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Katharina-Maria Behr Some Practical Considerations

Andreas Nosper
Christoph Klimmt* of Ethical Issues in VR Research
Tilo Hartmann
Department of Journalism and
Communication Research
Hanover University of Music
and Drama Abstract
Hanover, Germany
As scientific laboratories are an important domain of application of VR technology,
*Correspondence to ethical issues of VR have to be discussed with respect to research and the treat-
christoph.klimmt@ijk.hmt- ment of research subjects. Exposing participants to VR systems may raise ethical problems due to motion sickness, information overload, intensification of experi-
ence, and difficulties with reentry into the real world. The ethical guidelines which
are typically applied to psychological research do not cover all of these problems in
detail and have to be reconsidered, since they have not been developed with re-
gard to the use of VR systems. Therefore, practical strategies to cope with the ad-
dressed ethical problems in VR research are recommended.

1 Some Practical Considerations on Ethical Issues

in VR Research

The advent of virtual reality (VR) technologies and their diverse applica-
tions has raised numerous legal and ethical questions. In this paper, we focus
on the specific ethical problems involved in scientific research with high perfor-
mance VR systems and discuss strategies to cope with them. Most often, high-
end VR systems can be found in research laboratories, so when it comes to
ethical issues in the domain of Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environ-
ments, it is reasonable to discuss ethical implications of VR with respect to how
scientists treat the participants of their virtual reality studies.
Social scientists are proud of a long tradition of considering ethical issues in
research whenever humans (and animals) are intended to participate in an in-
vestigation. In general, ethical theories are divided into teleological and deon-
tological approaches (Smith, 2000; Patry, 2002). According to teleological the-
ories (and specifically the utilitarian approach), actions are judged by their
consequences, that is, the end justifies the means. Consequently, an action is
appraised as good or at least acceptable, whenever its outcomes serve the soci-
ety. Thus, according to a strict teleological approach, employing humans or
animals as subjects in an experiment is legitimate as long as the outcome of the
research serves society’s purposes.
In contrast, deontological theories appraise actions by themselves and re-
gardless of their consequences, that is, the result of an action does not justify
the means. Actions are judged as right or wrong in the light of higher princi-
ples, such as the untouchable dignity of all humans. Such a deontological view
is reflected by Kant’s imperative “Act in such a way that you treat humanity,
Presence, Vol. 14, No. 6, December 2005, 668 – 676 whether in your own person or in the person of another, always at the same
© 2005 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology time as an end and never simply as a means.” From this perspective, any suffer-


