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Determination of Boron in Coal Using Closed-Vessel Microwave

Digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-
Shifeng Dai,† Weijiao Song,† Lei Zhao,† Xiao Li,† James C. Hower,*,‡ Colin R. Ward,§ Peipei Wang,†
Tian Li,† Xin Zheng,∇ Vladimir V. Seredin,⊥,∥ Panpan Xie,† and Qingqian Li†

State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083,

Center for Applied Energy Research, University of Kentucky, 2540 Research Park Drive, Lexington, Kentucky 40511, United States
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia

ThermoFisher Scientific, Beijing 10083, China

Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Staromonetny per.
35, Moscow 119017, Russia

ABSTRACT: Boron in coal is of great interest, mainly because it can be used as paleosalinity indicator; it is also of
environmental concern because of its toxic effects, especially on land plants. This paper describes a new method for
determination of the boron concentration in coal by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after closed-vessel
microwave digestion. Samples of raw coal rather than coal ash were used for the determination to avoid the loss of volatile
organically bound boron. Addition of H3PO4 to the HNO3 and HF used as reagents in the process could also significantly
diminish boron volatilization during acid-drying after sample digestion. A 2% ammonia solution, which was injected into an ICP-
MS spray chamber to eliminate the memory effect of boron, may reduce boron signals to blank levels (within 120 s) during ICP-
MS analysis. The boron concentrations of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard reference coal
samples obtained using the ICP-MS in high-resolution mode and with 103Rh or 115In used as online addition internal standards
are in good agreement with the certified values.

1. INTRODUCTION limited and where leaching is possible. Indeed, once the roots
Boron in coal is of interest, both because it can be used as extend beyond the zone of ash incorporation, the plants may be
paleosalinity indicator for the coal’s sedimentary environ- able to regain much of the early loss in growth and actually
ment1−4 and because it may have adverse environmental benefit from the ash-derived nutrients.15 A very few studies
effects.5−7 For example, Goodarzi and Swaine8 successfully have also shown that high boron concentrations may affect
used the total boron concentration to develop fresh/brackish male reproductive capabilities in animals,22 although probably
and brackish/marine indices of coal sedimentary environments. not in humans where no such negative findings have been
Their work places the fresh/brackish and brackish/marine reported.23
boundaries at 50 and 110 μg/g B and, although this Three modes of occurrence of boron in coal are commonly
paleosalinity indicator remains controversial,2,9,10 these values recognized, namely, bound to the organic matter, associated
have been widely used by others.2,4,11−13 However, an elevated with clay minerals (mainly illite), and bound within the crystal
concentration of boron in coal may also be derived from lattice of tourmaline.2,7,14,24−28 Although illite and tourmaline
hydrothermal fluids,10 volcanic activity,2,9 and climatic may be locally important modes of occurrence, the organically
variations.9 bound mode is generally considered to be the most
High boron concentrations may have toxic effects on land common.7,12,14,24
plants,5,6 and this may preclude the use of fly ash as a soil The mode of occurrence exerts dominant control on the
ameliorant and limit disposal options.14,15 Relatively small partitioning behavior of boron, both during coal ashing and
excesses may be detrimental, but the impact depends in part on
during coal utilization. Boron present in coal as tourmaline is
the mobility of the boron in the ash material. Some studies have
retained in ash at a temperature of 1000 °C, while organically
shown that a large fraction of the boron in fly ash is in soluble
form and it is often the most mobile trace element in coal bound boron is easily volatilized.14 Ashing experiments have
ash.16−20 The susceptibility to harm is also plant species- shown a significant loss of boron, in some cases at 370 °C and,
specific,7,21 and this provides a further complication in in one case, at 150 °C during low-temperature radio frequency
evaluating the environmental effects of boron in coal and its
combustion products.14 On the other hand, Yunusa et al.15 Received: April 22, 2014
reported that boron phytotoxicity from coal ash may be Revised: June 4, 2014
minimized in the field situation, where the soil volume is not Published: June 23, 2014

