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Aditi Gupta Abhijit Bhowmik

1311281 1311347

Akanksha Mittal Ramnarayan

1311282 Atirek Kumar Subudhi 1311320
Akshat Sinha
1311283 1311291
Group 1 Report


Key Excerpts from Previous Report by conducting 4 in-depth interviews. The

results of the in-depth interviews have been
In the previous report we had analyzed the
summarized in Fig 2.
5Cs for “tar u ks E tr i I dia. It as sho
how the Indian café industry has a high
growth potential but is marred by fierce with
competition and barriers to entry. Develop
team Dating

import duty
Rising Triggers
Relax/ Busineess
Coffee High Real
Culture in Estate Cost Chillout meetings
Industry Alternative
food and
of a large products coffee
number of like tea,
QSRs/Chains soda
FDI caps

Figure 2: Needs/Triggers of Café Visitors

(Source: In Depth Interviews)
Figure 1 Market Force Analysis of Indian Cafe
Coffee Industry
But still the growth potential in Indian coffee
According to our findings, chilling out,
industry has been a point of attraction for
bonding with friends & colleagues, having
foreign players.
readymade food and beverages, scheduling
We had analyzed different competitors and business meetings, dating and reading books
the competitive landscapes in which we were amongst the key triggers of customer
concluded that Starbucks faces tough needs.
competition from CCD and premium players in
Then we studied the parameters on which
people evaluate a café. We asked a group of
We studied about the distribution channels 35 students at IIM Bangalore to
available for Starbucks and concluded that
Please e tio ost i porta t attri utes
TATA-Starbucks alliance has a considerable
that you o sider while goi g to a afé
edge i distri utio ha els due to TATA s
infrastructure in India. As the results came out Ambience, Quality of
Service, Taste, Price and Service Time are
Consumer Buying Behavior - Recap
amongst the 5 most important attributes that
We analyzed consumer buying behavior and café visitors look at while evaluating which
concluded that 52% of people go to a café on café to go to.
suggestion from friends and family. We also
Regression analysis along with Correlation
analyzed what goes in the mind of customers
Matrix helped us conclude that Price is highly
while deciding whether to go to a café or not
correlated with Taste, Discount and Location.

This implies that someone with high degree of Model. This necessitated the presence of a
satisfaction in Taste, Location and Discount heuristic method of evaluation. Correlation
will be willing to pay higher price and Price is analysis indicated that Price and Easy
highly correlated with Ambience and Taste Accessibility is highly correlated to other key
and thus could be a major heuristic that is attributes and could thus be a lexicographic
being considered during Café selection unit of evaluation.
process and thus good ambience and nice
So from Starbucks perspective, even though
taste might command a higher price.
Ambience, Taste, Service Time and Quality are
Moreover, when asked to rate the different rated above Price when looked from a
café, the consumer results were slightly compensative evaluation point of view,
surprising. Despite holding the highest market however, when it comes to making a choice
share, CCD came second to Barista in almost between brands, consumers most likely follow
all attributes according to Expectancy Value a lexicographic approach based on Price.


From our analysis on consumer behavior we found out some interesting facts. These facts nullified
some common perceptions which are reported as myths below and our findings as facts.

Myth Fact
Quality of coffee drives people to coffee Quality of coffee ranks fifth when it comes to
café important attributes of café. It is not even in top three

Price is very important attribute that Price is ot e e i top 5 attri utes. People do t i d
people consider before going to a café paying more for better experience

People go to CCD e ause it’s the est Barista and Costa surpassed CCD in almost all
attributes when ranked by customers
Group 1 Report


Introduction him to various kinds of coffees and now he
can tell a coffee bean by its aroma.
During Depth Interviews, we realized that the
coffee consumer cannot necessarily be He is not very active on social media as he
divided on the basis of income or age. Higher does t see the poi t of talki g a out his
income consumers do not necessarily prefer personal life to strangers. Any day willing to
better tasting coffee if they are used to pay a higher price for good quality espresso,
drinking tea. Similarly, younger educated macchiato or risotto, he likes his coffee
population need not look for good quality without milk or sugar. He has a limited set of
coffee but is more attracted to a better close friends but is very well networked,
ambience. Based on the survey and secondary mostly with coffee lovers like him that he met
research conducted by us, we have divided during his travels. If only he could find just the
the coffee consumer market into six right kind of coffee, he would be happy
segments, primarily on the basis of spending his evenings at the same place
psychographics. serving it.

