Proposal Femi Dianasari..

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1. Background
Pronunciation is one of speaking aspects that has an important function to
communicate with others. The way speakers pronounce words clearly, makes the
listeners easily understand what they hear and produce a clear voice to the listener.
Clear pronunciation gives the speaker the power to be confident when expressing
something that is to be conveyed in communicating with others (Zaigham, 2011). In
teaching English for foreign language, the students’ first language can interfere with
the pronunciation of a second language not only in terms of accent but also in terms
of mood. Therefore, pronunciation should be taught in effective ways which provide
a non-threatening atmosphere for the students, who usually have great tension when
speaking English in a formal classroom setting.
One of the ways to improve students‟ pronunciation is by using the
shadowing technique. According to Lambert (1988, p.266) However, since the
phonemic constructions of the Indonesian language differ from those of English,
English pronunciation is a difficult skill for Indonesian students to master. In
teaching pronunciation, Goodwin (2001) says that purpose of teaching is threefold: to
enable students to understand and be understood, to build students' confidence in
speaking, and to enable students to monitor their way of speaking based on input
from the environment. Based on the statement, it shows that pronunciation is very
necessary to teach English as a foreign language because pronunciation is important
thing especially in speaking
The students‟ first language can interfere with the pronunciation of a second
language not only in terms of accent but also in terms of mood. Therefore,
pronunciation should be taught in effective ways which provide a non-threatening
atmosphere for the students, who usually have great tension when speaking English
in a formal classroom setting. One of the ways to improve students‟ pronunciation is
by using the shadowing technique. According to Lambert (1988, p.266)
Furthermore, shadowing technique might be good for the students,

because through this method they would learn about how to pronounce a words

precisely and they can know about a new method to learn English especially in

improving their pronunciation. Hopefully, from applying this method students

would understand about how to speak a word precisely and make them more

confident in speaking English.

2.Research Questions
Based on the limitation of the problem above, the formula in this research is as

1) Is there any significance effectiveness of using Shadowing Technique

towards students pronunciation at eleventh grade at SMAN 1

3.Research Purposes

Based on the formulation above the purpose of this study is as follow:

1) To find the empirical evidence whether improving Students’ pronunciation

through Shadowing Technique or not at eleventh grade students at SMAN
1 Jampangtengah

4.Research Significances
This research is attempted to give the significances in two aspects including:

1) Theotitically

The results of the research can be used to enrich the theories and
methods regarding the use of the shadowing technique for the development
of the pronunciation skills of students.

2) Practically

The results of the research provide practical information for English

teachers on how to use shadowing to teach students to speak, listen and
pronounce. On the other hand, for the learners, the research findings provide
a direct contribution to their language development in the areas of
speaking, listening and pronunciation and to their success in examinations.


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