan bidt cia t8 chtre, ho&e mét hay nhiéu chire nang xuyén sudt mt nhém trong tS chive. 35 Lanh dao cao nhat Nguéi (3.35) hoae nhém ngudi din huéng va kidm soat t6 chive (3.1) & cp cao nhdt. CHU THICH 1: Lanh dao cao nhat o6 quyén dy quydn va cung cp ngubn Ic trong pham vi té chive, CHU THICH 2: Néu pham vi cla hé théng quan ly (3.4) chi bao gm mot phan cia té chitc, thi linh dao cao nihdt chi nh@ng ngudi dinh hyéng va kiém soat phan db cla tb chi. ‘TCVN ISO 21001:2019 33 requirement need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory Note 1 to entry: "Generally implied" means that it is custom or common practice for the organization (3.1) and interested parties (3.2) that the need or expectation under consideration is implied. Note 2 to entry: A specified requirement is one that is stated, for example in documented information (3.11). 34 management system set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization (3.1) to establish policies (3.7) and objectives (3.8) and processes (3.12) to achieve those objectives Note 1 to entry: A management system can address a single discipline or several disciplines, Note 2 to entry: The system olements include the organization's structure, roles and responsibilities, planning and operation. Note 3 to entry: The scope of a management system ‘may include the whole of the organization, specific and identified functions of the organization, specific and identified sections of the organization, or one or more functions across a group of organizations. 35 top management person (3.35) or group of people who directs and controls an organization (3.1) at the highest level Note 1 fo entry: Top management has the power to éelegate authority and provide resources within the organization. ‘Note 2 to entry: I the scope of the management systom (3.4) covers only part of an organization, then top management refers to those who direct and control that part of the organization, 24 TCVN ISO 21001:2019 3.6 Higu lye MUrc 48 theo dé c&c hoat déng d& hoach dinh duge thyc hign va dat duoc cdc kat qua da hoach inh. 37 Chinh sch Y d6 va dinh huéng cua t6 chic (3,1) duge fanh dao cao nhét (3.5) cia 8 chive céng bé mét cdch chinh thirc. 38 Muc tisu Két qua cén dat duos. CHU THICH 1: Myc tiéu ¢6 thé mang tinh chién luge, chin thuat hoac tac nghiép. CHU THICH 2: Cac myc tiéu 06 thé lién quan dén cae vye khée nheu (nhu myc tu vé giéo dy, tai chinh, ste khde va an toan, moi truéng) va c6 thé 4p dung tai cdc cp khdc nhau [nhur chién luge, toan bo td chive, dy én, san phdm va qué trinh (3.12)]. CHU THICH 3: Myc tiéu c6 thé thé hign theo nhing ‘cach khée nhu két qua dy kién, myc dich, chudn myc v8 tac nghigp, myc tiéu EOMS hay sir dyng nhiing to ng khac 6 y nghia tong ty (vi du myc dich, muc ti8u hutng t6i hay chi tieu). CHU THICH 4: Trong béi canh EOMS, céc mye tibu EOMS duge t8 chite lap ra, nhdt quan voi chinh séch (3.7) EOMS, nhlm Gat duge cdc két qua cy thé. 39 Ruiro Tac dong ctla sy khéng chac chan. CHU THICH 1: Tac déng 1a mét sai léch so vei dy Kién ~tich yc hoe tibu oye, CHU THICH 2: Sy khéng chée chdn [a tinh trang, tham chi 1a mOt phan, sy thidu hyt thong tin lign quan ti hidu biét hoe kién thite (3.42) v8 mot sy kign, he qua hole kha nang xay ra cla sy kién 46, 22 36 Effectiveness extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achieved 37 policy intentions and direction of an organization (3.1), as formally expressed by its lop management (3.8) 3.8 objective result to be achieved Note 1 to entry: An objective can be strategic, tactical, or operational. Note 2 to entry: Objectives can relate to different disciplines (such as educational, financial, health and safety, and environmental goals) and can apply at different levels (such as strategic, organization-wide, project, product and process (3.12). Nole 3 to entry: An objective can be expressed in other ways, e.g. as an intended outcome, a purpose, an operational criterion, as an EOMS objective, or by the use of other words with similar meaning (o.g. aim, goal, or target). Nole 4 to eniry: In the context of EOMS, EOMS objectives are set by the organization, consistent with the EOMS policy (3.7), to achieve specific results, 3.9 risk effect of uncertainty Note 1 to entry: An effect is a deviation from the ‘expected — positive or negative. Note 2 to entry: Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related to, understanding or knowledge (3.42) of, an event, its consequence, or likelihood CHU THICH 3: Rui ro thydng dac trung béi sy dan chidu dén cdc “sy kin” (dugc dinh ghia tai, TCVN 9788:2013) va "hé quit (duge inh nghia tai, TCVN 9788:2013) tim &n, hoac sy két hop ‘eda ching. CHU THICH 4: Riii ro thuéng thé hign theo cach két hap céc he qua cla mot sy kién (ba0 gém ca nhiing ‘thay d6i vé hoan ch) va *khd nding xay ra” (duc éinh ghia tai, TCVN 9788:2013) kém theo. 3.10 Nang lve Khé nang ap dung kién thite (3.42) va ky nang (3.41) G8 dat durge két qua dy kién. CHU THICH 1: Kha nang ap dung kién thie va kj nang ghia 1a ngwei go (3.25) chung {8 thai d6 va han vi hich hgp trong c4c béi canh hod tinh hudng khac nheu voi trach nhiém va sy ty chi. 3.41 ‘Théng tin dang van ban Théng tin can duge (6 chit (3.1) kiém soat va duy tri va phuong tién chéra dyng thong tin. CHU THICH 1: Thong tin dang van ban 06 thé & dinh dang va phuong fign truyén théng bat kj va tir ngudn bat ky. CHU THICH 2: Thong tin dang van ban ob thé d8 cap tei: - hé théng quan ly (3.4), gdm 08 cdc qué trinh (3.12) lien quan; = thOng lin dugc tao ra cho vige van hanh cia td chire (he théng tai teu); = bang ching vé cac két qua dat duoc (hd so). 