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TEST - 4

 
 INDIAN POLITY corruption measures – Lokpal
Corruption in Public Life – Anti-corruption
and Lok Ayukta - Right to Information - Empowerment of
Women – Consumer Protection Forums, Human Rights Charter
   
 HISTORY Age of Vijayanagaram and Bahmani Kingdom - Change and
Socio-Cultural History of India.
Continuity in the Socio
Characteristics of Indian Culture, Unity in Diversity – Race,
Language, Custom, India a as a Secular State, Social Harmony
 MATHS   L.C.M & H.C.F
 /CA  2023 – November 16 – 30

  

 To call woman the weaker sex is a libel, it is mains Injustice to woman – who said these above statement?
A) Thanthai Periyar B) Bharathiyar C) Mahatma Gandhi D) B.R. Ambedkar
A    B 
C    D
 Find the statement.
Statement 1 : More than 40 years ago, the universal declaration of human rights asserted the everyone
has the right to education.
ure most not belong to these who bully women. It must be shaped by girls who
Statement 2 : The future
go to school and those who stand for a world where our daughters can live their dreams
just like our sons-
sons Mahatma Gandhi
A) Statement 1 is correct B) Statement 2 is correct
C) Both Statement are correct  D) Both Statement are wrong

 
A   B
C   SD
 Match the following:-
First Woman Name a b c d
a) Prime Minister - 1. Srimavo Bondaranaike A) 3 4 2 1
b) In space - 2. Valentina Tereshkova B) 4 3 2 1
c) To scale mt. Everest - 3. Junko Tabei C) 1 2 4 3
d) To win the Olympic gold - 4. Charlotte Cooper D) 1 2 3 4
       a b c d
a)    A) 3 4 2 1
b)   B) 4 3 2 1
   C) 1 2 4 3
  D) 1 2 3 4
 Consider the following statements.
Statement : Education is one of the most important means of empowering women.
Reason : Education is the knowledge, skills and self confidence necessary to participate fully in the
development process of women.
A) Both and A and R are correct and R is the correct Explanation of A
B) Both A and R are correct and R is the not the correct explanation of A.
C) A is correct but R is wrong.
D) R is correct but is wrong.
 Choose the correct Statement
1. First women’s university
ersity Maharshi karve starts SND
SNDTT University in Nagpur with five students in
2. First women to hold a union cabinet past sushma swaraj.
3. First women to hold a union foreign ministers swetha swaraj.
4. Sushma Swaraj became the cabinet minister of Himachal when she was 25 years old.
A) Statement 1, 2, 3 are correct B) Statement 2, 3, 4 are correct
C) Statement 1, 2, 3, 4 are correct  D) None of the above

A  B
C   D
 Pick out Incorrect pair
1. First women to win Nobel Peace Prize Arundhati Roy
2. First women speaker of Rajya Sabha Meira kumar
3. First women Judge in high court meera sahib Fatima Bibi.
4. First women CM of Indian State Sucheta Kirpalani
5.. First women Director general of Police kanchan Chaudhary Bhattacharya
A) Two Pair B) Three Pair C) Four Pair D) Five Pair
A B
 C D
 Choose the factors responsible for poor Female literacy rate
1. Gender based equlity. 2. Social Discrimination and economic exploitation.
3. Occupation of girl child in domestic chores.
4. High enrollment of girl in Schools.
5. High retention rate and low drop out rate.
A) Statement 1, 4, 5 B) Statement 2, 3
C) Statement 1, 3, 5  D) Statement 2, 4, 5
A  B
 C D
 Choose the correct statement.
A) Female literacy rate in India 1951 – 15.35
B) Female Literacy rate in India 1971 – 39.20
C) Female Literacy rate in India 2001 – 53.67
D) All the above
 
 
 

 Which of the following strategies will help women become more socially and economically empowered.
A) Women Working together to challenge discrimination
B) More Income sources for women.
C) Improved access to education. D) All the above
  D
 Choose the correct statement
1. Article 15(1) - Empowers the state to take affirmative steps in favour of women
2. Article 15(3) - Prohibits Gender discrimination.
3. Article 14 - Ensures the right to equality for women
4. The maternity Benefit 1956 Act
5. The sexual Harassment of women at work place, prevention and protection act in 2014
A) Two pairs B) Three pairs C) Four pairs  D) Five Pairs
A B
 C D
 Match the following:- a b c d e
a) First Female doctor In India - 1. Ashpurna Devi A) 2 4 5 3 1
b) First Female Pilot In India - 2. Anandi Gopal Joshi B) 4 2 5 3 1
c) First Female Engineer In India - 3. Cornelia Sorabji C) 3 4 5 1 2
d)) First Female Lawyer In India - 4. Sarla Thakral D) 5 4 3 2 1
e) First
irst Women to get Jnapith award - 5. Lalitha Ayyalasoma yajula
 
  
 
 
 
a b c d e
A) 2 4 5 3 1
B) 4 2 5 3 1
C) 3 4 5 1 2 
D) 5 4 3 2 1
 Match the following:- a b c d
a) Child Marriage Prohibition Act - 1. 1961 A) 2 4 1 3
b) Dowry Prohibition Act - 2. 2005 B) 3 1 4 2
c) Domestic Violence Act - 3. 2013 C) 4 1 2 3
d) Sexual Harassment of women at work place - 4. 2006 D) 2 3 4 1

        a b c d
a) 
   A) 2 4 1 3
b)     B) 3 1 4 2
c)     C) 4 1 2 3 
 
  D) 2 3 4 1
d) 
 
 Choose the correct pairs
1. Sexual Harassment against women – Visaka Vs. State of Rajasthan
2. Right to equality – Ashwinder kaur Vs. Punjab University
3. Double Jeoparty – Makbool Vs state of Bombay.
4. Basic Feature of the consititution – Minerva Mill ltd Vs. Union of India.
A) Only One Pair B) Two pairs C) Three pairs D) Four Pairs
  Vs
     Vs 
 
  Vs 
 Vs
A  B
C   D
ssertion (A) : The one stop crisis centre supports all women above 18 years of age affected by
 Assertion
Reason (R) : For girlst below 18 years of age institution and authorities established under Juvenile
Justice Act and POCSO Act, 20102 will support
A) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
B) A is false and R is true
C) A is True and R is false
D) Both A and R are True and R is not the correct explanation of A
B 
C   
 ………is the welfare body which is working for the Holistic empowerment of women in cutting
across all the sectors.
A) State Resource centre for women B) State Commission for women
C) One stop crisis Centre  D) State Organisation for women
 B
 D
 “ My Sorrow and my wavering faith is not for myself alone but for every woman who is struggling for
justice in Court” who said this?
A) Nirbaya B) Bilkis Bano C) Shah Bano D) Visaka

 
A B C D
 Assertion : The first all women Police station was setup in 1992
Reason : To specifically cater to the complaints and grievances of women
A) A is false R is True
B) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
C) Both A and R are correct and R is not correct explanation of A
D) A is true R is false.
 Choronological order for written precursors of Human rights documents.
1. The U.S constitution and Bill of Rights. 2. The habeas corpus Act.
3. The English Bill of Rights 4. The petition of Rights- England
5. The Magnacarta England
A) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 B) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 C) 5, 4, 2, 3, 1 D) 5, 3, 1, 2, 4
   
