E-RPMS PPSSH Encoding Template

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Department of Education

Region V


This form is an excel-based version of the Part I-IV of the Office Performance Commitment and Review
Form. It is intended to assist school heads in the preparation of their OPCRF at different RPMS phases, e.g.
Office Performance Commitment and Review Form and Development Plan during Performance Planning and
Commitment Phase, accomplished OPCRF with computed final rating during Performance Review and
Evauation Phase.
This tool shall be accomplshed by the school head. When all Parts I-IV are accomplished, the school head
shall print and submit this tool, with the portfolio to the rater for final review and assessment.
Accomplish only the unlocked items in the Encoding Sheet, Part 2 and Part 4.

nt and Review
MS phases, e.g.
ance Planning and
eview and
the school head

Name of Employee: NOEL S. BIÑAS Name of Rater:

Position: HEAD TEACHER III Position:
Bureau/Center/Service/Division: PIGCOBUHAN ES/ BACACAY SOUTH Date of Review:
Rating Period: SY 2023-2024

Numerical Ratings
Timeline Weight per Weight per
KRA Objectives
(mm, dd,yyyy) KRA Objective Q E T

I. Leading 1 5%
Strategically 10%
2 5%
3 5%
II. Managing School 4 5%
Operation and 20%
Resources 5 5%
6 5%
7 8%
III. Focusing on 8 8%
Teaching and 40% 9 8%
10 8%
11 8%
12 5%
IV. Developing Self
and Others 15% 13 5%
14 5%
V. Building 15 5%
Connections 10%
16 5%
PLUS FACTOR 5% 17 5%

#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
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#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Name of Employee: NOEL S. BIÑAS Name of Rater: 0
Position: HEAD TEACHER III Position: 0
Bureau/Center/Service/Division: PIGCOBUHAN ES/ BACACAY SOUTH Date of Review: 0
Rating Period: SY 2023-2024

QET Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor ACTUAL RESULTS Rating SCORE
5 4 3 2 1
Communicated the Communicated the Communicated the Communicated the Communicated the
DepEd VMC to the DepEd VMC to the DepEd VMC to the DepEd VMC to the DepEd VMC to the
school community as school community as school community as school community as school community as
reflected in the 96- reflected by the 91- reflected by 86-90% evidenced by the 81- evidenced by the 80%
100% alignment of 95% alignment of alignment of school 85% alignment of and below alignment
school policies, school policies, policies, programs, school policies, of school policies,

programs, projects programs, projects projects and activities programs, projects programs, projects

and activities and activities and activities and activities #N/A 0

Leading Strategically

1. Communicated
the DepEd vision,
mission and core
values to the wider
school community Communicated Communicated Communicated Communicated Communicate the #N/A
to ensure shared 5% the DepED VMC the DepED VMC the DepED VMC the DepED VMC DepED VMC #DIV/0!

understanding and through the use through the use through the use through the use through the use

alignment of school of 5 or more of 4 platforms to of 3 platforms to of 2 platforms to of only 1

policies, programs, platforms to ensure shared ensure shared ensure shared platform to 0
projects and ensure shared understanding understanding understanding ensure shared
activities. understanding understanding

The VMC was The VMC was The VMC was The VMC was No acceptable #N/A
communicated communicated communicated communicated in evidence was

across 4 across 3 across 2 only 1 quarter to shown.

quarters to a quarters to a quarters to a a wider school
wider school wider school wider school community
community community community
Implemented 96- Implemented 91- Implemented 86- Implemented 81- Implemented 80% #N/A
100% of the 95% of the 90% of the 85% of the and below of the
annually targeted annually targeted annually targeted annually targeted annually targeted
PPAs in the AIP PPAs in the AIP PPAs in the AIP PPAs in the AIP PPAs in the AIP

aligned with aligned with aligned with aligned with aligned with
institutional goals institutional goals institutional goals institutional goals institutional goals 0
and policies and policies and policies and policies and policies

Leading Strategically
Submitted main Submitted main Submitted main Submitted main No acceptable #N/A
2. Developed and MOV and ALL of MOV and ALL of MOV and ALL of evidence was
implemented with MOV and ALL of
the acceptable the acceptable the acceptable the acceptable shown.
the planning team supporting MOV supporting MOV supporting MOV
supporting MOV

school plans 5% #DIV/0!

