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Week 4-5

Integration is the process of finding the anti-derivative of an algebraic

function whether rational or irrational. Algebraic function is a function that
involves only algebraic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division as well as fractional or rational exponents. Think of an algebraic
function as a machine where real numbers go in, mathematical operation
occurs, and other numbers go out.

The indefinite integral of many algebraic functions is transcendental. For

example, the logarithm function arose from the reciprocal function in an effort
to find the area of a hyperbolic sector. A transcendental function is an analytic
function that does not satisfy a polynomial equation, in contrast to an
algebraic function.

A function that is not transcendental is algebraic. Simple examples of

algebraic functions are the rational functions and the square root function,
but in general, algebraic functions cannot be defined as finite formulas of the
elementary functions.

The indefinite integral of many algebraic functions is transcendental. For

example, the logarithm function arose from the reciprocal function in an effort
to find the area of a hyperbolic sector.

At the end of this module the students are expected to apply the properties of
indefinite integral in solving algebraic and transcendental functions.
Familiarized the different standard formulas in solving indefinite integrals.

Pre-competency Checklist (Formative Assessment/ Diagnostic)

By definition, integration is the inverse operation of differentiation. Before we

proceed to our discussion let us recall our knowledge in differential calculus
by answering these exercises. Write your answer in your answer Sheet.

Suppose, y = 3x + 5,

1. What is the derivative of the function?

2. What is the derivative of 3x?
3. By definition, what is the integral of 3x dx? Explain why?
4. What happened to the derivative of 5?
5. Therefore, by definition what is the integral of zero? Explain why?
Learning Resources

Use the following link to view the learning resource materials in this lesson.

Explore /Task/Activities

The standard integral of rational and irrational functions are as follows:

And the standard formulas for transcendental functions are as follows:

Using the given formulas of algebraic and transcendental functions above we
can find the integral of the given functions below.

Try to follow the following examples:

Considering the examples above and the other integration formulas, evaluate
the functions below.
To provide you with further information how to find the integral of the
functions here are some of the examples, let’s look at it.
Integral of Transcendental Function

The indefinite integral of many algebraic functions is transcendental. For

example, the logarithm function arose from the reciprocal function in an effort
to find the area of a hyperbolic sector. A transcendental function is an analytic
function that does not satisfy a polynomial equation, in contrast to an
algebraic function.

The transcendental functions sine and cosine were tabulated from physical
measurements in antiquity, as evidenced in Greece (Hipparchus) and India
(jya and kotijya). In describing Ptolemy's table of chords, an equivalent to a
table of sines, Olaf Pedersen wrote:

The mathematical notion of continuity as an explicit concept is unknown to

Ptolemy. That he, in fact, treats these functions as continuous appears from
his unspoken presumption that it is possible to determine a value of the
dependent variable corresponding to any value of the independent variable by
the simple process of linear interpolation.

A revolutionary understanding of these circular functions occurred in the 17th

century and was explicated by Leonhard Euler in 1748 in his Introduction to
the Analysis of the Infinite. These ancient transcendental functions became
known as continuous functions through quadrature of the rectangular
hyperbola xy = 1 by Grégoire de Saint- Vincent in 1647, two millennia after
Archimedes had produced The Quadrature of the Parabola.

The area under the hyperbola was shown to have the scaling property of
constant area for a constant ratio of bounds. The natural logarithm function
so described was of limited service until 1748 when Leonhard Euler related it
to functions where a constant raised to a variable exponent, such as the
exponential function where the constant base is e. By introducing these
transcendental functions and noting the bijection property that implies an
inverse function, some facility was provided for algebraic manipulations of the
natural even if it is not an algebraic function.

The even and odd terms of this series provide sums denoting cosh x and sinh
x, so that, these transcendental hyperbolic functions can be converted into
circular functions sine and cosine by introducing (-1)k into the series,
resulting in alternating series. After Euler, mathematicians view the sine and
cosine this way to relate the transcendence to and exponent functions, often
through Euler's formula in complex number arithmetic.

The most familiar transcendental functions are the logarithm. the exponential
(with any non-trivial base), the trigonometric, and the hyperbolic functions,
and the inverses of all of these. Less familiar are the special functions of
analysis, such as the gamma, elliptic, and zeta functions, all Of Which are

A function that is not transcendental is algebraic. Simple examples of

algebraic functions are the rational functions and the square root function,
but in general, algebraic functions cannot be defined as finite formulas of the
elementary functions.

The indefinite integral of many algebraic functions is transcendental. For

example, the logarithm function arose from the reciprocal function in an effort
to find the area of a hyperbolic sector.
The standard formulas for transcendental function are as follows:
Other Integration Formulas of Trigonometric Functions are:

Application of Indefinite Integral

A very useful application of calculus is displacement, velocity and acceleration.