   
A) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 B) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 C) 5, 4, 2, 3, 1 D) 5, 3, 1, 2, 4
 Choose the correct Statement.
1. United nations organization which was established on 10th December 1945
2. The UDHR was Proclaimed by the UN general Assembly in Paris france on 10th December 1948.
3. UDHR hass translated into more than 500 languages .
4. Human Right is an all UN Policies and programmes in the area of peace and security, development,
humanization assistance and economic and social affairs.
A) Statement 1 and 2 B) Statement 2,3 and 4
C) Statement 1 and 3  D) Statement 1 and 4
UDHR 
A  B
C   D

 Human Rights Character are based on the value of

A) Dignity B) Justice  C) Equality  D) All the above
A B
 C D
 Pick out Incorrect statement about Human Rights.
A) 2023 Human Rights Day theme Freedom , Equality and Justice for All
B) There area 30 Articles Incorporated in the universal declaration of Human Rights.
C) Human Rights are broadly classified in to seven primary categories.
D) Civil, Economic, Cultural are the Primary Categorie
 Choose the incorrect
ncorrect statement about national human Rights commission.
A) It was established on 21st, October 1993
B) It is an Independent, Statutory and constitutional body.
C) Its Headquarter is located in Mumbai
D) All the above
 Deemed members of the chair persons of the following National commissions are selected by.
1. National Commission For Minorities.
2. National Commission for Scheduled castes.
3. National Commission for Scheduled Tribes.
4. National Commission for women
A) 1 and 4 B) 3, 2 and 4  C) 1, 3 and 2  D) All the above
A B
 C D
 Examine the statement.
1. SHRC- State Human Regional Commission
2. SHRC was formed in 17th April 1991
3. SHRC consists of 5 members including a chair person.
A) Statement 1 only correct B) Statement 2 only correct
C) Statement 3 only correct D) None of the above

 SHRC 
A  B
C   D
 Choose the correct statement
A) Article 24 – Prohibits child labour.
B) Article 39 f – Provides for children to develop in a healthy manner
C) Article 45 – Provides that the state shall endeavor to provide early childhood care and education
for all children until they comp
complete the age of six yearas.
D) All the above
B f
 The convention on the rights of the child was proclaimed by UN on…….
A) 20th December 1989 B) 20th November 1989
C) 12th November 1987  D) 21st November 1978
A B
 C D
 Examine the Statement
1. 1979 as the International year of Children.
2. 1978 as International year of Women.
3. The child Lobour Act (Prohibition and Regulation Act 1976)
4. Juvenile Justice Act 1999 (Care and Protection of Children)
A) Only one pair correct B) Two Pairs correct
C) Three Pairs correct  D) Four Pairs correct
 
 
 
A  B
C   D
 “ Consumerism is for the consumer. It results in raising the quality of life Addressing grievances and
osses A concerted effort by consumers, who said these statement.
A) Richard Buscrick and James B) Philip kotler
C) L. Massie  D) William Stanton.
A B
C    D
 Pick out Incorrect one.
A) The Legal metrology Act - 2010 B) The Bureau of Indian Standards Act-
Act 1989
C) The Prevention of Black Marketing and maintenance of supplies of essential commodities Act -1988
D) All the above

  B
C  
 Match the following a b c d e f
a) Hindu Widow Marriage Act - 1. 1956 A) 3 1 2 5 6 4
b) Hidu Succession Act - 2. 1999 B) 3 1 5 4 6 2
c) Eve Teasing Act - 3. 1856 C) 3 5 1 2 6 4
d) Indecent Representation Act - 4. 2005 D) 3 1 5 2 6 4
e) Planation Labour Act - 5. 1997
f) Protection of women from
Domestic Violence - 6. 1951  
       a b c d e f
a) 
  A) 3 1 2 5 6 4
b)     B) 3 1 5 4 6 2
c) 
   C) 3 5 1 2 6 4
    D) 3 1 5 2 6 4
d) 
     
e) 
 
f) 
  
 Pict out Incorrect Statement
A) Eleanor Roosevelt - Human Rights Commission
B) The Cyros Cylinder - Worlds First Charter of Human Rights
C) Child Helpline - 1098 D) None of the Above
A  
B  
 Which off the following statement is not correct about the National human rights Commission?
A) It was Established in 1993
B) In the case of Human Rights violation, the commission has no rights to punish the Culprit.
C) The chairperson and members of this commission are appointed by the Supreme court of
D) The commission Send its annual report to the central and state Govenrments.
 

 Choose the correct Statement.

1. Consumerism is an attempt to enhance the rights and powers by buyers in relation to sellers.
L. Massiel.
2. Consumer arising in commodity exchange relations individuals seeking answers to dis satisfact
and organization (consumer, Government and business) Action is consumerism – William Stanton.
A) Statement 1 is correct B) Statement 2 is correct
C) Both are correct  D) Both are wrong
A B
 Examine the statement.
1. The term consumerism came into existence in the early 1950’s when it was coined by western world
particularly in America.
2. Ralph Nader is considered to be the father of the consumer movement.
A) Statement 1 is correct B) Statement 2 is correct
C) Both Statement are correct D) Both Statements are wrong
A  B
C D
 Match the following:- a b c d e f
a) The Indian contract Act - 1. 1930 A) 1 6 5 4 3 2
b) The sale of Goods Act - 2. 1937 B) 1 5 6 2 4 3
c) The essential Commodities Act - 3. 1954 C) 6 5 1 2 3 4
d) The agricultural Products Grading D) 6 1 5 2 3 4
and Marketing Act - 4. 1976
e) The Prevention of food Adulteration Act - 5. 1955
f) Weight and Measures ACT - 6. 1872 
       a b c d e f
a)     A) 1 6 5 4 3 2
b) 
   B) 1 5 6 2 4 3
c) 
   C) 6 5 1 2 3 4
d)  D) 6 1 5 2 3 4
    
e) 
 
f) 
  
 Who said these below statement “what is a man if he is not a thief who openly charges as much as he can
for the goods goods he sells”?
A) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar B) Mahatma Gandhi
C) Jawaharlal Nehru  D) Kamarajar

   B
C   D 
 Chronological order of consumer Legislation.
1. The public Liability insurance Act
2. The food safety standard Act.
3. The Drugs and cosmetics Act.
4. Indian Standard Institution (certification marks) Act.
5. The Narcotic Drugs and psychotropic substances Act.
A) 4,3, 5, 1, 2 B) 3, 4, 5, 1, 2 C) 4, 5, 3, 2, 1 D) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2
 
 
A) 4. 3. 5. 1.. 2 B) 3, 4, 5, 1, 2 C) 4, 5, 3, 2, 1 D) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2
 Read the statement and find the best answer.
1. The government enacted a comprehensive law called in the consumer protection Act in 1986
2. Consumer protection rules came into force with effect from 15.02.1987.
3. Consumer protection Act Amended in 1993. This act is reffered in short as COPRA
A) Statement 1,2 are correct B) Statement 1, 3 are correct
C) Statement 2, 3 are correct D) All are correct
A  B
C D
 Examine the statement.
1. The consumer protection Act was passed in October 1986 and came into force on Dec 24, 1986.
2. COPRA is regarded as the “Magna Carta”.
3. There are 8 basic consumer rights.
A) Statement 1 is correct B) Statement 2 is correct
C) Statement 1, 2 is correct  D) All the above
A  B
C   D


 Highlights of New Act 2019, Enhancement of pecuniary Juirisdiction?