of every PPA of any 4 PPAs of any 2 PPAs
aligned with of any 3 PPAs 0
institutional goals
and policies

Submitted the AIP Submitted the AIP Submitted the AIP Submitted the AIP Submitted the AIP #N/A
on the 1st week of on the 2nd week on the 3rd week of on the 4th week on the 5th week of

January or earlier of January January January January or beyond

96-100% fund 91-95% fund 86-90% fund 81-85% fund 80% and below #N/A
utilization is utilization is utilization is utilization is fund utilization is
aligned to the aligned to the aligned to the aligned to the aligned to the
PPAs stated in the PPAs stated in the PPAs stated in the PPAs stated in the PPAs stated in the
AIP, adhering AIP, adhering AIP, adhering AIP, adhering AIP, adhering

strictly to existing strictly to existing strictly to existing strictly to existing strictly to existing
accounting and accounting and accounting and accounting and accounting and 0
auditing rules and auditing rules and auditing rules and auditing rules and auditing rules and
regulations. regulations. regulations. regulations. regulations.
anaging School Operations and Resources

3. . Managed
finances adhering
to policies,
guidelines and
issuances in
allocation, 5% #DIV/0!

disbursement and
liquidation aligned
with the school
Managing School Operations and Resources
96-100% of school 91-95% of school 86-90% of school 81-85% of school 80% and below of #N/A
financial financial financial financial school financial
3. . Managed resources are resources are resources are resources are resources are
finances adhering utilized fully and utilized fully and utilized fully and utilized fully and utilized fully and
to policies, judiciously judiciously judiciously judiciously judiciously
guidelines and evidenced by evidenced by evidenced by evidenced by evidenced by
issuances in liquidation and liquidation and liquidation and liquidation and liquidation and

allocation, 5% financial reports financial reports financial reports financial reports financial reports #DIV/0!

procurement, duly signed by duly signed by duly signed by duly signed by duly signed by 0
disbursement and proper authorities proper authorities proper authorities proper authorities proper authorities
liquidation aligned and without noted and without noted and without noted and without noted and without noted
with the school deficiencies. deficiencies. deficiencies. deficiencies. deficiencies

Submitted 12 Submitted 11 Submitted 10 Submitted 9 Submitted 8 and #N/A

monthly liquidation monthly liquidation monthly liquidation monthly liquidation below monthly
reports on or reports on or reports on or reports on or liquidation reports
before the 5th day before the 5th day before the 5th day before the 5th day on or before the

the ensuing month the ensuing month the ensuing month the ensuing month 5th day the
ensuing month 0
Managed a school Managed a school #N/A
facilities and facilities and
equipment that equipment that
adheres to adheres to
policies, Managed a school policies, Managed a school Managed a school
guidelines, and facilities and guidelines, and facilities and facilities and
issuances on equipment that issuances on equipment that equipment that
acquisition, adheres to acquisition, adheres to adheres to
recording, policies, recording, policies, policies,
utilization, repair guidelines, and utilization, repair guidelines, and guidelines, and
Managing School Operations and Resources and maintenance, issuances on and maintenance, issuances on issuances on

storage and acquisition, storage and acquisition, acquisition,
4. Managed school disposal as recording, disposal as recording, recording, 0
facilities and supported by all utilization, repair supported by all utilization, repair utilization, repair
equipment in of the main MOV and maintenance, of the main MOV and maintenance, and maintenance,
adherence to and all storage and and five of the storage and storage and
policies, guidelines supporting MOV disposal as acceptable MOV. disposal as disposal as
and issuances on supported by all supported by all supported by all
5% #DIV/0!

acquisition, of the main MOV of the main MOV of the main MOV
recording, and seven of the and three of the and one of the
utilization, repair acceptable MOV. acceptable MOV. acceptable MOV.
and maintenance,
storage and

Utilized the 96- Utilized the 91- Utilized the 86- Utilized the 81- Utilized the 80% #N/A
100% of the 95% of the school 90% of the school 85% of the school and below of the
school facilities facilities and facilities and facilities and school facilities
and equipment equipment based equipment based equipment based and equipment

based on its on its intended on its intended on its intended based on its
intended and and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate intended and 0
appropriate use use use use appropriate use
Managed the Managed the Managed the Managed the Managed the #N/A
staffing staffing staffing staffing staffing
complement of the complement of the complement of the complement of the complement of the
school with 96- school with 91- school with 86- school with 81- school with 80%
100% of the 95% of the 90% of the 85% of the and below of the
teaching loads teaching loads teaching loads teaching loads teaching loads
and other ancillary and other ancillary and other ancillary and other ancillary and other ancillary
assignments assignments assignments assignments assignments

distributed distributed distributed distributed distributed
equitably and equitably and equitably and equitably and equitably and
Managing School Operations and Resources appropriately. appropriately. appropriately. appropriately. appropriately.