Recall (from Derivative as an Instantaneous Rate of Chanqe) that we can find
an expression for velocity by differentiating the expression for displacement:
v = ds /dt

Similarly, we can find the expression for the acceleration by differentiating

the expression for velocity, and this is equivalent to finding the second
derivative of the displacement

a = dv / dt = ds2 / dt2

It follows (since integration is the opposite process to differentiation) that to

obtain the displacement s of an object at time t (given the expression for
velocity we would use:

v = ∫ 𝒂 𝒅𝒕

Example 1
A car starts from rest at a displacement s=3m from the origin and has
acceleration at time t given by a=2t-5 ms-2. Find the velocity and
displacement of the car at t=4s.
Example 2
A proton moves in an electric field such that its acceleration (in cm/s) is
a = -20(1+2t)-2, Where t is in seconds. Find the velocity as a function of time
if v = 30 cm/s when t = 0.

Displacement and Velocity Formulas

Using integration, we can obtain the well-known expressions for displacement

and velocity, given a constant acceleration a, initial displacement zero, and an
initial velocity v0:

v = ∫ 𝑎 𝑑𝑡
v = at + C

Since the velocity at time t = 0 is v0, we can say that C = v0 So:

v = v0 + at

Similarly, taking it another step gives:

Since the displacement is t = 0 is s = 0, we have C = 0. So:

Example 3
The electric current (in mA) in a computer circuit as a function of time is
i = 0.3-0.2t. What total charge passes a point in the circuit in 0.050 s?

Voltage across a Capacitor

The current, i (amperes), in an electric circuit equals the time rate of change
of the charge q, (in coulombs) that passes a given point in the circuit. We can
write this (With t in seconds) as:

i = dq / dt
By writing i dt = dq and integrating, we have:

q = ∫ 𝑖 𝑑𝑡

The voltage, Vc (in volts) a capacitor with capacitance C (in farads) given by

Vc = q / C

It follows that

Example 4
Find the equation of the family of curves whose slope at any point is 2x.
Find also the equation of the member which passes through the point (2, 1).

Example 5
Find the equation of the member Of the family of curves whose slope at any
point is curves √𝑦 through (1,1).
Example 6
A ball is thrown vertically upward from the ground with an initial velocity of
29 m/s. Find the maximum height reached by the ball.

Post-Competency Checklist

Multiple Choice. Select the best answer suited to its questions. Write only
the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. What is the ∫ 2 dx?

A. 4x2 + C
B. 4x1/2 + C
C. 2x1/2 + C
D. x1/2 + C
2. Which of the following is the ∫(y2+ 1)2 dy
A. 1/5 y5 + 2/3y3+ y + C
B. 5 y5 + 3y3+ y + C
C. y5 + 2y3+ y + C
D. 1/5 y1/5 + 2/3y1/3+ y + C

3. Find from the choices below the ∫(3t4- 5t2 + t) dt

A. 3/5 x5 – 5/3 x3 + ½ t2+ C
B. 3/5 x3 – 5/3 x5 + ½ t2+ C
C. 3/5 x5 – 5/3 x3 + t2+ C
D. 5 x5 – 3x3 + t2+ C
4. What is the simplified form of ∫ x2 (4x3-8)4 dx?
A. (4x3-8)5 + C
B. (4x4-8x)5 + C
C. (4x3-8)5 + C
D. (4x3-8)5 + C

5. Which of the following describe the ∫ x (3x 2+5)3/2 dx?

A. (3x2+5)5/2 + C
B. 5(3x2+5)5/2 + C
C. 2(3x2+5) 5/2 + C
D. 5(3x2+5) 5/2 + C

6. What is the simplified for of ∫ sec2 t dt

tan t
A. 1/3 ln tan t + C
B. ln tan t + C
C. 1/3 sec3 + C
D. ln sec t + C

7. What is the ∫tan y dy?

A. -ln cos y + C
B. ln cos y + C
C. -ln sin y + C
D. sec y tan y + C

8. Which of the following is the ∫ e (4-2x) dx?

A. e (4-2x) + C
B. e (4-2x) +
C. - e (4-2x) + C
D. - e (4-2x) + C

9. What is the simplified for of ∫ 4 y dy?

A. 4 + C
ln 4y
B. 4 ln 4y + C
C. 4y ln 4 + C
D. 1 4y + C
ln 4

10. Find which of the following describe the ∫ dx .

16x2 -8x+ 10
A. 1/16 Arctan (4x – 1) + C
B. 1/4 Arctan (4x – 1) + C
C. 1/16 Arctan (4x – 1) + C
D. Arctan (4x – 1) + C

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