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UNIT – 5

Expert Systems:
History and Application of expert systems;
Expert System Shells;
Rule Based System Architectures,
Non Production System Architectures;
Knowledge Acquisition and Validation;

Case Studies:

Rote learning; various form of learning
Learning by Taking Advise;
Explanation based learning;
Q1. What are the advantage of an Expert System? Mca2022
Q1. What are the different components of the Expert System?

Q1. Where is expert system used? Mca 2021

Q2. What do you understand by knowledge acquisition?
Q1. Write applications of expert system.
Q2. What is rote learning? Write an example.
Q1. What is MYCIN in ai? How it works? Write any two advantages.
Q2. Write short notes on the following:
1. Context free grammar
2. Discovery

Q1. What do you mean by knowledge acquisition? Mca 2021 fifth sem
Q1. Describe MYCIN expert system.
Q2. Discuss the explanation based learning.
Q1. explain rule based systems architecture.

Q1. Write down the name of any four expert systems. Msc 2022
Q2. Briefly explain the knowledge acquisition process.
Q1. Explain the learning by taking advise.
Q2. Explain the application of expert system.
Q1. Explain MYCIN expert system
Q1. Give four examples of expert system. Mca fifth 2020
Q2. What is rote learning?
Q1. Explain rule based system architecture.
Q2. Explain knowledge acquisition and validation in brief.
Q1. Write short on the following:
1. Explanation based learning
2. Component of an expert system

Q1. What is meant by learning? Msc 2021

Q2. What is expert system?
Q1. Explain application of expert systems.
Q2. What is mean by learning? Explain knowledge acquisition and skill refinement.
Q1. Explain expert system characteristics and the various stages of expert system
Explain the role of learning, induction learning and explanation based learning.

Q1. What are expert system? Msc 2019 atkt

Q2. Define explanation base learning.
Q1. List the characteristic features of an expert system.
Q2. What are the application of expert system?
Q1. Explain the knowledge acquisition process.
Or explain the various stages of expert system development.

Expert Systems:
 An expert system is a computer program that is designed to solve complex
problems and to provide decision-making ability like a human expert.

 The expert system is a part of AI, and the first ES was developed in the year

 It solves the most complex issue as an expert by extracting the knowledge

stored in its knowledge base.

 The performance of an expert system is based on the expert's knowledge stored

in its knowledge base.

 These systems are designed for a specific domain, such as medicine,

science, etc.

 One of the common examples of an ES is a suggestion of spelling errors while

typing in the Google search box.


Characteristics of Expert System

o High Performance: The expert system provides high performance for solving
any type of complex problem of a specific domain with high efficiency and
o Understandable: It responds in a way that can be easily understandable by
the user. It can take input in human language and provides the output in the
same way.
o Reliable: It is much reliable for generating an efficient and accurate output.
o Highly responsive: ES provides the result for any complex query within a very
short period of time.
History and Application of expert systems;

Applications of Expert System

1. In designing and manufacturing domain:

It can be broadly used for designing and manufacturing physical devices

such as camera lenses and automobiles.

2. In the Knowledge domain:

These systems are primarily used for publishing the relevant knowledge to
the users. The two popular ES used for this domain is an advisor and a tax

3. In the finance domain:

In the finance industries, it is used to detect any type of possible fraud and
suspicious activity.

4. In the diagnosis and troubleshooting of devices:

In medical diagnosis, the ES system is used, and it was the first area where
these systems were used.

5. Planning and Scheduling:

The expert systems can also be used for planning and scheduling some particular
tasks for achieving the goal of that task.
Expert System Shells;
 Expert system shell are software frameworks that provides tools and utilities for
developing expert systems.
 They offer a foundation for building Knowledge – based applications without
starting from scratch.

Components of Expert System

An expert system mainly consists of three components:

o User Interface
o Inference Engine
o Knowledge Base

User Interface

 With the help of a user interface, the expert system interacts with the user,
takes queries as an input in a readable format, and passes it to the inference
 In other words, it is an interface that helps a non-expert user to
communicate with the expert system to find a solution.

2. Inference Engine(Rules of Engine)

o The inference engine is known as the brain of the expert system as it is the
main processing unit of the system.
o With the help of an inference engine, the system extracts the knowledge from
the knowledge base.

3. Knowledge Base

o The knowledgebase is a type of storage that stores knowledge acquired from

the different experts of the particular domain.
o It is similar to a database that contains information and rules of a particular
domain or subject.

