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This is to certify that the Mini-Project Report entitled

“FingerID Entry System ”

has been successfully completed by

Kartik Shinde – T190073161

Mrunali Jadhav– T190073055
Aashish Varade – T190073183

towards the partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and
Telecommunication as awarded by the Savitribai Phule Pune University, at Pune Vidyarthi
Griha’s College of Engineering during the academic year 2023-24

(Prof Dr. R. K. Patil)

Mini-Project Guide Head Of Department ,E&TC

Place: Pune



For successful completion of this project, many people have given their valuable
contribution either directly or indirectly in many ways. I would like to thank all those who are
a part of this project. We would like to thank project guide Prof. R.K Patil, and Prof.
N.Kuchekar under whose guidance we learned and explored about this project. Their
suggestions and directions have helped us complete our project successfully. We would also
like to thank all the teaching and non-teaching staff of our college for helping us in the
completion of our project work. Finally, We would like to thank my parents and friends who
have helped me with their valuable suggestions and guidance and have been very helpful in
various stages of the project completion.

Kartik Shinde – T190073161

Mrunali Jadhav – T190073055
Aashish Varade – T190073183



Abstract 5
List of Acronyms 6
List of Symbols 6
List of Figures 6
List of Tables 6
1 Introduction
1.1 Back ground 7

1.2 Aim 8

1.3 Objectives 8

1.4 Motivation 8

1.5 Scope of Project Idea 9

1.6 Interdisciplinary Aspects 9

1.7 Multidisciplinary Aspects 9

2 Literature Survey 10

2.1 Existing issues 10

2.2 Findings in literature 10

2.3 Conclusion based on survey 11

3 Design and Simulation 12

3.1 Block Diagram 12

3.2 System requirements (Software/Hardware) 12

3.3 Selection of components with details specification 13

3.4 Power Supply Design and Calculation 16

3.5 Simulation of Power Supply 17

3.6 Simulation Procedure of Designed Circuit 17

3.7 Photographs of Simulations working model 17

4 Development of Hardware Module 18

4.1 Bare Board Implementation Procedure 18

4.2 Photographs while Implementation 19

4.3 Printed Circuit Board implementation Process 20

4.3 Photographs of Layouts Schematic 20

5 Testing
5.1 Listing of All Test Parameter 21

5.2 Photographs of Testing and working model 21

5.3 Troubleshooting issues 22

5.4 Testing Conclusion 23

6 Conclusions 24

7 Future Scope 25

8 References 26

9 Photographs Bill of Material 27

10 Photographs of Certificates/Achievements

11 Copy of Paper Publications


In an era of increasing digitalization, security is paramount, particularly in

access control systems. This project aims to develop a user-friendly and reliable
system capable of accurately identifying individuals based on their unique
fingerprints. The system will utilize advanced image processing techniques to
extract and analyze fingerprint features, enabling swift and accurate
authentication. The Finger ID Entry System holds the potential to revolutionize
access control mechanisms across various domains, including residential
complexes, corporate offices and government facilities and educational
institutions, by providing a seamless and secure method for granting access/entry
to authorized personnel while minimizing the risk of unauthorized entry.
In addition to the aforementioned benefits, the Finger ID Entry System will
prioritize scalability and interoperability. The design will accommodate future
expansions and integrations with existing security infrastructure, ensuring
seamless implementation across diverse environments. Furthermore, emphasis
will be placed on data encryption and protection to safeguard sensitive biometric
information, adhering to stringent privacy regulations and industry best practices.
By combining cutting-edge technology with a user-centric approach, the Finger
ID Entry System aims to set a new standard for access control solutions, fostering
a safer and more secure environment for user.

Abbreviations and Acronyms
FP Finger print
ID Identification
GSM Global System for Mobile
PCB Printed Circuit Board

List of Symbols

I Current
V Voltage
A Amperes
Ω Ohms
F Farad
T Duty Cycle

List of Figures
3.1.1 Basic block diagram of original system 12
3.1.2 Pin out diagram of the original system 12
3.4.1 Block diagram of power supply 16
3.5.1 Simulation of power supply 17
4.2.2 Implementation of system on PCB simulation 19

List of Tables
5.1.1 Testing Components 21
5.3.1 Troubleshooting of components 23
9.1.2 Bill of the components used 27


