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Fundamentals-PS- Notes

LESSON 1: THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF powers, and functions of the state.
Political Science is the study of shaping and sharing
Politics is omnipresent. For as long as man tends to of power. (Laswell)
disagree on various things or issues, politics exist.
Political Science is the study of the act of human and
Politics is the exercise of power, the science of
social control. (Catlin)
government, the making of collective decisions, the
allocation of finite resources, the practice of DIFFERENT FIELDS OF POLITICAL SCIENCE
deception and manipulation, and so on. This polemic
falls in the field of Political Science. 1. Political Theory or Political ideology is the study
of politics, concepts, values (e.g., justice, power,
POLITICAL SCIENCE rights), and the historical record of political
The term Politics is derived from the Greek word thoughts, and ideas.

polis which means city-state. Science is derived 2. Public Administration is the branch of political science
from the Latin word scire which means to know or to that focuses on the practical side of administering
study. From this etymology of the two words, we could the government which involves the methods and
come up with a simple and basic definition of Political techniques of managing the organization, personnel,
Science as the study of state. fiscal and financial administration, and the
management of good public relations to cater to the
ARISTOTLE – regarded as the Father of Political needs of the public.
3. Comparative Government describes and analyzes
He started the step-by-step process of studying the the similarities and differences among different states
state which encompassed almost everything about regarding their executive, legislative, and judicial
the field of Politics. bodies, laws and constitutions, policies,
bureaucracy, political processes, and their political
culture and traditions.
philosophical, and utopian.
4. International relations is a branch of Political
Politics is the study of the state in the past, present, Science that attempts to explain the interactions of
and future of political organization and the political states in the global interstate systems which also
function of political institutions and political involves the governing body that regulates and governs
theories. (Gettel) the conduct of interstate systems such as the
international and regional organizations, the
Politics begins and ends with a state. (Garner)
international laws, norms, traditions, and treatises.
MODERN VIEWS OF POLITICS – goes beyond the 5. Public Law refers to the constitutional and legal
traditional connotation of just looking at the state, principles or rules governing the states,
organs, and institutions but they also analyze the governments, and persons (juridical and natural) in
other institutions and policies such as the political their relationship with one another. It is subdivided
cultures of the people and their leaders, controversial into international law, constitutional law, statutory
issues, and other aspects concerning the operations, law, administrative law, jurisprudence, and other

6. Political Dynamics focus on the interplay of different

societal forces that influence political decisions, policies,
and governmental actions. These political forces may
be political, economic, social, religious, or moral,
educational, and cultural organizations or groups.

