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Assignment 1 Outline

Introduction to the general information of the chosen company: the name, the head office, the
address, the website address and the structure of the ownerships/ shareholders.

LO1. Explain the different types, size and scope of organisations

P1. Explain different types and purposes of organisations; public, private and voluntary
sectors and legal structures.

- Profit and non profit, public company, private – owned company or state- owned enterprise.
- Forms of business: sole traders, partnerships and private/ public limited companies.

- Objectives and goals, vision, mission.

 Application: An explanation of different type and purposes of the chosen company.

- Type of the chosen company, you must clear down to extent of non-profit of profit
organization; public or unpublicized company; private -owned enterprise or state-owned
enterprise; and give evidences to justify your statements.

- Purpose of the chosen company, you must identify the vision, mission, corporate values and
objectives; and identify some specific activities of the company to prove the company is
following its set purposes

P2. Explain the size and scope of a range of different types of organisations.
- Size of business organization: Micro, small, medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), large
enterprise. Definition
- Scope of business organization
- Level of activity: Primary, secondary, tertiary. Definition
- Market forces and economic operations: Define supply and demand, factors affect to the
quantity of supply and demand.
- Internal and external stakeholders: Define who they are, what are their expectations from the
company. How their interest could be affected by company’s decision?

- Responsibilities: Economic Responsibility, Legal Responsibility, Ethical Responsibility,

Disretionary Responsibility. Discuss and give example for each responsibility.

- How these responsibility affect to company’s image? Different types of business (primary,
secondary, tertiary) have different responsibility with the environment.

 Application: An explanation of size and scope of the chosen company

For the size of the chosen company, you must demonstrate the capital with number of
total asset, owner equity and the total liabilities and the number of labour with the latest
For the scope of the chosen company, you must present the geographic locations/ markets
and the target customers.

To get a better result (M1), when explaining the size and scope of the chosen company,
you had better analyse that whether the size and the scope are compatible with the matter
of achieving the set objectives and products or services of the chosen company.

P3. Explain the relationship between different organisational functions and how they link
to organisational objectives and structure.
- The role of marketing, finance, human resource management, accounting and operations within

an organisational context and the interrelationships. Define what is the function of each
department and how do they support each other?
- Organisational structure: Functional structure, Divisional structure (Product, Geographic,
Market), Matrix structure). Advatage and Disadvantage of each kind of structure.

 Application: An explanation of the functions of the chosen company (using the chosen
company’s structure chart) to show the relationship between these functions and how
these functions link to the chosen company’s structure and objectives.

To be detailed:
- Firstly, you must present the structure map of the chosen company.
- Secondly, you have to explain the main functions of various departments in this map and
the relationships between these departments as well.
- Lastly, you have to point out the type of the structure (functional structure; divisional
structure; matrix structure or project-based structure, and multinational or transnational
structure) and explain whether the structure serves for achieving the set objectives.

To gain a better result (M2), You are also highly recommended to analyse the advantages and
disadvantage of the chosen company’s structure (not in general).

(D1) Provide a critical analysis of the complexities of different types of business structures and
the interrelationships of the different organisational functions.

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