The Consumer personas have been developed The Trendy Lot

keeping in mind their preference for clothes,
their liking for social media, coffee habits, Gauri loves to travel, make new friends, and
upbringing and personality traits like stay connected to them through social media.
introvertedness, extrovertedness, loudness, Usually high on life, she is 28 and has strong
etc. People in a particular segment need not world views that she is quite vocal about on
have the same occupation as our primary data her perso al log. “he does t lea e ho e
showed that coffee preferences are not without her Gucci shoes and Vera Moda
necessarily linked to the profession of a dresses. Her work requires her to interact
person. A well - traveled businessman may with people from all walks of life and she
admire good coffee more than a stylish makes it a point to follow up on all the trends
corporate. The choice of a café and in the market. Her large group of friends often
consequently a coffee is primarily based on start projects that become famous and are
the lifestyle of a person. The consumer taken up by people around them.
personas as developed by us are as follows: “he likes to flirt ith life a d tr out
different places where she can sit with her
Coffee Experts
friends and just spend some quality time in an
Arindham is an experienced 38 year old coffee aesthetically appealing environment. She likes
lover is a socialite who feels comfortable in his ariet i her food a d e erages a d does t
Fab India linen clothes. Because he loves his mind leaving a good tip for a charming service
coffee so much, he is very picky about it. at a restaurant. Her charismatic personality
Owing to the lack of availability of good coffee enhanced by her wide choice of books draws
in his vicinity, he recently purchased a coffee people towards her and when she speaks,
vending machine for himself, after a long they usually listen to her and follow.
search for good quality coffee at the nearby
cafes. He is well settled in life and his work
requires him to travel a lot. This has exposed

Group 1 Report

Status Opportunist Value Filterers

Ramesh is 24, a hardcore Punjabi who Rani just turned 20 and moved from the
recently had a Big Fat Indian Wedding. He is suburbs to the city. The daughter of a primary
proud of a foreign education that his parents govt. school teacher, she likes going out with
were able to afford for him. Though he finds it friends but usually operates on a tight budget.
a little difficult to speak in English, he hangs “he does t thi k it is ool to spe d too u h
out ith his u h of ool A eri a frie ds money if one can get the same value at a
because he can spend on them. He has lots of lower price. Her parents instilled qualities of
Facebook frie ds, ost of ho he does t honesty and dedication in her since the
reall k o . He does t thi k it is i porta t beginning. Though she likes to go ild ith
to keep the environment clean but during frie ds, she a ts to do it ith her o
outings he throws the garbage in the bin o e . As a kid she ould for e her pare ts
because people around him say that he to go to high end restaurants. Though they
should. ere t er fo d of the , the ould still go
for the kids. Lajpat Nagar and Sarojini Nagar in
He is easily spotted with spiky gelled hair, Delhi are her favorite shopping hubs. She can
Louis Vuitton formal/semi-formal attire and a spend hours bargaining the price of a kurta
cappuccino by the side. He holds his corporate a d fi all ot u it if it does t suit her
meetings with clients in large cafes and likes budget. She likes restaurants that give
to sit there working on his laptop for hours, complimentary breads along with food. She
just the way they show in the English movies looks for the function al benefits of
he saw. He likes setting meetings online everything, be it clothes, food or beverages.
because it is quick and requires limited face to Though ot er fo d of offee, she does t
face contact, something that he is not very mind trying it with friends and might get used
comfortable with. to it if she likes it. Lajpat Nagar and Sarojini
Nagar in Delhi are her favorite shopping hubs

Table 1 Consumer Personas

Coffee Experts The Trendy Lot Value Filterers Traditionalists Easy Goers

35-49 years of 25- 35 years of 25- 40 years of 16 – 30 years 25- 40 years of

50 onwards
age age age of age age

Looking for Looking for

Looking for Looking for Looking for old Looking for
good quality value for
good ambience good crowd times nothing
coffee money