1. The District forum can now entertain consumer complaints whare the value of goods or service paids
does not exceed Ten million.
2. The State Commission can entertain dispuites where such Valve exceeds Ten million but does not
exceed one hundred
red million.
3. The national commission can exercise Jurisdiction where such values exceeds one hundred million.
A) Statement 1 only correct B)Statement 2 only correct
C) Statement 3 only correct D) All the above
 
A    B
C    D
 How often in a year, the central Consumer protection council should meet?
A) Once in a year B) twice in a year
C) As and when necessary D) Every month
A   B 
 D
 Which
hich Organization is exempt the Right to Information Act? 
A) Education department B) Highways department
C) Intelligence Bureau D) Corporation Offices
A    B
C  D
 Which of the following is incorrectly paired.
1. Right to Information Act – 2005
2. Freedom of information Act – 2002
3. Official secret Act – 1920
A) 1 and 2 only B) 1 and 3 only C) 1 only D) 3 only
 
  
 
 
A  B
 C  D
ssertion (A) : Right to information is necessary to empower the people in India.
 Assertion
Reason (R ) : Reduces scope of corruption in public Administration
A) Assertion is true but Reason is false
B) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
C) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
D) Assertion is false but Reason is true.

 
A(A) (R )
 
B(A)(R )(R ) (A)
C(A) (R ) (R ) (R ) (A) 
D(A) (R ) 
 Which of the following about the meaning of RTI is Correct?
1. Demanding information from the government.
2. Getting Information from media. 3. Freedom of people to have across to Government.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) 3 only D) 1 and 3 only
  
A  B
 C  D
 Which of the following statements about Right to Information is correct?
A) All Public Authorities covered under RTI must appoint their public Information officer.
B) The RTI was adopted by the Indian Parliament in 2004.
C) The PIO has to reply the request within 35 days.
D) The nominal fees for filling a request is Rs.25
 
 
 
 Action
ction May be Taken against those involved in spreading following Laws.
A) 1938 – Rule 41, 43, 44 B) 1938 – Rule 45, 46, 48
C) 1939 - Rule 41, 43, 44 D) 1939 – Rule 45, 46, 48
 
A B
C D
 Choose the Correct Statement
A) Right to Information Act come into force on 12 October 2005
B) The RTI Act of 2005 has 2 shcedules.
C) Right to Information Act 2005, Provided on effective frame work to Article 19 of the Indian
D) All the above
 

 Examine the correct statement 

A) Laxmi mall Sangavi coined the term ‘Lok Pal’
B) Second Administrative reform commission recommended the establishment of LokPal.
C) The LokPal bill was first introduced in the LokSabha in 1968.
D) Odisha was the first state to introduce Lokayukta in 1971
 
 Find the Statement (LokPal)
1. RajyaSabha passed the bill on 18 December 2013
2. LokSabha Passed the bill on 17 December 2013
A) Statement 1 is correct B) Statement 2 is correct
C) Both Statements are correct D) Both Statements are wrong
A  B
C D
 Which of the following are major Features of the institutions of Lokpal and Lokayukta as
recommended by the Administrative Reforms Commission?
1. They Should be demonstrably independent and impartial
2. They should campare with the highest Judicial functionary in the country.
3. They should be directly accountable to parliament
4. Their appointments should as far as possible be non
non- political.
Select the correct answer by using the codes given below
A) 1 and 2 B) 2, 3 and 4
C) 1, 2 and 4 D) All the above
 
A     B
C    D
 Assertion (A) : Lokayuktas have been appointed in all the states of India.
Reason (R) : An independent institution is required to redress the grievances of the people against
of the actions of civil servants.
A) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reaason is the correct explanation of Assertion
B) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion
C) Assertion is false but Reason is true
D) Assertion is True, but Reason is false


 
C  D
 The First All India conference of Lokayuktas and upa-Lokayuktas
upa Lokayuktas was held in
A) Shimla B) Calcutta C) Goa D)Banglore
A B
 C  D
corruption bodies were established by Santhanam Committee 
 Which of the following anti-corruption
1. Central Vigilance Commission 2. Central Bureau of Investigation
3. Lok Pal and Lokayuktha 4. State Information Commission
A) 1 and 3 B) 2 and 4 C) 1 and 2 D) 3 and 4
  
  
A  B
 C D
 Identify the False Statement about the Central Bureau of Investigatiton.
A) Is a Statutory body
B) Is not a Statutory body
C) Derives its power from Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946
D) Is the main investigating agency of the Central Government.
   
 Identify the incorrect statement about Lokadalat
A) Lokadalat is a mechanism For Speedy Trial of the disputes.
B) It is not a tool of the Legal system
C) It is a kind of forum To settle cases in an amicable manner.
D)Lokadalat goes to the people to deliver Justice at their door steps
 
 
sserion (A): Corruption emanates at the top political and administrative Levels.
 Asserion
Reason (R ): The Top Level involvement makes eradication of corruption nearly impossible
A) Assertion is true but Reason is false
B) Both Assertion and Reason are True and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion
C) Assertion is false but Reason is true
D) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion

(A) 
 
 Central Information commission comes under which ministry?
A) Ministry of home affairs B) Ministry of personal
C) Ministry of Social and empowerment D) Ministry of Broadcasting
A  B
C D
 Who defines Human Rights as, “The right inherent to all human beings. Regardless of race, gender,
without discrimination.
nationality, ethnicity, Language, religion or any other to these rights without
AWHO  B UNO CUNESCO  DUNDP
 The Institution of ombudaman was first created in Sweden in
A) 1806 B) 1807 C) 1808 D) 1809
A  B
 C  D
 The aim of establishing Lokpal and Lokayutha was to 
A) Look into complaints and appeals pe pertaining to State governments.
B) Monitor all vigilance activities under the central government.
C) Fight cyber crimes
D) Redress Citizens Grievances
  
 
 Right to information includes the right to
1. Inspect works, documents, records.
2. takes notes, extracts or certified copies of documents or records
3. take certified Samples of maternal
4. obtain information in forms of printouts, diskettes. Floppies, Tapes, Video cassettes or in any other
electronic mode or though printouts
A) 1, 3 and 4 B) 2 and 4 C) 1, 2, 3 and 4 D) 3 and 4

A  B
 C D
 Which of the following deos not come under the definition of Information Under RTI Act, 2005?
A) Log Books B) Circulars
C) File Notings d in any electronic form
D) Data material held
A  B
C 
 Consider the following statements with respect to permanent LokAdalat
1. Permanent LokAdalat have been Set up as permanent
permanent bodies with a chairman and Two members
For providing compulsory pre-Litigative
pre mechanism for conciliation
2. The Jurisdiction of the permanent Lokadalat is uptoRs.OneCrore
A) Statement 1 is correct B) Statement 1 is correct
C) Both the Statement are correct D) Both the Statements are wrong
 
A    B
C D
 Which of the following Statement are not correct?
1. Ujjwala Scheme provides education to girls and their welfare.
2. STEP Scheme is support to training and employment programme for women which provide skills that
give employability to women
A) Statement 1 B) Statement 2
C) Both the Statements D) None of the Statement
A B
 C D
 Which of the following statements are correct?
1. Lokpal consists of 50% Judicial members and 50% members of Lokpall Shall be from SC/ST/OBC’s
minorities and women
2. Appointment of Chair person and members on recommendation of selection committee
c 
A) Statement 1 is correct B)Statement 2 is correct
C) Both the Statement are correct D) Neither 1 or 2

