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Today marked the beginning of my journey at PPMC, with the orientation taking place at the
Administration Annex Building. As a subsidiary of BCDA, PPMC plays a unique role in converting former
military bases into civilian uses, similar to what has been done with Baywalk and Camp John Hay. PPMC,
also known as "PPSEFZ" (Special Economic & Freeport Zone), spans 236.5 hectares and acts as the
implementing zone for BCDA.

**Key Features of PPMC:**

1. **San Fernando Airport**: This facility is not used for commercial flights but is essential for aviation
schools. Currently, 16 different aviation schools use it as a stopover point.

2. **San Fernando International Seaport**: Notably features a floating library.

3. **Tourism Complex**: Includes attractions such as Baywalk, Thunderbird, and the Poro Point

**Additional Knowledge Gained:**

- **Ramp Marshal**: This role involves assisting and giving directions at the airport.

**Duties and Responsibilities:**

- **Airport Duties**: Scheduled for Thursdays and Fridays.

- **Flag Ceremony**: Every Monday at 8 am, where I am required to recite the Vision, Mission, and
Core Values of the organization.

**Immediate Supervisor:**
- I will be reporting to Sir Epifanio Balangue.

**Office Decorum:**

- Adherence to the dress code is crucial. Tight-fitting clothes and slippers are not allowed. The prescribed
attire varies by day:

- **Monday**: White

- **Tuesday**: Blue

- **Wednesday**: Black

- **Thursday**: Pink/Cream for girls, White for boys

- **Friday**: Any collared shirt, any color

**Tour of Key Facilities:**

1. **CCS**: [Description of CCS, if provided or observed during the tour]

2. **Security Operation Center**: [Details observed during the tour]

3. **Airport**: [Specific observations made during the tour]

**Case Study: Single Phase Transformer at the Airport**

During the tour, we encountered a case involving a single-phase transformer that was tripping. The
initial reading showed a drop from 25MVA to 20.5MVA, and a defective breaker was identified, showing
an 800A reading. We discussed three potential solutions:

1. **Open Delta**: This solution involves many processes and might not be the most efficient.

2. **Replacement of the Breaker**: A straightforward fix but requires sourcing a new breaker.
3. **Editing the Breaker Settings**: An administrative approach to adjust the settings of the existing

This first day provided me with a comprehensive overview of PPMC's operations, my duties, and the
professional standards expected. I am looking forward to applying this knowledge and contributing
effectively to the team.


### Industrial Portfolio Narrative Report

**Date: June 28, 2024 (Friday)**


**Day 2: Tasks and Accomplishments**

Today was another productive and insightful day, filled with various tasks that expanded my
understanding of our facility's operations and my role within the company. Below, I outline the key
activities I engaged in and the accomplishments I achieved.

**1. Lecture on Generator Set and the 2 MTS and ATS (Double Switch) @Main Office**

- **Activity:** I attended a detailed lecture regarding the Generator Set and the 2 Manual Transfer
Switches (MTS) and Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) at the Main Office. This lecture was critical as it
covered both the company building and the extension building.

- **Learnings:** I gained a comprehensive understanding of how these systems ensure continuous

power supply during outages. The lecture covered operational procedures, safety protocols, and
troubleshooting techniques. This knowledge is vital for maintaining operational efficiency and
minimizing downtime during power interruptions.
**2. Accomplishment of Narrative Report on Day 1**

- **Activity:** I completed the narrative report for Day 1. This involved documenting all the activities,
learnings, and personal reflections from the previous day.

- **Outcome:** The report provides a detailed account of the tasks performed and the knowledge
acquired, serving as a valuable reference for future tasks and evaluations.

**3. Clerical Task: Organizing Paperwork and Delivering Electricity Bill to Finance**

- **Activity:** I organized a substantial amount of paperwork, arranging documents from the oldest to
the latest. Following this, I delivered the electricity bill to the Finance Department.

- **Outcome:** The organized paperwork improved the accessibility and efficiency of retrieving
documents. Delivering the electricity bill ensured timely processing and payment, reflecting the
importance of administrative accuracy and punctuality in supporting operational needs.

**4. Replacement of Fluorescent Bulbs at Thunderbird Resorts Shed**

- **Activity:** I replaced two fluorescent bulbs at the Thunderbird Resorts shed—one small and one

- **Outcome:** This task reinforced the importance of maintaining proper lighting in all work areas,
contributing to safety and productivity. It also provided practical experience in handling and replacing
electrical components.

**5. Participation in the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill - Second Quarter**

- **Activity:** I actively participated in the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill for the second

- **Learnings:** The drill emphasized the importance of preparedness and quick response during
emergencies. I practiced evacuation procedures, learned about designated safe zones, and reviewed the
roles and responsibilities assigned during such events. This exercise was crucial in reinforcing the
company’s commitment to safety and preparedness.


