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4 Arsenal will win the cup final if they play well

Short Test Answer Keys A 5 Our flight to Newark leaves at 6.09 p.m.
Introduction, Test 1 1
going to fall
1 3 isn’t going to come
1 b, c 4 ’re holding
2 a, b 5 ’ll be
3 a, c
4 a, c
5 b, c Unit 1, Test 1
1 Rachel’s been = Rachel went Grammar
2 tick
3 hasn’t cheated = didn’t cheat
1 Wasn’t it your birthday
4 visited = ‘ve / have visited
2 What is your favourite
5 has written = has been writing
3 Didn’t you watch
3 4 Who designed
1 had already left 5 Isn’t that a photo
2 while I was making dinner
3 had been living there
1 D, Why
4 didn’t stop raining
2 A, Were you
4 3 C, Why not
1 made 4 B, Was she
2 was staying 5 E, Don’t you
3 ’d begun
4 ’d been going
5 started
6 had actually learned 3
1 reminisces
2 reminds

Introduction, Test 2 3
1 5 suppress
1 - 6 recollections
2 an
3 the
1 racking my brains
4 One
2 took me back
5 -
3 jog my memory
2 4 a memory like a sieve
1 football
2 One
Unit 1, Test 2
5 a
1 We’ve missed the bus. We’re going to be late.
1 will
2 Let’s go into that café, and I’ll buy you a coffee.
2 would always get
3 Andy and I are meeting / are going to meet in town
3 they’re always arguing
this afternoon. Do you want to come too?

Solutions Third Edition Advanced Tests 1 Short Test Answer Keys A

4 apt
5 didn’t use to
2 1 novels
1 b 2 realistic
2 a 3 identify
3 c 4 macabre
4 b 5 light-hearted
5 a
1 Mark Haddon’s novel is told from the point of view of
Vocabulary a young boy with a disability.
3 2 I found the story unconvincing.
1 puts me off 3 To cut a long story short, I’d really recommend the
2 ’ll turn out book.
3 sign up 4 It’s certainly a touching book.
4 came across 5 The whole plot hinges around a case of mistaken
5 get away with identity.

1 Thanks for standing up for me when Josh said those
untrue things (about me). Unit 2, Test 2
2 There’s going to be a protest meeting in town tonight.
Pass it on. Grammar
3 It’s easy to get in without paying – just pretend to be
one of the concert staff and try to blend in.
1 Seldom have I enjoyed
4 I really apologise for reading your private email.
2 So surprised were we
Here’s a small present to make up for it.
3 Had I not known
5 Dad’s going to take the car into a garage because
4 Should you arrive
the engine has been playing up.
5 In no way are you
Unit 2, Test 1 1 Not for one moment, D
2 Under no circumstances, B
3 Not until, C
4 nowhere, E
1 5 not only, A
1 If you had worked a bit harder, you would have got
into university.
2 This government wouldn’t be in power today if they
hadn’t cheated in the election. 3
3 We wouldn’t have invited you if we hadn’t wanted you 1 All of these souvenirs are hand-made.
to be there. 2 I wish you’d be a bit more easy-going sometimes.
4 It wouldn’t surprise me if they won the cup. 3 The police caught the gang after acting on a tip-off.
5 If he hadn’t left them, he would be rich now. 4 I’ve been in some life-threatening situations in my job
as a war correspondent.
5 This car takes lead-free petrol.
1 What, would you go
2 Had, wouldn’t have applied 4
3 I’ll take , in case 1 last-minute
4 provided, didn’t make 2 lift off
5 Were, would buy 3 worldwide
4 best-selling
5 warm-hearted

Solutions Third Edition Advanced Tests 2 Short Test Answer Keys A

3 b
Unit 3, Test 1 4 a
5 b

1 After several minor earthquakes in 24 hours, the 3
authorities urged everyone to stay calm. 1 C, a log
2 tick 2 E, peas in a pod
3 What do you propose that we should do about the 3 A, mice
problem? 4 B, a bumpy ride
4 Helen mentioned seeing Alina in town, but I thought 5 D, a horse
she was away on holiday this week.
5 tick 1 miniscule
2 2 energetic
1 Amaya confessed to feeling really nervous about 3 threatened
acting in the play. 4 surprising
2 Melike enquired if / whether we had heard the news. 5 strict
3 The lifeguard warned us not to go swimming today /
that day.
4 Liam apologised for lying. Unit 4, Test 1
5 Mia recommended that we should see the film.