Behr et al. 669

ing of humans as participants in scientific experiments is experiences (Steuer, 1992; Lombard & Ditton, 1997;
intolerable, even if the results would be of outstanding Draper, Kaber, & Usher, 1998) and the behavior and
interest to society (Smith, 2000; Patry, 2002). reaction of people in virtual environments (Fencott, van
Today’s ethical frameworks that guide scientific re- Schaik, Ling, & Shafiullah, 2003; Mager, Bullinger,
search are based on conceptual hybrids of teleological Mueller-Spahn, Kuntze, & Stoermer, 2001). VR re-
and deontological theories. In general, the participation search caused various innovations in psychological ex-
of humans in experiments is seen as a kind of agreement perimental research, for example in studies on human
between the participant and the researcher that imposes perception and on data processing (Huber, Krist, &
obligations on each of the contractual partners. Thereby Wilkening, 2003; Zyss, 1997). VR systems are more-
some basic ethical principles are deduced from the su- over useful tools in diagnosis and therapy, therefore
perordinated ethical framework. According to Patry many studies have investigated the role of virtual reality
(2002) these principles are (1) autonomy, (2) nonma- for medicine and psychotherapy, for example, for the
leficence and beneficence, and (3) justice. Concerning development of psychological treatments (Riva, 2003;
research, autonomy means respecting humans and their Botella, Perpina, Banos, & Garcia-Palacios, 1998;
privacy and obtaining the informed consent of individu- Strickland, Hodges, North, & Weghorst, 1997).
als participating. Thus, autonomy can be regarded as Due to this link between psychology and VR re-
securing the subject’s self-determination, her/his free- search, the well-established APA code of conduct seems
dom of decision, and purposeful considerations. Non- to be an appropriate starting point for reconsidering
maleficence and beneficence mean to carefully consider ethical guidelines for research in VR systems. The APA
detriments and benefits or risks and benefits, respec- code of conduct is as well as most of the codices based
tively that the subject may encounter throughout the on fundamental principles of how to treat participants in
investigation. The third basic principle, justice, stands scientific investigations. It is based on five principles: (1)
for equality, that is, the equal choice of participants and Beneficence and Nonmaleficence states that researchers
fair allocation of risks. Summarizing the shared aim of should take care of their participants and safeguard their
all three principles, the participant’s well-being turns welfare. (2) Fidelity and Responsibility reminds re-
out to be the superordinated aspect that primarily has to searchers to deal with any established relationship to the
be ensured by researchers, which reflects the specifica- participants in a professional and businesslike manner
tions’ strong deontological orientation. Similar princi- and not to exploit the social situation for their own in-
ples as the ones noted above have been proposed by dividual purposes. (3) Integrity stands for the research-
Smith (2000), who mentions (1) respect for persons er’s general accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness, for ex-
and their autonomy, (2) beneficence and nonmalefi- ample when it comes to the interpretation of observed
cence, (3) justice, (4) trust and fidelity, and (5) scientific data. (4) Justice means that researchers need to be free
integrity. from biases in order to ensure proper investigations. (5)
Building on these fundamental considerations of ethi- Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity finally refers to
cal theory, various codices of conduct have been elabo- the necessity to “respect the dignity and worth of all
rated which guide scientists with respect to the design people, and the rights of individuals to privacy, confi-
of studies, for instance, the Nuremberg Code (1954), dentiality, and self-determination” (APA, 2002, p.
the Declaration of Helsinki (1964) or the Belmont Re- 1164). In sum, the APA Ethics Code aims at the “wel-
port (1979). The American Psychological Association fare and protection of the individuals and groups with
has released a code of conduct that is relevant to today’s whom psychologists work” (p. 1163). Similar principles
research in psychology and communication (APA, and recommendations are put forward in textbooks on
2002). It is suited for research on presence and VR as research ethics (e.g., Smith, 2000; Patry, 2002).
well, since the experiences investigated in studies using VR systems are designed to induce rich, authentic
VR systems often target phenomena such as presence experiences of spatial environments which can be per-