5. Managed staffing 96-100% of 91-95% of staffing 86-90% of staffing 81-85% of staffing 80% and below of #N/A
such as teaching staffing complement is complement is complement is staffing
load distribution and complement is aligned with aligned with aligned with complement is
grade level and aligned with curriculum and curriculum and curriculum and aligned with
subject area curriculum and area of area of area of curriculum and
assignment in 0 5% #DIV/0!

area of specialization or specialization or specialization or area of
adherence to laws, specialization or expertise of the expertise of the expertise of the specialization or
policies, guidelines, 0
expertise of the teachers based on teachers based on teachers based on expertise of the
and issuances teachers based on the needs of the the needs of the the needs of the teachers based on
based on the needs the needs of the school. school. school. the needs of the
of the school. school. school.

SF7, designations SF7, designations SF7, designations SF7, designations SF7, designations #N/A
and other required and other required and other required and other required and other required
MOV have been MOVs have been MOVs have been MOVs have been MOVs have been
prepared, prepared, prepared, prepared, prepared,
approved, and approved, and approved, and approved, and approved, and

received 2 weeks received a week received during received a week received 2 weeks
before the before the the opening of after the opening and beyond after
opening of opening of classes. of classes. the opening of
classes. classes. classes.
Managed and Managed and Managed and Managed and No acceptable #N/A
sustained four sustained three sustained two sustained one MOV was shown
disaster disaster disaster disaster
preparedness, preparedness, preparedness, preparedness,
mitigation and mitigation and mitigation and mitigation and

Managing School Operations and Resources

resiliency resiliency resiliency resiliency
programs such as: programs such as: programs such as: programs such as:
1. 1. Student-led 1. Student-led 1. Student-led
Student-led hazard mapping hazard mapping hazard mapping

hazard mapping 2.SDRRM 2.SDRRM 2.SDRRM 0
6. Managed school Program 3.Fire Program 3.Fire Program 3.Fire
safety for disaster Prevention Prevention Prevention
preparedness, 2.SDRRM Program 4. Program 4. Program 4.
mitigation and 5% Program 3.Fire Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly #DIV/0!

resiliency to ensure Prevention 4. Earthquake drill Earthquake drill Earthquake drill
continuous delivery Quarterly
of instruction. Earthquake drill

Submitted the Submitted the Submitted the Submitted the Submitted the #N/A
Main MOV and all Main MOV and Main MOV and Main MOV and Main MOV and

of the acceptable any 5 of the any 4 of the any 3 of the two and below
MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV 0

Assisted/ Assisted/ Assisted/ Assisted/ Assisted/ #N/A

facilitated 96%- facilitated 91%- facilitated 86%- facilitated 81%- facilitated 80%
100% of teachers 95% of teachers in 90% of teachers in 85% of teachers in and below of
in the review, the review, the review, the review, teachers in the
contextualization, contextualization, contextualization, contextualization, review,
and and and and contextualization,
implementation of implementation of implementation of implementation of and
learning standards learning standards learning standards learning standards implementation of
as evidenced by as evidenced by as evidenced by as evidenced by learning standards

the Main MOV the Main MOV the Main MOV the Main MOV as evidenced by
and quality- and quality- and quality- and quality- the Main MOV 0
assured assured assured assured and quality-
contextualized contextualized contextualized contextualized assured
materials. materials. materials. materials. contextualized
Focusing on Teaching and Learning

7. Assisted
teachers in the
and implementation 8% #DIV/0!

of learning
standards to make
the curriculum
relevant for
Focusing on Teaching and Learning
7. Assisted
teachers in the
and implementation Submitted TA Submitted TA Submitted TA Submitted TA Submitted TA #N/A
8% Plan vis-a-vis Plan vis-a-vis Plan vis-a-vis Plan vis-a-vis Plan vis-a-vis #DIV/0!