Shop from Fab Shop from Shop from Luis Shop from Usually gifted Variety of
India Gucci Vuitton Lajpat, Sarojini clothes clothes

Smells like
Govt Artists,
Anna Wintour Teen Spirit, Expats, Retired
Employees, academicians,
Latte Kitty Party Corporates personal
Teenagers intellectuals

Group 1 Report

She can spend hours bargaining the price of a soft for his teeth to bite on. Though he prefers
kurta a d fi all ot u it if it does t suit her wearing the traditional safari suits, his clothes
budget. She likes restaurants that give are usually gifted to him by relatives and kids.
complimentary breads along with food. She
looks for the functional benefits of everything, Easy Goers
be it clothes, food or beverages. Though not ‘o ert is a ostl sile t o ser er ho does t
er fo d of offee, she does t i d tr i g it mind being all by himself. He likes to spend his
with friends and might get used to it if she time walking around in an exhibition,
likes it. discussing the social relevance of the pieces of
art with the painter. He has a diverse circle of
friends ranging from social activists, painters,
Gangadhar is looking forward to his 51st musicians, academicians etc. He likes doing
birthday because he will get to meet his entire things that are intellectually stimulating, even
family once again. Having lived alone all these if it is just talking to a Doctor about his
years, he likes going to the nearby café and profession for long hours at the coffee table.
order his fa orite Chai Latte . Latel , e ause He does t e essaril u too any things
of the advent of coffee, he is not too happy. when he goes to eat because he is usually too
He misses the days when he would sit at the engrossed in his conversations. He also likes
table for hours, sipping his masala tea with spending time with his fiancé outside the
friends and colleagues. He usually prefers a constraints of a family home and try to
samosa with his tea but has recently started understand her better over long hours of
taking to the western egg puff because it is conversation.


Introduction able to excite others (they should be trend

setters). Apart fro this, it s esse tial that the
Now that we have segmented the Indian targeted segment should have a significant
coffee drinking population into different
base and provide growth opportunities for the
groups and created consumer personas for
each of them, we now need to decide which
segment Starbucks should target. Willingness
to Pay

In order to help us design an effective

targeting strategy, we have created a metric,
containing 4 parameters, for the same. Appreciate
Bases of Can they
spread or
Since, Starbucks wants and actually should
Targeting others ?

positio itself as a Pre iu Qualit Coffee

Pro ider , thus it s i porta t that the
consumer segments the company attacks for social
should not only have the ability to pay but
also be able to appreciate good coffee and
Figure 3 Bases of Targeting

Group 1 Report

company. In order to evaluate our consumer

segments on these fronts, we have created a
Targeting Grid to assess the suitability of a
segment based on the aforementioned

As we can clearly see from Table 2, the Trendy

Lot, the Coffee Experts (i.e the taste
connoisseurs) and the Status Opportunists
score the highest on our Targeting Grid,
indicating their highest compatibility with our
targeting requirements. It is our
understanding that these personas co-exist in
different competitive reference frames, which
we shall discuss in detail in the next section. if Starbucks is able to successfully market to
the Trendy Lot, who essentially are the style
Amongst these three consumer segments, our experientialists and the trend setters.
team believes that Starbucks should primarily
target the Coffee Experts and the Trendy Lot, Now that we have pinned down on the most
with the Status Opportunists falling in the plausible consumer segments to attack, we
Secondary Target Market. eed to e t ide tif Fro here ill e get
these usto ers? A ordi g to the I dia
As we can clearly see from Table below, the Coffee Board Report, nearly 40% of the
Trendy Lot, the Coffee Experts (i.e the taste people drink coffee out-of-home, and around
connoisseurs) and the Status Opportunists
score the highest on our Targeting Grid,
indicating their highest compatibility with our
targeting requirements. It is our
understanding that these personas co-exist in
different competitive reference frames, which
we shall discuss in detail in the next section.
The rationale behind this segregation, as can
be seen from the figure above is that as per
the persona definition, the Status
Opportunists are actually trend followers and
20% consume coffee only outside home.
would thus, be automatically/easily targeted
Amongst the out-of-home consumers, who

