Safety - Use the Right Tool the Right Way

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Telecom Saudi Arabia

DATE : 08 July 2006


Objective :
To orient the workers the importance of using the right tool on the right way and on the right job, and to identify
the danger in using the wrong tool in a wrong job.

Introduction :
We have a great variety of tools of different types at our facility and all of us at one time or another, uses them.
Some are specially designed tools for only one or two jobs, so there is NEVER ANY EXCUSE FOR USING
THE WRONG TOOL, in a right job.

Some glaring examples while using the wrong tool and considered as unsafe acts:
1. Did you ever see a worker put a wrench on a pipe joint or nut and then slip a piece of pipe over
the handle to get additional leverage? No better way has been discovered to hurt yourself and
ruin equipment too.
2. Then there is the one who uses the wrong type of wrench and takes a long shot that it won’t slip
and result in a couple of weeks out of commission.
3. This third loser is the one who holds an object in his hand and tries to work on it with a screw
driver. The result of a slip is a puncture wound- which doctors tell us in the most dangerous
kind because it is the most difficult to clean and the most likely to lead to infection.
All of these are examples of unsafe acts, but there is another important point to consider, No Tool
is the Right Tool unless it is in Good Condition, especially a dirty or greasy tool is hazardous since
grease and dirt cause slipping.

Safety Tips:
1. Use the right tool
2. Use it as it should be
3. make sure it is safe to use, and
4. Keep it in its right place

Always remember:
One last point to consider; A lot of accidents are caused by leaving tools lying around after the job is
done. They cause trips, they can ruin machinery, and if they fall, they can do plenty of damage.

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