7. Government (Executive, Legislative, Judiciary).

This branch of Political Science focus on the
government set- up of the state on both national and
local levels, legitimate power, and authority to the
govern and the executive, judicial and legislative
Political Science, like other fields, can also be studied THEORIES ON THE ORIGIN OF THE STATE
by employing different methods usually used by
political scientists to understand certain political DIVINE RIGHT THEORY - This theory hypothesizes that
phenomena in society. the state was created by God. And those who were
given the power and authority were ordained by God.
EMPERICAL METHOD - is based on observation and Who’s from this theory rulers were claimed to be the
capturing experiences of various political institutions, descendants of God. Thus no one could question the
and their processes. These political institutions like authority or how they exercised or used that power or
the state, government, and the different actors in the authority because it is just like you are questioning
state are the “laboratories” of political scientists the wisdom and authority of God. This theory
where they experiment on the working of these legitimized the absolute rule of the monarch in
various institutions and stakeholders. Political Europe and some parts of Asia. And no one dared to
scientists by employing this method look at the question the authority of the monarch because any
different changes in the organizational structure and opposition from the divine rule was an act of heresy.
processes, the method in the formulation and And could be punished through excommunication
determination of policies and laws, and every new by the church. People during those times were being
system of administration as well as new leadership taught to be obedient, passive, and submissive to
which has a great significance. authority regardless of how immoral the actions or
HISTORICAL METHOD - relies on facts from the past policies of the monarch.
to explain the present and possible political FORCE THEORY - This theory explains that the state
developments within the state. Thus, as you take the was created through force, coercion, or conquest.
major courses you will be studying the different Some brave and great warriors have superior physical
historical developments like the origin of the state, the characteristics or know-how and impose their will
different proponents of utopian or ideal state, and upon the weak. It is believed that all ancient
how the state evolved from times immemorial until civilizations like Greek Empire, Roman Empire or
you reach the contemporary times. Or in the Persian Empire were established through force,
Philippine context, you’re going to study the political conquest, and coercion. They expanded their
development from Pre-Colonial Filipinos, Spanish territorial boundaries by subjugating other
occupation in the Philippines, the coming of the communities or people and were annexed through
Americans and the invasion of the Philippines by the force. This is also true with what happened during the
Japanese, the 3rd Republic until we reach the Age of Discovery wherein Portugal and Spain annexed
contemporary time/Marcos presidency. undiscovered land as part of their territories through
ANALYTICAL METHOD - Political scientist employed force.
the analytical method by looking at the cause-effect THE SOCIAL CONTRACT - theorized that the state
relationships between two or more variables. For was formed through the agreement of men who lived
instance, they could use the survey results in relation in a state of nature to create an entity higher than
to the actual results of an election or they could identify them to establish peace and order and settle conflicts
the number of votes in an election and the in case of disagreement among them. State of nature
geographical distribution of those votes. Political simply means a scenario wherein there is no
scientists utilize the quantitative and qualitative tools government or state. So, from there imagine what
for coming up with an analysis on certain political would happen if there were no government that will
phenomena they were studying and provide an regulate their behavior, their relations, or their
interpretation and drawing conclusion out of the interactions? It will be chaotic or lawless anyone
different data they gathered. could impose their will to the other and no one could
regulate whether their action to each other is accepted
or not (state of war). There were several versions of
social contract theory and there are three popular
versions explained by these three political
philosophers: Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and directly propose policies or directly participate in the
Jean Jacques Rousseau. decision-making of the state. Although this may
Thomas Hobbes - viewed man in a state of nature as seem impractical in the modern times, given the huge
solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. He number of population but it also gives birth for the
compared this scenario in a jungle, wherein the direct exercise of sovereignty of the people like the
stronger animals despoiled the weaker ones or either exercise of suffrage, plebiscite, referendum, initiative
you are the predator, or you are a prey. So, this is in or recall just to name a few.
a state of war to each other, you can do whatever THE NATURAL THEORY AND INSTINCTIVE THEORY
you want instinctively to preserve your life. But to -
evade this war against all scenario, people agree to Who will forget the famous words of Aristotle in his
create an entity higher than the people better known book The Politics, Man is by nature a political animal,
as Leviathan or commonwealth. However, once this or Whoever who could live outside the society is
commonwealth be established, no one could question either a beast or a god. It is but natural and
the authority of this government. Thus, Hobbes was instinctive to live in a society or in political term a
criticized for promoting absolute government. state to develop your own potential, to attain a fully
civilized life and for a collective preservation of your
John Locke - Compare with Hobbes, John Locke
life and common interests.
recognized that men are rational being capable of
using the nature of man on their own good even with STATE
the absence of government. However, he also
recognized that men need to establish a state to State is a community of persons more or less
maintain peace and order, to provide their needs, numerous occupying a definite portion of territory
have a venue for settling disputes and to maintain completely free from external control and possessing
and protect their right to life, liberty, and property. an organized government to which the great body of
Thus, he is the main proponent of civil government or inhabitants render habitual obedience.
liberal government wherein the government is just ELEMENTS OF THE STATE
the trustee of the people. Once the government is not
responsive to the needs of the people or failed to PEOPLE - The term people refer to the inhabitants or
protect their rights (life, liberty, and property) the population of state. The number of people
people have the right to overthrow the government. comprising the state is not definite. There are some
states with small or big population. Take for instance
Jean Jacques Rousseau - started his Social Contract
China and India with billions of populations
Theory with the famous line “Men are born free, yet
compared with Vatical with a thousand population or
everywhere are in chains.” By nature, men are free,
Solomon Island with more or less half a million
with impulses such as self-preservation/self-love and
pity/repugnance toward human sufferings. But
through adaptation and evolution those state of TERRITORY - consists of the land within the
nature evolved from self-preservation to the boundaries of the state, the aerial domain, the
discovery of self-worth evading irrational impulses. different inland waters (like rivers, lakes, bays etc.),
Albeit, when men give up their natural right to the the mineral and natural resources and the twelve miles
civil society/state, their nature which is physical of the sea beyond the state’s coastlines. In case of an
freedom was being suppressed. He argued that the archipelago country like Indonesia or Philippines the
only legitimate political authority is the authority archipelagic doctrine applies. Archipelagic doctrine:
consented by the general will of the people. make an imaginary line from the outermost part of
Rousseau argued that those who refuses to obey the the islands (straight baselines) and the waters
general will shall be compelled to do so by the whole outward from the straight baseline to the extent of
body. Rousseau viewed the state as direct territorial waters (12 nautical miles), Contiguous zone
democracy. He theorized that the freer government (12 nautical miles from the end of territorial waters
was direct democracy. Wherein people could directly and the Exclusive Economic Zone (200 nautical
participate on the affair of their community or state. miles from the baseline.)
They could
What is the Archipelago Doctrine or Archipelagic 🠶 This right is based on the so-called Constitution for
Principle? What is its importance or relation to the the Oceans, the United Nations Convention on the
national territory? Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
Under this concept ("archipelagic doctrine"), an 🠶 Under UNCLOS, a coastal state has the
archipelago shall be regarded as a single unit, so exclusive right to fish within its exclusive economic
that the waters around, between, and connecting the zone (EEZ), an area 200 nautical miles from the
islands of the archipelago, irrespective of their
coastal state's baselines or edges.
breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal
waters of the state, and are subject to its exclusive 🠶 Territorial disputes refer to border conflicts
sovereignty. The process of determining the boundaries over a disagreement between two or more countries
of the Philippines is based on the Archipelagic about the possession of land or bodies of water.
Doctrine. The traditional boundary of a 3-nautical-
🠶 A war between countries can start because
mile limitation in the primary directions – north,
of territorial conflicts.
south, east, and west-is not an appropriate basis in
determining the boundaries of the Philippines. 🠶 The territory is the basis of the border of each state.
Because the Philippines is an Archipelago, it has a
International Court Issues Unanimous Award in
wide maritime territory and long coastlines.
Philippines v. China Case on South China Sea
What is meant by territorial sea?
“The Tribunal concluded that there was no legal basis for
Territorial waters or a territorial sea as defined by China to claim historic rights to resources within the
the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of sea areas falling within the ‘nine-dash line,” the
the Sea, is a belt of coastal waters extending at most statement released to the media said.
12 nautical miles (22.2 km; 13.8 mi) from the baseline
“Having found that none of the features claimed by
(usually the mean low-water mark) of a coastal state.
China was capable of generating an exclusive
What is meant by an Exclusive Economic Zone? economic zone, the Tribunal found that it could —
without delimiting a boundary — declare that certain
An area of coastal water and seabed within a certain
sea areas are within the exclusive economic zone of
distance of a country's coastline, to which the
the Philippines because those areas are not
country claims exclusive rights for fishing, drilling,
overlapped by any possible entitlement of China,” it
and other economic activities.
Reason for Territorial Dispute
“Having found that certain areas are within the
➢ Materialistic – population, natural resources, and exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, the
strategic value of the territory Tribunal found that China had violated the Philippines’
sovereign rights in its exclusive economic zone by
➢ Symbolic – culture and history of the
(a) interfering with Philippine fishing and petroleum
Art XII. Sec 2 (para 2) - The State shall protect the
(b) constructing artificial islands and
nation's marine wealth in its archipelagic waters,
territorial sea, and exclusive economic zone, and (c) failing to prevent Chinese fishermen from fishing
reserve its use and enjoyment exclusively to Filipino in the zone,”
SOVEREIGNTY – is the supreme power or authority of
Dispute in the South China Sea (West PH Sea) a state to govern itself, to enforce its will to its
members or citizens by coercive sanctions, if
🠶 The Philippines' arguments revolve around the
necessary. There are two aspects of sovereignty.
right to fish, as well as to exploit other resources, in
Internal sovereignty and external sovereignty.
the West Philippine Sea.
• Internal sovereignty is the supreme authority to
govern and to have a monopoly of coercive force
within the
territory. It implies that the government must
possess adequate powers to control and regulate the
conduct and affairs of the people within the state.
Thus, the state has inherent power such as police
power that can enforce the laws and maintain peace
and order within the state. The other aspect of
sovereignty is the external sovereignty.