Rule Based System Architectures,

 The most common form of architecture used in expert and other types of
knowledge based systems is the production system or it is called rule based

 This type of system uses knowledge encoded in the form of production rules i.e.
if-then rules.
 IF represents the conditions
 THEN represents the actions or conclusions.

 Each rule represents a small chunk of knowledge to the given domain of


 The rule based architecture of an expert system consists of the user interface,
external interface, inference engine, knowledge base, database, explanation
module and working memory.


Following are the components of a rule-based system:

1. User interface:
o With the help of a user interface, the expert system interacts with
the user, takes queries as an input in a readable format, and passes
it to the inference engine.

2. External interface:
 It enables communication and integration with external systems or

3. Inference engine:
 It applies inference rules to the knowledge base to derive a
conclusion or deduce new information.

 With the help of an inference engine, the system extracts the

knowledge from the knowledge base.

4. Knowledge base:
 It is similar to a database that contains information and rules of a
particular domain or subject.

5. Database:
 It holds relevant data used by the rule-based system, such as input data or
historical records.

6. Working memory:
 The working memory stores temporary information and data.

7. Explanation module:
 It generate justifications or explanations for the system's decisions.

Non Production System Architectures;

Knowledge Acquisition and Validation;
Knowledge Acquisition
 In ai, knowledge acquisition is the process of gathering, selecting, and
interpreting knowledge from various sources.

 It is the process of adding new knowledge to a knowledge base and refining

or improving knowledge that was previously acquired.

 It is a key component of machine learning and knowledge-based systems.

 The goals of knowledge acquisition are reducing the amount of time and
effort required to solve problems, and to improve the quality of the solutions.

 One of the challenges in knowledge acquisition is that the process of

acquiring knowledge can be time-consuming and expensive.

 Despite these challenges, knowledge acquisition is an essential part of ai.

 Knowledge Validation: Ensuring that the knowledge incorporated into the system is
accurate, consistent, and relevant.
Case Studies:
 MYCIN is an Expert System developed in the 1970s at Stanford University.

 This was one of the earliest expert system that were based on backward

 It was written in LISP language as part of the doctoral dissertation of

Edward Shortliffe.

 Its job was to diagnose and recommended treatment for certain blood

 It was developed to assist a physician who is not an expert in the field of

antibiotics for the treatment of blood infections.

 It was designed and developed at Standford University in 1965.

 It was an ai-based expert system used for chemical analysis.

 It was used in organic chemistry to detect unknown organic molecules

with the help of their mass spectra and knowledge base of chemistry.
 learning denotes changes in a system that enable a system to do the
same task more efficiently the next time.

 The main purpose of machine learning is to study and design the

algorithms that can be used to produce the predicates from the given

 Besides these, the machine learning includes the agent’s percept’s for
acting as well as to improve their future performance.

Rote learning;
 Root learning is basic learning activity.

 It is also called memorization because the knowledge, without any

modification is, simply copied into the knowledge base.

 It requires the least amount of inference.

 As computed values are stored, this technique can save a significant

amount of time.

Learning by Taking Advise;

Learning by taking advice

This type is the easiest and simple way of learning.

 In this type of learning, a programmer writes a program to give some
instructions to perform a task to the computer. Once it is learned (i.e.
programmed), the system will be able to do new things.

 Also, there can be several sources for taking advice such as

humans(experts), internet etc.

 However, this type of learning has a more necessity of inference than

rote learning.
 Induction is a type of learning in which a system or learner generalizes
patterns from specific examples or instances.

 It involves deriving general principles, rules based on observed data.

 It aims to create generalized knowledge that can be applied beyond the

observed examples.

 Inductive learning draws conclusions based on experiences and


Explanation based learning;

 Explanation-based learning is a machine learning approach where a
system improves its performance by learning from explanations provided
for its decisions.

 Instead of focusing solely on learning from examples, the system

leverages explanations to generalize knowledge and enhance its
problem-solving capabilities.

 This approach promotes a deeper understanding of the domain or

problem at hand.

 Explanation-based learning enhances the system’s ability to adapt to

new situations.

 Explanation-based learning provides transparency in the decision-making

 It involves uncovering new knowledge or patterns within data.

 This is an unsupervised learning technique.

 It requires the greatest amount of inferencing among all of the different

forms of learning.

 The learning discovery process is very important in the respect of

constructing new knowledge base.

 Analogy involves learning by recognizing similarities between different
situations or domains.

 It is a cognitive process that draws connections and transfers knowledge

from one context to another.

 Analogy reasoning allows systems to apply insight gained from past

experiences to solve new problems.

 Analogy is a powerful mechanism for learning and problem solving.

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