## Day 3 Tasks - July 1, 2024 (Monday)

### Attending the Flag Ceremony

The day began with the flag ceremony at 8:00 AM. As always, it was an important moment to come
together with colleagues, show respect for the nation, and set a positive tone for the day. This ceremony
also serves as a reminder of the unity and discipline within our organization.

### Energizing the 230 kVA Generator Set at the Security Operation Center

After the flag ceremony, I proceeded to the Security Operation Center to energize the 230 kVA
generator set. This task required careful preparation and adherence to safety protocols. I ensured that
all necessary checks were performed, including inspecting fuel levels, checking oil, and ensuring that all
connections were secure. Once everything was in place, I followed the standard operating procedures to
energize the generator, ensuring a smooth and efficient start-up.

### Conducting a Lecture on Proper Operation of the Generator Set

Following the successful energization of the generator, I conducted a lecture on how to properly operate
the generator set. This lecture was aimed at providing my colleagues with a comprehensive
understanding of the generator's functions, safety measures, and troubleshooting techniques. I
prepared detailed slides and practical demonstrations to ensure that the information was clear and
easily understood. The session was interactive, allowing participants to ask questions and engage in
discussions, which helped reinforce their learning.

### Individual Practice of Energizing the Generator Set

In the afternoon, I supervised individual practice sessions for energizing the generator set. Each
participant had the opportunity to perform the start-up procedure under my guidance. This hands-on
practice was crucial for building confidence and ensuring that everyone was competent in operating the
generator independently. I provided feedback and tips to each participant, helping them refine their
techniques and address any issues they encountered.

## Day 4 Tasks - July 2, 2024

### Familiarize and Draft Electrical Symbols

The day began with a focus on electrical symbols, an essential aspect of any electrical engineering work.
I dedicated the morning to familiarizing myself with various electrical symbols used in our projects. I
carefully reviewed standard references and took notes to ensure I had a clear understanding. Following
this, I drafted these symbols, creating a comprehensive and accurate reference sheet that I can use in
future projects. This exercise not only refreshed my knowledge but also enhanced my drafting skills.

### Clerical Task - Sorting of Documents

After completing the drafting of electrical symbols, I turned my attention to a clerical task: sorting
documents. This involved organizing project documents in chronological order, from the oldest to the
latest. This task required attention to detail and patience, as I meticulously reviewed each document to
ensure accurate sorting. By the end of this task, the documents were well-organized, making it easier to
access information when needed and improving overall efficiency.

### Inspection of Wifi Terminal Installation by LUDECO Company

In the afternoon, I participated in an inspection of the installation of a terminal for Wifi connection by
the LUDECO Company. Assisted by ENGR, we conducted a thorough inspection to ensure that the
installation met our standards and specifications. We checked the quality of the installation, the
positioning of the terminal, and the connectivity. The LUDECO team was cooperative and receptive to
our feedback, and any minor issues were promptly addressed. This inspection ensured that our Wifi
infrastructure was reliable and up to our quality standards.

### Briefing on the Constant Current Regulator (CCS) and Precision Approach Path Indicator

The final task of the day was a briefing on the Constant Current Regulator (CCS) and Precision Approach
Path Indicator (PAPI) systems, which are critical for controlling the brightness of the runway lights. This
session was highly informative, covering the technical aspects and operational procedures of these
systems. I learned how the CCS maintains a constant current to ensure uniform lighting, while the PAPI
helps pilots maintain the correct approach path. Understanding these systems is crucial for ensuring the
safety and efficiency of runway operations. The briefing was interactive, allowing us to ask questions and
discuss practical scenarios.

## Day 5 Tasks - July 3, 2024

### Transformer Maintenance at Baywalk

Today's task was focused on transformer maintenance at Baywalk. The transformer, which had shown
signs of rust and wear, was scheduled for repair by the LUELCO company's electricians. As part of our
on-the-job training, we, the OJT trainees, were tasked with inspecting the maintenance work under the
supervision of Engr. Epifanio C. Balangue.

We arrived at the site early in the morning to begin our observations. Engr. Balangue briefed us on the
importance of transformer maintenance, emphasizing the role of a well-maintained transformer in
ensuring reliable power distribution and preventing outages. He also highlighted the specific issues
caused by rust, such as compromised structural integrity and potential safety hazards.

The LUELCO electricians began by carefully de-energizing the transformer and ensuring all safety
protocols were strictly followed. They removed the outer casing to access the rusted components. We
observed as they meticulously cleaned the rust off the metal surfaces, applied anti-corrosion treatment,
and replaced any damaged parts.

Engr. Balangue encouraged us to ask questions throughout the process, and we took full advantage of
this opportunity. We learned about the different tools and materials used in transformer maintenance,
the importance of regular inspections, and the procedures for ensuring safety when working with high-
voltage equipment.

After the electricians completed the repair, we inspected their work under the guidance of Engr.
Balangue. We checked for proper reassembly, ensured that all connections were secure, and confirmed
that the anti-corrosion treatment was applied evenly. Engr. Balangue provided us with valuable
feedback and additional insights into the maintenance process.

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