type of paragraph

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Writing worksheet

Types of paragraph

Descriptive Expository
Narrative Writing Persuasive Writing
Writing Writing
1. Descriptive
1. Narrative writing 1. Persuasive
writing is a style of 1. Expository
is a type of writing writing, unlike
writing which writing is a subject
in which the author expository writing,
focuses on oriented writing
places himself as a contains the
describing a style, in which the
character, or not, opinions, biasness
character, an event main focus of the
and narrates the and justification of
or a place in great author is to tell you
story. the author.
detail. about a given topic
2. Novels, short 2.Persuasive writing
2. It is sometimes or subject, and
stories, poetry and is a type of writing
poetic in nature in leaves out their
biographies can all which contains
which the author is opinions.
fall into the justifications and
specifying the 2. This is one of the
narrative writing reasons to make
details of the event most common types
category. someone believe in
rather than just the of writing styles,
3. Narrative writing what the author
information of what which you always
often has situations believes in.
happened. see in textbooks and
like disputes, 3.In persuasive
3. The author 3. Expository
conflicts, action, writing, the author
visualizes to you writing is usually in
motivational events, takes a stand and
what he sees, hears, a logical order and
problems and asks you to believe
tastes, smells and sequence.
solutions. their point of view
feels. (5 senses)
The following questions are related to different aspects of writing.
Read each of them carefully and choose the best answer from the

1. “However, it would be a serious mistake to replace libraries with

tablets. First, digital books and resources are associated with less
learning and more problems than print resources. A study done on tablet
vs. book reading found that people read 20-30% slower on tablets,
…………..” This is taken from a piece of writing that is most likely:
A. Narrative C. Expository
B. Descriptive D. argumentative

2.” You are hereby called upon to furnish material particulars of the
allegations a raised in the same news item in three days of the service of
this notice and clarify the factual position in categorical terms otherwise
I have clear instruction from my client to initiate appropriate legal
proceeding against you and the concerned officials of…….” This extract
is most likely taken from:
A. warning letter C. follow up letter
B. letter of complaint D. a minute of a meeting

3. “Teenagers constantly look for the place they belong. Isn’t it everyone’
s dream to belong to a certain group of people, to find like-minded
individuals and feel accepted? Unfortunately, a vast majority of
teenagers take a wrong turn and get lost on their path
to acceptance” This extract is most likely taken from:
A. Narrative C. Expository
B. Descriptive D. Argumentative

4.” The villagers had lost a few goats and poultry to a mystery. The
mystery of the missing farm animals spread like a wildfire in the village.
Many speculated there were thieves in the village while others
suggested a wild beast was on the run. Despite several speculations, the
mystery of the disappearances remained unsolved. The whole village
was in a state of dismay when the tiger appeared and launched another
attack on the village.”
This extract is most likely taken from:
A. narrative C. expository
B. descriptive D. argumentative

5.” Bali is probably the most famous island in Indonesia. Also known as
the Land of gods, it blends spectacular sheer natural beauty of looming
volcanoes, beautiful beaches, lush terraced rice fields that exude peace
and serenity, and warm and friendly people. Visitors will be amazed by
its dramatic dances, colourful ceremonies, amazing arts and crafts,
luxurious beach resorts, and exciting night life”
This extract is most likely taken from:
A. narrative C. expository
B. descriptive D. argumentative

6.“School uniforms are good for the development of children. First of all,
everyone is dressed unified. So no one has "better" clothes than others
and no one can threaten others only because of their clothes. In many
schools ganging up on others because of what they are wearing is
already normal and uniforms are a way to protect the children from such
acts. School uniforms also keep everyone from having to buy expensive
brands of clothes to be part of the society, which relieves especially the
parents and takes the pressure of being "cool" away from the children.”
This extract
is most likely taken from:
A. narrative C. expository
B. descriptive D. argumentative

7. “…Two brothers Paul and peter, have a problem. Some time ago their
father died leaving them his farm. It is not a very large farm…” This extract most
likely taken from ______________

A. narrative C. expository
B. descriptive D. argumentative
8.“….the traveller gets nearer and nearer. The place begins to take shape;
the few white walls are like islands in a sea of smaller brown
buildings …” This is taken from a piece of writing that is most

A. narrative C. expository
B. descriptive D. argumentative

9.“…visitors to Ethiopia must hunt with a professional hunter who knows

the country, the people, the language and the games. In my opinion
government should design policy that makes the locale become
beneficiary from this sector…” This extract most likely taken from

A. narrative C. expository
B. descriptive D. argumentative

10. “…At the beginning of twentieth century there were many more Ibex than there
are now. However, since the introduction of modern guns, it is very difficult habitat
has not been enough to protect the animals…” This extract most likely taken from

A. narrative C. expository
B. descriptive D. argumentative

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