The FINGER ID ENTRY SYSTEM is an innovative access control solution leveraging
fingerprint recognition technology for secure and efficient authentication. This system
eliminates the need for traditional access methods such as keys or cards by utilizing each user's
unique fingerprint as their access credential. Through a streamlined enrollment process,
authorized users can register their fingerprints, which are securely stored in the system's
database. Upon authentication, the system grants immediate access to authorized users,
providing real-time control and enhancing security. With features such as event logging and
potential integration with other security systems, the FINGER ID ENTRY SYSTEM offers a
comprehensive solution for access management in various environments.
The FINGER ID ENTRY SYSTEM represents a cutting-edge approach to access
control, offering a seamless and secure method of authentication based on fingerprint
recognition technology. This system is designed to provide robust security for sensitive areas
or devices, eliminating the vulnerabilities associated with traditional access methods. By
enrolling users' fingerprints into its database, the system establishes a reliable means of
identification that is both highly accurate and resistant to forgery.
1.1 Back ground:
The decision to pursue the FINGER ID ENTRY SYSTEM project was driven by a
combination of security concerns, technological advancements, and user experience
considerations. In today's security landscape, traditional access control methods like keycards
or passwords are increasingly vulnerable to theft, loss, or unauthorized duplication.
Recognizing the need for a more robust solution, the project team opted for fingerprint
recognition technology, which offers a higher level of security due to the uniqueness of each
individual's fingerprint. This approach significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access and
strengthens overall security protocols.
In summary, the selection of the FINGER ID ENTRY SYSTEM project was guided by
a strategic alignment of security needs, technological capabilities, and user experience
considerations in environments where efficiency and speed are paramount, such as workplaces
or high-traffic areas, the quick and efficient authentication process offered by the FINGER ID
ENTRY SYSTEM is particularly valuable.. By leveraging fingerprint recognition technology,
the project aims to enhance security, streamline access control processes, and provide a
seamless user experience in various environments.

The aim of the Finger ID Entry System project is to develop a
reliable and efficient entry - access control system based on
fingerprint recognition technology.

1. Fingerprint Recognition Accuracy.
2. Granting access.
3. Sending messages about the entry.
4. Testing and Validation.
5. Feedback and Iteration.

1.4 Motivation:

1.5 Scope of Project Idea:
System Design and Development: The project aims to design and develop an
access control system based on fingerprint recognition technology. This includes
selecting appropriate hardware components, designing the system architecture,
developing the necessary software for fingerprint enrollment, verification, and
Prototype Implementation: The scope involves building a functional prototype
of the FINGER ID ENTRY SYSTEM, integrating hardware components such as
fingerprint sensors, microcontrollers, display modules, and actuators. The
software implementation includes coding algorithms for FP recognition and user
Testing and Optimization: Once the prototype is developed, extensive testing
is conducted to ensure the system's reliability, accuracy, and security. This
includes testing the performance of fingerprint sensors under various conditions,
verifying the effectiveness of fingerprint recognition algorithms, and evaluating
the system's response to different access scenarios.

1.6 Interdisciplinary Aspects and Multidisciplinary Aspects:

1.Fingerprint Recognition and Security : Make sure the system recognizes
fingerprints correctly and is secure from unauthorized access.
2. Software Development : Write the computer programs that handle fingerprint
processing and manage data.
3. Hardware Integration : Include fingerprint scanners in the system and make
sure all hardware works together.
4. User-Friendly Design : Make the system easy for people to use by creating a
simple and comfortable interface.
5.Computer Science and Software Engineering :Develop algorithms for
fingerprint processing and matching. Design and implement database
management systems for efficient data storage.
6.Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) : Design a user friendly interface for
seamless interaction with the system. Consider ergonomic factors for user
comfort during fingerprint scanning.


2.1 Existing issues:
Accuracy and Reliability: One of the primary challenges is ensuring the accuracy and reliability
of the fingerprint recognition system. Factors such as environmental conditions, variations in
fingerprint quality, and sensor performance can impact the system's ability to accurately
identify users. Addressing these issues requires thorough testing, optimization of algorithms,
and potentially integrating additional sensors or technologies to enhance accuracy.
Security Concerns: While fingerprint recognition offers enhanced security compared to
traditional access methods, it is not immune to vulnerabilities. Potential security concerns
include spoofing attacks, where malicious actors attempt to bypass the system using fake
fingerprints or other means.
User Privacy and Consent: Collecting and storing biometric data, such as fingerprints, raises
privacy concerns and legal considerations. Ensuring compliance with data protection
regulations, obtaining user consent for data collection and storage, and implementing secure
data encryption are essential to safeguarding user privacy and maintaining trust in the system.
Integration Challenges: Integrating the FINGER ID ENTRY SYSTEM with existing security
infrastructure or third-party systems may pose challenges due to compatibility issues,
communication protocols, and interoperability requirements
Findings in literature:
● Paper Title: “Fingerprint Biometric System”
This paper presents that Fingerprint biometric systems are smaller in size, easy
to use and has low power. It is available and deployed globally in law
enforcement, such as immigration, banking sectors, forensics, health care and
many more. Biometrics proved to be at an advantages over the conventional
ink method, password and token-based security.
● Paper Title:“ Design of a FP biometric access control system with
GSM functionality”
This paper presents that, The fingerprint biometric access control makes use
of the ESP32,
servomotor, OLED screen, buzzer and a GSM module as the main
components. In this project a GSM module is used to inform or
communicate to the home occupant when unauthorized entry occurs via an
SMS message to a cellular phone.

