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Important Questions -2023

B.Com-V Sem (Production and Operations management)

Short Answer type Questions

Unit-I Unit-II
1. Type of production system 1. Concept of ‘motion study’
2. Corporate strategy Vs Business level strategy. 2. Method study Vs work
3. Explain the term Capacity Planning measurement.
4. Process payout Vs Product payout. 3. Principles of purchase management.
5. What is sequencing problem. Explain its 4. Write note on: EOQ, JIT, ABC
assumptions. (inventory control techniques).
6. Explain difference between PERT and CPM. 5. Logistics management Vs Supply
7. Meaning and importance of ‘crashing’ in Chain management.
project management. 6. Practical problem of Inventory
8. Practical problems of: Sequencing and Management
Network Analysis (PERT & CPM)

Long Answer Type Questions:

1. What do you mean by Production and Operations Management? Explain various functions
of POM.
2. What is demand forecasting? Explain various qualitative and quantitative methods of
demand forecasting.
3. Explain the term product development. Explain in detail the tools for product development.
4. What is facility location? What are various factors affecting facility location. You are also
required to identify the factors which are important for the location decision of Cement
Plant/ cycle manufacturing plant.
5. What is facility layout? Explain the type of facility layout. Also explain various techniques
of payout planning.
6. Explain in detail various functions/Elements of production planning and control.
7. Practical problems of: Sequencing and Network Analysis (PERT & CPM)

1. What is work study? What are its objectives? Explain the elements of work study.
2. What is work measurement? What are its objectives? Briefly explain various techniques of
work measurement.
3. What is purchase management? Explain in detail the process of purchase management.
4. Define inventory management. discus various inventory control techniques. Discuss with
suitable examples.
5. What is supply chain management? Explain in detail functions/components/elements of
supply chain management.
6. What is Logistics Management. Write a detailed note on elements/components of logistics
7. Practical problem of Inventory Management.

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