© 2014 American Chemical Society 4517 | Energy Fuels 2014, 28, 4517−4522
Energy & Fuels Article

ashing;29 this could be explained by the common organic (1000 μg/mL, single-element Rh standard solution GSB 04-1746-
affinity of boron, and may be responsible for the high emissions 2004, National Center of Analysis and Testing for Nonferrous Metals
noted for this otherwise refractory element.14,29 and Electronic Materials), 115In (100 μg/mL, CCS4, Inorganic
Previous studies indicate that boron in coal has been mostly Ventures), and 9Be (100 μg/mL, CCS4, Inorganic Ventures) were
used as the internal standards for online addition during ICP-MS
determined by atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) or analysis. The standard solution (10 μg/mL, THM-TS-1, Inorganic
inductively coupled plasma−atomic emission spectrometry Ventures), containing multielements, Li, Co, In, and U, was used to
(ICP-AES).2,13,30−33 However, as indicated by Huggins,32 the prepare the tuning solution. All standards were used without further
precision of AES or ICP-AES is not as high as other trace purification and prepared in 2% (v/v) HNO3.
element techniques, and the trace-element concentrations are Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) reagent HF (40%, v/v), the
often described as being only semiquantitative. Another guaranteed reagents HNO3 (65%, v/v) and H3PO4 (85%, v/v) were
disadvantage of AES or ICP-AES is the high detection limits used for sample digestion. Ultrapure 99.999% Ar was used without
of these methods. Such techniques are rarely applied directly to further purification as the cooling, auxiliary, and nebulizer gas.
coal, and are usually used on high-temperature ash samples National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard
reference coal samples, including SRM1632c, SRM2682b, and
prepared from the coal. For example, the U.S. Geological SRM2685b, were used to evaluate the suitability of the ICP-MS
Survey has recommended the ICP-AES method for boron technique for boron determination, based on the unashed coal
determination after the coal ash is decomposed with sodium material.
peroxide using a sintering process (450 °C for 30 min).31 This 2.3. Sample Digestion. To allow for the volatile behavior of
method has also been adopted by others.34−36 Eskenazy et organically bound boron,14,29 50 mg of each NIST standard coal
al.2,30 used atomic emission spectroscopy for boron determi- sample, crushed to <200 mesh (<75 μm), was digested in the closed
nation after the samples were ashed in platinum crucibles in an PTFE vessel of the UltraClave microwave high-pressure reactor. The
open muffle furnace at 500 °C. However, as indicated above, reagents for digestion of each 50-mg coal sample were 0.5 mL of 85%
high-temperature ashing of coal can lead to loss of volatile (v/v) H3PO4, 3 mL of 65% (v/v) HNO3, and 1 mL of 40% (v/v) HF.
A different reagent assemblage (HNO3−HF) was also used for
organically bound boron,14,29 and thus the boron concentration
digestion of the NIST standard coals to investigate whether and, if so,
in the coal may be underestimated. how much boron might be volatized during the acid-drying process
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after sample digestion. For the HNO3−HF tests, the reagents for each
has become an established method since the 1980s for 50-mg coal sample were 3 mL of 65% (v/v) HNO3 and 3 mL of 40%
determination of multiple trace elements,37−42 including HF.
those in coal and coal-related materials.4,26,43−46 However, The basic load for the digestion tank of the UltraClave reactor was
one requirement is that the sample must be dissolved composed of 330 mL of distilled H2O, 30 mL of 30% H2O2, and 2 mL
completely. ICP-MS has several advantages, including low of 98% H2SO4 (analytical reagent). Initial nitrogen pressure was set at
detection limit, high sensitivity, relatively simple spectra, wide 50 bar. The highest temperature was set at 240 °C, and that was
applied for 75 min. The microwave digestion program is presented in
linearity range, and simultaneous determination of multiple
Table 1.
trace elements in a run.32,47 It is nevertheless clear that no one
technique is sufficiently general or precise to be universally
applicable to all trace elements in coal and coal-related Table 1. Microwave Program for Sample Digestion
materials. Like any sensitive analytical techniques, ICP-MS time temperature pressure microwave power
has some limitations, such as polyatomic spectral interferences step (min) (°C) (bar) (W)
and memory effects during aspiration of the liquid sample into 1 12 60 100 1000
the spray chamber of the ICP-MS instrument.47,48 For the 2 20 125 100 1000
determination of boron in coal by ICP-MS, however, the major 3 8 160 130 1000
hindrances are how to avoid the loss of volatile organically 4 15 240 160 1200
bound boron during coal sample preparation and how to 5 60 240 160 1000
eliminate the memory effects of boron during ICP-MS analysis.
cooling 60 min