A  B
C  D
 _____ Won right of employment by approaching the court according to the Right to constitutional
A) PreethikaYashini B)ShaliniPanday C)NarthikiNataraj D)Malala
A B
 C D
 The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are Threatened” said______
A) Mandela B) MahathmaGandhi
C) John F.Kennedy D) B.R. Ambedkar
A     B
C  D
 There was a strong voice against this in human practice among women workers for a Long time.
Considering this, The government of _______ has decided to redress by amending the shops and
commercial Establishment Act in July 2018
A) Kerala B)TamilNadu C) Andhra Pradesh D) Maharashtra
A  B
 C D
 Who framed many Laws for women workers in India?
A) Mandela B)Mahathma Gandhi C) B.R. Ambedkar D) John F.Kennedy
A     B
C    D
 A consumer has to protected against
A) Defects of Product B) Deficiencies of Product
C) Unfair and restrictive Trade Practices D) All the above
A  B
 
 Consumer Satisfaction can be increased by giving the consumer the widest____
A) Offer B) Choice C) deal D) All of these
A B
C     D
 The main objective of all business enterprises is _________
A) Providing Service B) Earn Profit
C) Providing necessities to the Society D) Providing better Standard of life

A  B
 D
 Which state Lokayilta’s office is considered to be the strongest in terms of power and scope?
A) Karnataka B) TamilNadu C) Haryana D) Punjab
A  B
 C D
 The Committee To recommend amendment of Act 311 to dismiss the corrupt of public Servant is____
A) P.C Hotta Committee B) Vijay Kelkar Committee
C) Santhanam Committee D) Mehta Committee
A P.C  B
HISTORY 
 Choose the correct pair in the following (Bhamani Kingdom)
1) Wazir-i- Ashraf - Minister of external affairs
2) Amir -i-Jumla - Minister of Finance
3) Sar-i-Jahan - Subordinate
ubordinate of the sovereign
4) Wakil -us-Altana - Chief Judge
5) Kotwal - City Criminal Judge
6) Wazir Kul - Supervised the oother minister work
A) All are true B)1,2,5,6 is true C) 2, 3, 4, 5 is true D) 3, 4, 5, 6 is true
  
  
  
 
   
   
A B
 C D
 Which Vijayanagar Ruler began the practice of recruiting Muslim fighters to serve him and to train him
in the new methods of warfare?
A) Devaraya I B) Harihara II C) Krishnadevarayar D) Devaraya II
A    B
C    D
 Match the following. a b c d e
a) Morrocco - 1. Abdur Razzaq A) 1 2 3 4 5
b) Russia - 2. Ibn Battuta B) 2 1 3 5 4
c) Persian - 3. Nikitin C) 2 3 1 4 5
d) Portuguese - 4. Nuniz D) 4 2 3 5 1
e) Venice - 5. Nicolo de Conti 

       a b c d e
a.  
  A     
b.   
  B     
c.   
  C     
d.  
  D     
e.  
 1. He had to contend in the east with the rulers of Warangal and Orissa
2. In order to facilitate smooth administration, as followed in the Delhi Su
Sultanate, he divided the
kingdom into four territorial divisions.
Which of the following Bahmani King described by the above statement?
A) Alaudin Hasan Bahman Shah B) Mohammed Shah I
C) Mohammed III D) Mohammed Gawan
 
 
 
A   B
C    D
 Choose the
he correct one in the following.
A) The Vijayanagara kings issued a small number of gold coins called Varaha
B) These gold coins have the images of Vijayanagar rulers .
C) These coins has images of bull, Tiger, Rhinoceros and eagle bird
D) The Coins contains the king’s name either in Nagari or in Kannada script.
 
B 
C 
 Match the following. a b c d e
a. Panduranga Mahatmiyam - 1. Turjati A) 1 2 3 4 5
b. Vasucharitram - 2. Tenaliraman B) 3 2 1 5 4
c. Usha Parinayam - 3. Andhra Boja C) 2 5 3 1 4
d. KalathiMahatmiyam - 4. AllasaniPeddana D) 4 3 1 2 5
e. Harikathacharam - 5. Ramaraja Bhushana
        a b c d e
    A     
b.   
  B     
c.   
  C     
d. 
 D     
e.  


 Assertion: Portuguese got permission to build a fort at Bhatkal from Krishnadevaraya
Reason: Krishnadevaraya captured Golconda and Raichur fort with the help of Portuguese artillery.
A) Assertion and reason are true, reason is the correct explanation of assertion
B) Assertion and reason are true, reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
C) Assertion is true and reason is false
D)) Assertion is false and reason is true 
 
B 
C 
  
 Where did Mohammed Gawan able minister of Mohammed III built a Madarassa with a large library,
containing 3000 manuscripts?
A) Bijapur B) Golconda C) Berar D) Bidar
A  B
 C  D
 How many pairs are incorrectly matched?
1. Karnataka Vidyavilasa - Harihara II
2. Andhra Bohaja - Krishna devaraya
3. Godfather of Andhra - Nandithimanna
4. Andhra Kavita Pitamaha - AllasaniPedanna
A) None of the above B) 1 Pair C) 2 Pairs D) 3 Pairs
  
   
   
  
A  B
  C D
 Which one of the statement is correct regarding Krishna Devarayar and Portuguese relationship.
1. Albuquerque was the contemporary of Krishna Devarayar
2. Albuquerque send Louis to the court of Krishna Devaraya
3. Many Portuguese traders settled in Vijayanagar city during the period of Krishna Devaraya
4. Portuguese sometimes granted contributory assistance to the Vijayanagar empire
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) 3 only  D) All the above
A B C D

 How many pairs are correctly matched? (Last King)

1. Sangama dynasty - Virupakhsiraya II 2. Saluva dynasty - Narasimharaya II
3. Tuluva dynasty - Devaraya II 4. Aravidu dynasty - Sriranga II
A) 1 pair B) 2 Pairs C) 3 Pairs D) All the above 
 
 
 
A  B
 C D
 Which one of the coins of Vijaya Nagar kings come under the copper category?
A) Varagan B) Jittal C) Dhara  D) Pagoda
A B C D
 Who was the last ruler of the Vijayanagar Kingdom?
A) Rama Raya B) Sri Ranga III 
C) Krishna Deva Raya D) Venkata II
A     B 
C    D
 What is described by contemporaries as ‘Karnataka samrajyamu’ was defined by historians as
A) Vijayanagara Empire
B) Kadambas and Western Ganges Dynasty
C)Bahmanin Sultanate  D) Badami Chalukyas
A    B
 
C    D
 Consider the following statements regarding Bahmani Kingdom:
1. The founder of the Bahmani Kingdom was Mahmud Gawan.
2. There were a total of fourteen sultans ruling over this kingdom.
Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both 1 and 2 D) Neither 1 nor 2
 