Likeability for Can they

Willingness Appreciate
Persona Social spread or Total
To Pay Quality Coffee
Image/Status excite others?
Coffee Experts 2.5
The Trendy Lot 3.5
Value Filterers 0.5
Traditionalists 0.5
Easy Goers 1.5
Group 1 Report

are essentially our target segments, the

majority of the consumers go to restaurants &
hotels for drinking coffee, while only 4% go to
cafes. This not only reflects restaurant goers
as a huge u tapped arket for afé offee
consumers but also falls in line with our
primary targeted consumer segment viz.

Where do people consume

Cafe coffee
Vending Canteen
m/c 13%
33% Figure 7 Targeting Map - Flow of Customer
44% Finally, the price insensitive segment of the
CCD consumer base should also be targeted.
Figure 6 Where do consumers drink coffee o/o home
Figure 7 aptly captures the targeting strategy
Trendy Lot (or the Style Experientialists), who
Having identified our key consumer segments
visit hotels/restaurants such as Hyatt, Dewan,
and also the competitive frames of reference,
Ashoka etc. Moreover, there is a part of these
we shall next discuss how Starbucks should
style experientialists who primarily visit the
position itself to each of the consumer
International Coffee Brands such as Costa,
segments and with respect to its possible
Mocha, Barista etc. This is the second
competitive frames.
segment from where we believe we can get
current users.



Developing an effective positioning strategy is Reference Frame 1: International Brands

esse tial for e suri g a ra d s re og itio
and recall. In our analysis, we have considered Established international brands like Barista,
4 different competitive frames of reference Costa Coffee, Lavazza, etc. have the
taki g i to a ou t “tar u k s i ediate advantage of having entered the Indian
competitors as well as other noteworthy market much earlier. These cafes have an
players who have the potential to act as a advantage of having entered the Indian
market earlier than Starbucks but they still
spoilsport in penetrating the Indian market.
We ill dis uss o “tar u k s per ei ed ha e t ee su essful e ough i e pa di g
points-of-parity and points-of-difference with their network of outlets. The perceived
benefits of Starbucks with respect to these
respect to these frames of reference one by
brands are shown in the figure 8.
one below.

Group 1 Report

Indian Affordable prices

International Largest network of outlets
Good Taste Cafe Brands Indian Tastes
High Quality Coffee Cafe Brands Wide variety of products

Customer Customer
Starbucks Starbucks
Needs Needs

Brand Equity
Customer Service High Quality Coffee
Larger Outlets Brand Image and Brand Equity
Product Range and Variety Bigger Stores and better ambience
Figure 8 POPs and PODs of Starbucks with International Figure 9 POPs and PODs of Starbucks with Indian Café
Café Brands Brands

Reference Frame 2: Local Café Brands Reference Frame 3: Quick Service

This category of café brands poses the
greatest challenge to Starbucks in terms of Offerings from KFC like crushers, McFlurry,
customer acquisition and market share. Café Choco Lava etc. from McDonalds can also
Coffee Day being a dominant player is the pose a challenge for Starbucks in the long run.
biggest threat but the category is also These Quick Service Restaurants pose a
populated with several other tea servicing challenge to Starbucks not in terms of the
brands like Chai Point. They have the product but in satisfying a similar consumer
distinctive advantage of having a better need. They bank on their brand value and
understanding of local tastes and preferences immediate delivery counters to attract the
and thus provide better value to Indian youth and travellers.
consumers. Affordable prices and wider
network of outlets make them a preferred Their stores and outlets are not so big in size
and so are not preferred destinations for
choice for the Indian consumers.
spending time out with friends or family
Starbucks, in turn, can leverage on its stronger members. Starbucks with its strong brand
brand image and experience in delivery an value and better quality of service can
excellent overall customer experience to leverage on these attributes to capture a part
attack their existing customers. of their market share. Figure 10 aptly
illustrates the PODs and POPs for Starbucks
POPs and PODs for Starbucks with respect to
with respect to QSRs.
these brands are shown in figure 9.

