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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IIL SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF BATAAN JUL 11 2006 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. ANG s. 2024 2024 DIVISION BRIGADA ESKWELA ACTIVITY To: — Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chief Education Supervisors Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads Brigada Eskwela Coordinators All Others Concerned 1. Pursuant to Regional Memorandum No. 474, s. 2024 titled Brigada Eskwela Activity. 2. The Brigada Eskwela shall commence on July 22-27, 2024. This year’s Brigada Eskwela theme is “Bayanihan sa MATATAG na Paaralar!’ which will be highlighted the spirit of volunteerism of local communities, parents, alumni, civic groups, local and international businesses/corporations, national government agencies, non-government agencies, private individuals, teachers and learners to do minor repairs, cleaning and maintenance work in Classrooms within the school. 3. In line with MATATAG agenda of the Department, the Brigada Eskwela program is one of the mechanism to take steps in accelerating the delivery of basic education facilities and services and take good care of learners by promoting learners well-being, inclusive education and a positive learning environment through the active participation of all stakeholders. > To highlight the partnership initiative and engagement of schools through Adopt-a-School Program, this Office shall recognize the schools with an outstanding partnership initiative and engagement through the Adopt-a-School program in support to MATATAG agenda. Further, the District Offices shall submit one (1) awardee per category. Awardee in the District will be recognized in the Division during Awarding of Brigada Eskwela and Recognition of Partners. 5. The schedule of activities for 2024 Brigada Eskwela are the following. ‘ACTIVITY ‘SCHEDULE ‘Submission of Work Plan and Brigada Eskwela Steering Committee (soft | July 12, 2024 ___ lem send through email at ‘OeabukranCalalayan bcay 2114 Bataan MATATAG ww) ATES srcone renmis @werdepecdataancom @ bstaanddeped gov ph D Republic of the Philippines: Department of Cducation REGION Ith SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF BATAAN National BE Kick-Off, Hosted by Region VII, Carmen NHS, Cebu July 17, 2024 Regional Kick-Off, Hosted by SDO Bulacan July 22, 2024 Division and School Kick Off Hosted by Dinalupihan District duly 22, 2024 BE Materials Link: Brigada Eskwela Maintenance Week July 22-27, 2024 Dally Report/Submission of Resources Generated, Partners and Volunteers lnk Day 1 - https:/tinyurl,com/2024BEDallyMonitoringRG-Day1 Day 2 - https:/ Day 3 - https:/ Day 4 - https:/ Day 5 - https:/ Day 6 - httpsi/ ‘Submission of District Consolidated Monitoring Tool Result - Hard Copy ‘August 5, 2024 ‘Submission of Accomplishment Report (Brigada Eskwela Magazine) - Hard | September 6, 2024 Copy, Attn: SocMob ‘Submission of ACR, DTR for Service Credit and CTO ‘August 2, 2024 Attn: Personnel DepEd Order No.21 s.,2023 ‘Submission of Consolidated BE Form 1 and 1.1 by District (Soft Copy) send | August 28, 2024 through email at ph. District Level - Submission of Awardees 1 Best Matatag School per category | August 28, 2024 July 22-27, 2024, Daily Report on or before 3:00 PM Division Validation of Best MATATAG School ‘September 5 = 20, 2024 DPDS- DepEd Partnership Database System Report July = August 2024 only Recognition of Education Partners and Best MATATAG Schools November 15, 2024 (All winners in the Division Level will be recognized as Regional Best MATATAG Schools) 5.1 Category for Best MATATAG School in Partnership Collaboration and Engagement. Elementary Secondary Level Category ‘Number of Teachers Number of Teachers ‘Small School 9 and below 15 and below Medium School 10-29 16-30 Large Schoo! _ 30-50 31-50 Mega Schoo! Si and above 51_nd above "Integrated School (Kindergarten to Grade 12) may choose which level they intend to participate in the selection. 