2.1. Instrumentation. A ThermoFisher ICP-MS (X Series II) was

used for boron determination, based on raw (unashed) coal samples. The digested samples were transferred to polyfluoroalkoxy (PFA)
Prior to ICP-MS analysis, the coal samples were digested using an digestion cups (resistant to HF corrosion), and then subjected to
UltraClave microwave high-pressure reactor (Milestone). Although drying on an electric hot plate at 180 °C. Five mililiters (5 mL) of 65%
closed-vessel microwave digestion is not a standard method for coal (V/V) HNO3 was added to the dried samples in the digestion cups,
digestion prior to trace-element analysis, numerous studies have which were then covered by the cup lids and kept at 180 °C on the
proved that it is a powerful method,4,13,18,27,44−47,49−51 which could electric hot plate for 4 h. After that, the samples were cooled to room
avoid the loss of trace elements during the ashing procedure required temperature, transferred to PFA volumetric flasks, and then diluted to
by normal digestion techniques. 100 mL with ultrapure water for ICP-MS analysis.
A Milli-Q A10 system (Millipore) was used to prepare ultrapure 2.4. ICP-MS Determination Procedure. The torch position and
water (18.2 MΩ cm). A DuoPUR acid purification system (Milestone) ion lenses of the instrument were first optimized and tested by
was used for further purification of the guaranteed HNO3 reagent. The performing short-term stability tests in the standard mode, with a 1
TraceCLEAN Automatic Acid Reflux System (Milestone) was used for μg/L tuning solution (prepared from 10 μg/mL standard solution) to
vessel cleaning at a temperature of 300−350 °C for 2 h. maximize ion signal and stability. The optimized parameters of the
2.2. Standard Solutions, Reagents, Gases, and Investigated ICP-MS are presented in Table 2. Analyses using standard- and high-
Samples. Five concentration levels (0, 1, 10, 50, and 100 μg/L) of the resolution modes were performed on NIST standard samples to
standard solution (1000 μg/mL, single-element boron standard investigate whether the use of different resolution modes would affect
solution GSB 04-1716-2004, National Center of Analysis and Testing the boron determination.
for Nonferrous Metals and Electronic Materials) were used to establish Various rinse solutions (ultrapure water, 2% HNO3, 2% HNO3 +
calibration curves of boron. The standard stock solutions of 103Rh 2% mannitol, and 2% ammonia solution) were used to investigate the

4518 | Energy Fuels 2014, 28, 4517−4522

Energy & Fuels Article

Table 2. Optimized Instrumental Parameters for Inductively Table 4. Comparison of Observed Boron Concentrations
Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and Relative Error (RE) between Different Reagent
Assemblages, Based on the 10B Spectral Line and Using 115In
item value/status item value/status
as an Internal Standard Solution
plasma RF power 1400 W uptake time 60 s
nebulizer gas flow 0.93 L/min washout time 120 s H3PO4−HNO3−HF HNO3−HF
auxiliary gas flow 0.8 L/min pole bias −4.8 V certified observed RE observed REa
cool gas flow 13.5 L/min hexapole bias −2.1 V sample value (μg/g) [B] (μg/g) (%) [B] (μg/g) (%)
sampling depth 150 steps number of main 3 SRM1632c 62 ± 2 62.1 0.09 bdlb
runs SRM2682b 39 40.6 4.10 17.5 55.24
ICP-MS interface Nickel Xt dwell time 10 ms SRM2685b 109 109.9 0.84 3.40 96.88
peristaltic pump 30 rpm acquisition peak jumping a
speed mode mode RE = (|observed − certified|/certified) × 100. bbdl = below detection
spray chamber 3 °C number of 3 limit.
temperature channels