Group 1 Report

every nook and corner of India and provide

cheaper alternatives over the bigger brands.
Small tea/coffee outlets near our residents
Quick Customized products for
the Indian market and apartments are a popular destination for
Brand Image Service Faster Delivery the Indian college going youth for short
Serve Food & Beverage
Restaurants evening hangouts and older family members
for their early morning tea. They also provide
multiple benefits by serving the essential daily
needs of the family.
Needs Designing Brand Positioning for Starbucks

In order for Starbucks to effectively compete

Specialized High Quality Coffee
against the competitors, it needs to capitalize
Brand Image and Brand Equity
Bigger Stores and better ambience o its ore ra d asso iatio s a d it s PODs
Figure 10 POPs and PODs of Starbucks with Quick relative to other player. Figure 12 and Figure
Service Restaurants 13 represent the perceptual mapping of
Starbucks with its competitors and the Brand
Reference Frame 4: Local Restaurants and
Concept Modeling of Starbucks
Coffee Shops

Local Indian Restaurants have the maximum Premium

market share among the general Indian Product Quality
population. They rates high in terms of their
accessibility and convenience for the
Low Premium
customers. User User
Status Status

Easy Accessibility
Local Coffee Serve Multiple Daily Needs
Shops Ordinary
Serve Tea/Coffee Home Delivery
Requirements Product Quality

Starbucks International Café Brands

QSRs Indian Café Brands
Customer Local Coffee Shops
Figure 12 Perceptual Maps
High Quality Coffee
Based on the characteristics of the proposed
Brand Image and Brand Equity
Bigger Stores and better ambience target segment in India and the points of
Figure 11 POPs and PODs of Starbucks with Local Indian difference of Starbucks with respect to the
Restaurants and Coffee Shops
competitors, we propose that Starbucks can
They have a best understanding of the Indian o sider positio i g itself as Pre iu offee
o su ers tastes a d are ore prefera le e perie e for a Pre iu usto er .
for going out as a family. They are present in

Group 1 Report

Figure 12 Brand Concept Model of Starbucks (Primary Research)

Inter atio all , “tar u ks has fo used o its Starbucks needs to associate itself with a
stre gth of World s Best Coffee hi h has premium user image in India. Under the USER
worked for it. We recommend that Starbucks framework, this positioning would be a part of
must continue the trend in India. They will the Ego e efits deri ed a “tar u ks
cater to a niche market in the beginning but customer. Instead of positioning itself as a
by promoting the category need for good place approachable by all, it can position itself
coffee and shaping brand attitude for quality as a reward for all those who appreciate good
Starbucks coffee, the company can increase coffee and are willing to pay a higher price for
their customer base in the future. Since it. This justifies the i porta e of pla i g its
Starbucks is focusing on acquiring customers product offerings in a higher price range.
from Costa Coffee and those from CCD who
have no choice, it is important for Starbucks For Starbucks to be able to position itself as
to position itself as better than anyone else. proposed, we will consider the 7P framework
to make our suggestions in the relevant areas.
The second important thing that Starbucks Based on the online consumer survey
a fo us o is o e ti g the ra d s conducted by us, we do not feel that
premium image to its customers. As opposed Starbucks needs to make any changes to the
to the practice in America where it is mainly People, Price and Process components
positio ed as a o e stop offee shop for all , primarily because of the three reasons:

Group 1 Report

1. They are known for treating their

employees well by providing timely
training and taking their suggestions to
improve store décor etc. Replicating a
similar strategy in India should work well
for Starbucks.
2. They have a detailed process of making the
coffee reach the final customer starting
from when it is brewed. We could not find
any significant loopholes in their
processes. However, leveraging the Tata
network can be beneficial for Starbucks
especially for a product range consisting of
3. “tar u ks pri es are higher tha its
competitors such as Barista, Costa Coffee
and Café Coffee Day. However, this is
justified given the better quality of coffee
served by them. While positioning itself as
a premium coffee brand, it can leverage
its high pri es u der a positi e pri e
quality schema.

