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Digital VLSI design- faults

Digital Vlsi Design (Delhi Technological University)

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A failure is said to have occurred in a logic circuit or system if it deviates from its specified
behaviour. A fault, on the other hand, refers to a physical defect in a circuit. For example, a
short between two signal lines in the circuit or a break in a signal line is a physical defect. An
error is usually the manifestation of a fault in the circuit; thus, a fault may change the value
of a signal in a circuit from 0 (correct) to 1 (erroneous) or vice versa. However, a fault does
not always cause an error; in that case, the fault is considered to be latent.

A fault is characterized by its nature, value, extent, and duration. The nature of a fault can be
classified as logical or nonlogical. A logical fault causes the logic value at a point in a circuit
to become opposite to the specified value. Nonlogical faults include the rest of the faults such
as the malfunction of the clock signal, power failure, etc. The value of a logical fault at a
point in the circuit indicates whether the fault creates fixed or varying erroneous logical
values. The extent of a fault specifies whether the effect of the fault is localized or
distributed. A local fault affects only a single variable, whereas a distributed fault affects
more than one. A logical fault, for example, is a local fault, whereas the malfunction of the
clock is a distributed fault. The duration of a fault refers to whether the fault is permanent or

1. Stuck-At Fault

The most common model used for logical faults is the single stuck-at fault. It assumes that a
fault in a logic gate result in one of its inputs or the output is fixed at either a logic 0 (stuck-
at-0) or at logic 1 (stuck-at-1). Stuck-at-0 and stuck-at-l faults are often abbreviated to s-a-0
and s-a-1, respectively.

Let us assume that in Fig.1 the A input of the NAND gate is s-a-1.

Figure 1: 2-input NAND gate

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The NAND gate perceives the A input as a logic 1 irrespective of the logic value placed on
the input. For example, the output of the NAND gate is 0 for the input pattern A=0 and B=1,
when input A is s-a-1 in. In the absence of the fault, the output will be 1. Thus, AB=01 can be
considered as the test for the A input s-a-l, since there is a difference between the output of
the fault-free and faulty gate.

The single stuck-at fault model is often referred to as the classical fault model and offers a
good representation for the most common types of defects [e.g., shorts and opens in
complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology]. Fig. 2 illustrates the CMOS
realization of the two-input NAND.

Figure 2: CMOS realization of 2-input NAND

The number 1 in the figure indicates an open, whereas the numbers 2 and 3 identify the short
between the output node and the ground and the short between the output node and the VDD,
respectively. A short in a CMOS result if not enough metal is removed by the
photolithography, whereas over-removal of metal results in an open circuit. Fault 1 in Fig. 2
will disconnect input A from the gate of transistors T1 and T3. It has been shown that in such
a situation one transistor may conduct and the other remain nonconducting. Thus, the fault
can be represented by a stuck at value of A; if A is s-a-0, T1 will be ON and T3 OFF, and if A
is s-a-l, T1 will be OFF and T3 ON. Fault 2 forces the output node to be shorted to VDD, that
is, the fault can be considered as an s-a-l fault. Similarly, fault 3 forces the output node to be

The stuck-at model is also used to represent multiple faults in circuits. In a multiple stuck-at
fault, it is assumed that more than one signal line in the circuit is stuck at logic 1 or logic 0; in
other words, a group of stuck-at faults exist in the circuit at the same time. A variation of the
multiple faults is the unidirectional fault. A multiple fault is unidirectional if all of its

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constituent faults are either s-a-0 or s-a-l but not both simultaneously. The stuck-at model has
gained wide acceptance in the past mainly because of its relative success with small scale
integration. However, it is not very effective in accounting for all faults in present day very
large scale integrated (VLSI), circuits which mainly uses CMOS technology. Faults in CMOS
circuits do not necessarily produce logical faults that can be described as stuck-at faults. For
example, in Fig. 2, faults 3 and 4 create stuck-on transistors faults..

2. Bridging faults

Bridging faults form an important class of permanent faults that cannot be modelled as stuck-
at faults. A bridging fault is said to have occurred when two or more signal lines in a circuit
are accidentally connected together. Earlier study of bridging faults concentrated only on the
shorting of signal lines in gate-level circuits. It was shown that the shorting of lines resulted
in wired logic at the connection. Bridging faults at the gate level has been classified into two
types: input bridging and feedback bridging. An input bridging fault corresponds to the
shorting of a certain number of primary input lines. A feedback bridging fault results if there
is a short between an output and input line. A feedback bridging fault may cause a circuit to
oscillate, or it may convert it into a sequential circuit. Bridging faults in a transistor-level
circuit may occur between the terminals of a transistor or between two or more signal lines.
Fig. 3 shows the CMOS logic realization of the Boolean function:

Figure 3: CMOS implementation of function Z

A short between two lines, as indicated by the dotted line in the diagram will change the
function of the circuit.