342 Qué trinh ‘Tap hyp cdc hoat dng 6 lién quan ho&c tuong tac lan nhau 48 chuyén ddu vao thanh dau ra. TCVN ISO 21001:2019 Note 3 to entry: Risk is often characterized by reference to potential “events” (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009, and “consequences” (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009,, of a combination of these. Note 4 to entry: Risk is often expressed in terms of a combination ofthe consequences of an event (including changes in circumstances) and the associated “likelihood” (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009, of occurrence. 3.40 competence ability to apply knowledge (3.42) and skills (3.44) to achieve intended results Note 1 to entry: The abilty to apply knowledge and skis means that the learner (2.25) demonstrates appropriate attitudes and behaviour in different contexts or situations with responsibilty and autonomy. 3.1 documented information information required to be controlled and maintained by an organization (3.1) and the medium on which it is contained Note 1 to entry: Documented information can be in any format and media, and from any source. Note 2 to entry: Documented information can refer to: the management system (3.4), induding related processes (3.12), information created in order for the organization to ‘operate (documentation); evidence of results achieved (records). 312 process set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs. 23 TCVN ISO 21001:2019 3.13 Két qua thuc Két qua 06 thé do duge. CHU THICH 1: Két qua thye hién 6 thé lién quan dén cc céc phat hign dinh lung hoge dinh tinh, CHU THICH 2: Két qua thie hién 06 thé lién quan dén vige quan Ij cc hoat dng, qué trinh (3.12), sn pdm (gém ca dich vy), hé théng hogc ¢6 chite (3.1). 3.44 ign Thué ngoai Thyc hign vige sép dat trong d6 mot 16 chi (8.1) ben ngoai thye hign mét phan chive nang hoc qué trinh (3.12) cia té chive. CHU THICH 1: MOt t8 chire bén ngoai nm ngoai pham viclia he théng quan Wy (2.4), méic dd chie nang ho8c qua tinh éyge thué ngoai Iai thude pham vi cla he théng quan ly, 3.45 Theo d6i Vige xdc dinh tinh trang cla hé théng, qué trinh (3.12) hay hoat é6ng. CHU THICH 1: D8 xée dinh tinh trang c6 thé can kiém tra, giam sét hay quan tric chat ché. 3.16 Bo lvdng Qué trinh (3.12) xéc dinh mat gia tr. 347 Banh gia Qué trinh (3.42) 6 hé théng, d6c lap va dug lap thanh van ban dé thu dug bang ching danh gia va xem xét dénh gid ching mOt cdch khach quan 48 xAc dinh mie d6 the hign cdc chun muc anh oi. CHU THICH 1; M@t cugc danh gia 6 thé la danh gia ni bd (ban thé nh&t) hoe d4nh gid b&n ngoai (ben thir hai ho&e thiy ba) va c6 thé la m@t danh gid két hep (két hop hai hay nhigu tinh ve). 24 3.43 performance measurable result Nole 1 to entry: Performance can relate either to quantitative or qualitative findings. Note 2 to entry: Performance can relate to the management of activities, processes (3.12), products {including services), systems or orgamzations (3.1). 34 outsource (verb) make an arrangement where an external organization (3.1) performs part of an organization's function or process (3.12) Nole 4 to entry: An external organization is outside the scope of the management system (3.4), although the ‘outsourced funetion or process is within the scope. 315 monitoring determining the status of a system, a process (3.42) or an activity Note 1 to entry: To determine the status, there may be @ need to check, supervise or critically observe. 3.16 Measurement process (3.12) to determine a value 347 audit ‘systematic, independent and documented process (3.12) for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfled Note 1 to entry: An audit can be an intemal aucit (first party) or an external audit (second party or third party), and it can be a combined audit (combining two or more disciplines) CHU THICH 2: Banh gid mdi b6 do #8 chite (3.1) ty tién anh ho&c do bén ngoai thyc hign voi danh nghia cia td choc, CHU THICH 3: "Bang ching danh gid va Ychudin myc dénh gia" duge dinh nghia trong TCVN ISO 19011. 3.18 Sy phi hop Vigc dap tong mét yéu cau (3.3) 3.19 Sy khdng phi hep ‘Sw khong dap tng mét yéu cau (3.3). 3.20 Hanh déng khac phyc Hanh dong nh&m loa bd nguyén nhan cla sy khéng phi) hop (3.19) va ngan ngiva viée tai dién. 3.21 Cai tién lién tye Hoat dong lap lai dé nang cao két qué thye hién (3.13) 3.22 TO chirc gido duc T6 chite (3.1) c6 hoat dng chinh la cung cdp san pham giéo duc (3.24) va dich wy giéo dye (3.23). CHU THICH 1: T8 chite gio duc c6 thé bao gdm ca tS chire giéo dye thuge 18 chirc 1én hon ob hoat dong cchinh Kh8ng phail [& giéo dye, vi dy nhw ee quan dio tao chuyén mén, 3.23 Dich vy giao dyc Qué trinh (3.12) hd tre’ viée dat duge va phat trién nang lve (3.10) ella nguéi hoc (3.25) thong qua ging day (3.39), hge tap hoe nghién cizu. 3.24 ‘San phdm giao duc Tai nguyén hoc tap Hang héa hou hinh hoc v6 hinh duge si” dung 48 hd tro v8 mat sw pham cho dich vu gido duc (3.23). TCVN ISO 210012019 Note 2 to entry: An internal audit is conducted by the ‘organization (3.1) itself, or by an external party on its behalf. ‘Note 3 to entry: “Audit evidence” and “audit criteria” are defined in ISO 19011. 