 
A  B
  C  D
 Match the following:- a b c d e f
a) Jambavathi Kalyanam - 1. Telugu literature A) 2 1 4 5 6 3
b) Amukta Malayuta - 2. Sanskrit Drama B) 2 1 3 4 5 6
c) UtrahariVilasam - 3. Kamaraja C) 2 1 5 4 3 6
d) Brahma Sutra - 4. Nachan Somanatha D) 2 1 6 5 4 3
e) Dharma Nathapuranam - 5. Devaraya II (Explanatory)
f) Prabhu Linga leelai - 6. Jain work (kannada)

a)  
b)   
c)   
d)   
e)    
f)   
a b c d e f
A     
B     
C     
D     
 Statement 1: Deveraya II reinstated the Bahmani Sultan Muhammad Shah, who had been deposed
and imprisoned by his minister.
Statement 2: During the Battle of Talaikotta held in the year 1565, Ramaraya fought a war with his
Provincial governor Satasivaraya and lost.
Statement 3: Bukka I’s nephew Kumara Kampana ended the sultanate in Madurai and succeeded in
EstablishingNayak kingdom there.
Statement 4: Devaraya II was the greatest ruler of the Sangama dynastybegan the practice of
Recruiting Muslim fighters to serve him with the new methods of warfare
Which of the following statement is inc
A) 1, 2, 4 is false B) 1, 3, 4 is false C)1,2,3 is false D) 2, 3, 4 is false
A  B
 C D
 Which Chola temple has 90 sculptures depicting the lives of the 63 Nayanmars, the devotee of Lord Shiva
mentioned in the Periyapuranam?
A) BrahadishwararTemple ,Thanjavur B) Gangai Konda Cholapuram
C) DarasuramIradeeswarar Temple D) Sri rangamRenganathar Temple
   B
  D
 1) The famous Tiruvannamalai Ayrangal Mandapam was built by Krishnadevaraya among the
Ayrangal Mandapams built by Vijayanagara kings in Tamil Nadu.
2) The Gopuram of Arunachaleswara Temple Thiruvanamalai and Gopuram of KalakasthiTemple
was an constructed during the Period of Devaraya II

3) The Buddha Statue and the Jain statue was inscribed in Gangai Konda Cholapuram
Chola constructed by
Rajendra Chola I
Temple is the second largest Nandi sculpture
4) The Nandi sculpture of the Tanjore BrahadeeshwararTemple
in India.
Choose the correct statement
A) 2, 3 is true B) 3, 4 is true C)1, 4 is true D) 2, 4 is true
A  B
  C  D
 1) The Buddha Period Jataka Tales mentions the Political events
2) Zaina Literature written in Pali language denotes the Political status of Mahavira
3) Artha sastra of Kautilya was an important legal work
4) A Play AbignanaSakunthalam denotes the history
h of Mauryans
A) 1, 2 is true B) 2, 3 is true C)1, 3 is true D) 3, 4 is true
A  B
  C  D
 Assertion : Rig veda was called as first Prose of Sanskrit
Reason : The book, Yagam is called the first prose book because more than half of its parts are in
A) Assertion and reason are true,reason is the correct explanation of assertion
explanation of assertion
B) Assertion and reason are true,reason is not the correct explanation
C) Assertion is true and reason is false
D) Assertion is false and reason is true
 Choose the incorrect one in the following
A) Dhanurveda - War art B) Shilpa Veda - Music art
C) Kantharva Veda - Micro arts D) Ayurveda - Medicine

  B
  D
 Which of the following statement is correct?
A) In Rig Veda, several Groups like Sabha,Samiti,Vithara and Kanam of rig vedic period were
mentioned .
B) In Rig veda Period women were Participated in Sabha and Vithata
C) The king has been elected by the tribal council called Sabah.
D) In the Rig Vedic period,Race
,Race groups like Varadha,Khana,Grama and Sartha helped the king during
 The Sangam literature give the detail explanation of officials of Custom Toll gate at Kaveripoompattinam
A) Silapathikaram B) Pattinapalai C) Madurai Kanchi D) Pathupattu
A  B
 C D
 Assertion : Buddhism was flourished in India during the Support of Mauryan King Ashoka
Reason : Buddha belonged to Shatriya dynasty
A) Assertion and reason are true,reason is the correct explanation of assertion
B) Assertion and reason are true,reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
C) Assertion is true and reason is false
D) Assertion is false and reason is true
A 
 The Golden roof was weaved toc Chidambaram Nataraj temple was
A) Parantaka I B) Rajaraja I C) Kulothunga I D) Narasimha I
A    B
C  D
 Who established the Religious Sects Ajivika in Maurya Period?
A) Makkali Kosala B) Bindusara
C) Badrabagu D) Vasu Bandhu
A B
  C D

 In which of the following Tamil Literature a festival Thiruonam was Present?
A) Kalithogai B) Ingurunooru C) Pattinapalai D) Madurai Kanchi
A     B 
C D
 Which Chola King gave a Permission to Sailendra to establish Buddhist Monastery at nagapattinam?
A) Rajendran I B) Rajaraja I
C) Rajendiran II D) Rajaraja II
A B
C  D
 Who illustrates the secular view “Religion does not teach us animosity; We are Indians and India is our
A) Iqbal B) Lala Lajpet rai
C) Bala Gangadar Tilak D) Qaide Millath
A     B
C    D
 Assertion:The
The principle of secularism in India is of great value.
Reason :India is a multi-religious
religious and multi-cultural
multi country.
A) Assertion and reason are true,reason is the correct explanation of assertion
B) Assertion and reason are true,reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
C) Assertion is true and reason is false
D) Assertion is false and reason is true
 Choose the incorrect Pair
1) Din-i-Illahi - Peace and Harmony
2)Sulh-e-Kul - Divine Faith
3) Atheism - is a lack of belief in god and gods.
4)Secularism - is non -interference
interference of the state in religious affairs
A) 1, 2 is false B) 2, 3 is false C) 3, 4 is false D)All are false
  
  
  
 
A B
C D

 1) It is a Hindu Temple

2) It incorporates a Hindu spire, a Jain cupola, a Buddhist stupa and Muslim style dome
3) It belongs to 19th Century
Which temple described by the above statements?
A) HampiVirupaksha Temple B) Khajuraho Hindu temple
C) Thiruvannamalai Temple D) Somanath Temple
 B
   D
 Assertion :Mahatma
Mahatma Gandhi and B.R. Ambedkar were some of the noted individuals held high in
public regards who contributed towards the spread of secularism
Secularism is invaluable for a society like India which is characterised by religious
Reason :Secularism
A) Assertion and reason are true,reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
B) Assertion and reason are true,reason is the correct explanation of assertion
C) Assertion is true and reason is false
D) Assertion is false and reason is true
 
   D
 The year and amendment in which Secularism was inserted in the Preamble of the constitution was
A) 1976 and 42nd amendment B)1978 and 44th amendment
C) 1980 and 45th amendment D) 1984 and 50th amendment
 
 B
  
   D
 Whose statement was Folklore is a remnant of ancient culture?
A) John Marshall B) William John Thomas
C) Corpus Intigram D) Robert Bruce foote
A  B
C    D
 Choose the correct Pair
A) PathinenKeelkanaku - Kalithogai and Purananooru
B) PathinenMelkanaku - Naladiyar and Nanmanikadigai
C) Buddhist Literature - Uthayana Kumara Kaviyam and NagakumaraKaviyam
D) Jain Literature - Seevaka Sinthamani and Valayapathi

A  
B  
C   
D   
 1. A city built in honor of Sufi saint Salim Chishti.
2. A gateway was built to commemorate the conquest of Gujarat.
3. A five storied Pancha Mahal is built here.
Which is the place referred to by the above statement?
A) Purana Qila B) Din Panah C) Sasaram D) Fatehpur Sikri
A  B
  C  D
 Statement: The paintings of the Mughal period have gained international recognition and occupy
prominent places in many museums of the world.
Reason: Indian painting traditions combined with the influence of Western Asian painting traditions
had a profound impact on the art of painting.
for the statement.
A) Statement and reason are correct; Reason is the correct explanation for
B) Statement and reason are correct; Reason is not correct explanation for the statement.
C) Only the statement is correct, the reason is incorrect.
D) The statement is incorrect, only the reason is correct.
  
