Safety - Off the Job

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Telecom Saudi Arabia

DATE : 04 March 2006



Objective :
To encourage employees to follow the same Safety Procedures at Home and in their outside activities as
they use on the job and to reduce off the job accidents by making employees more aware of the hazards
they face once they leave the work site.

A. Reasons why Off the Job Safety is so Important :

1. A recent study revealed that accidents away from work accounted for more than 70% percent of
all deaths and more than 55% percent of all injuries to employees.
2. In some industries and or companies. Disabling injuries occur 10 to 20 times as often Off the Job
as On the job.
3. The reason for this HIGH INCIDENCE of ACCIDENTS at Home/Camp, on the Road, etc.; is that
once employees leave the work, they are no longer protected by Machine Guards, Safety Gear, and
Specialized Training in Safe Practices.

B. Where do Injuries Occur Off the Job :

1. Transportation – accidents involving cars, bicycles, buses, motorcycles, trains, boats/vessels,
planes, and even pedestrians.
2. Home – accidents caused by vehicles, firearms, machinery, tools, fire explosion, exposure to heat
or cold, electricity, toxic materials, falls, slips, improper lifting, sharp objects, overexertion, etc.
3. Public – injuries other than “Transportation” or “Home” caused by firearms, fire, explosion, falls,
slips, striking objects, animals or insects, fights, assaults, etc.

C. Why do the Management and or Company so concerned about your Safety Off the Job :
1. All injuries, no matter where they occur, are a waste of manpower, while the company has a legal
obligation to prevent injuries on the job, it has a moral responsibility to try to prevent injuries
away from the job.
2. The cost of Off the Job Accidents each year is about twice as compared to the annual cost of On
the Job Accidents (estimated by OSHA, Washington DC, USA). Operating costs and production
schedules are affected just as much when employees are injured away from work as when they are
injured on the job. The personal cost to injured employees and their families is often beyond
3. Off the Job Safety is therefore good business for the company as well as the employee. Neither
can afford to waste valuable skills and training.

D. Most Common Off the Job Safety Hazards and how to eliminate them :
1. Falls – use ladders properly, use safety belts, clean up spills.
2. Motor vehicle accidents – practice defensive driving, don’t speed and exercise extreme caution in
snow, rain or in fogging area.
3. Poisoning – be familiar with the poisons around your home/camp, know what antidotes to use and
know how to contact your local poison center.
4. Fire – purchase a fire extinguisher and know how to use it, inspect your garage and basement for
fire hazards, inspect electrical wiring, etc. ( identify all the fire hazards if possible).
5. Drowning – make sure you know how to swim, if possible; enroll in a safe boating course.
6. Electrical shock – inspect appliances, cords, outlets, etc. avoid wet environments when working
with electricity.
7. Back injuries – practice safe lifting and carrying techniques when you lift heavy loads.

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