3.18 conformity fulfilment of a requirement (3.3) 319 nonconformity non-fulflment of a requirement (3.3) 3.20 corrective action action to eliminate the cause of a nonconformity (3.18) and to prevent recurrence 3.24 continual improvement recurting activity to enhance performance (3.13) 3.22 educational organization organization (3.1) whose core business is the provision of educational products (3.24) end educational services (3.23) Note 1 to entry: This can include an educational organization within a larger organization whose core business is not education, such as a professional training department, 3.23 educational service process (3.12) that supports acquisition and development of learners' (3.25) competence (3.10) through teaching (3.39), leaming or research 3.24 educational product learning resource tangible or intangible goods used in pedagogical support of an educational service (3.23) 25 TCVN ISO 21001:2019 CHU THICH 1: San pham giao dyc cb thé dudi dang vat chat hoc dang s6 va 6 thé bao gém séch giéo koa, sach bai tap, bang tinh, ban tinh (vi dy hinh kh, hat), thé théng tin, hgi th8o nha gido (8.27), chuyén ‘gue that vide that, s’ch, &p phich, trd choi gido duc, 4c ting dung, trang tin dign tt, phn mém, cdc knda ‘hoc (8.33) trye tuyén, séich hoat dong, tiéu thuyét 6 hoa, sach tham khdo, DVD, CD, tap chi va tap chi thuéng kj, huéng dn nghién cou, huéng din cho gio vién, phéng thi nghigm, mé hinh, phim, chyong trinh truyén hinh, webcasts, podcasts, ban dé va at lat Gia ly, tiéu chuan, quy dinh ky thuat va nghién cow tinh huéng. CHU THICH 2: San phdm giao dyc c6 thé duc tao ra bdi bén bat ky gdm cd nguei hoc (3.25). 3.25 Ngwi hocthoe vién én huréng Ioi (3.26) thu duge va phat trién nang Ive (3.10) théng qua vige sir dung djch vu gido dye (3.23). 3.26 Bén hwéng Ioi Ngudi (3.36) hoe nhom ngwéi thu uc Io’ ich ter san pham va dich vu cla 6 chic gido duc (3.22) va t8 chive gido duc 06 nghia vy phuc vy theo su’ ménb (3.31) cla minh, CHU THICH 1: Phy luc D bao gdm danh sdch céc ben hung Ii. 3.27 Nha giao/gido vién Nguéi (3.35) thyc hign hogt dong giéng day (3.39). CHU THICH 1: Trong cée b6i cdnh Khe nhau, nha giéo d6i khi dug goi 1a giao vién, gidng vién, hudn luyén vién, ngudi huong dn, gia su, nha ty v4n ho&e ngudi kam cap. 26 Nole 1 to entry: Educational products can be either physical or digital end can include textbooks, workbooks, worksheets, manipulatives (e.g. blocks, beads), flashcards, educator (3.27) workshops, non- fiction, books, posters, educational games, applications, websites, software, online courses (3.33), activity books, graphic novels, reference books, DVDs, CDs, magazines and periodicals, study guides, educator guides, laboratories, models, movies, televisions shows, webcasts, podcasts, maps and atlases, standards, technical specifications and case studies. by any parties, including fearners (3.25). 3.25 learner beneficiary (3.26) acquiring and developing competence (3.10) using an educational service (3.23) 3.26 beneficiary person (3.35) or group of people benefiting from the products and services of an educational organization (8.22) and whom the educational organization is obliged to serve by virtue of its mission (3.31) Note 1 to entry: Annex D includes a list of beneficiaries. 3.27 Educator person (3.35) who performs leaching (3.39) activities Note 1 to entry: In different contexts, an educetor is sometimes referred to as a teacher, a trainer, a coach, @ facilitator, a tutor, @ consultant, an instructor, a lecturer or a mentor, 3.28 Chwong trinh giang day Théng tin dang van bén (3.11) v8 nhéng gl, tai sao va cach thie tét nhdt nguei hoc c&n hoc mot cach hé théng va 06 chii dich. CHU THICH 1: Chuong trinh ging day o6 thé bao gdm, nhung khong giéi han &, myc dich hoe myc teu (3.8) hoc tap, noi dung, két qua hgc tap, phuong phap giéng day (3.39) va hoc tap, cdc chi sé két qué thye hign (3.13), phuong phap danh gid hoge ké hoach nghign cau lién quan dén vige hoc tap. Chong trinh nay cing 66 thé dugc ggi la hd so néng Ive (3.10), cchudin nang Ic, chuong trinh hoc (3.34) hoac ké hoach giang day. 3.29 Trach nhigm xa hoi Trach nhigm olla 8 chize (3.1) 461 véi nhting téc dng cla cac quyét dinh va hoat dong cila td chire t6i x8 hOi va mdi trudng, théng qua hanh vi minh bach va 66 dao dirc: - G6ng gép cho sy phat trién bén ving, bao gdm ca sic khde va phic igi x8 hoi; = tinh dén mong dgi cla cac bén quan tm (3.2); = tun thi 1uat phép hign hanh va nhdt quan voi chudn myc ing xir quéc té; va duge tich hgp trong toan bé té chic va duos thu hanh trong cdc méi quan hé cia t8 chic. ‘CHU THIGH 1: Cac hoat dong bao gdm san phdm, dich vuva qué trinh (3.12), CHU THICH 2: Méi quan hé dé ofp t6i cc hoat dng cilia tb chite trong pham vi anh hung cta minh, INGUON: TCVN ISO 26000:2013, 2.18 duge sita i — Tw “bén lién quan” duge thay bang “bén quan tam’] TCVN ISO 21001:2019 3.28 curriculum documented information (3.11) of what, why, how and how well leamers (3.25) should learn ina systematic and intentional way Note 1 to entry: A curriculum can include, but is not limited to, the leaming alms or objectives (3.8), content, learning outcomes, teaching (3.39) andlearning methods, performance (3.13) indicators, assessment ‘methods or research plan that are related to learning, It can also be referred to as a competence (3.10) profile, competence referential, study programme (3.34) or teaching plan 3.29 social responsibility responsibility of an organization (3.1) for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical behaviour that = contributes to sustainable development, including health and the welfare of society; - takes interested parties (3.2); into. account the expectations of = is in compliance with applicable law and consistent with international norms of behaviour; and - is integrated throughout the organization and practised in its relationships Note 1 to entry: Adtviies include products, services and processes (3.12). ‘Note 2 to entry: Relationships refer to an organization's activities within its sphere of influence. [SOURGE: ISO 260002010, 2.18, modified — The word “stakeholders” has been replaced by “interested parties’ ] ar TCVN ISO 21001:2019 3.30 Tam nhin Mong muén cla (6 chite (3.1) vé tinh trang mong i trong twong lai cla té chirc va hoan toan théng nhdt voi si ménh (3.31) cia td chire. 