ceived through multiple sensory channels. While VR ness, dizziness, headache, eye strain, lethargy, lack of
technology holds the potential for numerous scientific initiative and chronic fatigue” (DiZio & Lackner, p.
experimental applications, these capabilities should dis- 319). In general, it is caused by a mismatch between the
pose scientists to reconsider the ethical guidelines they feedback which the users’ perceptual system expects
previously applied before the days of VR, because the from the environment, for example during body move-
new technologies may induce forms of experience which ment (afferent, cf. von Holst & Mittelstaedt, 1950),
are in some way novel and unique (Kallman, 1993). As and the efferent feedback provided by the VR system
a consequence of the requirement to secure the well- (DiZio & Lackner, 1992). Motion sickness typically
being of participants of studies, it should be discussed occurs due to errors in position tracking, optical distor-
whether specific ethical recommendations have to be tion, flicker, insufficient refresh rate or resolution, trans-
formulated with respect to the employment of VR sys- port delays, or low update rates (Kennedy, Stanney, &
tems in empirical (experimental) investigations. For this Dunlap, 2000). Given the adverse implications of mo-
purpose, we identify four major potential risks that may tion sickness for users’ health and experiential state, re-
occur during participating in scientific investigations search ethics demands its prevention due to conflicts
that employ VR technology: (1) motion sickness, (2) with the non-maleficence principle.
information overload, (3) intensification of experience,
and (4) reentry into the real world. These phenomena
2.2 Information Overload
are capable of causing conflicts during investigations
and therefore ways to avoid ethical problems are dis- Highly vivid virtual environments emit a huge
cussed. amount of information in the visual, aural, tactile
and/or even olfactory modality. The according output
devices are often very obtrusive, that is, they are directly
2 Effects of Peculiarities of VR Systems attached to the user’s senses throughout the process of
on Subjects’ Well-Being reception. For instance, headphones almost inevitably
induce sound into the users’ ears. It is virtually impossi-
2.1 Motion Sickness
ble to shut down the auditory channel and filter out the
Throughout evolution the senses of human beings information. The same is true for visual displays such as
have adapted to the occurrences and physical circum- head mounted displays, which almost force the users to
stances of the terrestrial environment through the pro- receive the presented visual stimuli. The amount of in-
cess of natural selection. If a VR system is intended to formation and its pushing and pervasive presentation
imitate the natural surrounding, it might fall short on may cause the problem of information overload. It can
fidelity, number, and coherence of different physical be defined as “the moment when the amount of avail-
stimuli that are involved in a natural experience (e.g., in able information exceeds the user’s ability to process it”
terms of visual presentation, cf. Barfield, Hendrix, (Klapp, 1982, p. 63). However, information overload is
Bjorneseth, Kaczmarek, & Lotens, 1995). If subjects of not only caused by the sheer volume of information, but
a VR experiment are confronted with such limited, con- also because of the complexity or confusing structure of
strained, or incoherent sensory inputs, they may experi- information that might overtax the user’s cognitive skill
ence some sort of confusion or impairment. The most to focus on relevant information (Helmersen, Jalalian,
prominent phenomenon of this kind is motion sickness, Moran, & Norman, 2001). Therefore Helmersen et al.
which has also been labeled cybersickness (DiZio & (p. 2) characterize information overload as “difficulties
Lackner, 1992; McCauley & Sharkey, 1992; Kennedy, in locating, retrieving, processing, storing and/or re-
Lanham, Drexler, & Massey, 1997; So, Ho, & Lo, retrieving information due to the volume of available
2001). Symptoms of motion sickness include “nausea information.” Information overload may lead to stress,
and vomiting, cold sweating, pallor, salivation, drowsi- health problems, frustration, disillusionment, depres-
Behr et al. 671

