Lubrication (004)

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8 lnstallation and maintenance

8.9 Lubrication
The gear pairs are oil-bath lubricated, the bearings are either oil bathed or splashed or lubricated ufor ilfer
wi,h grease. For some mounting positions with continuous duty at high speed, an expansion tank is foreseen:
consult us.
Sizes 001A ... 021A. gear reducers are supplred filled with PAO synthetic o¡l having viscosity 320 cst
(at 40" C).
lmportantl:verify mounting position, keeping in mind that if gear reducer is installed in a mounting position
differing from the one stated on name plate, ¡t could need the addition of the difference between the two
lubricant quantities. 1n any cases, always check the correct oil quantities through the transparent level plug.
Sizes 022A ... 0854: gear reducers are supplred without oil; before putting into service, fiil to the specified
level'' with synthetic or mineral oil (see table below).
Consider the lubrication inlerval stated in the table for all re-lubrication operations, emptying the gear reducers
from the exhausted oi1, executing a wash with c ean o¡l of the same type to be used also for the re-filling of the
gear reducer up to levell).
Use only lubricants of the same type stated on lubrication nameplate.
1 ) The luiflcant quanritres staied in ch. 6 are apprcximate a¡d indrcalive lor prcvision ng. The exact oll qlar,tity ihe gear reducer is to be lli ed w th is
de|nrte v given by ihe evel.

oit Oil-change rnterval Ihl

temperature ["CJ synthetic oil ] mineral oil
<65 12 500 5 600
65+80 10 000 2 800
80+95 6 300 r 400

Oil-change intervals assume pollution-f ree surroundings When heavy overloads are present, halve the values
lndependently f ronr running times, change the oi :

every 2 - 4 years, for synthetic oil;

every 1 2 years, for n¡inerai oil,
The n ain lubricant n"anufacturers as r,veil as the ISO viscosity grade to be used are stated rn the following
tab es.
Use only lubricants'"vith EP (extreme pressure) additives.
ln case of nr neral lubrlcant choice, follow the instructions about the service factor

ISO viscosity grade

Vlean k ¡ematrc v scosrtv icSt) at,10'C

PAO synthetic oi¡ m neral cil Speed n, Ambient temperaturer) ['C]

Manufacturer mln-]
lso vG 320 tso vG 150 ... .160 mineral oiJ
0+20 | tO-+O
ADDiNOt Eco Gear S Ecc Gear M
140 150 220
AGP Blasia SX Blasla
140 = 2,O 224 320
ARAt Degol PAS Degol BG 2,0 324 460
BP Enersyn EPX Energol GR XP I I P-.aks t 10'C ¿re acceriabie

CASTROL Alphasyn EP Alpha SP

rrú arn Klübersynth GEM4 K überoil GEMl
MOB]L Mobil SHC Gear Mob lgear 600 XP

SIIEtL Omala54 GX On.¡aia S2 G

TOTAL Carter SH Cafter EP

Never nrix different nrakes of synthetic oil; if orl-change involves swÍtching to a type drfierent from that used
hithe¡o, then grve the gear reducer a through clean-ou1. Polyglycol basis synthetic lubrcants must not be used.

Bearings with independent lubrication

Usuaiiy rhe bearings are automatically and continuously lubrcated (oil-bathed or splashed) with the same
lubncant of gear reducer. However for certain gear reducer rn vertical mountrng posrtions V1, V3 and horizontal
mount;ng pos¡tions 851, 852 the upper bearings have independent lubrication, with special grease for ulong
lrfe, ubrication n absence of erternai pollution.

8.10 Commissioning
Carry out an overall check, making panicularly sure that the gear reducer
is filed wlth lubricant up to level and mounted according to the mountÍng
position stated on name p1ate.
The filler plug and breather is supplied disassembied, inside a
bag close to its seat. Before commlssioning, aiter positionrng
the gear reducer in the mounting position stated in the
nameplate, replace the closed piug with the filler plug and
breather (see flg. below)

s.14 Rossi EP Edition March 2013

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