of learning
standards to make Accomplishment Accomplishment Accomplishment Accomplishment Accomplishment
the curriculum Report with all of Report with 4 of Report with 3 of Report with 2 of Report with 1 of

relevant for the acceptable the acceptable the acceptable the acceptable the acceptable
learners. Supporting MOVs Supporting MOVs Supporting MOVs Supporting MOV Supporting MOV 0

Provided/ Provided/ Provided/ Did not provide TA #N/A

facilitated TA to facilitated TA to facilitated TA to to teachers
Provided/ teachers in the teachers in the teachers in the
facilitated TA to review, review, review,
teachers in the

contextualization contextualization contextualization
review, and and and
contextualization 0
implementation of implementation of implementation of
and learning standards learning standards learning standards
implementation of quarterly every semester once a year
learning standards

96% - 100% of the 91% - 95% of the 86% - 90% of the 81% - 85% of the 80% and below #N/A
teachers were teachers were teachers were teachers were of the teachers
given TA on given TA on given TA on given TA on were given TA on
teaching teaching teaching teaching teaching
standards and standards and standards and standards and standards and
pedagogies within pedagogies within pedagogies within pedagogies within pedagogies within
and across and across and across and across and across
QUALITY learning areas learning areas learning areas learning areas learning areas
resulting to a resulting to a resulting to a resulting to a resulting to a
rating of 8 for rating of 8 for rating of 8 for rating of 8 for rating of 8 for
Highly Highly Proficient Highly Proficient Highly Proficient Highly Proficient
Teacher/s and 7 Teacher/s and 7 Teacher/s and 7
for Proficient for Proficient for Proficient
Teachers Teachers Teachers

8. Provided
technical assistance
to teachers on 96% - 100% of the 91% - 95% of the 86% - 90% of the 81% - 85% of the 80% and below of #N/A
teaching standards targeted teachers targeted teachers targeted teachers targeted teachers the targeted
and pedagogies 8% were given TA were given TA were given TA were given TA teachers were #DIV/0!

within and across with all the with all the with all the with all the given TA with all
learning areas to Supporting MOV Supporting MOV Supporting MOV Supporting MOV the Supporting 0
improve their MOV
teaching practice
on Teaching and Learning
within and across
learning areas to
improve their
teaching practice

Focusing on Teaching and Learning

Provided TA to Provided TA to Provided TA to Provided TA to No TA provided to #N/A
teachers on teachers on teachers on teachers on teachers
teaching teaching teaching teaching
standards and standards and standards and standards and
pedagogies within pedagogies within pedagogies within pedagogies within
and across and across and across and across

learning areas to learning areas to learning areas to learning areas to
improve their improve their improve their improve their 0
teaching practice teaching practice teaching practice teaching practice
monthl quarterly every semester annually

Developed and Developed and Developed and Developed and Developed and #N/A
implemented data implemented data implemented data implemented data implemented data
based based based based based
interventions interventions interventions interventions interventions
resulting to at resulting to at resulting to at resulting to at resulting to at
least 5% or more least 4% least 3% least 2% least 1%

9. Utilized learning improvement in improvement in improvement in improvement in improvement in 0
outcomes in the targeted the targeted the targeted the targeted the targeted
developing data- performance performance performance performance performance
based interventions indicators. indicators. indicators. indicators. indicators.
to maintain learner 8% #DIV/0!

achievement and
attain other
indicators. Submitted the Submitted the Submitted the Submitted the Submitted the #N/A
EFFICIENCY Main MOV and all Main MOV and Main MOV and Main MOV and Main MOV and
the 6 acceptable any 5 of the any 4 of the any 3 of the any 2 of the
MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV 0
96% - 100% of the 91% - 95% of the 86% - 90% of the 81% - 85% of the 80% and below of #N/A
teachers were teachers were teachers were teachers were the teachers were
given TA on given TA on given TA on given TA on given TA on
assessment to assessment to assessment to assessment to assessment to
track, measure & track, measure & track, measure & track, measure & track, measure &
adjust instruction adjust instruction adjust instruction adjust instruction adjust instruction
resulting to a resulting to a resulting to a resulting to a resulting to a
rating of 8 for rating of 8 for rating of 8 for rating of 8 for rating of 8 for

