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Directorate: Curriculum FET


TOPIC MAIN TOPIC Business Ventures TOPIC Presentation of Business Information
AIMS OF LESSON At the end of this lesson you should be able to answer the following questions:
• Explain the importance of presenting business information.
• Differentiate/Distinguish between verbal and nonverbal presentation and give practical examples of each.
• Outline/Mention/Explain/Discuss types of visual aids e.g. tables/graphs/diagrams/posters/handouts etc.
• Identify the above-mentioned visual aids from given scenarios/case studies/statements.
• Explain/Discuss how the presenter must prepare the following visual aids:
o Transparencies/slides
o Posters
o Handouts
• Discuss/Explain/Recommend factors that the presenter must consider when preparing a presentation
Justify the reasons why business presentations must be in a written format.
• Outline/Mention/Explain types of written information, e.g. business reports, business plans, information, analyses etc.
• Outline/Mention/Explain/Recommend steps in report writing.
• Critically analyse a business report and recommend areas for improvement.
• Outline/Mention/Explain factors that must be considered when composing a flyer.
• Explain how to respond to questions about work and presentations/handle feedback after a presentation in a non-
aggressive and professional manner.
RESOURCES Paper based resources Digital resources
• 2020 Grade 11 Business Studies Core Notes: Ventures
• Via Afrika Business Studies Grade 11 Learner's Book
• Platinum Business Studies Grade 11 Learner's Book
• Oxford Successful Business Studies Grade 11 Learner's Book
• Solutions for a Business Studies Grade 11 Learner's Book
• Focus Business Studies Grade 11 Learner's Book

INTRODUCTION • The topic, Presentation of Business Information was covered in the Grade 10 curriculum. Learners were required to
know and/or apply the following concepts:

CONCEPTS AND You are required to know the following concepts and the meaning thereof to ensure a better understanding of the content
SKILLS of the following topic: Presentation of Business Information

Analyses To examine (something) methodically and in detail, in order to explain and interpret it.
Business Information Business Information means all information and records relating to the business.
Business Plan A business plan is a written document describing the nature of the business, the sales and
marketing strategy, and the financial background, and containing a projected profit and loss
Business Reports A business report is a written evaluation of a particular issue, set of circumstances, or financial
operations that relate to the performance of a business.
Feedback Feedback refers to the audience's response; it enables you to evaluate the effectiveness of
your message.
Flyer A flyer is a form of paper advertisement intended for wide distribution.
Handouts A handout is a summary of the most important parts of the presentation.
Non-verbal presentation A non-verbal presentation refers to the written word.
Posters Posters are large printed pictures generally used to advertise, to emphasise or to remind the
Presentation A presentation is the process of presenting a topic to an audience. It is typically a
demonstration, introduction, lecture, or speech meant to inform, persuade, inspire, motivate,
or to build good will or to present a new idea or product
Report writing A report is a short, sharp, concise document which is written for a particular purpose and
Slides / transparencies Overhead projector slides/transparencies are displayed on the overhead projector (OHP)
Verbal presentation Verbal presentation means a presentation delivered through speech.
Visual aids Visual aids are designed to supplement written or spoken information so that it can be
understood more easily.
Written information Written information means information that is in written form and includes
information obtained by electronic means.

This lesson covers the following aspects of Presentation of Business Information


1. Explain the importance of presenting business 6. Discuss/Explain factors that the presenter must consider
information. when preparing a presentation
• Refer to Business Studies Gr 11 Core Notes: Ventures • Refer to Business Studies Gr 11 Core Notes: Ventures
Pg. 28 Pg. 30

• The Gr 11 Business Studies textbook issued to you • The Gr 11 Business Studies textbook issued to you
2. Differentiate/Distinguish between verbal and non-verbal 7. Outline/Mention/Explain types of written information,
presentation and give practical examples of each. e.g. business reports, business plans, information,
analyses etc.
• Refer to Business Studies Gr 11 Core Notes: Ventures • Refer to Business Studies Gr 11 Core Notes: Ventures
Pg. 28 Pg. 31
• The Gr 11 Business Studies textbook issued to you • The Gr 11 Business Studies textbook issued to you
3. Outline/Mention/Explain/Discuss types of visual aids 8. Outline/Mention/Explain steps in report writing.
e.g. tables/graphs/diagrams/posters/handouts etc.
• Refer to Business Studies Gr 11 Core Notes: Ventures • Refer to Business Studies Gr 11 Core Notes: Ventures
Pg. 28 & 29 Pg. 31
• The Gr 11 Business Studies textbook issued to you • The Gr 11 Business Studies textbook issued to you
4. Identify visual aids from given scenarios/case 9. Outline/Mention/Explain factors that must be
studies/statements. considered when composing a flyer.
• Refer to Business Studies Gr 11 Core Notes: Ventures • Refer to Business Studies Gr 11 Core Notes: Ventures
Pg. 28 & 29 Pg. 32
• The Gr 11 Business Studies textbook issued to you • The Gr 11 Business Studies textbook issued to you
5. Explain/Discuss how the presenter must prepare 10. Explain how to respond to questions about work and
Transparencies/slides / Posters / Handouts presentations/handle feedback after a presentation in
a non-aggressive and professional manner.
• Refer to Business Studies Gr 11 Core Notes: Ventures • Refer to Business Studies Gr 11 Core Notes: Ventures
Pg. 29 Pg. 30
• The Gr 11 Business Studies textbook issued to you • The Gr 11 Business Studies textbook issued to you
11. Recommend factors that the presenter must consider 13. Recommend steps in report writing.
when preparing a presentation
• Refer to Business Studies Gr 11 Core Notes: Ventures • Refer to Business Studies Gr 11 Core Notes: Ventures
Pg. 30 Pg. 31
• The Gr 11 Business Studies textbook issued to you • The Gr 11 Business Studies textbook issued to you
12. Justify the reasons why business presentations must be 14. Critically analyse a business report and recommend
in a written format. areas for improvement.
• Refer to Business Studies Gr 11 Core Notes: Ventures Writing an effective business report is a necessary skill for
Pg. 30 communicating ideas in the business. Reports usually
• The Gr 11 Business Studies textbook issued to you address a specific issue or problem. The key to a good
report is in-depth analysis. This refers to how findings are
interpreted as well as an understanding of the rationale for
the recommendations.