sion, as well as impaired judgment and bad decision 2.4 Reentry into the Real World
making (Helmersen et al.; Edmunds & Morris, 2000).
Subjects who are exposed to a highly immersive
From an ethical perspective, these consequences of in-
VR environment often display some familiarization to
formation overload are problematic, because they un-
the system’s content and adapt to its perceptual and
dermine several basic principles, especially the require-
physical parameters (Biocca, 1997). If the participants
ment of participants’ autonomy/self-determination and
of a VR study have gotten used to the virtual environ-
the nonmaleficence principle.
ment, they may face some difficulties during and after
the transition into the real world. Such difficulties have
2.3 Intensification of Experience been labeled reentry problems. They refer to the tasks of
leaving the virtual environment after participation in an
VR technology allows the researcher to create
experiment, readapting to reality and its physical and
whole laboratory settings that can be reshaped, modi-
social parameters, and differentiating between VR and
fied, controlled, and reused very easily and with much
less effort than a real research facility. VR can be used to reality. If reentry problems occur, cognitive, emotional,
simulate stimulus materials that have proved to be use- and behavioral disturbances may arise.
ful in conventional experiments, for example spatial sur- Cognitive disturbances may include difficulties in de-
roundings, social situations, or tasks of any kind. Such tecting differences between knowledge gained in the
VR environments do not induce radically new experi- virtual environment and knowledge acquired in real life.
ences to participants compared to conventional stimulus People tend to forget the sources where they have ob-
presentations. However, they may foster more intense tained information, even when they remember the in-
experiences, because they are connected very closely to formation itself (Shapiro & Lang, 1991; Appel &
the subjects’ perceptual system and allow for high de- Schreier, 2001). As a result, participants may feel some
grees of immersion, for instance with respect to the field confusion about their real world knowledge, as they
of view the stimulus material can cover (Biocca & might base some real-world actions on information they
Delaney, 1995). Any experience induced in a real labo- received in the VR, which in turn may result in inappro-
ratory, such as feelings of disorientation, fear, anger, priate behavior.
superiority, or joy, may reach higher degrees of intensity Emotional disturbances may occur because affective
when the according stimulus materials are converted states that have been induced during exposure to a VR
into a VR environment. Such intensifications of experi- environment may outlast the reentry process. After leav-
ence may strain the subjects’ coping abilities and cause ing the VR, the participants cannot erase their emo-
undesirable responses (cf. Whitbeck, 1993). For in- tions. They take them back over into the real world. In
stance, it has been demonstrated that people suffer harm the real world, however, the causes of the emotional
and stress when deprived of control and in some cases state of the participants no longer exist. This mismatch
perceived loss of control may cause people to react ag- between the emotional state and the absence of its
gressively (Baumeister, 1999; Brehm, 1966). If depriva- causes can lead to confusion and misattributions.
tion of control occurred during exposure to a highly Behavioral problems can result from the alteration of
vivid VR system, the intensified experience could se- the individual body schema that is caused by the repre-
verely endanger the participants’ well-being. From an sentation of one’s own body in a VR environment (cf.
ethical perspective, the experimental evocation of per- Biocca, 1997). According to Biocca (p. 22), “in virtual
ceived loss of control may be acceptable if performed and augmented reality systems, changes in the location
within a less immersive (or real) environment, but the of the represented head or hands can significantly dis-
application of the same stimulus material under the con- tort [the perception of] the body.” Consequently,
dition of exposure to a highly immersive VR system may hand-eye coordination or other coordination abilities
exceed the tolerable limits of psychological burden. may be compromised after the subjects have left an ex-

perimental VR environment. Such adaptation problems ● Users of VR systems should be informed about the
may occur, for example, if subjects drive a car shortly potential negative interactions between the inges-
after the reentry process. Their perception of speed and tion of pharmacological agents and “cybertravel”
distances may be biased, which would be connected to through a VR. A list of pharmacological agents
an increased accident risk. which are capable of inducing negative side effects
Reentry problems do not occur during the exposure in interaction with “cybertravel” should be com-
to the VR system, but when returning to reality. The piled. Participants should be asked whether they
fact that reentry problems occur after the actual experi- ingest pharmacological agents and should be ex-
ment does not release researchers from their responsibil- cluded from participating, if they are likely to expe-
ity for the subjects, however. As a possible consequence rience motion sickness due to such ingestion.
of participation in experimental research, reentry prob- ● Users of VR systems should be informed of the pos-
lems have to be considered from an ethical point of sible adverse effects including motion sickness, per-
view. They may conflict with various basic principles, ceptual aftereffects, decreased postural stability,
primarily with autonomy/self-determination (e.g., in and, in rare cases, delayed onset of symptoms.
case of limited mobility after participation) and non-
maleficence. In addition, a careful test of the employed VR tech-
nology with respect to undesirable side effects of expo-
sure (such as physical discomfort and efference-afference
3 Coping with Specific Ethical Problems mismatches) should be performed before each experi-
in VR Research Practice mental session, as situation-based variations of system
parameters may occur (e.g., due to accidental changes
3.1 Strategies that Refer to VR in the software configuration). Participants should be
Technology and Experimental instructed how to quit the VR experience and to deposit
Procedures the equipment in case of too intense emotions or the
Some techniques to overcome VR-specific ethical feeling of being stressfully overwhelmed by the virtual
aspects in practical research are related to the employed environment. During the procedure, an experimenter
technology and the way it is used in the experiment. To should be available in the laboratory who can assist the
avoid motion sickness, for example, McCauley and participants to terminate exposure and reenter reality if
Sharkey (1992, p. 316) suggest a variety of provisions: severe discomfort, information overload, or anxiety
● Exposure time should be limited until adaptation to
the VR has occurred.
3.2 Strategies that Refer to VR
● Tasks that require high rates of linear or rotational
acceleration should be avoided, or kept brief, until
the individual has fully adapted to the altered envi- The intensity of possible experiences that virtual
ronment. environments can produce suggests a consideration of
● Users of VR should be considered on an individual the kind and explicitness of the content that subjects are
basis when determining an adaptation program. confronted with. With respect to the type of content,
● Self-movement through a VR should be at high experimenters should avoid any depictions that might
altitudes above the terrain and/or at low speeds induce negative emotions such as fear, disgust, or anger.
because the rate that objects flow through a visual If negative emotions are enforced by the experience of
scene is related to motion sickness. immersion during VR usage, the probability of unde-
● Unusual and extraordinary movement maneuvers sired responses is increased. High levels of positive emo-
should be avoided in VRs. tions like joy are, in contrast, less problematic, as they
Behr et al. 673

