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Telecom Saudi Arabia

DATE : 11 September 2005


General Rule:
No work in a restricted area or any potentially hazardous operation, which should be controlled, will be carried
out without the appropriate work permit.

Four types of work permit :

1. Release of Hazardous Liquids or Gases, Form 924-1(yellow) = this form is required when opening
lines or vessels that may release hazardous or toxic materials.
2. Hot Work, Form 924-2 (red) = this form is required when using spark or flame producing equipment
and or vehicle entry into a restricted area.
3. Cold Work, Form 924-3 (blue) = this form is for work that will not produce sufficient energy to ignite
flammable atmospheres/materials.
4. Confined Space Entry, Form 924-4 (green) = this form is required for tank cleaning, tank inspection,
work in sewers or excavations of 4ft. (1.2m) or deeper.
All work in restricted areas shall have at least one of the listed work permits. Work must be performed
according to the instructions and precautions specified in the work permit.

A job site inspection shall be conducted by the work receiver and issuer before the issuance of the work permit
and start of work and again at work close out.

The twelve rules on work permit procedure shall be followed at all times by General Dynamics personnel and
their respective sub-contractors;
1. Issuer and receiver must inspect job site together before signing the work permit.
2. Issue the correct permits for the job – hot, cold, vessel or confined space entry, and or gas release. Two
or more permits may be required for the job.
3. Issuer and receiver must both have in their possession a valid work permit certification card (issuer and
receiver respectively).
4. J-W Sniffer gas test and or H2S gas test and or oxygen analysis test must be made before issuing work
5. Job description and equipment used must be clearly stated on the work permit. Be specific, issue permits
for single pump, drum, etc.
6. All tick boxes must be correctly filled in and gas reading indicated.
7. Proper lockouts, hold tags, and blinds must be used where applicable (multiple clips with lock, and or
chains with padlocks).
8. Work permits should be issued for the specific period of time required to complete the job.
9. To extend time work permit beyond one shift, the oncoming shift issuer must inspect job site, write in
extended time and sign work permit.
10. Special precautions such as requirements for fire watch, Scott air packs, life lines, barricades, etc. must
be written on the permit.
11. The work permit must remain on the job site in a conspicuously visible place while work is going on. If
an emergency develops, the permit must be withdrawn immediately and all work stopped without
12. The work permit must be closed out after a job is completed. Issuer and receiver must inspect the job
site and sign off the work permit.

There are two persons involved in obtaining the work permit, namely; THE ISUER & THE RECEIVER,
Always remember that they are PARTNERS that’s why they conduct a joint inspections prior to have and or
issuance of the work permit.

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