Branding and Looking Ahead

Our brand concept mapping analysis for

Starbucks indicated strong brand salience,
and thus, we believe that while
communicating our idea to the consumers
we neither need to look at creating any
category need nor creating any brand
awareness. We would be aiming at
addressing the brand attitude towards
Starbucks and establish purchase
Based on our Segmentation, Targeting and
Positioning, we will next discuss the
appropriate marketing mix required for
successfully marketing Starbucks Coffee in
India. The first 6Ps will be focused on
Customer Acquisition, while the 7th P i.e
Promotion will be used to not only acquire
new customers but also retain the
customers through relationship building

Group 1 Report


As previously discussed, we will be focusing offerings during winters should be able to
on the Product, Place, Promotion, and capitalize on increased demand.
Physical Evidence for the 7P analysis.


Continuing their expertise of offering

premium coffee, Starbucks should first
concentrate on communicating about its
premium beverage offerings to the customers
and maintain its unique selling point as
pre iu offee e perie e . Apart from
this, to suit Indians some new measures can
be taken.

Starbucks should have a clear product

strategy for Indian market given that Indians
have very different taste preferences as
compared to the west. Competitors like Costa
Figure 13 Product Offerings for Starbucks
Coffee are already offering Apple and coconut
flavored products like Coconut Hot Chocolate Non Veg Delights: Indian population has a
suited for Indian taste. Starbucks should considerable size of meat lovers hence
augment its menu with local flavors. sandwiches and rolls with meat balls along
with other non-vegetarian items can find
Tea products: 89% people drink tea space in their menu. However, Beef is a strict
frequently in India. Since Indians like to drink no-no in most parts of India and items
tea and TATA Tea is the second biggest tea containing beef should not be introduced.
brand in the world, Starbucks can leverage on Taking care of such sentiments will help
TATA s tea spe ialt a d offer tea ased Starbucks create brand favor in the minds of
products in addition to the premium the Indian customers.
Starbucks coffee. Starbucks already has Tazo
tea as a tea product which is going to be Regional Flavors: Catering to the north Indian
launched as TATA Tazo Tea in India. taste, Paneer based and non-vegetarian items
can be introduced in the menu along with
Seasonal offerings: Since India has hot flavors of Indian spices suiting them better to
summers, it is very much required to
concentrate on cold products like iced tea,
Iced coffee such as Iced Cappuccino and
Frapuccino and Cappuccino flavored ice
creams, something they have already come
up with in USA. During chilling winters, the
consumption of coffee in India increases from
2.39 cups to 2.75 cups a day. Special and new

Group 1 Report

Place The stro gest o te der at hi g “tar u k s

brand image is Lavelle Road and Vittal Mallya
One of the most important elements for Road. Coffee Experts and Status Opportunities
e suri g a ra d s su ess is arefull are brand conscious and are more likely to
selecting the right places for selling the visit this area looking for the right fit for their
product or service. Starbucks being a premier specific preferences and which suit their
coffee brand, our targeting is focused more personality. Presence of the most popular
towards those segments who possess a higher luxury brands in apparel, automobiles etc. is
disposable income and more likely to venture likely to attract more NRIs, expats etc. and
out and try out Starbucks coffee. help Starbucks gain momentum. This was
As a matter of convenience and availability of quite evident during our visit to these areas in
information, we chose Bangalore as an the kind of people who came there and their
example city for our analysis to come up with buying behavior.
target preferred locations for opening the Indiranagar, Koramangala, BTM layout,
initial few Starbucks outlets. Jayanagar etc. are a mix of commercial and
To begin with, we looked at the prime residential areas, and are populated by the
locations for NRIs and expats, residential higher and upper-middle income segments. A
settlements for people with higher disposable few of these are mostly habituated by IT
income, upcoming developing areas and professionals who are trendy and style
suburbs in Bangalore, main hangout and conscious, more influenced by peer pressure,
entertainment centers in the city etc. The and will do their part in spreading the word.
criteria for our evaluation included studying “tar u ks allia e ith the Tata Group ight
the demographics and behavioral profile of benefit them to a certain extent. It can
the inhabiting population and/or visiting le erage o Tata s all-India reach, extra-
rowd, the lo atio ’s a essi ilit , e isti g ordinary network and goodwill in gaining
malls if any and property/rental rates for
faster access and clearance to these locations
opening up Café outlet. Based on these and also help negotiating on the lease prices
parameters, the locations we shortlisted are or finalizing on favorable agreements, without
pointed out in the map snapshot given below:
having a major impact on the initial
investment required for the business.