 Arrange the chronological order of the Vijayanagar Kingdom based on more years of rule
1) Sangama dynasty 2) Saluva dynasty
3) Tuluva dynasty 4) Aravidu dynasty
A) 1, 2, 3, 4 B) 1, 4, 3, 2 C) 4, 1, 3, 2 D) 1, 3, 4, 2
      
    
A  B
  C  D
 How many pairs are correctly matched? (Last King)
1) Sangama dynasty - Virupakhsiraya I
2) Saluva dynasty - Narasimharaya II
3) Tuluva dynasty - Devaraya II
4) Aravidu dynasty - Sriranga II
A) 1 pair B) 2 Pairs C) 3 Pairs D) All the above

A  B
 C D
 Assertion: Vaishnavism apostle Sri Ramanujar leaving the Chola country
ountry settled in Melkote in
Reason: The devotion of Chola rulers to Saivism became a strong passion, the theological tussle
Was fierce between state religion, Saivism, and Vaishnavism so much
muc so that Vaishnavism
was sideline.
A) Assertion and reason are true, reason is the correct explanation of assertion
B) Assertion and reason are true, reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
C) Assertion is true and reason is false
D) Assertion
ion is false and reason is true
  
C   
Indus alphabet and the Dravidian alphabet are
 Which of the following historians who have proved that the Indus
not related?
A) Herus Pastor B) Iravadham Mahadevan
C) Mayilai SeeniVenkatasamy D) Balakrishnan
A   B
   D
 In whose time was "Kavirajamarga" composed in Kannada language?
A) Chalukyas B) Hoysalas C) Rashtrakutas D) Kakatiya
“” 
A    B
C  D
 Which of the Dravidian languages originated from the older Dravidian languages that originated in South
A) Katab, Nayaki B) Pragui, Burgi
C) Kooyi, Kolami D) Malayalam, Kannadam
A  B
C    D

 Choose the odd one in the following (India)

A) Muslim religion B) Buddhism religion
C) Jainism religion D) Sikhism religion
A B C D
 Match the following (Harvest festival) a b c d e
a) Lohri - 1. Bengal A) 2 3 1 4 5
b) Nabanna - 2. Assam B) 5 1 3 2 4
c) Baisaki - 3. Madhya Pradesh C) 2 3 5 4 1
d) BohaliBihu - 4. Punjab D) 3 1 4 2 5
e) mahasankarakanthi - 5. Bihar
    a b c d e
a)  1. 
   A     
b)   2.     B     
c)   3. 
   C     
   D     
e 
 Assertion: Christianity also incorporated some customs of Indian culture
Reason: Christianity played an important role in merging Indian culture with Western culture.
A) Assertion and reason are true, reason is the correct explanation of assertion
B) Assertion and reason are true, reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
C) Assertion is true and reason is false
D) Assertion is false and reason is true
 
 
 Who said that “India will be a place where different faiths are equally valued and respected and will have
a single national vision”?
A) Mahatma Gandhi B) Dr B R Ambedkar
C) Jawaharlal Nehru D) Rajendra Prasad
A    B  
C    D
 Arrange chronological order the most spoken languages in India as of 2011.
1. Hindi 2. Bengali 3. Tamil 4. Telugu 5. Marathi
A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 B) 1, 2, 4, 3, 5 C) 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 D) 1, 2, 5, 4, 3
    
    
 
A  B
 C D

 Assertion: Adding pride to the uniqueness of Indian culture is its consistency.
Reason: Internally developed culture is immutable. It is passed from one generation to another
generation from one society to the next.
A) Assertion and reason are true, reason is the correct explanation of assertion
B) Assertion and reason are true, reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
C) Assertion is true and reason is false
D) Assertion is false and reason is true.
 
C D
 Match the following (as on 2011) a b c d e
a) Sikhs - 1. 14.23% A) 2 4 1 3 5
b) Buddhism - 2. 2.30% B) 3 5 1 2 4
c) Islam - 3. 1.72% C) 3 4 2 1 5
d) Christian - 4. 0.37% D) 2 5 1 3 4
e) Jainism - 5. 0.07%
    a b c d e
a)  1.   A     
b)  2.   B     
c)  3.   C     
d) 4.    D     
e 
 Choose the best solution for eliminating inequality and discrimination.
1. Making quality health and education available to all.
2. Ignorance of other religions and reduction of broad mindset.
3. Lack of proper implementation of laws and reduction of speaking to diverse people.
4. To recognize gender discrimination and eliminate inequalities an d to unleash the potential of
women in public life and institutions.
A) 1, 2 only B) 2, 3 only C) 3, 4 only D) 1, 4 only
A  B
 C D
 How many pairs of the following are correctly matched?
1. Unity in Diversity - Glimpses of world history
2. Museum of Races - V.A. Smith
3. Museum of Languages - S. Agathialingam
4. Official languages of India - 24 languages
A) None of the above B) 1 pair C) 2 pairs D) 3 pairs

   
  
  
 
A B
  C D
 Assertion: Portuguese got permission to build a fort at Bhatkal from Krishnadevaraya
Reason: Krishnadevaraya captured Golconda and Raichur fort with the help of Portuguese artillery.
A) Assertion and reason are true, reason is the correct explanation of assertion
B) Assertion and reason are true, reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
C) Assertion is true and reason is false
D) Assertion is false and reason is true
  
 How was Appar known during Jainism?
A) HariSena B)Tirthankara
C) SivagnanaSithiyar D) Dharmasena
A  B
 CD
 Choose the incorrect option
1. Thirumuraigalthogupu - Nambiyandar Nambi
2. Nalayira Divya Prabandam - Nathamuni
3. Tirupavai - Andal
4. Periyapuranam - 11thThirumurai
A) 1, 2 only B) 2 only C) 4 only D) 1, 2, 4
 
 
   
   
A  B
  C D
 Choose the incorrect option about Kabir :
A) Kabir is a Muslim is a collection of his verses.
B) Granthavaliis
C) He believed God is one. D) None
A  
  

 Match. a b c d
a. Kirpan - 1. Comb A) 1 2 3 4
b. Kangha - 2. Dagger B) 2 1 3 4
c. Suf - 3. Pure C) 2 1 4 3
d. Khalsa -4. Wool D) 1 2 4 3
       a b c d
a. 
   A)    
b.  
    B)    
c.  
    C)    
d.     D)    
 Assertion A : After Guru Gobind Singh, the holy book Guru Granth Sahib is considered as the Guru.
Reason R : Guru Gobind Singh compiled Guru Granth Sahib.
A) Both correct B) Both incorrect
C) A correct ,R incorrect D) A incorrect, R correct
   B
  
C   D
 Which century does Will Durant describe as the "Rain of stars"?
A) 7th century BC B) 7thcenturyAD C) 6thcenturyBC D) 6thcenturyAD
A   B
   
C   D
 Find the correct statements about Hinayana
A) Hinayana
na is also known as Theravada. B) Worshiped images of Buddha.
C) Used Sanskrit language. ollowed elaborate rituals
D) Followed
   
  
  
 Whose teachings are referred to as 'Dhamma'?
A) Sakyamuni B) Ashoka C) Kanishka D) Varthamana
A  B
  C  D
 Examine the statements .
1. The teachings of Guru Nanak is the Adhigranth.
2. The Guru Granth Sahib is a combination of the teachings of Sufi saints with the Adi Granth.
A) Only 1 correct B) Only 2 correct
C) 1, 2 correct D) 1, 2 incorrect
A     B 
C     D