3.31 Sw ménh Ly do ton tai, nhiém vy va pham vi cla t6 chéc (3.1) duge chuyén thanh béi cénh hoat d6ng cla 16 chite. 3.32 Chién luge Ké hoach 48 hoan thanh sv ménh (3.7.4) va dat duge tém nhin (3.30) cia #6 chiro (3.1). 3.33 Khéa hoc T€p hop riéng biét cc hoat déng gidng day (3.39) va hoc tap, duge thiét ké dé dap tng cdc myc tiéu (8.8) hgc tap hod két qua hoc tap xae dinh. CHU THICH 1: M@t khéa hoc 6% khi due goi la mét don yj tin ch hoc mén hoc. 3.34 Chuong trinh hoc ‘Tap hop nhat quan céc khéa hoc (3,33) durge thidt ké d8 dap Ung muc tiéu (3,8) hoc tap hoac két qua hoe tap xae dinh va huéng dén sy thiva nhan, CHO THICH 1: Thira nhén 6 thé du6i hinh thac bang edp, ‘ching chi hodn than, tham gia hoa dat két qué, thé, bang t6tnghiép va cdc hinh this ka. 3.35 ghia la mét ngudi ty nhién, hanh dong nhu mét thy thé khdng thé tach roi hodc duge coi nhu vay. 28 3.30 vision aspirations of an organization (3.1) in relation to its desired future condition and duly aligned with its mission (3.31 3.34 mission reason for being, mandate and scope of an organization (3.1), translated into the context in which it operates 3.32 strategy plan to accomplish the organization's (3.1) mission (8.31) and achieve the organization's vision (3.30) 3.33 course distinct set of teaching (3.39) and learning activities, designed to meet defined learning objectives (3.8) or learning outcomes Note 1 to entry: A course is sometimes referred to as a credit-unit or a subject. 3.34 programme consistent set of courses (3.33) designed to meet defined learning objectives (3.8) or leaming ‘outcomes, and leading to recognition Note 1 to entry: Recognition can take the form of a degree, a certificate of completion, participation or achievement, a badge, diploma and other forms. 3.35 person individual human being, ie. a natural person, who acts as a distinct indivisible entity or is considered as such INGUON: ISONEC 15944-1:2014, 3.28, duoc sta 681 ~ Thuat ngtt wu tién “ngudi” dugc dua len trén thuat ng duge chép nhgn “cd nhan’ va tir “con ngudi la mét" truéc tl “con nguoi” o dau dinh Aghia duge bé di] 3.36 Nhdn vin Nguoi (3.35) lam vige cho 13 chirc va trong 6 chite (3.1). 3.37 Kha nang sir dung Mirc 66 theo dé mgt san pham, dich vy, méi truéng hay co sé vat chat c6 thé duge str dyng bdi ngudi ding xac dinh 48 dat duge muc dich xc dinh véi higu ive (3.6), higu qua va sy thda mn trong béi canh str dung xac din. INGUON: ISO 9241-11:1998, 3.1, duge sia adi — Cac tir “dich vu, méi trvéng hay co sé vat chat" dug bé sung vao sau "san phim"] 3.38 Kha nang tiép can Kha nang sth dung (3.37) lia con ngudi déi voi mét san phdm, h vy, mbi truvong hay co s& vat chat trong pham vi nang lye réng nat. [NGUON: ISO/TS 13131:2014, 3.1.1, dugc sta bi—Bé vi dy] 3.39 Gi ig day Lam vige v6i ngudi hoc (3.25) 48 hé tre ho hoc tap. CHU THICH 1: Lam vige voi ngudi hgc ham ¥ vige thiét ké, dn dét va theo di hoat dong hoc tap. CHU THICH 2: Giang day 6 thé két hop céc val tro hac nhau: cung cép ndi dung, huéng dan, kém cp, xay dyng cong ding va & mize 4} nhét dinh 1a ngudi cb vin va ngubi dua ra huéng dn hoc t8p. TCVN ISO 21001:2019 (SOURCE: ISO/IEC 15944-1:2011, 3.28, modified — The preferred term "parson" has been added above the admitted term “individuar, and the words “person who is a” have been removed before “human being” at the start of thedefintion,] 3.36 staff persons (3.35) who work for and within an organization (3.1) 3.37 usability ‘extent to which a product, service, environment or facility can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness (3.6), efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use [SOURCE: ISO 9241-11:1998, 3.1, modified — The words “service, environment or facilty’ have been added after "product’,] 3.38 accessibility usability (3.37) of a product, service, environment, or facility by people within the widest range of capabilities [SOURCE: ISO/TS 13131:2014, 3.1.1, modified — The example has been removed] 3.39 teaching working with leamers (3.25) to assist and support them with learning Note 1 to entry: Working with leamers implies designing, leading and following up learning activities. Note 2 to entry: Teaching can combine different roles: content delivery, facilitation, mentorship, community builder and, to a certain exlent, counsellor and academic guidance provider. 29 TCYN ISO 21001:2019 3.40 Hoe tap sudt doi Vige cung c&p hog sir dung céc co’ hdi hgc tap ‘trong sudt cude dei con ngudi nhdm thie day sy phat trién lién tye. 341 Ky nang Tép hep cdc bi quyét cho phép mot ngudi (3.35) lam chi duge mot hoat déng va thanh cng trong vigc hoan thanh mgt nhigm vy. CHU THICH 1: Ky nang c6 thé la nhan thie, cam xitc, x8 hi hoaic tam ly. 3.42 Tri thivctKién thie Thyc t6, théng tin, nguyén tc hodc hiéu biét thu duge tiv kinh nghiém, nghién ciru hode gido duc. [NGUON: TCVN ISONEC TS 17027:2015, 2.56, duge sta adi ~ BO tiv “chan ly” sau tir “thong tin” vai b8 sing tir*nghién oivu" sau ti *kinh nghigm’.] 3.43 Kiém tra xac nhan Viée x4c nhan, thong qua viéc cung cap bang ching khach quan, rang cdc yéu cdu xac dinh éuge thyc hign. INGUON: TCVN ISO 9000:2015, 3.8.12, duce siva dbi- Bo cc chi thich.] 