5.2 General Criteria for Best MATATAG School in Partnership Collaboration and Engagement. T Criteria Percentage MAke the curriculum relevant to produce competent 25% and job-ready, active, and responsible citizens. © avutiean, calaylayan, Abveay 2114 Bataan 2 Grn depecbatsancom @ bstaan@deped.gox.oh G ) DepED a @ MATOTAS wrcontrarme Ne Se Gay Si a Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IIL SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF BATAAN TAke steps to accelerate delivery of basic education 25% facilities and services TAke good care of learners by promoting learner well- 25% being, inclusive education, and a positive learning environment. Give support to teachers to teach better 25% Total 100% 6. The schedule of Division Validation for Best MATATAG Schools. DATE DISTRICT DATE DISTRICT September 5, 2024 | Morong ‘September 13, 2024 | Limay September 6, 2024 | Bagac ‘September 16,2024 | Orion September 9, 2024 | Hermosa ‘September 17,2024 | Abucay September 10, 2024 | Orani ‘September 18, 2024 _| Pilar September 11, 2024 | Dinalupihan East _| September 19, 2024 | Samal. September 12, 2024 | Dinalupihan West _| September 20, 2024 | Mariveles 7. District Best MATATAG Schools shall be sent through this google form link: by the District Coordinator on or before August 28, 2024. 8. The schedule of Division Monitoring Team of Brigada Eskwela Implementation. DATE DISTRICT Monitoring Team Dinalupihan Francez Paulene C. Tabije Morong Misty B. Dela Cruz Pilar — Rojomel M. Idquival Samal Mar-Elen Fe G, Refiosa : Mariveles Nico Manalansan ar ‘Abucay Perlie T. Samonte All Districts Ramon C. Perez, ‘Alma R. Garcia, Jessalyn Ann M. Linsangan, Gerald A. Lingad 9. Attached is the Regional Memorandum 474, s. 2024 and the Brigada Eskwela Monitoring Tool, for information and reference. 10. Expenses relative to the conduct of this activity shall be charged to local funds or any available funds while Division validators’ expenses shall be charged to ASP - SARO funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. MATATAG Def Republic of the Philippines Department of Education 11. Further, all the teaching and non-teaching personnel who will participate in the Brigada Eskwela shall be granted Service Credit and Compensatory Time-Off (CTO), pursuant to the guidelines as enumerated in DepEd Order No. 53 s. 2003 titled, Updated Guidelines ‘on Grant of Vacation Service Credits to Teachers and DepEd Order No.9 s. 2002 titled, Establishing the Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) in DepEd. 12. This Memorandum serves as the travel authority of the monitoring team. 13. Immediate Dissemination of this Memorandum to all concerned is enjoined. CAROLINA Bonu, CESOV 4’Schools Division Superintendent fc, As sted teen Aegina Mao No. 474s. 2008 “ove inated inte Pape! Ince ander the floning categories cn sen ‘scl seueh Tears S08 Qeabukirancaayyan,Abeay 2114 Bataan orndepedbataencon @bstann@deped @ rn facebook com/Depedsataan Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF BATAAN 2024 BRIGADA ESKWELA MONITORING CHECKLIST ‘REGION DIVISION ] | NAME OF SCHOOL: SCHOOL ID: NAME OF SCHOOL HEAD: — No. of Enrolment: No of Teachers: Part [Implementation (instructions: Please mark the appropriate column. Be objective as possible.) A. Pre-Implementation Stage INDICATOR OBSERVABLE REMARKS (Check One) Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory cy Unsatisfactory, (Please describe) Submitted T. | Conducted assessment on the physical facilities and maintenance needs of the school Classroom Furniture ‘School grounds Toilet Others: (Please specifiy) 2. | Compliance with the absolute prohibition on solicitation + Engagement letter to partners ~ Brigada Eskwela partners proposal + Others: Please specify o Kabukiran, Calaylayan, Abucay 2114 8 rerncepeddatsancom @betssn@deped gov oh ie Ovecatcctonomenn Ge Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF BATAAN, INDICATOR | ‘OBSERVABLE REMARKS | Recommendation/ (Check One) Mode of Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory If Verifications/ Unsatisfactory, | Assessment tool describe the problem Activities for the Brigada Eskwela Working Committee * Public Awareness campaign Establishment of Partnerships for Resource Mobilization © Handling of Administrative and Financial Matters ‘* Documentation B. Implementation Stage (Please check yes or no) Indicator Visible | Best Practices Recommendations Maintenance of Clean School: Yes | No «Zero litters ‘© Clutter-free (everything is well- ordered, arranged, and organized) ‘+ Spill-free (absence of spill water or liguids on floors, tablets, walls, ete.) ‘© Soil/Dust-free floorings and walls (absence of soil particles and mud) + Zero garbage placed outside (hallways, school perimeter, school buildings, gym) © Zero illegal postings (walls, posts, trees, etc.) + Waste segregation compliance (no mixed waste) ‘Absence of vandalism Presence of activity in preventing pollution, minimizing waste and caring for the environment © raburiran,calaylayan, Abucay 2114 Bataan Gm cepecbstaancom @bstasn@ceped.gouph @ wen facebook com/Deped Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF BATAAN Part Il. Volunteer Engagement INDICATORS Best Practices Specifies Recommendation (Number/Amount) 5. | Number of Brigada Eskwela volunteers from the following groups working on the school. (Please enumerate) 6. | Donations received for Brigada Eskwela/Resources Generated (Please specify) 7. | Relationships in the community: (Describe) Part Ill. Overall Assessment 8. _ | How would you rate the overall implementation of Brigada Eskwela in the school? 