3 1 will be sleeping
1 be (being friends) 2 will have been working
2 track (being friends) 3 will be visiting
3 fall (losing friends) 4 will have run out
4 drift (losing friends) 5 will have been running
5 get (making friends)
4 1 will have finished
1 honoured 2 will definitely be feeling
2 a house on fire 3 will have been sitting
3 baffled 4 will have heard
4 outraged 5 will probably have been told
5 ’re not on the same wavelength

Unit 3, Test 2 3
1 outpaces
2 refugees
Grammar 3 armed conflict
1 4 skyrocketing
1 b 5 poverty
2 b 6 Epidemics
3 b
4 c
1 revisions
5 b
2 transformed
2 3 vary
1 a 4 mutation
2 c

Solutions Third Edition Advanced Tests 3 Short Test Answer Keys A

Unit 4, Test 2 1
has just had her application rejected
will probably have our money refunded
3 had medals awarded
Grammar 4 often have their bags searched
1 5 are having their injuries treated
1 c
2 c
3 a
4 b 3
5 c 1 training camps
2 occupation
2 3 border
1 All of the audience enjoyed the film.
4 civilian government
2 Few people passed the exam.
5 atrocities
3 Sarah ate hardly any of the pizza.
4 You need to improve your diet because you don’t eat 4
enough fruit. 1 a, b
5 None of the people from our school are at the party. 2 b
3 a, c
4 a, c
Vocabulary 5 a
1 parcel
Unit 5, Test 2
4 rough
5 tear
1 It was lovely meeting you.
1 The result of the police investigation was cut and
2 It’s necessary to arrive on time.
dried. They had definitely caught the right man.
3 I find it difficult to sleep when it’s hot.
2 There are pros and cons to being famous, but
generally I’m happy with my life. 4 We thought it was strange that Greg didn’t want to
come with us to the party.
3 When our lead singer and only songwriter left, the
band was dead and buried. 5 It will be great travelling to Mexico next summer.
4 Slowly, by trial and error, I taught myself to repair 2
computers. 1 I’d appreciated it if you did some cleaning too.
5 Not smoking anywhere in or around this factory is a 2 We regard it as very rude.
hard and fast rule. 3 We owe it to him to explain.
4 It was very kind of you.
5 Most employers see it as essential.
Unit 5, Test 1
Grammar 3
1 1 b
1 Praise has been heaped 2 b
2 was considered to be 3 a
3 hate being shouted 4 b
4 was shown 5 c
5 is widely expected

Solutions Third Edition Advanced Tests 4 Short Test Answer Keys A

1 Mark and Jenny could agree on which movie to
Unit 6, Test 2
2 The police appealed to people not to vandalise
property during the protest. Grammar
3 The court decided that Max was justified in defending 1
himself when an armed man broke into his house. 1 ’ll
4 I don’t really like my job, but it’s preferable to being 2 must
unemployed. 3 shouldn’t
5 The government is intent on going ahead with its 4 can’t
controversial reforms, despite opposition. 5 might
1 Carolyn can’t have gone home because her things
Unit 6, Test 1 are still in the classroom.
2 You can hardly have enjoyed being woken up at 5
Grammar a.m. this morning.
1 3 Most people will have been sleeping when the
1 He was a famous writer, whom I had admired for earthquake started.
years before we met. 4 I wonder if Jack’s at the concert. It should have
2 We watched the match until it was clear they wouldn’t started by now.
win, at which point, we left the stadium. 5 Allie’s limping, so she must have hurt herself.
3 Dad’s new laptop, which he paid a lot of money for, is
always crashing. Vocabulary
4 We ate vegetarian food on the picnic because Tom
brought his friends from the band, two of whom don’t
1 made it up
eat meat.
2 gone off
5 She’s written several books, one of which was
3 to take off
shortlisted for a literary prize.
4 to put you out
2 5 didn’t go down well
1 waiting outside
2 arrested last night
1 converge
3 telling them
2 demeanour
4 smiling and laughing
3 condemned
5 performed in our new theatre
4 notions
5 consternation
1 mastering Unit 7, Test 1
2 to circumnavigate
3 completed
4 to retrace
5 ’s conducting 1
6 attained 1 ’d better
2 need to
4 3 must be
1 the time of your life
4 needn’t have
2 in the nick of time
5 didn’t have to
3 living on borrowed time
4 make up for lost time 2
1 tick
2 If a driver hadn’t stopped to help us, we might have
had to walk all the way to the next town.