Highly Proficient Highly Proficient Highly Proficient Highly Proficient Highly Proficient 0
Teacher/s and 7 Teacher/s and 7 Teacher/s and 7 Teacher/s and 7 Teacher/s and 7
for Proficient for Proficient for Proficient for Proficient for Proficient
10. Provided Teachers Teachers Teachers Teachers Teachers
technical assistance
to teachers in using
assessment tools,
strategies and
results consistent
with curriculum 96%- 100% of 91%- 95% of the 86%- 90% of the 81%- 85% of the 80% and below #N/A
requirements to the targeted teachers were teachers were teachers were of the teachers
teachers were given TA on given TA on given TA on were given TA
accountability in
achieving higher given TA on assessment assessment assessment on assessment

learning outcomes. assessment tools, strategies tools, strategies tools, strategies tools, strategies
(Relates to IPCR 8% tools, strategies and results and results and results and results 0 #DIV/0!

Objective No, 10 & and results

COT Indicator No.
9: Designed,
selected, organized
and used
diagnostic, TA provided to TA provided to TA provided to TA provided to TA provided to #N/A
formative and targeted teachers targeted teachers targeted teachers targeted teachers targeted teachers
summative on assessment to on assessment to on assessment to on assessment to on assessment to
assessment track, measure track, measure track, measure track, measure track, measure
strategies and adjust and adjust and adjust and adjust and adjust
consistent with instruction as instruction as instruction as instruction as instruction as
Focusing on Teaching and Learning

curriculum planned and planned and planned and planned and planned and
requirements.) scheduled scheduled with 2 scheduled with 3 scheduled with 4 scheduled with 5

monthly as missed schedules missed schedules missed schedules or more missed

supported by the monthly as monthly as monthly as schedules monthly 0
main MOV supported by the supported by the supported by the as supported by
main MOV main MOV main MOV the main MOV
Focusing on Tea
The school he school The school The school The school #N/A
obtained a score obtained a score obtained a score obtained 15 - 19 obtained less
of 35 or higher of 25 - 34 points of 20 - 24 points points in the than 15 points in
points in the in the child- in the child- child-friendly the child-friendly

child-friendly friendly school friendly school school system school system
school system system monitoring system monitoring monitoring tool monitoring tool 0
monitoring tool tool tool
11. Managed a
inclusive and 8% #DIV/0!

healthy learning
environment Submitted Main Submitted main Submitted main Submitted main Submitted main #N/A
MOV and all of MOV and 5 of MOV and 4 of MOV and 3 of MOV and any 2

the supporting the supporting the supporting the supporting and below
MOV MOV MOV MOV supporting MOV 0

Set personal and Set personal and Set personal and Set personal and Set personal and #N/A
professional goals professional goals professional goals professional goals professional goals
based on OPCRF- based on OPCRF- based on OPCRF- based on OPCRF- based on OPCRF-
development plan development plan development plan development plan development plan
96-100% aligned 91-95% aligned 86-90% aligned 81-85% aligned 80 % and below
with functional, with functional, with functional, with functional, aligned with

behavioral and behavioral and behavioral and behavioral and functional,
leadership leadership leadership leadership behavioral and 0
Dewveloping Self and Others

competencies competencies competencies competencies leadership

12. Set personal competencies
and professional
development goals
based on self-
assessment aligned 5% #DIV/0!

with the Philippine


Professional Submitted 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 Submitted 1 No acceptable #N/A

Standards for acceptable MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV MOV was shown 0
School Heads.
All four (4) All four (4) All four (4) All four (4) No acceptable #N/A
submitted MOV submitted MOV submitted MOV submitted MOV MOV was shown
were were were were

accomplished 2 accomplished a accomplished 4 accomplished

weeks before the week before the days before the three before the 0
next rating period next rating period next rating period next rating period

5% Conducted all four Conducted Phase Conducted Phase Conducted Phase I No acceptable #N/A
phases of the I, II and III of the I and II of the of the RPMS cycle. evidence was

RPMS cycle. RPMS cycle RPMS cycle. shown

13. Implemented the 0 #DIV/0!
management system
with a team to support
the career

advancement of
school personnel and
to improve office
13. Implemented the
management system
with a team to support
the career