5 4 3 2 1 Outstanding | Very Satisfactory | Satisfactory Fair Poor 9. | How would you rate the spirit of volunteerism in the school? 5 4 3 2 1 Outstanding | Very Satisfactory | Satisfactory Fair Poor 10. | Commendations/Suggestions /Recommendations: DepEd Regional Office [11 Schools Division Office Representative Assessed by: Full Name: Full Name: Office: Office: Full Name: Pull Name Qadutiran, catalayan, Abveay 2114 Bataan @erendepedbataon com @bataanedepedgovph @ worn acebookcom/Depedtataan DehED MATATAG spuo | sew oF r00K2s suxmunen | sion as | emo ro = mene" | smmnene | jee quinn eo. yo99uAN ren ‘SUIILNNIOA JO YIGWNN vzoz V1aMySa Vavolua TOS 38 2UOLYNIGUOOD VIEMUISS VaVOrsG 40 3WYN ‘GVaH 100H0S 40 aWVN FIOOHDS : am] om wa} ——Taloaasa] an a NP | unowy ui ko | _ ywunowy 1 Iso} sh eae TREES —| awn sotos | areas vw sommeaeno [atm manmensmnnny lore samen wenn) ear sono GERAD SUTOSTU. vz0z V1aMuSa vavorua res 3a !wouvnrayoo9 viamssa vavoru@ 40 WYN JaVaH 700H05 40 3HWN roots Republic of the Philippines. Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. 451. , 8. 2024 2024 BRIGADA ESKWELA ACTIVITY To Schools Division Superintendents Chief, School Governance & Operations Division (SGOD) Division Partnership Focal Persons All Others Concerned 1 Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 21, s. 2023 titled Brigada Eskwela Implementing Guidelines. 2. Brigada Eskwela (BE) is a nationwide school maintenance program that engages all education stakeholders to contribute their valuable time, efforts and resources in ensuring that public schools are all set for the opening of classes on July 29, 2024. 3. The 2024 Brigada Eskwela shall commence on July 22-27, 2024. This year’s Brigada Eskwela theme is “Bayanihan para sa MATATAG na Paaralan’” which will highlight the spirit of voluntecrism of local communities, parents, alumni, civic groups, local and international businesses/corporations, national government agencies, non-government agencies, private individuals, teachers and learners to do minor to medium repairs, cleaning and maintenance work in classrooms and within the school area 4. The tional Brigada Eskwela Kick-Off will be on July 17, 2024 hosted by Region VII through Carmen National High School, National Highway Cogon East Carmen, Cebu and will be streamed live via DepEd Philippines official Facebook page while, the Regional Brigada Eskwela Kick-Off shall be on July 22, 2024 at 9:00 am to be hosted by Schools Division Office of Bulacan through Lydia D, Villangca Trade School, San Rafael, Bulacan and will be broadcast live via DepEd Region III official Facebook page. Schools Division Offices are encouraged to simultaneously conduct their own BE Kick-Off ceremony along with Regional BE Kick-Off. Thereafter, schools may launch their own BE Kick-Off ceremony after the Region/Division BE Kick-Off ceremony 5. Schedule of Regional Brigada Eskwela Activities. [ Activity a Schedule Submission of daily consolidated BE | July 22-27, 2024-Daily at 5:00 pm | generated resources from July 22-27, | hitps:// HE Wee! 2024 ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M, Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Trovmone ‘Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89, = Email Address: Website: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IIL-CENTRAL LUZON Submission of consolidated report on | August 9, 2024 the 2024 BE Implementation Week and jitips.