● Paper Title: " Door Security System for Home Monitoring Based on
In this paper, we have proposed a security monitoring system based on IoT
technology. Our proposed system consists of ESP32, PCB Board, Step Down
12V to 5V, Adaptor 12V, Button to reset, PIR Sensor, green LED, red LED,
Magnetic Sensor, Internal Touch Sensor, two MOSFET, Alarm Buzzer, and
Electric Strike door lock. The system we proposed is a system that can monitor
and control the door remotely.
● Paper Title: Comprehensive Study of Biometric Authentication
Systems, Challenges and Future Trends
Biometric technology is widely adopted and accepted everywhere to
authenticate an individual’s identity. Also the adopted technology overcomes
the limitations faced by the traditional authentication process such as
knowledge based issues including password and token for the authentication
of an individual.

2.2Conclusion based on survey:.

Based on the project's goals, implementation, and evaluation, it can be
concluded that the finger ID entry system offers several advantages. Firstly,
it provides a convenient and secure method for authenticating individuals,
reducing the reliance on traditional methods like passwords or physical keys,
which are susceptible to theft or misuse. Secondly, the system's accuracy in
identifying individuals ensures that only authorized personnel gain access,
enhancing overall security measures .Additionally, the project likely
demonstrates advancements in biometric technology, showcasing its
feasibility and effectiveness in real-world applications.

This innovation may pave the way for similar systems to be implemented
in various domains such as corporate security, government facilities, or
personal devices, contributing to the evolution of security practices.
Moreover, the project's successful implementation suggests potential cost
savings in the long run by reducing the need for physical keys or regular
password resets, while also streamlining access control processes. It's crucial
to consider potential limitations such as privacy concerns regarding the
collection and storage of biometric data, as well as the system's susceptibility
to spoofing or hacking attempts. Continuous monitoring, updates, and
adherence to privacy regulations will be essential to mitigate these risks and
maintain public trust in the system.



3.1 Block Diagram:

3.1.1 Basic Idea of System

Pin Out Diagram:

3.1.2 Pinout diagram

3.2 System requirement (Software/Hardware):
• Hardware
1.ESP 32 4. GSM 800 L
2.OLED Display 5. FP 307 module
3.GSM 800 L 6. Buzzer
• Software
1.Arduino IDE 3. EasyEDA
3.3 Selection of components with details specification:

1. ESP 32:
• Single or Dual-Core 32-bit LX6 Microprocessor with clock frequency
up to 240 MHz.
• 520 KB of SRAM, 448 KB of ROM and 16 KB of RTC SRAM.
• Supports 802.11 b/g/n
• Wi-Fi connectivity with speeds up to 150 Mbps.
• Support for both Classic Bluetooth v4.2 and BLE specifications.
• 34 Programmable GPIOs.
• Up to 18 channels of 12-bit SAR ADC and 2 channels of 8-bit DAC
• Serial Connectivity include 4 x SPI, 2 x I2C, 2 x I2S, 3 x UART.
• 1 Host controller for SD/SDIO/MMC and 1 Slave controller for
• Motor PWM and up to 16-channels of LED PWM.

Fig 3.3.1 ESP 32

2. GSM 800 L
• IC Chip SIM800L GSM cellular chip.
• Operating Voltage range- 3.4V ~ 4.4V.
• Recommended supply voltage - 4V.
• Peak Current - 2 A
• Power consumption – Sleep mode <
• Idle mode < 7.0mA
• GSM transmission (avg): 350 mA
• GSM transmission (peek): 2000mA.
• Transmit Power -Class 4 (2W) for GSM85
Fig 3.3.2 GSM

3.R307 FP Module:
• Relative humidity: <90% H (no condensation).
• Optical module (C3) overall dimensions (L × W × H): 47.65mm x
20.50mm x 21.20mm
• Capacitive module dimensions: Main control board (L × W × H): 35mm
x 28mm x 7mm
• Sensors (L × W): 33.4mm x 20.4mm
• Scratch-type module dimensions: Main control board (L×W× H):
35mm x 28mm x 7mm.
• Sensor board (L × W × H): 24mm x 20mm x 5mm.