Solutions Third Edition Advanced Tests 5 Short Test Answer Keys A

3 tick 4 being
4 We don’t have to pay to get into the exhibition when 5 seemingly
we get there. A lot of the exhibits at the Science
Museum are free.
5 Those people ought to have waited in line, like
everyone else. They just went straight to the front.
Unit 8, Test 1
3 1 The question is, how do you get the criminal to
1 gears confess to his crime?
2 safety 2 The truth is reporters at the News of the World had
3 slip road been hacking into people’s phones.
4 accelerated 3 It was Warsaw where I met my girlfriend.
5 crossroads 4 The fact is you aren’t qualified for this job.
4 5 All I wanted was to sit down and rest.
1 car maintenance 2
2 pull over 1 do
3 congestion 2 ever / on Earth
4 handlebars 3 herself
5 called 4 did
5 knows

Unit 7, Test 2 Vocabulary

Grammar 1 cover-up
1 2 Revelations
1 has been able 3 hacking
2 are able to 4 obtained
3 can 5 plots
4 could be 6 issue
5 can’t have
6 managed to do
1 C, authorised
2 2 B, let go
1 be able to get 3 A, economically disadvantaged
2 being able to travel 4 D, comply with
3 to be able to play
4 being able to drive
Unit 8, Test 2
3 Grammar
1 staying 1
2 passing 1 However
3 clean 2 whoever
4 to do 3 whenever
5 to swim 4 Whichever
4 5 whatever
1 alleged 2
2 ostensibly 1 wherever in the world you choose
3 to have been 2 whenever you finish / you’ve finished

Solutions Third Edition Advanced Tests 6 Short Test Answer Keys A

3 Whoever robbed this bank 4
4 However she creates them 1 When I first visited the country, I always took my
5 whichever phone has shoes off when I went into someone’s house. But I
stopped doing it because nobody else did. After all,
when in Rome … (do as the Romans do).
Vocabulary 2 Jessica’s parents are very wealthy. She was born
3 with a silver spoon in her mouth.
1 cybercrime 3 Of course Jake and Louise get on well. They’re both
2 foolproof very active politically, and birds of a feather flock
3 praiseworthy together.
4 debug 4 The documentary showed how even a simple
5 updates operation can sometimes be fatal. As I’m just about
to go into hospital, I wish I hadn’t known that.
Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
1 A lot of companies are concerned about the issue of
5 I think I’ve got a good chance of winning the
competition, but at the end of the day only time will
2 I think you’re overestimating the size of the problem, tell.
which is actually not that big.
3 Grandma worries about doing the wrong thing when
she uses a computer because she’s a bit of a
technophobe. Unit 9, Test 2
4 From time to time, previously-secret documents are
declassified. Grammar
5 This week, computer consultants are upgrading our 1
company’s network. (grade) 1 had something to say
2 only to find it was closed
3 was the first one to fall asleep
Unit 9, Test 1 4 wasn’t enough to save the house
5 entertaining as to be worth the ticket price
Grammar 2
1 1 too ill to come
1 I can 2 to spread silly rumours
2 I didn’t 3 way to get
3 I did 4 climber to reach
4 we won’t 5 only to find
5 I should
2 Vocabulary
1 don’t think so 3
2 guess not 1 It’s time we took notice of the threats that our world
3 admitted, had faces.
4 doubt it 2 It would come as a shock to people if they knew how
5 don’t think so many potential ‘Earth-killer’ asteroids there are out
Vocabulary 3 Environmental campaigners are putting pressure on
the government to use more renewable energy.
3 4 One day our civilisation could come to an end.
1 spell
5 We mustn’t take it for granted that the environment
2 wipe out
will always be OK. We need to actively protect it.
3 alien invasion
4 overthrow
5 pandemic

Solutions Third Edition Advanced Tests 7 Short Test Answer Keys A

1 came out
2 holed up
3 caught up
4 go by
5 turns into

Solutions Third Edition Advanced Tests 8 Short Test Answer Keys A

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