Submitted any 4 Submitted any 3 Submitted any 2 Submitted any 1 No acceptable #N/A
advancement of
of the acceptable of the acceptable of the acceptable of the acceptable evidence was
school personnel and

to improve office
performance 0

Identified needs, Identified needs, Identified needs, Identified and Identified #N/A
analyzed priority analyzed priority analyzed priority analyzed professional
targets, developed targets and targets and learning and development
and developed qualit developed qualit development needs of teaching
implemented qual y assured learning y assured learning needs of teaching and non-teaching
ity assured and development and development and non-teaching school personnel
learning and initiatives/activities initiatives/activities school personnel as basis for
Developing Self and Others

development with complete . to set priority learning and

initiatives/activities L&D resource targets in the development plan.
with complete package. learning and
L&D resource development plan.
package that
strengths and

addressed 0
performance gaps
based on the
14. Implemented
needs of teaching
and non-teaching
initiatives to
5% school personnel #DIV/0!
enhance strengths

and address
performance gaps
among school

Submitted all of Submitted 5 of Submitted 4 of Submitted 3 of Submitted 2 to #N/A

the acceptable the acceptable the acceptable the acceptable none of the

MOV* for L & D MOV* for L & D MOV* for L & D MOV* for L & D acceptable MOV*
activity conducted. activity conducted. activity conducted. activity conducted. for L & D activity
Implemented L & Implemented L & Implemented L & Implemented L & Implemented L & #N/A
D as planned and D as planned a D as planned two D as planned D as planned a

as scheduled week after the weeks after the three weeks after month after the
schedule schedule the schedule schedule 0

10 or more 9 functional 8 functional 7 functional club/ 6 and below #N/A

functional clubs/organization clubs/organization organization functional
clubs/organization s support the s support the support the clubs/organization

s support the attainment of the attainment of the attainment of the s support the
attainment of the institutional goals. institutional goals." institutional goals attainment of the 0
15. Managed institutional goals. institutional goals."
organizations, such
as learner
organizations, Submitted all of Submitted any 3 Submitted any 2 Submitted any 1 No acceptable #N/A

faculty clubs and the acceptable of the acceptable of the acceptable of the acceptable evidence was
parent-teacher 5% MOV* MOV* MOV* MOV shown 0 #DIV/0!

associations, by
applying relevant
policies and
guidelines to Organized school Organized school Organized school Organized school Organized school #N/A
support the clubs, and clubs, and clubs, and clubs, and clubs, and
attainment of organizations as organizations 1 organizations 2 organizations 3 organizations 4

institutional goals. scheduled week after the weeks after the weeks after the weeks after the
schedule schedule schedule schedule 0

Initiated and
Initiated and Initiated and Initiated and Initiated and
recognized five (5)
recognized four recognized three recognized two(2) recognized one
or more
(4) partnerships to (3) partnerships to partnerships to (1) partnership to
Building Connections

partnerships to
16. Initiated strengthen strengthen strengthen strengthen
partnerships with support for support for support for support for

support for
the community such learner learner learner learner 0
as parents, alumni, development and development and development and development and
development and
authorities, school & school & school & school &
school &
industries, and community community community community
other stakeholders, 5% involvement involvement involvement involvement #DIV/0!

to strengthen evidenced by the evidenced by the evidenced by the evidenced by the
evidenced by the
support for learner Main MOV. Main MOV. Main MOV. Main MOV.
Main MOV.
development, as
well as school and

industries, and
other stakeholders, 5% #DIV/0!

to strengthen
support for learner
development, as
well as school and Submitted all Submitted four (4) Submitted three Submitted two (2) Submitted one (1) #N/A
community supporting MOV. supporting MOV. (3) supporting supporting MOV. supporting MOV.

involvement. MOV.

Performed at least one (1) related work/task beyond the KRA of the school head/ outside the school. 0

17 . Performed
various related
works/activities 5% #DIV/0!

beyond the KRA of
the school head.

Submitted proof of performed work/task. 0




4.500-5.000 Outstanding
3.500-4.499 Very Satisfactory
2.500-3.499 Satisfactory
1.500-2.499 Unsatisfactory
Below 1.499 Poor