Fig 3.3.3 FP Module

4. OLED Display:
• Monochrome 7-pin SSD1306 0.96” OLED display.
• 128×64 pixel resolution with 160° viewing angle.
• Supply voltage 3V – 5V
• (supports both 5V and 3.31v logic devices).
• Uses SSD1306 for interfacing hence can communicate through SPI or IIC.
• Multiple SPI or IIC devices are supported
• Can be easily interfaced with Arduino (Library available).

Fig 3.3.4 Display

5. Servo Motor :
• Operating Voltage is +5V typically
• Torque: 2.5kg/cm
• Operating speed is 0.1s/60°
• Gear Type: Plastic
• Rotation : 0°-180°
• Weight of motor : 9gm
• Package includes gear horns and screws.

Fig 3.3.5 MOTOR

6. Buzzer:
• Rated Voltage: 6V DC
• Operating Voltage: 4-8VDC
• Rated current: <30mA
• Sound Type: Continuous Beep
• Resonant Frequency: ~2300 Hz
• Small and neat sealed package
• Breadboard and Perf board friendly

Fig 3.3.6 Buzzer

3.4 Power Supply Design and Calculation:

Fig 3.4.1 Power Supply Design

Calculations :

3.5 Simulation and Implementation of Power Supply

Fig 3.5.1 Simulation of power supply

Fig 3.5.2 Implemented Power Supply



4.1 Bread Board Implementation Procedure:
i) Understand working of Bread Board
ii) Make the circuit diagram based on project.
iii) Analyze the circuit diagram.
iv) Read the datasheet of components.
v) Get the required components.
vi) Test the components to check whether all components work properly or not.
vii) Mount the components on bread board and make the appropriate connections.
viii) Connect the power supply.
ix) Check output.
4.2 Photographs while Implementation:

FIG 4.2.1.Photographs While Implementation

Fig 4.2.2 Implementation of System on PCB Simulation

4.3 Printed Circuit Board implementation Process:
i) Go to Easy EDA online site and create an account.
ii) Search the required components.
iii) Check footprints and custom properties of each component.
iv) Mount the components on schematic.v) Decide and mention the size of PCB.
vi) Make the connections.

4.4 Photographs of Layouts Schematic:


5..1 Listing of all test Parameter :

Sr. No. Components Name Testing Photographs

1 FP 307 Module

2 ESP 32

3 OLED Display

4 Servo Motor

Table 5.1.1 Testing Components

5.2 Working Model

Fig 5.2.1 Model of System

5.3 Troubleshooting issues :

Components Problems Troubleshooting
1)ESP 32 There was issue with the i) Confirm Programmer
ESP32 uploader due to Settings
which we were not able toii) Check Connections
upload program in ESP32 iii) Select Correct COM Port
iv) Reset ESP32
v) Check Firmware/Bootloader
vi) Hardware Issues
2) The GSM Module GSM could not connect to We use Vodaphone sim to
the network as the GSM counter the problem. GSM
supported only 2G sim cards. module supports the
Vodaphone sim.
Insufficient power for GSM The GSM could not work on
3.7-4.6 battery due to less
current supply hence we used
external battery for GSM
18650, 3.7 v (2000mAh)

3)PCB Connection Overlapping i) Inspect PCB Layout

ii) Check for Electrical Shorts
iii) Review Design Files
iv) Double Check Component

4)Serial ESP32 has 3 UART The FP module could not be
Communication communication (1,3) UART operated on UART 0, hence we
error 0 (16,17) UART 2 connect it to UART 2 (16,17)
UART 1 cannot be used
5)GSM/ hardware GSM required serial port We sed software serial ports using
(1,3),but no response due to software serial library that makes
hardware serial port any UART i.e. GPIO port for serial
communication. We connect to
GPIO 26 & 27 to GSM.