3.44 Xée nhan.gia tri sir dyng Vic xc nhén, thong qua viéc cung cap bang chimng khéich quan, rang céc yu cdu d6i v6i vige sir dyng hoe ting dung cy thé d& dinh duoc dap ang. INGUON: TCVN ISO 9000:2015, 3.8.13, duce stra dbi— BO céc chi thich] 30 3.40 lifelong learning provision or use of learning opportunities throughout people's lives in order to foster their continuous development 3.44 skill set of know-how that allows a person (3.35) to master an activity and succeed in accomplishing a task ‘Note 1 to entry: Skill can be cognitive, emotional, social or psychomotor 3.42 knowledge facts, information, principles or understanding acquired through experience, research or education (SOURCE: ISO/IEC TS 17027:2014, 2.56, modified — The word "truths” has been removed after “information” and the word “research” has been added after “experience” 3.43 verification confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have been fulfilled (SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.8.12, modified — Notes to entry have been removed) 3.44 validation confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that the requirements for a specific intended use or application have been ulfiled [SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.8.13, modified — Notes to entry have been removed.) 4 Béicanhciaté chic 4.1 Hidu té chive va béi canh cia t6 chive Té chire phai xéc dinh c&c v4n 48 bén ngoai va di b6 lién quan dén myc dich, trach nhigm x8 hoi va dinh hung chién luge cia minh va anh hwéng én kha néng cia t8 chize trong viée dat duge (cdc) két qua dy kién cla EOMS, T6 chic phai theo déi va xem xét'théng tin vé nhiing van dé bén ngoai va néi bd nay. CHU THICH 1; Cac vn a8 6 thé bao gdm nhtng yéu 18 hode éidu kign tich oye va tiéu cure cho vigc xem xét CHU THICH 2: Higu bdi canh bén ngoall 06 thé dé dang hon thong qua vige xem xét céc van a nay sinh tir cc yéu té cong nghe, canh tran, thi tung, van hoa, xé hi, chinh tr, kinh 16 va mai trurég 6 cdp quéc té, quéc sia, Khu vyc hay dia phuong, CHU THICH 3: Higu béi canh ngi DO ¢6 thé dé dang hon thong qua viée xem xét cdc van dé lién quan dén Gia tri, van héa, tri thire va Két qua thye hign cla tb chic. CHU THICH 4: Binh hurdng chién luge ¢6 thé duge the ign bing thing tin dang van ban ntwr tuyén bb va sie men hoc thm nhin cba t8 chive 4.2 Hiéu nhu cau va mong doi cilia céc bén quan tam Do tac dong hoaic tac dong tiem dn cia cdc bén quan tam toi kha nang cla té chive trong viéc cung cdp mét cach én dinh va nhdt quan cac san phdm va dich vu giao dyc, nén t8 chire phai xac inh: a) cdc bén quan tém o6 lién quan toi EOMS; b) yéu cdu o6 lién quan cia céc bén quan tam nay. Cc bén quan tam nay phai bao gdm: = ngudi hoc; TCVN ISO 21001:2019 4 Context of the organization 4.1. Understanding the organization and its context ‘The organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose, its social responsibility and ils strategic direction, and that affect its ability to achieve the intended outcomes of its EOMS. The organization shall information about these extemal and internal monitor and review issues. NOTE 1 Issues can include positive and negative factors or conditions for consideration. NOTE 2 Understanding the extemal context can be facilitated by considering issues arising from technological, competitive, market, cultural, social, political, economic and environmental factors, whether international, national, regional or local NOTE 3Understanding the internal context can be facilitated by considering issues related to values, culture, knowledge and performance of the organization, NOTE 4Stratagic direction can be expressed through documented information such as the organizational mission or vision statement. 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations ofinterested parties Due to their effect or potential effect on the organization's ability to consistently and sustainably provide educational products and services, the organization shall determine: a) the interested parties that are relevant to the EOMs; b) the relevant requirements of these interested parties. ‘These interested parties shallinclude: = learners; 34 TCVNISO 21001:2019 + én huding loi khac; = nhan vién cia 18 chirc. Té chive phai theo déi va xem xét théng tin vé c&c bén quan tam va yéu cau lién quan cia ho. CHU THICH: Phy Iyc C dua ra phan loai cae bén quan tam eta tb chite gido dye. 4.3 Xac dinh pham vi hé théng quan ly cua td chive giéo duc 6 chive phai xée dinh ranh gidi va kha nang 4p dyng cia EOMS 48 thiét lap pham vi cla hé théng. Khi x4¢ dinh pham vi nay, t8 chive phai xem xét: a) cdc van a8 bén ngoai va ndi b6 a8 cp & 4.1; b) yéu cau cla cae bén quan tam lien quan dé cap & 4.2; c) san pham va dich vu ella té chic. 76 chirc phai 4p dung tat cd cdc yeu cau cla tiéu chudn nay néu nhiing yéu cdu dé 4p dung duge trong pham vi da xac dinh clia EOMS. Pham vi cla EOMS phai sn c6 va dugc duy tri bang théng tin dang van ban. Pham vi nay phai néu loai san phdm va dich vy dug bao trum va phai dua ra ly gidi cho cdc yéu cau cla tiéu chuan dugc t3 chire xdc dinh la khéng thé ap dung cho EOMS cia minh. ‘Sy phi hgp véi tiéu chudn nay chi c6 thé duoc c6ng bé khi yéu cau dugc xéc dinh la khéng thé 4p dung kh6ng lam anh hudng t6i kha nang hay trach nhiém cia td chic trong viéc dam bao sy phi hop olla sain pham va dich vy cla té chiro va nang cao sy thda man cia ngudi hee va cde bén huéng loi khdc, ‘Tt cA cdc sn pham va dich vy t8 chive giéo ‘dye cung odp cho ngudi hoc phai duge dua vao pham vi cia EOMS. 32 = other beneficiaries; + _ staff of the organization. The organization shall_monifor and review information about these interested parties and their relevant requirements. NOTE Annex C gives a classification of interested parties in educational organizations. 