// ins Monitored Schools using the 2024 BE \\ | Monitoring Checklist jo | Submission of Consolidated | September 30, 2024 Accomplishment Report of the 2024 BE | htips://tinyurleom/2024 3h _ Implementation Gawad Katig Cum Best MATATAG | chool in Partnership Collaboration and | Engagement Awards * Submission of Gawad Katig Awardees (1 individual awardee and 1 awardee either institutional, corporation, company, association — which made a significant impact, commitment and support in achieving MATATAG — agenda through Adopt-A-School November 27, 2024 Program) Awarding Ceremony hutps:// atig- Awardees + Submission of Best. MATATAG | School in Partnership | Collaboration and Engagement hups:// MA TATAG-awardee Note: Deadline of submission is on October 11, 2024. | 6. In line with the MATATAG framework, the Brigada Ekwela Program is one of the mechanisms of the Department to MAke the curriculum relevant to produce job- ready, active, and responsible citizens; TAke steps to accelerate the delivery of basic education services and provision facilities; TAke good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusiveness learning, and positive learning environment; and Give support for teachers to teach better through the active participation of all stakeholders in achieving quality and accessible education for all. 7. _ To highlight the partnership collaboration and engagement of schools through the Adopt-A-School Program (ASP), this Office shall recognize the meritorious partnership collaboration and engagement of schools in support of the MATATAG ‘Address: Matalin St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: region3@deped gov ph Website: htts:// Republic a the Felis Department of Education REGION IIE-CENTRAL LUZON agenda, Further, the Schools Division Offices (SDOs) through the Division Partnership Focal Persons shall submit one (1) awardee per category in both levels. 7.1 Category for Best MATAG School in Partnership Collaboration and Engagement. | Medium School T ‘Large School [31-50 | Mega Schoo! Siand above Note: Integrated School (Kindergarten to Grade 12) may choose which level they intend to participate in the selection. 8. The table shows the general criteria in selecting awardees for BEST MATATAG SCHOOL in Partnership Collaboration and Engagement. Provided that each SDO has different sources of potential individual and industry/association/ corporation education partners, thus, the SDOs are encouraged to devise their own criteria in line with the general criteria in selecting their awardees. The deadline of submission of the awardees is on or before October 11, 2024 using the attached template. 8.1 General Criteria for BEST MATATAG SCHOOL in Partnership Collaboration and Engagement. | MAke the curriculum relevant to produce competent and job-ready, active, and responsible citizens | eps to accelerate delivery of basic education | facilities and services 25% TAke good care of learners by promoting learner weil- being, inclusive education, and a positive learning 25% environment Give support to teachers to teach better * 25% ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Trev noms ‘Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 = Email Address: region3@deped Website: https://region3.deped Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON 9. The Best MATATAG School in Partnership Collaboration and Engagement shall focus on Adopt-A-School Program (ASP) and partnership initiative and engagement of the schools that complement with each component of the MATATAG agenda of the Department 10, Travel, material expenses, and other incidental expenses incurred by the participants relative to the conduct of the activity shall be charged against the downloaded PSF for building partnership and linkages and/or local funds available subject to usual government accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 11. _ For queries and clarifications, you may directly coordinate to Dr. Ginno Jhep A. Pacquing, Regional Partnership Focal Person at email address: 12. For information and compliance. may| PhD, CESO IIT ‘egional Director Encl. As stated References: Indicated in the guidelines ‘To be indicated in the Perpetual index Under the folowing subjects: 2024 BRIGADA ESKWELA EST MATATAG SCHOOL ESSD1/sppl uly 01, 2024 x ‘Address: Matalino St. O.M. Government Center, Maimpis, Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 = Email Address: Website: City of San Fernando (P) rv none Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION I1-CENTRAL LUZON Best MATATAG School in Partnership Collaboration and Engagement Awardee Form Division: | Elementary Level a oor I Category ‘Small School Medium School Large Schoot Mega School ‘Secondary Level Category ‘Small School Medium School Prepared by Division Partnership Focal Person Noted: Chief, SGOD, Approved: Schools Division Superintendent ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, ity of San Fernando (P) Tov nono Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 = Email Address: Website:

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