The table below highlights the proposed

lo atio s a d ho the fit i to the “tar u k s
brand image and our targeting strategies.

Figure 14 Proposed Target Locations in Bangalore

Group 1 Report

Location Favorable Advantages Existing Property Rates

Characteristics Hangouts
Central Zone: Luxury High-Street Luxury Automobile Malls: Rental Rates:
Lavelle Rd, of Bangalore, Showrooms – BMW, UB City 200-265 INR/sqft/month;
Vittal Mallya Population with Porsche, Harley- Capital Values :
Rd high disposable Davidson, 18-23K INR/sqft
Luxury Apparel Brands,
Spas & Salons
East Zone: Populated by mostly Close to CBD, Malls: Rental Rates:
Indiranagar, high and upper Easy Accessibility, Gopalan, 175-200 INR/sqft/month;
Koramangala middle income Connected via Metro Forum Capital Values :
segment Rail, 15-20K INR/sqft

Proximity to Residential
Brigade Rd Entertainment Hub Prime Location - Malls: Rental Rates:
of Bangalore Proximity to MG Road & Garuda, 350-450 INR/sqft/month;
Residential Rd, 1 MG Road Capital Values :
Connected via Metro 30-40K INR/sqft
Preferred location for
new brands
South Zone: Populated by mostly Mostly IT workforce Malls: Rental Rates:
Jayanagar, upper middle and with higher disposable Forum, 150-180 INR/sqft/month;
BTM Layout middle income income, Innovation Capital Values :
segment 15-20K INR/sqft
Upcoming developing
suburb of the city
Airports Travellers (Business N.A N.A 350 INR/sqft/month
(BIA) Class) who can
significant share of

Table 3 Proposed Target Locations in Bangalore

Group 1 Report

Physical Evidence schedule client meetings in Starbucks,

thereby, helping build longer relationships
Starbucks is known for its ambience and with this target segment.
personalized experience provided. We want
to suggest mainly two accommodations in it. Promotion

Customers Engagement and Long Lasting

For the interior decoration of the store, there Impact to make a winning entry
can be an option of indigenization. But in
India, people are more inclined to foreign Beverages come under a convenience good
culture and treat it as a status symbol. This category and to drive brand preference in a
was evident in the conducted depth convenience category, there is a need for
interviews. So, they can focus more on deeper emotional appeal.
bringing American store design to India.
This can be achieved by associating it with
We also suggest that efforts should be made events & experiences. For example Starbucks
to reinforce emotional cord with customers. a ele rate a Week of Jo et ee
This can be done by giving personalized Christmas and New Year. Christmas is
attention to the customers and giving them a considered a festival of giving gifts and New
sense of ownership. This can be achieved by Year for making new resolutions. These two
providing a lounge to the frequent customers emotional appeals can be used with a slogan
in the same price range. of This ti e gift our ti e a d asso iati g
ith Cari g a d ‘espo si le attri utes of
Starbucks currently provides customers with Starbucks Brand Concept Mapping.
personalized name written on their mugs.
They should continue it in India also, as it is
highly appreciated by customers.