are normally not connected to any risks or harm. Emo- quences for society. So from a deontological and from a
tionally neutral stimuli may be, however, the experi- teleological point of view the use of VR systems is justi-
menter’s best choice to avoid critical effects. fiable, since the subject is not used as a means to an end,
Some research designs inevitably require the imposi- but is treated for the subject’s own health. Nevertheless
tion of negative emotions on subjects or will present therapists have to exercise caution since stimuli provided
content to participants that cannot be purged of its in VR may evoke very strong experiences and, more-
problematic aspects. If the experimenter’s freedom to over, clients might be more vulnerable than other sub-
select neutral VR content is limited, the degree of ex- jects. Consequently, cybertherapists will have to recon-
plicitness of the material has to be assessed very care- sider their standard ethical guidelines (e.g., Barnes &
fully. For example, a mood manipulation technique that Murdin, 2001) in the light of chances and risks of high
has been established for standard laboratory research performance VR just as VR investigators do with respect
may turn out to be very powerful and effective when to research ethics.
ported into a VR system. As a result, some participants
may enter emotional or cognitive conditions that cannot
3.3 Strategies that Refer to Selection,
be justified from the perspective of research ethics. In
Preparation, and Dismissal of
such a case, a mild variant of the stimulus materials
should be generated, and careful pretests of the appro-
priate level of stimulus intensity should be implemented. If the potential power of an experimental VR stim-
An exception from the recommendation to avoid in- ulus has to be taken into account, subjects should be
tensifications of experience through vivid VR presenta- screened carefully for susceptibility to possible problems
tions is necessary for e-therapy applications (e.g., Roy et connected to participation. For example, individual dif-
al., 2003). A successful therapy often requires the in- ferences have been reported in the liability to motion
duction of fear or other intense and inconvenient emo- sickness (cf. McCauley & Sharkey 1992). Highly sensi-
tions, and VR systems are useful tools to evoke such tive individuals should not participate in VR studies in
responses in clients and can therefore lead to a thera- which occurrence of motion sickness cannot be ruled
peutic effect (Riva, 2003). Such effects have been out in advance. Similarly, participants should be tested
shown for many different phobias, such as the fear of for phobias that may be related to the content of the
heights (Hodges et al., 1995; Kuntze, Stoermer, Mager, stimulus materials. Claustrophobia (Febbraro & Clum,
Mueller-Spahn, & Bullinger, 2003), the fear of flying 1995) and agoraphobia (Franklin, 1991) may be espe-
(Klein, 2000; Rothbaum, Hodges, Smith, Lee, & Price, cially relevant, because most VR systems depict spatial
2000), arachnophobia (Carlin, Hoffman, & Weghorst, environments and some may trigger incidents of panic
1997; Garcia-Palacios, Hoffmann, Carlin, Furness, & in people with space-related phobias. Moreover, the
Botella, 2002), or driving phobia (Wald & Taylor, participants should possess a sufficient degree of general
2000). Besides the positive effects of virtual reality ex- media literacy (Groeben & Hurrelmann, 2002) which
posure therapy, negative effects like sickness symptoms includes knowledge about VR systems or allows for a
were found to be serious for five percent of participants good understanding of VR-specific information that is
(Cobb, Nichols, Ramsey, & Wilson, 1999). Therefore provided by the experimenter.
researchers (and therapists) also should avoid too strong Once suitable participants have been selected, they
(affective) consequences of client VR exposure when- should be carefully instructed and prepared for what they
ever possible in such exceptional settings. The ethical are going to experience during VR exposure, both in
discussion of VR exposure therapy is somewhat different terms of depicted content and level of immersion. Subjects
from the ethical discussion of the use of VR systems in should be enabled to make a well-informed decision about
research. The use of VR systems in therapy is first of all whether they are ready to participate or not. Moreover,
directed to the client and not to superordinate conse- instructions should empower subjects to cope with all as-