Instruction: Reflect on each competency and rate yourself 1-5, with 5 being the highest score. Type your rating in the box.
Self-Management Teamwork Leading People
Sets personal goals and direction, needs and development Willingly does his/her share of responsibility. Uses basic persuasion techniques in a discussion or presentation e.g., staff mobilization,
Undertake personal actions and behaviors that are clear and purposive and Promotes collaboration and removes barriers to teamwork appeals to reason and/or emotions, uses data and examples, visual aids
takes into account personal goals and values congruent to that of the and goal accomplishment across the organization Persuades, convinces or influences others, in order to have a specific impact or effect.
organization. Applies negotiation principles in arriving at win-win agreements. “Sets a good example”, is a credible and respected leader; and demonstrates desired behavior.
Displays emotional maturity and enthusiasm for and is challenged by higher Drives consensus and team ownership of decisions. Forwards personal, professional and work unit needs and interests in an issue.
goals. Works constructively and collaboratively with others and Assumes a pivotal role in promoting the development of an inspiring, relevant vision for the
Prioritize work tasks and schedules (through Gantt charts, checklists, etc.) across organizations to accomplish organizational goals organization and influences others to share ownership of DepEd goals, in order to create an
to achieve goals. and objectives effective work environment.
Sets high quality, challenging, realistic goals for self and others. People Performance Management
Service Orientation Makes specific changes in the performance management system or in own work methods

Professionalism and Ethics Can explain and articulate organizational directions, issues to improve performance (e.g. does something better, faster, at lower cost, more efficiently;
Demonstrate the values and behavior enshrined in the Norms of Conduct and and problems. improves quality, customer satisfaction, morale, revenues).

Ethical Standards for public officials and employees (RA 6713) Takes personal responsibility for dealing with and/or correcting Sets performance standards and measures progress of employees based on office and
Practices ethical and professional behavior and conduct taking into account customer service issues and concerns department targets.
the impact of his/her actions and decisions. Initiates activities that promotes advocacy for men and Provides feedback and technical assistance such as coaching for performance improvement

Maintains a professional image: being trustworthy, regularity of women empowerment and action planning.

attendance and punctuality, good grooming and communication. Participates in updating of office vision, mission, mandates States performance expectations clearly and check understanding and commitment.
Makes personal sacrifices to meet organization’s need. and strategies based on DepEd strategies and directions Performs all the stages of result-based performance management system supported by
Acts with a sense of urgency and responsibility to meet the organization’s Develops and adopts service improvement programs
evidence and required documents/forms.
needs, improve systems and help others improve their effectiveness.
through simplified procedures that will further enhance
Result Focus service delivery. People Development
Achieves result with optimal use of time and resources most of the time. Improves the skills and effectiveness of individuals through employing a range of development
Avoids rework, mistakes and wastage through effective work methods Innovation strategies.
by placing organizational needs before personal needs. Examines the root cause of problems and suggests effective Facilitates workforce effectiveness through coaching and motivating/developing people
Delivers error-free outputs most of the time by conforming to standard solutions. Fosters new ideas, processes, and suggests better within a work environment that promotes mutual trust and respect.
operating procedures correctly and consistently. Able to produce very ways to do things (cost and/or operational efficiency Conceptualizes and implements learning interventions to meet identified training needs.
satisfactory quality of work in terms of usefulness/acceptability and Does long-term coaching or training by arranging appropriate and helpful assignments, formal
Demonstrates an ability to think “beyond the box”.
completeness with no supervision required. Continuously focuses on improving personal productivity to training, or other experiences for the purpose of supporting a person’s learning and development.
Express a desire to do better and may express frustration at waste or create higher value and results Cultivates a learning environment by structuring interactive experiences such as looking for future
inefficiency. May focus on new or more precise ways of meeting goals set. Promotes a creative climate and inspires co – workers to opportunities that are in support of achieving individual career goals.
Makes specific changes in the system or in own work methods to improve develop original ideas or solutions.
performance. Examples may include doing something better, faster, at a Translates creative thinking into tangible changes and solutions
lower cost, more efficiently, or improving quality, customer satisfaction, that improve the work unit and organization
morale, without setting any specific goal. Uses ingenious methods to accomplish responsibilities.




Final Performance Results Rating Adjectival Rating

Accomplishment of KRAs and Objectives #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

The signatures below confirm that the employee and his/her superior have agreed on content of this appraisal form and the performance rating.

Rater – Ratee Agreement

Name of Emloyee: NOEL S. BIÑAS Name of Superior: 0

Signature: Signature:
Date: 12/30/1899 Date: 12/30/1899


Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Core Behavioral Competencies
Self Management

Sets personal goals and

direction, needs and
### development

Undertake personal actions and

behaviors that are clear and
purposive and takes into
account personal goals and
values congruent to that of the


Displays emotional maturity and

enthusiasm for and is
challenged by higher goals.


Prioritize work tasks and

schedules (through Gantt
charts, checklists, etc.) to
achieve goals.