Starbucks is positioning itself as a Premium

Quality Coffee Provider , however, according
to our primary research, Starbucks outlet in
New Delhi was strongly associated with
long queues , and we believe this is huge de-
positioning factor, given coffee purchases are Through massive advertisements via e-mails,
generally light touch, and such mis-events, Facebook etc. customers can be encouraged
could prevent customers from coming to to spend time and gift Starbucks mugs with
Starbucks. personalized name and message for the loved
ones written. Customers can be encouraged
In order to avoid this rush at peak hours, we to come up with personalized messages for
are proposing a differential pricing strategy, the others in their group visiting the outlets,
wherein we will incentivize which can be delivered by writing them on the
morning/afternoon visits via discounted cups that are used to serve offee. Heart
menu. This will help off-load consumers to a d “oul e ails se t “tar u ks a d logs
off-peak hours. Moreover, this lunch time off- where customers share their experiences in
loading will also encourage managers to

Group 1 Report

the Jo of Week a e used for brand loyalty, creating a community of like -

advertisements. minded customers can work in favor of
Starbucks. While the reward system will also
Discount coupons can be distributed in this be a catalyst to the community creation,
eek i outlets of Ar hies, ith sloga This
Starbucks can organize various events
Time Give your Ti e . I -store decorations targeting specific communities. For example,
a also e do e ith Ha gout the e a d de oti g “aturda e e i gs as E trepre eur
s all ga es a e orga ized like ho u h
“aturda s , a i itiati e that aims at bringing
ou k o our frie d? a d re ardi g the together the us “t lists a d Coffee
winners with Starbucks coffee packs. This will E perts orki g i the orporate se tor
help to have a long lasting impact on the
organizing expert talks on varied subjects can
customer s i d. be considered. Starbucks can provide the
Leveraging the Tata Network for Promotion much required exposure to people from
different walks of life by leveraging on the
Tata owned enterprises such as Taj Hotels, Tata network that will focus on the Stylists
Westside, Landmark Bookstore, Westland knack for interacting with people.
Bookstores and Air Asia can be leveraged to
promote Starbucks. The above mentioned Loyalty Programs - Customer Retention &
enterprises see customers from the premium Relationship Building
category. It will be easy to reach out to the In addition to the traditional loyalty cards
targeted segment of the Stylists through the where customers get free coffee in return
Tata Network that spans across the entire of their loyalty, Starbucks can add a status
country. This also goes in sync with the element by introducing loyalty cards in
premium positioning strategy that we are different range ,like, low (bronze card),
proposing for Starbucks. medium (silver card) , high (Gold card) and
Starbucks and Tata can come up with a two elite (Platinum card). Customers will be
way Reward System, wherein each of the promoted on spending a specific amount
enterprises under Tata can leverage from which will vary for different levels. Benefits
ea h other s usto er ase. Custo ers will also vary among the different class of card
visiting these stores can be given reward holders. For example, Executive/elite Block
points that provide them with discounts on could be reserved only for Platinum and Gold
selected beverages served by Starbucks. card holders. Freebies and discounts will not
Further, customers registered with Starbucks be of high priority for our target customer
can be given reward points based on segment. This status oriented loyalty
consumption during each visit. These reward membership scheme will cater to their status
points can be used to avail discounts at the need.
above mentioned Tata enterprises. Starbucks can also use online platforms like
Brand Communities – Creating bonds – sending different types of emails to its
Retaining Customers & Building Relationship different loyalty card holders. It can send
pro otio al Gree e ails highlighti g e
Since Starbucks need not necessarily focus on products, discount coupons, time bound
volumes of customers, it is essential for it to offers, etc to the bronze and silver card
create brand loyalty in India just the way it holders to increase their visit frequency. It can
has done in America. To be able to create also se d “tar e ails to its elite a d gold

Group 1 Report

card holders to inform them of their star

counts, special offers and assortments
exclusively designed for them. It can also send
Bla k Hole e ails to these elite lasses,
depriving them of certain benefits, in case
there is a radical drop in their visit frequency.

Group 1 Report

1. Starbucks & (Red): Starbucks Love Project

2. Strategic Advisory Group, Bangalore Retail Report, 2013

3. Property Info in major residential zones in Bangalore

4. Nescafe Dolce Gusto: Singapore Launch 2011

5. Coffee Consumption in India Report 2008, Coffee Board of India

6. Emerging Prototypes of Coffee Drinkers in India

7. Marketing Management, Philips Kotler, 11th Ed

8. CARE Research – The Indian Tea & Coffee Industry
9. Coffee in India – Euromonitor, July 2012
10. Case Study on Starbucks, Kathleen Lee


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