pects of the presented stimulus with respect to technical tion of stimuli through VR technology may cause new
handling, cognitive processing, and emotional coping. and unique experiential states that might be problematic
During the reentry stage, participants have to be accom- from an ethical perspective (Kallman, 1993). If re-
panied and should be assisted to readapt to the physical searchers are attentive to those peculiarities, potential
and social rules of reality. In order to prevent serious adap- ethical problems can be avoided, and subjects’ well-
tation problems, subjects should not be dismissed immedi- being can be secured in spite of the new experiential
ately after the end of the experiment, but should be ob- dimensions VR technology allows to enter. The sug-
served until the experimenter has made sure that gested techniques to cope with the discussed problems
readaptation is completed. For safety reasons, subjects may function as a tool for the day-to-day practice of VR
should be strongly recommended not to drive a car or research that may help to ensure that beneficence, re-
handle other complex technical or mechanical devices im- sponsibility, integrity, justice, and dignity will guide fu-
mediately after VR exposure. The easiest way to avoid re- ture VR research.
entry problems and risks may be to hand out some distrac-
tion tasks to participants after the actual experiment.
Finally, the participants’ debriefing should include infor- Acknowledgments
mation about the potential side effects of the VR system.
In addition to clarifications about the purpose of the study, This review is based upon work supported by the European
the experimenter should talk to the subjects about their Commission, Information, Society and Technology Program,
experience during exposure and their physical condition within the research project “Presence: Measurement, Effects,
after exposure. Individuals who felt high levels of intensity Conditions (MEC),” IST-2001-37661 (http://www.ijk.
during participation may need additional information and We thankfully acknowledge the
an opportunity to communicate their experiences in order Commission’s support.
to cope with the situation. Moreover, the debriefing
should address the differences between the VR system and
reality to assist subjects in the cognitive and behavioral References
transition to the real world. The debriefing, then, may be-
come a part of a guided reentry procedure that ensures the American Psychological Association (APA). (2002). Ethical
subjects’ safety and well-being after the treatment has been principles of psychologists and code of conduct 2002.
finished. American Psychologist, 57(12), 1060 –1073.
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4 Conclusion
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bilities of VR to induce various kinds and degrees of
bilities with technical specifications of virtual environment
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many VR systems hold such power and should consider
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jects. However, it appears to be necessary to reconsider psychology (pp. 1–20). Philadelphia: Psychology Press.
those ethical aspects of research, because the presenta- Biocca, F. (1997). The cyborg’s dilemma: Progressive em-
Behr et al. 675

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