ASSESSMENT 1. Identify the visual aids from the following statements:
1.1. The head of purchasing provided printed copies of the purchasing account.
1.2. A financial director uses electronic slides to present his financial report.
1.3. The marketing manager placed large printed pictures in the venue to advertise the expo exhibition. (3 x 2)

2. Distinguish between verbal and non-verbal communication. (2 x 2)


3. Justify the reasons why business presentations must be in a written format.




Mrs. Conrad, a sales representative is required to present her written report. She planned to use slides to enhance her
presentation. However, the presentation was not very successful because she didn’t know how to handle feedback in a
professional manner.

Write an essay on presentation in which you include the following aspects:

• Outline the steps in report writing.
• Discuss how Mrs. Conrad must prepare the transparencies/slides for her presentation.
• Recommend factors that she must consider when preparing a presentation.
• Advise Mrs. Conrad how to handle feedback after a presentation in a non-aggressive and professional manner. [40]


Presentations are important because they are used to validate business information. √
The information can be presented verbally or non-verbally. √ (2 x 1)
Steps in report writing
STEP 1: Determine the purpose and scope of your business report √√
• A business report should not be too vague. √√
• Only include specific points & information that may be helpful to the business' current situation and its future strategies √√
STEP 2: Create a clear framework √√

• A business report typically includes four major parts: introduction, discussion, conclusions, and recommendations. √√
STEP 3: Consider your readers √√
• Know why readers need a report. √√
• Know their position in the company and their education level as these will help you know what and which information you
need to include in your report. √√
STEP 4: Gather and organize data and information √√
• You can either collect information from primary sources or secondary sources. √√
STEP 5: Analyse the data gathered √√
• Based on the data you have gathered; you may include recommendations that can help achieve business goals. √√
Any (5 x 2) (10)
How to prepare transparencies/slides
Transparencies or slides are very effective √ for presentations when you do the following:
o Use key words on the slides, √ not full sentences. √
o Only use slides to enhance√ what you are saying. √
o Slides must never be the focus √ – the focus should be on what you are saying. √
o Slides must help √ you to get the message across. √
o Slides must have a lot of white space√ and not too much writing. √ Any (5 x 2) (10)

Factors to be considered when preparing a presentation

• Consider clear objectives and main points of the presentation. √√
• Main aims captured in the opening statement of the presentation. √√
• Information presented should be relevant and accurate. √√
• Fully conversant with the content of the presentation. √√
• Rehearse to ensure a confident presentation and effective use of time management. √√ Any (5 x 2)
How to handle feedback after a presentation in a non-aggressive and professional manner
• Stand throughout the feedback session. √√
• Re-phrase the question if uncertain. √√
• First listen and then respond. √√
• Be honest when responding to questions. √√
• Keep answers short and to the point. √√ Any (5 x 2)

It is essential for business-related information to be presented and validated effectively. √√ (1 x 2) (2) [40]

Common errors observed during essay marking

• Not starting the essay with the word “Introduction”.
• Not giving two facts about the topic in the introduction
• Not writing the facts in full sentences
• Not concluding the essay with the word “Conclusion”.
• Not summarizing the content of the essay

CONSOLIDATION • This lesson covered the Gr 11 content as stipulated in the Gr 11 Examination Guidelines.
• Understanding the content will enable you to apply the knowledge and skills required to successfully answers questions
based on the curriculum in all Formal Assessment Tasks.
• You will be able to use the knowledge and skills acquired as a sound foundation for similar topic covered in Grade 12
VALUES • Caring: You are our most important clients in the educational landscape, therefore it’s important that that we provide
you with the necessary resources for self-directed study.
• Responsiveness: It’s our responsibility to make sure that quality lesson plans are developed timeously and distributed to
• Competence: After working through the lesson plans you should be able to demonstrate the skills and knowledge
acquired, to complete the required assessments tasks successfully.

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