• External sovereignty means the independence of a

state from external control. Meaning no country
should encroach on the affairs of one country. This
also implies that all nation-states regardless of how
big or small the country, or how powerful and less
powerful in terms of military or economy under
international law are equal (in principle).

However, in the operation of the international

political system, nation-states are not equal. Various
factors could depict inequalities in the international
system such as the territorial size, number of
populations, military strength, technological and
industrial advancement, and economic and cultural
values. Other powerful states imposed their will upon
the weak states just look at what is happening in
Ukraine. Russia started the unprovoked and
unjustified war against Ukraine and destroyed the
northern and eastern parts of Ukraine and the

GOVERNMENT - is the essential instrument or

machinery of the state that carries its will, purposes,
and objectives. The government maintains the
existence of the state and carries out its function by
providing the social services needed by the people,
maintenance of peace and order, and doing the
multifarious activities of the state (law-making, law
adjudication, and law execution).


Many people thought that state and nation are the

same. And sometimes people interchangeably used
it. However, political scientists distinguish the two terms
as different concepts.

A state is a political concept, a legal fiction. As long

as the four elements are intact, it has perpetual
existence. On the other hand, nation is a cultural or
ethnic concept. People with the same common racial
origin (e.g., Austronesian, Arabs etc.), common
language (e.g., Arabic), common religion (e.g.,
Islam), a common beliefs, traditions, and ideas (e.g.,
Democracy, Rights)

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