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Unit 1 Short Test 2B

1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 My grandad likes reminiscing. From time to time he will / would tell us all about his school days.
2 There would / used to be a cinema in this town, but it closed down three years ago.
3 I'm really pleased that they opened the new mall. There wouldn't be / didn't use to be any decent shops in town.
4 The teacher gets angry with you because you're always looking / you would look at your phone in class.
5 Mandy has a habit / tendency to worry before exams, but she always does well.

Mark: ___ / 5

2 Choose the correct words to complete the messages.

I'm on an exchange trip in Manchester this month. It's a great city, but my host family are a bit
annoying. Their son 1__ loud music in the room next to me, and he 2__ come into my room
without knocking. The mum and dad are OK, but they 3__ me a huge English breakfast every
morning, when, to be honest, I hate English food. (Germana)

My brother Max __ his things all over the place. I keep on telling him to pick them up, but he
thinks I shouldn't be so fussy. He __ that, of course – he's the untidiest person I know. (Sam)

1 a is forever playing b would play c won't play

2 a used to b would c will
3 a would make b keep making c would make
4 a will leave b forever leaves c would leave
5 a will think b would think c is always thinking

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Advanced Tests 1 Unit 1 Short Test 2B

3 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below.
fit in go for put up with stand up for turn (sb) down
Igor I don't really _______________________ at my new school. A couple of the boys there have even tried to
bully me, but I think they regretted it.
Celeste Don't 2_______________________ any abuse.
Igor Don't worry. I'm used to _______________________ myself.

Robert I 4_______________________ that summer job that I mentioned to you before, but they
Nina Hmm, I wonder why because you've got the right experience. Maybe lots of people applied, and someone
just had better qualifications.
Robert Yes, that could account for it.

Mark: ___ / 5

4 Rewrite the sentences using a phrasal verb made from the word in brackets and a preposition.
1 I found this really interesting interview with Stephen Hawking online. (come)
2 All of your poems are great, but this one is really original. (stand)
3 I don't know whether I can arrange an audition with the band for you, but I'll try to make it happen. (bring)
4 The policeman listened to our complaints about noise and promised to investigate the problem. (look)
5 We can't decide for you, Jess. It really depends on what you want to do. (come)

Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 20

Solutions Third Edition Advanced Tests 2 Unit 1 Short Test 2B

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