4.3 Determining the scope of the management system for educational organizations ‘The organization shall determine the boundaries and applicability of the EOMS to establish its scope. When determining this scope, the organization shall consider: a) the extemal and internal issues referred to in 44 ) the requirements of retevant interested parties referred to in 4.2; ) the products and services of the organization. The organization shall apply all the requirements of this document if they are applicable within the determined scope of its EOMS. The scope of the EOMS shall be available and be maintained as documented The scope shall state the types of products and services covered, and provide juslification for any information. requirement of this document that the organization determines is not applicable to its EOMS. Conformity to this document may only be claimed if the requirements determined as not being applicable do not affect the organization's ability or responsibility to ensure the conformity of its products and services and the enhancement of learners' and other beneficiaries’ satisfaction. All products and services provided to learners by ‘an educational organization shall be included within the scope of this EOMS. 4.4 H@ théng quan ly cia té chire gido dyc (Eoms) 4.4.1. TO chive phai thiét lap, ap dung, duy tri va cai tién lién tue EOMS, bao gém cae qua trinh can thiét va sy tuong tac gia cac qua trinh, phu hop voi cac yéu cau cila tiéu chudn nay. Té chic phai x4c dinh cc qua trinh cla EOMS va vige 4p dung cdc qua trinh nay trong toan bd td chirc va phai: a) xc dinh dau vao cn thiét va dau ra mong mu6n cila cae qua trinh nay; b) xae dinh trinh ty va sy tuong tac gitea cac qua trinh; ©) xdc dinh va 4p dung cdc tiéu chi va phurong php (bao gdm theo déi, do lwéng va chi sé kat qua thyc hign c6 fién quan) can thiét dé dam bao thye hién va kiém soat c6 higu Ive ac qua trinh nay; xc dinh nguén luc can thiét cho cdc qua trinh nay va dam bao sn o6 cde ngudn Ic 46; phan c6ng trach nhiém va quyén han aéi voi cc qua trinh; d) ®) #) gidi quyét cdc rdi ro va co hoi duge xéc dinh theo cac yéu cu cila 6.1; g) danh gid cdc qua trinh nay va thyc hin moi thay di can thiét dé dam bao cac qué trinh nay dat duge két qua dy kién cila nd; h) cai tién cdc qué trinh va EOMS. 4.2.2 O mirc d6 can thiét, t6 chirc phai: a) duy tri thOng tin dang van ban dé hé tre viée thye hin cdc qua trinh cia t chore; b) Ivu git? théng tin dang van ban 68 cd sy tin cAy ring céc qua trinh duge thyc hién nhy 8 hoach dinh. ‘TCVN ISO 21001:2019 4.4 Management system for educational organizations (EOMS) 4.4.1 The organization shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an EOMS, including the processes needed and their interactions, in accordance with the requirements of this document, The organization shall determine processes for the EOMS and their application throughout the organization and shall: a) determine the inputs required and the outputs expected from these processes; b) determine the sequence and interaction of these processes; ©) determine and apply the criteria and methods (including monitoring, measurement and related performance indicators) needed to ensure the effective operation and control of these processes; ) determine the resources needed for these processes and ensure their availability; ) assign the responsibilities and authorities for these processes; f) address the risks and opportunities as determined in accordance with the requirements of 6.1; g) evaluate these processes and implement any changes needed to ensure that these processes. achieve their intended results; hh) improve the processes and the EOMS, 442 To the extent necessary, the organization shall: a) maintain documented information to support the operation of its processes; b) retain documented confidence that the processes are being information to have carried out as planned. 33 TCVN ISO 21001:2019 8 Sy linh dao 5.1 Su lanh dao va cam két 5.1.1 Khai quat L&nh dao cao nhat phai ching té sy lanh dao va cam két d6i voi EOMS théng qua vige: a) chiu tréch nhigm gidi trinh 46i v6i higu lye cla EOMS; dam bao rang chinh sach va myc tiéu cia t8 4o dyc duoc thiét lap va tuong thich véi béi canh va dinh huéng chién luge cia t8 chic; b) chic dam bao tich hgp cac yéu cdu cla EOMS ‘ao cc qua trinh hoat dong ché chét cla 16 chirc; d) thic day viéc sir dung cach tiép can theo qua trinh va tur duy dua trén rii ro; @) dam bao san cd cac ngudn lc can thiét cho EOMS; f) trao déi thong tin vé tam quan trong clia viée quan ly 06 higu lye t8 chic gido dyc va cla su phu hop voi céc yéu cau cla EOM am bao EOMS dat duge (cdc) két qua dy kién; loi cudn sy tham gia, dinh huéng va hd tre nhan sy cing déng gép cho higu Ive cla EOMS; i) thde day cai tién lin tyc; i) hd tre cde vj tri quan ly lien quan khac ching 13 sy lénh dao cia ho va thye hign val trd lénh 6ao & céc khu vyc ho chiu trach hig, i) 8 try vige thyc hign lau dai tim nhin giéo dye va o&e khai nigm v8 gio dye c6 lin quan; 9) h) |) thiét lap, xay dyng va duy tri ké hoach chién luge cho t8 chic; 34 5 Leadership 5.1 Leadership and commitment 5.4.4 General Top management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the EOMS by: a) being accountable for the effectiveness of the EOMS; b) ensuring that the educational organization policy and educational organization objectives are established and are compatible with the context and strategic direction of the organization; ©) ensuring the integration of the EOMS requirements inlo the organization's business processes; 4) promoting the use of the process approach and risk-based thinking; e) ensuring that the resources needed