 Examine the statements

1. Kanchipuram is described in detail in Manimegalai.
2. Hieuntsang visited Kanchipuram in Seventh centuryAD.
3. Buddhism was prevalent in Tamil Nadu before Jainism.
A) 1, 2 correct B) 1, 3 correct C) 2, 3 correct D) 1,2,3 correct
A   B
  C  D
 Choose the incorrect option
A) Meerabai - Maharashtra B) Chaitanyar – Bengal
C) Ramananda - Prayag D) Namadevar – Maharashtra
A  
  B 
  
C    D 
 Find the correct statements about Jainism :
A) Jainism denies God as the creator of Universe.
B) Jainism accepts God as the creator of Universe.
C) The basic philosophy of Jainism is idol worship.
D) Jains accept the belief in Last Judgement
    
  
  
 Match. Buddhist Councils &Venue a b c d
a. Second Council -1.
1. Pataliputra A) 4 3 2 1
b. First Council - 2. Vaishali B) 3 4 2 1
c. Fourth Council - 3. Rajagriha C) 2 3 4 1
d. Third Council - 4.Kashmir D) 2 1 4 3
      a b c d
a.    A)    
b.      B)    
c.    C)    
d.     D)    
 Asetya in Mahavira's five codes of conduct means
A) Speak the truth B) Not to steal C) Not like to property D) Not to injure animals
 
A   B 
 D
 Examine the statements 
1. Mahavira was the first Tirthankara of Jainism.
2. Mahavira's other name was Vardamanar.

3. The word Jains is derived from the Sanskrit word.

A) 1,2,3 correct B) 1, 2 correct C) 2, 3 correct D) Only 2 correct
A      B  
C    D
 Examine the statements :
1. Nammazhvar also known as Vishnusithar
2. Andal was the adopted daughter of Periyazhar.
3. Out of the twelve Azhvars, two including Andal are female Azhvars.
A) 1, 2, 3 correct B) 1, 3 correct C) 1, 2 correct D) 2 correct
A     B  
C     D
 The atmaunites with the brahma through the attainment of knowledge is the philosophy of 
A) Advaita B) Vishistadvaita
C) Jainism D) Buddhism
A     B 
C     D
 Thenkalai Vaishnavism was centered in _____
A) Kanchipuram B) Thiruvarangam C) Mayilai D) Kasi
A  B
 C  D
 Aravor Palli, place of living for Jain monksin_____. 
A) Manimegalai B) Silapathikaram
C) Purananuru D) Agananuru
A     B 
C     D
 Examine the statements :
1. Gautama Swami was the chief disciple of Gautama Buddha.
2. The teachings of Mahavira was compiledas Agama siddhantha.
A) 1 Correct, 2 Incorrect B) 1, 2 Correct
C) 1 Incorrect, 2 Correct D) 1, 2 Incorrect
A     B  
C    D


 If the HCF of 65 and 117 is expressible in the form of 65m – 117 then find the value of m.
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
m m
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
 Two numbers are in the ratio of 3 : 4. Their L.C.M is 84. Find the numbers?
A) 7 and 12 B) 4 and 12 C) 2 and 42 D) 21 and 28
A)  B)  C) D) 
 The L.C.M of (a +b)2 , a2 – b2, (a –b)2 is
A) (a +b)2 B) (a - b)2 C) (a +b) (a –b) D) (a +b)2 (a -b)2
(a +b)2 , a2 – b2, (a –b)2 
A) (a +b) B) (a - b)2 C) (a +b) (a –b) D) (a +b)2 (a -b)2
 Find the greatest number that will divide 445 and 572 leaving remainders 4 and 5 respectively.
A) 72 B) 57 C) 63 D) 36
A) 72 B) 57 C) 63 D) 36
 Find the H.C.F of x2 -2xy +y2 and x4 – y4.
A) 1 B) x + y C) x - y D) x2 - y2
x2 -2xy +y2 x4 – y4 
A) 1 B) x + y C) x - y D) x2 - y2
 Find the LCM of the following 24x2y3z4, 8x3y2z2, 16xy2z3
A) 8x3y3z3 B) 48x3y3z3 C) 48x3y3z4 D) 48x2y3z4
LCM) 24x2y3z4, 8x3y2z2, 16xy2z3
A) 8x3y3z3 B) 48x3y3z3 C) 48x3y3z4 D) 48x2y3z4
 Find the LCM of 8x4y2, 48 x2y4
A) 6xy B) 48x4y4 C) 96x2y2 D) 384x6y6
LCM)8x4y2, 48 x2y4
A) 6xy B) 48x4y4
C) 96x2y2 D) 384x6y6
2 2
 The HCF of x +4x -12 and x -5x+6 is
A) x - 2 B) x + 2 C) x + 6 D) x - 3
2 2
x +4x -12 x -5x+6 
A) x - 2 B) x + 2 C) x + 6 D) x - 3
 The least number which when divided by 12, 16, 24 and 36 leaves a remainder 7 in each case is
A) 151 B) 51 C) 36 D) 144
A) 151 B) 51 C) 36 D) 144
 A Positive integer when divided by 88 gives the remainder 61. When the same number is divided by 11 its
remainder is
A) 0 B) 2 C) 4 D) 6

A) 0 B) 2 C) 4 D) 6
following: (x - 27), (x - 3) , (x2 - 9)
 Find the GCD of the following:- 3 2

A) (x - 3) B) (x + 3) C) (x - 3)2 D) (x - 9)
(x3 - 27), (x - 3)2, (x2 - 9) 
A) (x - 3) B) (x + 3) C) (x - 3)2 D) (x - 9)
 GCD of any two prime numbers is
A) -1 B) 0 C) 1 D) 2
A) -1 B) 0 C) 1 D) 2
 The greatest 4 digit number which is exactly divisible by 8, 9 and 12 is
A) 9999 B) 9996 C) 9696 D) 9936
A) 9999 B) 9996 C) 9696 D) 9936
 What is the greatest number that will divide 101, 126 and 152 leaving remainder 5, 6 and 8 respectively?
A) 18 B) 24 C)26 D) 25
A) 18 B) 24 C)26 D) 25
 If the HCF of two numbers are 36 and 156 is 12, then its LCM is
A) 468 B) 452 C) 152 D) 156
A   B
  C  D
 Find the HCF of 11, 0.121 and 0.1331.
A) 11 B) 0.11 C) 0.011 D) 0.0011
A   B
   C  D
 Find the HCF of the polynomials 𝑥 + 𝑥 − 𝑥 + 2 and 2𝑥 − 5𝑥 + 5𝑥 − 3.
A)𝑥 + 2 B)2(𝑥 + 𝑥 − 𝑥 + 2)
C)−7(𝑥 − 𝑥 + 1) D)𝑥 − 𝑥 + 1
𝑥 + 𝑥 − 𝑥 + 22𝑥 − 5𝑥 + 5𝑥 − 3
A𝑥 + 2 B2(𝑥 + 𝑥 − 𝑥 + 2)
C−7(𝑥 − 𝑥 + 1) D𝑥 − 𝑥 + 1
 If the HCF of 450 and 216 is expressible of the form 23𝑥 − 51 then find the value of x.
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
23𝑥 − 51 x
A   B
   C   D
 If a clock strikes once at 1’o clock, twice at 2’o clock thrice at 3’o clock and so on, how many times
will it strike in a day?
A) 78 B) 156 C) 234 D) 312
 