removal of boron memory effects during aspiration of the liquid may interact to produce a more stable, nonvolatile boron-
sample into the ICP-MS (Figure 1). A washout time of 120 s was used bearing complex.52,53
to establish the baseline signal of boron for each rinse solution.
The results (Figure 1) indicated that a 2% ammonia solution
can effectively eliminate the boron memory effect and reduce
boron signals to blank levels (within 120 s), similar to analytical
results obtained by Al-Ammar et al.54 and Huang et al.55 The
boron memory effect is not attributed to the skimmer, sampler,
or other mass spectrometer components, but originates from
the tendency of boron to volatilize as boric acid from the
sample solution that covers the inside surface of the ICP-MS
spray chamber.54 The ammonia solution may neutralize the
volatile boric acid on the surface to form a nonvolatile
compound (e.g., NH4H2BO3).54
Under the optimized conditions (Table 2) and with the ICP-
MS in high-resolution mode, using 2% ammonia as a rinse
solution and with samples digested using H3PO4−HNO3−HF,
the linearity of the calibration curves was considered to be
satisfactory over the range 0−100 μg/L, having a determination
coefficient r2 > 0.999 at each run with or without the different
internal standard solutions (9Be, 103Rh, and 115In) (see Table
Figure 1. Removal of boron memory effects by different rinse 5). The method detection limits, which were calculated as three
solutions. times the standard deviation of the average from the blank
samples (n = 11), are listed in Table 5.
Table 5 also lists the observed concentrations, measured
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION using either the 10B or 11B spectral line, for the NIST standard
The relative standard deviations, which were obtained by 11 reference coal samples, as well as relative errors, using different
repeated measurements on NIST coal samples, were found to online additions of internal standard solutions.
be lower for the high-resolution mode than for the standard- Using different online additions of internal standard
resolution mode, respectively (Table 3), indicating that the solutions, the observed boron concentrations based on the
high-resolution mode is more suitable for the determination of B and 11B spectral lines are close to each other, indicating that
boron in coal. the observed boron concentrations based on the two isotope
The results showed that most of the boron volatized during spectral lines are both suitable for determination of boron in
the acid-drying process where H3PO4 was not used for sample coal.
digestion (Table 4). This is attributed to the formation of If Be is used as the internal standard, the observed boron
volatile BF3 via reaction between boron and HF. However, in concentrations (whether based on the 10B or 11B spectral line)
the H3PO4−HNO3−HF digestion system, H3PO4 and boron are not as close to the certified values as those using Rh and In
as internal standards (see Table 5), although the mass-to-charge
Table 3. Relative Standard Deviations of Boron ratio (m/z) of 9Be is closer to both 10B and 11B than those of
Concentration in NIST Standard Coal Samples, Based on Rh and 115In. This is probably due to the higher
10 concentration of Be, compared to those of Rh and In in the
B Spectral Line at Different Resolution Modea
9 103 115
coal samples. NIST standard reference coal SRM1632c, for
Be Rh In example, contains 1.0 μg/g Be, and the average Be
sample HR SR HR SR HR SR concentrations in world coals and in Chinese coals are 1.6
SRM1632c 2.57 3.72 3.68 3.01 0.68 3.91 μg/g56 and 2.11 μg/g,57 respectively. However, the average In
SRM2682b 2.88 6.69 2.25 5.53 3.35 7.1 concentration in world coals and Chinese coals is only 0.0047
SRM2685b 0.94 4.55 1.65 4.35 1.76 4.86 μg/g56 and 0.0031 μg/g,57 respectively. Rh is very low and is
estimated to be <0.001 μg/g in coal.58 The higher Be and lower
HR, high-resolution mode; SR, standard-resolution mode. Rh and In concentrations in these coals suggest that both Rh
4519 | Energy Fuels 2014, 28, 4517−4522
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Table 5. Observed (Obs) and Certified (Cert) Values of Boron in NIST Standard Reference Coal Samples, as Well as Internal
Solution Recovery (Rec), Method Detection Limit (MDL), Relative Errors (RE), and Determination Coefficient (DC) of the
ICP-MS Analysis
10 11
sample Rec (%) Cert (μg/g) Obs (μg/g) MDL (μg/L) RE (%) DC Obs (μg/g) MDL (μg/L) REa (%) DC
No Internal Standard
SRM1632c 62 47.1 0.65 24.1 0.9994 46.6 0.45 24.9 0.9994
SRM2682b 39 30.2 0.65 22.6 0.9994 30.3 0.45 22.2 0.9994
SRM2685b 109 85.1 0.65 21.9 0.9994 85.5 0.45 21.6 0.9994
Be Internal Standard
SRM1632c 83.75 62 54.9 0.87 11.5 0.9994 54.4 0.68 12.3 0.9995
SRM2682b 83.18 39 35.6 0.87 8.8 0.9994 35.7 0.68 8.4 0.9995
SRM2685b 83.31 109 99.9 0.87 8.3 0.9994 100.4 0.68 7.9 0.9995
Rh Internal Standard
SRM1632c 78.57 62 58.0 0.77 6.4 0.9995 57.4 0.62 7.4 0.9995
SRM2682b 79.74 39 36.6 0.77 6.3 0.9995 36.7 0.62 5.8 0.9995
SRM2685b 77.52 109 106.3 0.77 2.5 0.9995 106.8 0.62 2.0 0.9995
In Internal Standard
SRM1632c 78.62 62 57.8 0.84 6.8 0.9995 57.3 0.66 7.7 0.9995
SRM2682b 79.88 39 36.3 0.84 6.9 0.9995 36.5 0.66 6.4 0.9995
SRM2685b 77.75 109 105.7 0.84 3.1 0.9995 106.2 0.66 2.6 0.9995
RE = (|Obs − Cer|/Cer) × 100.

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Corresponding Author (10) Lyons, P. C.; Palmer, C. A.; Bostick, N. H.; Fletcher, J. D.;
*E-mail: Dulong, F. T.; Brown, F. W.; Brown, Z. A.; Krasnow, M. R.;
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The caption of Figure 1, the Acknowledgments paragraph, and
reference 58 were modified in the version of this paper
published June 27, 2014. The correct version published July 1,

4522 | Energy Fuels 2014, 28, 4517−4522

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