for the EOMS are available; f) communicating the importance of effective educational organization management and of conforming to the EOMS requirements; ensuring that the EOMS achieves its intended outcome(s); h) engaging, directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the EOMS; 9) i) promoting continual improvement; i) supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibilty; k) supporting the sustainable implementation of the edu concepts; nal vision and related educational 1) establishing, developing and maintaining a strategic plan for the organization; m) dam bao cc yéu cau vé giao duc cila ngudi hoc, gdm cA nhieng nhu cau dac biét, dugc nhan biét va gidi quyét; n) xem xét cae nguyén thc v8 trach nhigm xa hoi CHU THICH: Tir “hoat dong chi chét” duge nhac dén trong tiéu chudn nay 66 thé duge dién gidi theo nghta rong gém cac hoat dng cét 1di trong mye dich tn tai clia t8 chic, di la t8 che cong hay tu, ty nguy&n, Igi nhuan hay phi igi nhuan. 5.1.2 Hwong vao hoc vién va céc bén hwéng Igi khac Lanh dao cao nhét phai chiu trach nhiém tre tip trong viée dam bao rang: a) cc nhu cdu va mong doi cia hoc vién va cae ben huéng I9i khac dug xéc dinh, hiéu 10 va dap tng mot cach nhat quan va duge. chizng td thdng qua vig theo doi sy théa man va sy tién bé trong gido dye cua ho; b) cdc rii ro va co héi c6 thé anh hudng dén sy phi hgp cia san pham, dich vy va kha nang nang cao sy théa man cla ngudi hoc va bén hudng Igi khac éuge xéc dinh va gil quyét. 5.1.3 Yéu cau bo sung déi voi viée gido duc theo nhu cdu dic bigt Naudi hoc c6 nhu cdu dic biét la ngudi o6 thé c6 nhu cau giao duc khéng thé duoc dép ung ‘théng qua vic huéng dn va thye hanh danh gid théng thudng (vi dy cae diém dae biét vé hanh vi, giao tiép, tri tué, thé chat, nang khiéu hoc nhu cdu khac cla ngudi hoc déi voi viéc gido due dac biét), Bidu nay ham ¥ nhu cdu dim bdo 06 cdc kénh trao déi thong tin dé cdc bén quan tam c6 thé tiép nh€n thong tin ho én cho hoat déng cua minh. TCVN ISO 21001:2019 ‘m) ensuring that leamers'- educational Fequirements, including special needs, are identified and addressed; 1) considering principles of social responsibility. NOTE Reference to "business" in this document can be interpreted broadly to mean those activities that are core to the purposes of the organization's existence, Whether the organization is public, private, voluntary, for profitor non-profit. 5.1.2 Focus on learners and other beneficiaries Top management shall be direclly responsible for ensuring that: a) the needs end expectations of leamers and other beneficiaries are determined, understood and consistently met, as evidenced by monitoring their satisfaction and educational progress; b) the risks and opportunities that can affect conformity of products and services and the abilly to enhance leaner and other beneficiary satisfaction are determined and addressed. 5.1.3 Additional requirements for special needs education A special needs learner is someone who might have educational needs that cannot be met through regular instruction and assessment practices (e.g, exceptionalities such as._—wbehavioural, communicational, intellectual, physical, giftedness, or other leamer needs for special education; learners can have more than one exceptionalit). This implies the need to ensure the existence of communication channels so the interested parties can receive the information they need for their activity. 35 TCVN ISO 210012019 Lanh dao cao nht phai dam bao rang: > 06 cdc ngudn Iyc va vie dao tao hé tre kha nang tiép can trong méi trvdng hee tap; - c&c sp dat thuan tign hop ly cho ngudi hoc 6 nhu cau dc bigt 8 thic day vie tiép can c6ng bang co sé vat chat va mdi truong. gio duc cho ngudi hge nay. 5.2. Chinh sch 5.24 Xay dung chinh sch Lanh dao cao nhat phai thiét lap, xem xét va duy ti chinh sach cia tb chic gio duc, chinh séch. nay: a) hd try cho st ménh va tm nhin cia té chic gido duc; b) phd hop voi muc dich va b6i canh cia 15 chic; ¢) dua ra khuén khd cho viéc thiét lap c&c muc. {iu ola t8 chirc giéo dye; d) bao gdm vide cam két théa man cac yéu cau duc ap dung; ) bao gdm viee cam két cai ti ién tuc EOMS; f) tinh dén sy phat trién trong giao duc, khoa hoc va kj thuat o6 ign quan; g) bao gdm cam két théa man trach nhiém xa hi cia t6 chive; mé t va bao gdm cam két d6i voi viée quan ly {i san tri tue; h) i) xem xét nhu cau va mong égi cla céc bén quan tam co lién quan. 5.2.2 Trao déi théng tin v8 chinh sach Chinh sch etia té chire giao duc phai: a) sn c6 va duoc duy trl bang théng tin dang van ban; b) dugc truyén dat, thdu hiéu va thyc hign trong 36 Top management shall ensure that: resources and training are in place to support accessibiy in learning environments; = reasonable accommodation is provided for learners with special needs to promote an faciliies and the educational environments as other learners. equitable access to 5.2 Policy 5.2.1 Developing the policy Top management shall establish, review and maintain an educational organization policy that: a) supports the educational organization mission andvision; ») is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization; ©) provides a framework for setting educational organization objectives; 4) includes a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements; e) includes @ commitment to continual improvementof the EOMS; f) takes relevant educational, scientific and technical developments; satisfy into account g) includes a commitment to the organization's social responsibilty; hh) describes and includes a commitment towards managing intellectual property; i) considers the needs and expectations of relevant interested parties. 