Sets high quality, challenging,

realistic goals for self and

Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
Professionalism and Ethics

Demonstrate the values and

behavior enshrined in the
Norms of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for public officials
and employees (RA 6713)


Practices ethical and

professional behavior and
conduct taking into account the
impact of his/her actions and


Maintains a professional image:

being trustworthy, regularity of
attendance and punctuality,
good grooming and


Makes personal sacrifices to

meet organization’s need.


Acts with a sense of urgency

and responsibility to meet the
organization’s needs, improve
systems and help others
improve their effectiveness.

Acts with a sense of urgency
and responsibility to meet the
organization’s needs, improve
systems and help others
improve their effectiveness.

Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
Result Focus

Achieves result with optimal use

### of time and resources most of
the time.

Avoids rework, mistakes and

wastage through effective work
methods by placing
organizational needs before
personal needs.


Delivers error-free outputs most

of the time by conforming to
standard operating procedures
correctly and consistently. Able
to produce very satisfactory
quality of work in terms of
usefulness/acceptability and
completeness with no
supervision required.


Express a desire to do better

and may express frustration at
waste or inefficiency. May focus
on new or more precise ways of
meeting goals set.

Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention

Makes specific changes in the

system or in own work methods
to improve performance.
Examples may include doing
something better faster at a
lower cost more efficiently or
improving quality,customer
satisfaction,morale without
setting any specific goal.


Willingly does his/her share of


Promotes collaboration and
removes barriers to teamwork
and goal accomplishment across
the organization

Applies negotiation principles in
arriving at win-win agreements.

Drives consensus and team
ownership of decisions.

Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
Works constructively and
collaboratively with others and
across organizations to
accomplish organizational goals
and objectives

Service Orientation

Can explain and articulate

organizational directions, issues
and problems.

Takes personal responsibility for

dealing with and/or correctings
customer service issues and

Initiates activities that promotes

advocacy for men and women


Participates in updating of office

vision, mission, mandates and
strategies based on DepEd
strategies and directions


Develops and adopts service

improvement programs through
simplified procedures that will
further enhance service

Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention

Examines the root cause of

problems and suggests effective
solutions. Fosters new ideas,
processes, and suggests better
ways to do things (cost and/or
operational efficiency


Demonstrates an ability to think

beyond the box. Continuously
focuses on improving personal
productivity to create higher
value and results


Promotes a creative climate and

inspires co – workers to develop
original ideas or solutions.


Translates creative thinking into

tangible changes and solutions
that improve the work unit and


Uses ingenious methods to

accomplish responsibilities.

Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention

Leading People

Uses basic persuasion

techniques in a discussion or
presentation e.g., staff
mobilization,appeals to reason
and/or emotions, uses data and
examples, visual aids


Persuades, convinces or
influences others, in order to
have a specific impact or effect.

“Sets a good example”, is a

credible and respected leader;
and demonstrates desired

Forwards personal, professional

and work unit needs and
interests in an issue.

Assumes a pivotal role in

promoting the development of
an inspiring, relevant vision for
the organization and influences
others to share ownership of
DepEd goals, in order to create
an effective work environment.

Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
People Performance Management

Makes specific changes in the

performance management
system or in own work methods
to improve performance (e.g.
does something better, faster,
at lower cost, more
efficiently;improves quality,
customer satisfaction, morale,


Sets performance standards and

measures progress of
employees based on office and
department targets.


Provides feedback and technical

assistance such as coaching for
performance improvement and
action planning.


States performance
expectations clearly and check
understanding and

Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention

Performs all the stages of result-

based performance
management system supported
by evidence and required

People Development

Improves the skills and

effectiveness of individuals
through employing a range of
development strategies.


Facilitates workforce
effectiveness through coaching
and motivating/developing
people within a work
environment that promotes
mutual trust and respect.


Conceptualizes and implements

learning interventions to meet
identified training needs.

Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention

Does long-term coaching or

training by arranging
appropriate and helpful
assignments, formal training, or
other experiences for the
purpose of supporting a
person’s learning and


Cultivates a learning
environment by structuring
interactive experiences such as
looking for future opportunities
that are in support of achieving
individual career goals.



August, 2023
September, 2023
October, 2023
November, 2023
December, 2023
January, 2024
February, 2024
March, 2024
April, 2024
May, 2024
June, 2024
July, 2024

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