Table No. 5.3.1

5.4 Testing Conclusion

The ESP32 microcontroller serves as the central processing unit, orchestrating
communication and functionality between the various modules. It successfully
manages data flow, executes fingerprint recognition algorithms, and
coordinates access control logic.
The GSM module, upon testing, demonstrates reliable communication
capabilities, enabling remote management and monitoring of the system
The FP307 fingerprint module showcases robust biometric technology,
accurately capturing and verifying fingerprints for authentication purposes
The OLED display functions as intended, providing clear and intuitive user
interface feedback during the authentication process.
The servo motor, upon testing, effectively acts as the physical mechanism for
granting access, such as unlocking doors or gates upon successful
authentication. Its operation integrates seamlessly with the overall
functionality of the system.
The LEDs and Buzzer used for notifying purpose works perfectly.



The finger ID entry system embodies a fusion of cutting-edge hardware

and software, seamlessly orchestrating a secure and user-friendly access control
paradigm. Through the fusion of biometric authentication technology and GSM
communication, the system assures accurate identification of authorized users
while enabling remote oversight and management. Its intuitive interface, coupled
with audible feedback cues, enhances user experience and ensures seamless
interaction. This innovation heralds a new era in access control, promising
heightened security across diverse environments. Continuous evolution and
vigilance are imperative to fortify the system against emerging threats, thereby
safeguarding its efficacy in safeguarding access points and preserving user trust.

The finger ID entry system represents a sophisticated integration of

hardware and software, facilitating secure and convenient access control.
Leveraging advanced biometric technology, the system ensures reliable
identification of authorized individuals while offering remote management
capabilities via GSM communication. With user-friendly interface feedback and
physical access control mechanisms, it presents a promising solution for
enhancing security across various domains. Ongoing refinement and updates are
crucial to address potential vulnerabilities and maintain its effectiveness in
safeguarding access points.


Integration with IoT and Smart Home Systems: Integration with Internet of
Things (IoT) platforms and smart home systems could enable seamless
integration with other devices and systems within a premises. For instance, the
system could automatically adjust lighting, temperature, and other environmental
settings upon user authentication.
Mobile App Integration: Developing a companion mobile application would
enable users to manage access permissions, receive real-time notifications, and
remotely monitor the system from their smartphones. This would add an
additional layer of convenience and control for users and administrators
Biometric Data Analysis and Insights: Utilizing data analytics techniques, the
system could provide insights into access patterns, user behavior, and security
incidents. This information could be leveraged to optimize access control
policies, identify anomalies, and proactively mitigate security risks.
Adaptation to Emerging Technologies: Continuous monitoring of technological
advancements, such as advancements in biometric sensors or communication
protocols, would allow the system to evolve and remain at the forefront of
security innovations.
Integration with Blockchain: Leveraging blockchain technology could provide an
immutable and decentralized method for storing access logs and biometric data,
enhancing security and auditability.
Cross-Industry Applications: Beyond traditional security applications, the system
could find utility in various industries such as healthcare (patient records access),
finance (ATM authentication), and transportation (vehicle access control), among



Samantha Reynolds – “Biometric Authentication for IOT Security” – Publisher- Springer

International Publishing – Research Gate
David Smith- “GSM Communication Protocols in IoT Applications”-
Seelam Vasavai Sai Vishwanand Prabhu Deva Kumar, Shyam Akashe – “Implementation Of
GSM Based Security System With IoT Applications”- Published in MECS 2017
Rashmi Roges-“Communication Protocols for Smart Sensors in IoT Applications”-
Espressif Systems
June 12, 2023 ‘ESP32-C3 Wireless Adventure A Comprehensive Guide to IoT”
Smart Power Unit—mW-to-nW Power Management and Control for Self-
Sustainable IoT Devices
Author(s): Mayer, Philipp ; Magno, Michele; Benini, Luca
Originally published in:
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36(5),
Using the ESP32 Microcontroller for Data Processingn May 2019
Conference: 2019 20th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC)




Components Quantity Each Cost Total Cost

1)Breadboard 2 150Rs 150Rs
3)Esp32(38pins) 1 380Rs 380Rs
4)OLED Display 1 200 rs 200 rs
4)3.7 Battery 4 80Rs 320Rs
8)Battery Holder 3 50Rs 150Rs
9)Jumper Wires 2 60Rs 120Rs
10)R307 FP sensor 1 1000Rs 1000Rs
11)GSM module 1 350Rs 350Rs
12)Resistors 4 2Rs 8Rs
13)PN Diodes 4 2Rs 8Rs
14)Capacitors 2 2Rs 4Rs
15)Transformer 1 200Rs 200Rs
16)Socket Wire 1 100Rs 100Rs
17)Led 4 2Rs 8Rs
Total-2998 Rs

Table No. 9.1

Fig 9.1.2 Photograph of bills


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