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EC Training Coordinator ROYCE CARMELO AYUPAN

Contact Number 9209461707 0333920-202

Email Address

Profile of Participants (Managers,

Preferred Schedule
Electric Cooperative Training Requests Title of Program Learning Objectives Expected Outputs Supervisors, Rank and File,
(Quarter 1, 2, 3 or 4)
Lineworkers, Mix Group)

Integration of Balanced Scorecard with Revisit and develop Balanced Scorecard aligned with EC Corporate Thrusts Application of New Performance Deparment Heads, Division Chiefs & Section
Training Request 1 Q1
Performance evaluation System Formulate and enhance Performance Evaluation aligned with the Balanced Scorecard Evaluation System Heads

Prepare the new leaders to understand the operation and management of Ecs and
capacitate them to cope with the new requirements of the power industry
Cooperative Management Courses I & III
Training Request 2 Q1 Learning Application Plan Newly-elected BODs
(Good Governance) Appreciate the role of the BOD and to familiarize with NEA's mandate, policies and its
departmental functions

Prepare the new leaders to understand the operation and management of Ecs and
capacitate them to cope with the new requirements of the power industry
Cooperative Management Courses I & III
Training Request 3 Q1 Learning Application Plan Newly-elected BODs
(Good Governance) Appreciate the role of the BOD and to familiarize with NEA's mandate, policies and its
departmental functions

Understand the safety management concepts, understand the impoprtance of

Training Request 4 Safety Leadership Program Q1 developing an effective safety culture, recognize, evaluate and implementt better Safety programs Safety officers, Field Engineers
safety management approach in the EC

Develop new supervisor's confidence by understanding oneself and career, handling

newly promoted supervisors and potential
Training Request 5 Supervisory Development Course Q1 responsibilities, becoming better leaders and learning essential communication Learning Application Plan


Prepare the new leaders to understand the operation and management of Ecs and
capacitate them to cope with the new requirements of the power industry
Cooperative Management Courses I & III
Training Request 6 Q1 Learning Application Plan Newly-elected BODs
(Good Governance) Appreciate the role of the BOD and to familiarize with NEA's mandate, policies and its
departmental functions

To develop the participants' understanding on the conditions of the market and

Cooperative Management Course II
Training Request 7 Q2 competition; enable them to create plan, build up loyal customer-base and to Learning Application Plan Newly-elected BODs
(Enterpreneurial Management)
formulate new methods for the efficient operation of the EC

To enable the participants to enforce governance standardards for the efficient

Revised Procurement Guidelines and BOD, GM, BAC Members, Dept. Heads, TWG
Training Request 8 Q2 operation of Ecs in the observance of appropriate procurement procedures for Learning Application Plan
Simplified Bidding Procedures & Secretariat with Observers
projects funded by EC Internally generated funds, Loans and RFSC

Ensure that professional standards is set to demonstrate knowledge on parliamentary

Cooperative Management Course IV
Training Request 9 Q3 law, assist in the development of their leadership, problem-solving skills, and critical Learning Application Plan All Board of Directors
Parliamentary Procedures
thinking skills

Identify and outline the different taxes and exemptions applicable being imposed to
Training Request 10 Taxation for Electric Cooperatives Q3 Electric Cooperatives whether non-stock, non-profit and stock cooperatives in Learning Application Plan Finance Managers, Accounting Division Chief
conformity with the prevailing EC laws and regulations.

Guide the participants to further improve their financial planning skills and capacitate
EC Financial Management and Finance Managers, Accounting Division
Training Request 11 Q3 them to hollistically prepare the COB aligned with the corporate goals and targets of Learning Application Plan
Administration Chief, Budget Officer
the EC

Meter Reading, Billing Collection and Refresh and enhance skills involving effective and systematic procedures in meter Meter readers, Branch Operation Services
Training Request 12 Q3 Learning Application Plan
Disconnection Enhancement reading, billing and collection Chief, Tellers

Work Attitude and Values Enhancement at Integrate professional life into the personal principles with the employees to have a
Training Request 13 Q4 Learning Application Plan Mix group
Workplace healthy and motivated life
Acquaint the participants on fundamental scientific principles, concepts,
terminologies used in the discussion of Electric Power Systems and to enable the
Training Request 14 EPIRA 101 Q4 Learning Application Plan Newly-elected BODs
participants to appreciate the major provisions of EPIRA, its historical perspective and
its significance to the EC

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