Safety - Fitness & Health

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Telecom Saudi Arabia

DATE : 25 February 2006



Objective :
To focus employees attention on the link between Personal Health and Fitness and On the Job accident
rates, and to familiarize employees with the company’s program and services to help them maintain their
Fitness and Health.

I. Why are Fitness & Health so important ?

1. For the employee, maintaining a certain level of physical well-being means fewer illness, longer
2. For the Company, it means fewer workers comp claims, lower accident rates, and an increase in
production and profit figures.
3. Therefore, company sponsored efforts to encourage employees to keep themselves healthy and
physically fit offer mutual benefits and should be taken advantage of.

II. Exercise and Diet :

1. Proper exercise and nutrition is the key to good health and long life ( fewer back problems, heart
attacks, and other ailments associated with overweight and inactivity).
2. If possible, always maintain the right amount of exercise for yourself and tailor your exercise
regime to your current state of physical fitness, age, weight, etc.
3. Obtain the advise of a doctor or trained individual before embarking on a physical fitness program,
and if possible, be able to sit down with them and outline an exercise program suited to your
health and body condition.
4. In-house exercise facilities, it is not really a GYM, as long as you can do the activity (exercises)
but you have to consider the location ( is it polluted or fresh air available ?) and availability.
5. Consider the outside facilities and to include the public and private gym.
6. Improved your Nutrition : Setting a goal for yourself ( cutting out snacks, reducing total daily
calorie intake, etc. and if possible; obtain dietary counseling.

III. Dealing with Stress :

1. Safety experts agree that STRESS is a prime factor in a large number of job-related accidents. The
employee who is under STRESS or trying to cope with emotional problems is preoccupied and
less apt to pay attention to what he is doing.
2. If you are experiencing marital, financial, legal, or health related problems, consider the following
personnel/departments (if you in-trust to them your personal problem);
a. The Personnel Department – specify what kind of problems the personnel staff is equipped
to handle.
b. The-In-plant/Project Manager – set up an appointment and confide your problem, he can
give a fair judgment and advise.
c. Private Counseling Agencies – worst comes to worst; you have no other means or
alternatives except to consult this agency/people because they are the legal experts.
3. The most important thing is recognize when you are UNDER STRESS and not only take
constructive steps to solve your problems but also re-double your SAFETY EFFORTS in the
meantime to prevent an accident.

IV. Safety Tips in order to stay Fit & Healthy :

1. QUIT SMOKING; join smoke-enders, start a no smoking pool, etc.
2. Cut down on high-calorie snacks and substitute nutritious snacks, like fruits, etc.
3. Take advantage of the Fitness Programs offered by either the company and or community in order
to improve your physical condition.
4. Make a habit of walking and or jogging as much as you could on daily basis, this is very good to
your health particularly your HEART & LUNGS.
5. Even if you are not an alcoholic, alcohol is high in calories and can impede your work
performance, otherwise if you cannot control, it would be a long term damage to your health and
6. Remember : Healthy Body & Mind; is Physically Fit to work all the time.

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