A   B
  C  D

 There are four mobile phones in a house. At 5 am all the four mobile phones will ring together.
Thereafter, the first one rings every 15 minutes, the second one rings every 20 minutes, the third one
rings every 25 minutes and the fourth one rings every 30 minutes. At what time, will the four phones’
rings together again?
A) 7’o clock B) 1’o clock C) 8’o clock D) 10’o clock
A  B
 C D
 If HCF of given two numbers 96 and 404 is 4, then LCM of given two numbers is ________.
A) 384 B) 9696 C) 1616 D) 38,784
A   B
  C  D
 Find the GCD for 21𝑥 𝑦, 35𝑥𝑥𝑦 .
A)7𝑥𝑦 B)105
105𝑥 𝑦 C)7𝑥 𝑦 D)105
21𝑥 𝑦, 35𝑥𝑦 
A7𝑥𝑦 B105𝑥
105 𝑦 C7𝑥 𝑦 D105𝑥𝑦
 If 𝑚 = 2 × 3 × 5 and 𝑛 = 2 × 3 × 7 . Find the HCF of m and n.
A)2 × 3 B)2
2 ×3 C)2 × 3 D)2
2 ×3
𝑚 = 2 × 3 × 5 𝑛 = 2 × 3 × 7 mn
A2 × 3 B2 × 3 C2 × 3 D2 × 3 
 The LCM of 2𝑦 − 6, 2𝑦 − 18 is
A)2(𝑦 + 3) B)2(𝑦 − 3)
C)2(𝑦 − 3)(𝑦 + 3) D)2(𝑦 − 6)(𝑦 + 6)
2𝑦 − 6, 2𝑦 − 18
A2(𝑦 + 3) B2(𝑦 − 3) C2(𝑦 − 3)(𝑦 + 3) D2(𝑦 − 6)(𝑦 + 6)
 The product of two numbers is 1320 and their HCF is 6. Then the LCM of the numbers.
A) 220 B) 1314 C) 1326 D) 7920
A   B
  C  D

CURRENT AFFAIRS/

 Between which two countries a Joint Military exercise Mitra Shakti 2023 was held?
A) India and Sri Lanka B) India and Pakistan
C) India and Oman D) India and Singapore
A B
C  D
 Who won the title Miss Universe 2023?
A) Sheynnis Palacios B) Anotonia Wilson
C) Moraya Wilson D) Catherine Jeny

A B
C   D
 Which country has inaugurated the world largest single site solar power Plant?
A) United States of America B) United Arab Emirates
C) Philippines D) Canada
 B
C    D
 Statement 1: The 21st Green building congress 2023 event was organised by the confederation of
Indian Industry in Chennai
Statement 2: Tamilnadu plans to chive net zero emission at least a decade ahead of 2070
A) Statement 1, 2 is true B) statement 1 is true and 2 is false
C) Statement 1 is false and 2 is true D) Statement 1, 2 is false
A B
C   D
 IISR Chandra, a variety named by the Indian Institute of spices research ,Calicut defines
A) a new variety of wheat B) a new variety of Black Pepper
C) a new variety of Paddy D) a new variety of sugarcane
IISR 
A B
C   D
 The country which conducted the 2nd Voice of Global South Summit was
A) India B) Sri Lanka C) Bangladesh D) Myanmar
A B C D
 The name of the train that travels to several states for the purpose
purpose of education of students in the Union
Territory is
A) Antyodaya Express B) Jan Shatabdi express
C) Gyanodaya Express D) Thirukural express
  B
C  D
 Which Indian state was honoured with the Best state Inland Fisheries award 2023?
A) Uttar Pradesh B) Rajasthan C) Himachal Pradesh D) Gujarat
A B
C    D

 Where did Cyclone Midhili was crossed?

A) Bangladesh B) Oman C) Indonesia D) Sri Lanka
A B C D
 What is the Position of India in Inclusiveness Index 2023?
A) 129 B) 117 C) 128 D) 137
A B C D
 Under whose chairmanship a committee was setup to study the state of Juvenile Homes, special homes
and place of safety in Tamil Nadu?
A) Justice K. Chandru B) Justice Rangarajan C) Justice Rajan D) Justice Deepak
 
A B
C     D
 In which country did Scientists have discovered the fossil of a large spider?
A) Australia B) Canada C) China D) Japan
A B C D
 Where did Angkor Wat Temple was situated converted as the eight wonder of the world?
A) Cambodia B) India C) Sri Lanka D) Australia
 
A B C D
 Match the following a b c d
a. National Press day - 1. November 19 A) 1 2 3 4
b. International Men day - 2. November 16 B) 2 1 4 3
c. World Television day - 3. November 27 C) 3 1 4 2
d. World Tourism day - 4. November 21 D) 4 3 2 1
       a b c d
a.   A    
b.   B    
c.    C    
d.    D    
Us Joint special Forces exercise
 In which Indian State did the 14 edition of the Indo –Us
“VAJRA PRAHAR 2023” commence?
A) Meghlaya B) Assam C) Arunachal Pradesh D) Nagaland
A     B
C  D
 Who won the IBSF World Billiards Championship 2023?
A) Sourav Kothari B)PankajAdvani C)GeetSethi D) Aditya Menta
A B
 C  D


 In which Indian State was the world’s first 3D Printed temple Unveiled?
A) Karnataka B)Telengana
C) Andhra Pradesh D)Maharastra
A     B
C    D
 Who won the 2023 Booker prize for his fifth novel prophet Song’?
A) Paul Lynch B)JhumpaLahiri
C)ChetnaMaroo D) Salman Rushde
A     B
C    D
 Which railway Station has been award the prestigious platinum rating by the Indian green Building
Council (IGBC) for its commitment to environmental sustainability?
A) Chennai Central Station B)Vijayawada Railway Station
C) Mumbai Local Station D) Delhi Junction Station
(IGBC) 
  B
C  D
 Where is the second edition of the Joint military exercise Austra Hind 23 between the Indian and
Australian Armed Forces taking place?
A) Sydney B) Perth C) Melbourne D) Brisbane
 
A  B
C     D
 Who won the Best ActorAward at the stars Asian International Film Festival?
A) Iswak Singh B) Vikrant Massey
C)AyusmannKhurrana D)RajKumar Rao
A     B
C  D
 What is the name of the MR Vaccine released by Indian Immunologists to protect children against 
measles and rubella?
A) Rubixm B)Measloguard
C)Immunella D) Mabella
A     B
C    D
 Who recently made history becoming the first female commanding officer at the Armed forces 
transfusion centre?
A) Rajshree B)RamaSethu
C)SunitaBS D)Arti Sari

A B
C    D
 Which Institute has developed the high yielding black pepper Variety?
A) IISR- Kozhikode B) IIT - Delhi
C) ICAR- Bengaluru D) NIT - Trichy
A   B
C  D
 Who won the La Vegas grand prix 2023?
A) Charles Leclere B) Sergio Perez
C) Lewis Hamilton D) Max Verstappen
A    B
C  D

TAF GROUP – 1 TEST BATCH GK TEST

 
  R & D TEAM- 
 
 
       
 
   
  
 
 
  A. 
 
   taftestgrievance2023@gmail.com

 NEXT TEST KUDIYARSU TEST – 5 (02.03.2024)

 
 Test 1 to Test 4 – Revision Test


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