5.2.2 Communicating the policy ‘The educational organization policy shall a) be available documented information; and be maintained as b) be communicated, understood and applied ti choc; ¢) s&n 66 cho cdc bén quan tam thich hop. CHU THICH: Huéng din vé viée trao déi théng tin véi cc bén quan tém duge néu trong Phy luc D, sn quan, Khi 5.3 Vai trd, trach nhigm va quyén han trong td chive L&nh dao cao nhat phai dam bao rang trach nhiém va quyén han cla cdc vj tri thich hop duge phan cong, truyén dat va hiéu 16 trong 16 chor. Lanh dao cao nhat phai phan cdng tréch nhigm va quyén han déi véi viée: a) dam bao rang EOMS phi hop véi céc yéu cau cla tiéu chuan nay; b) dam bao rang chinh sach ciia té chive giéo dyc duge hidu 16 va duge thye hién; c) dam bao rang cdc qué trinh cla EOMS mang lai dau ra dy kién; d) bao c&o vé két qua thyc hign EOMS va cdc ‘co hdi cai tién (xem 10.1) cho lanh dgo cao hat (xem 9.3.2); 8) dam bao thuc day vigc hudng vao ngudi hoc va cdc bén huéng Igi khac trong toan b6 td chee; f) dim bao duy tri durge tinh toan ven cla EOMS khi nh@ng thay ddi d6i véi EOMS durgc hoach dinh va thy hién; 9) quan ly vigc trao di thong tin (xem 7.4) cia 16 chic; h) dam bao tat c& cdc qua trinh hoc tap duge tich hgp, khéng phan bigt phurong phdp thuc hign; i) kim soat théng tin dang van ban (xem 7.5); i) quan Ij cae yéu cu cia ngudi hoc cb nhu cau dac biét. ‘TCVN ISO 21001:2019 within the organization; ©) be available to relevant interested parties, as appropriate. NOTE Guidelines for communication with interested parties are providedin Annex O. 5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities Top management shall that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned and communicated within the organization. ensure Top management shall assign the responsibility and authority for: a) ensuring that the EOMS conforms to the requirements of this document; b) ensuring that the educational organization policy is understood and implemented; ©) ensuring that the processes of the EOMS deliver their intended outputs; ¢) reporting on the performance of the EOMS. and on opportunities for improvement (see 40.1) to top management (see 9.3.2); ) ensuring the promotion of a focus on learners and other beneficiaries throughout the organization; f) ensuring that the integrity of the EOMS is maintained when changes to the EOMS are planned and implemented; 9) managing the organization's communications (see 7.4); h) ensuring that all learning processes are integrated, regardless of method of delivery; 1) control of documented information (see 7.5); j) managing the requirements of leamers with special needs. 37 TCVN ISO 21001:2019 6 Hoach dinh 64 fanh dong giai quyét rii ro va co héi 6.1.1 Khi hoach dinh EOMS, td chirc phai xem xét cae van dé duge dé cap 6 4.1, cdc yéu cau duge d8 cap & 4.2 va 4.4 va xac dinh céc rii ro va co h@i cdn gidi quyét nham: a) mang lai sy dam bdo rang EOMS cé thé dat durge (cdc) két qua dy kién; b) nng cao nhtng tac déng mong muén; ¢)_ngan ngira hoe giém nhteng tac dgng khong mong mudn; d) dat duge cai tién lién tuc. 6.1.2 T6 chive phai hoach dinh: a) cdc hanh dong gidi quyét nhOng rii ro va co hoi nay; b) cach thire dé: + tich hgp va thye hign cdc hanh dong vao cc qua trinh cia EOMS (xem Bidu 8); + xem xét dinh gid higu lye cla nhéng hanh dng nay. Hanh d6ng duge thye hién d& gidi quyét rui ro va og hi phai tweng éng véi kha nang xay ra va tac dong tiém dn toi sy phd hop cia san pham va dich vu. CHU THICH 1: Cac phuong an gidi quyét rii ro 06 th bao gdm trénh rii ro, chdp nhan rii ro d8 theo dudi co hOi, logi bd ngudn ri ro, thay di kha ning xy ra hoge hé qua, chia sé rll ro hoe duy tr rill ro bang quyét inh ding dan. CHU THICH 2: Co h6i 06 thé dfn aén vige chdp han thye hanh moi, dua ra san phdm hoac dich vy gi40 duc méi, mé thi truéng méi,tiép can ngudi hoc méi va cc bén huéng gi khdc, xy dyng quan he 661 tac, sir dung cong nghé mdi va cae kha ning mong muén, kha thi khéc 48 gidi quyét nhu cdu cla 18 chic hoac cla nguoi hoc hay bén hudng Igi Khe cia td chiro. 38 6 Planning 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities 6.1.1 When planning for the EOMS, the organization shall consider the issues referred to in 4.4 and the requirements referred to in 4.2 and 4.4 and determine the risks and opportunities that need to be addressed to: a) give assurance that the EOMS can achieve its intended outcome(s); b) enhance desirable effects; c) prevent, mitigate or reduce, undesired effects; 4) achieve continual improvement. 6.4.2 The organization shall plan: a) actions to address these risks and opportunities; b) howto: = integrate and implement the actions into its EOMS processes (see Clause 8); = evaluate the effectiveness of these actions. ‘Actions taken to address risks and opportunities shall_be proportionate to the probability of occurrence and potential impact on the conformity of products and services. NOTE 1 Options to address risks can include avoiding taking risk in order to pursue an opportunity, eliminating the risk soures, changing the likelihood or consequences, sharing the risk, or retaining risk by informed decision. NOTE 2 Opportunities can lead to the adoption of new practices, launching new educational products services, opening new markets, addressing new learners and other beneficiaries, building partnerships, using new technology and other desirable and viable possibilities to address the needs of the organization of of its leamers or of other beneficiaries. or educational

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