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The effect of bridging among the terminals of transistors is technology-dependent. For

example, in CMOS circuits, such faults manifest as either stuck-at or stuck-open faults,
depending on the physical location and the value of the bridging resistance.

3. Delay faults

As mentioned previously, not all manufacturing defects in VLSI circuits can be represented
by the stuck-at fault model. The size of a defect determines whether the defect will affect the
logic function of a circuit. Smaller defects, which are likely to cause partial open or short in a
circuit, have a higher probability of occurrence due to the statistical variations in the
manufacturing process. These defects result in the failure of a circuit to meet its timing
specifications without any alteration of the logic function of the circuit. A small defect may
delay the transition of a signal on a line either from 0 to 1, or vice versa. This type of
malfunction is modelled by a delay fault. Two types of delay faults have been proposed in
literature: gate delay fault and path delay fault. Gate delay faults have been used to model
defects that cause the actual propagation delay of a faulty gate to exceed its specified worst-
case value. For example, if the specified worst case propagation delay of a gate is x units and
the actual delay is x+∆x units, then the gate is said to have a delay fault of size ∆x. The main
deficiency of the gate delay fault model is that it can only be used to model isolated defects,
not distributed defects, for example, several small delay defects. The path delay fault model
can be used to model isolated as well as distributed defects. In this model, a fault is assumed
to have occurred if the propagation delay along a path in the circuit under test exceeds the
specified limit.

4. Stuck-On and Stuck-Open faults

A stuck-on transistor fault implies the permanent closing of the path between the source and
the drain of the transistor. Although the stuck-on transistor, in practice, behaves in a similar
way as a stuck-closed transistor, there is a subtle difference. A stuck-on transistor has the
same drain-source resistance as the on resistance of a fault-free transistor, whereas a stuck-
closed transistor exhibits a drain-source resistance that is significantly lower than the normal
on-resistance. In other words, in the case of stuck-closed transistor, the short between the
drain and the source is almost perfect, and this is not true for a stuck-on transistor. A

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transistor stuck-on (stuck-closed) fault may be modelled as a bridging fault from the source to
the drain of a transistor. A stuck-open transistor implies the permanent opening of the
connection between the source and the drain of a transistor. The drain-source resistance of a
stuck-open transistor is significantly higher than the off-resistance of a nonfaulty transistor. If
the drain-source resistance of a faulty transistor is approximately equal to that of a fault-free
transistor, then the transistor is considered to be stuck-off. For all practical purposes,
transistor stuck-off and stuck-open faults are functionally equivalent.

Figure 4: CMOS implementation of 2-input NOR gate

A stuck-open transistor fault like a feedback bridging fault can turn a combinational circuit
into a sequential circuit. Fig. 4 shows a two-input CMOS NOR gate. A stuck-open fault
causes the output to be connected neither to GND nor to VDD. If, for example, transistor T2
is open-circuited, then for input AB=00, the pull-up circuit will not be active and there will be
no change in the output voltage. In fact, the output retains its previous logic state; however,
the length of time the state is retained is determined by the leakage current at the output node.

Table 1: Truth table of CMOS implementation of 2-input NOR gate with and without stuck-open fault

A B Z Z(As-op) Z(Bs-op) Z(VDD s-op)

0 0 1 1 1 Zt
0 1 0 0 Zt 0
1 0 0 Zt 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0

Table 1 shows the truth table for the two-input CMOS NOR gate. The fault-free output is
shown in column Z; the three columns to the right represent the outputs in presence of the
three stuck-open (s-op) faults. The first, As-op, is caused by any input, drain, or source
missing connection to the pull-down FET T3. The second, Bs-op, is caused by any input,

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drain, or source missing connection to the pull-down FET T4. The third, VDDs-op, is caused
by an open anywhere in the series, p-channel pull-up connection to VDD. The symbol Zt is
used to indicate that the output state retains the previous logic value.

5. Temporary faults

As stated earlier, an error is a manifestation of a fault. A temporary fault can result in an

intermittent or a transient error. Transient errors are the major source of failures in VLSI
chips. They are nonrecurring and are not repairable because there is no physical damage to
the hardware. Very deep submicron technology has enabled the packing of millions of
transistors on a VLSI chip by reducing the transistor dimensions. However, the reduction of
transistor sizes also reduces their noise margins. As a result, they become more vulnerable to
noise, cross-talk, etc., which in turn result in transient errors. In addition, small transistors are
affected by terrestrial radiation and suffer temporary malfunction, thereby increasing the rate
of transient errors. Intermittent faults are recurring faults that reappear on a regular basis.
Such faults can occur due to loosen connections, partially defective components, or poor
designs. Intermittent faults occurring due to deteriorating or aging components may
eventually become permanent. Some intermittent faults also occur due to environmental
conditions such as temperature, humidity, vibration, etc. The likelihood of such intermittent
faults depends on how well the system is protected from its physical environment through
shielding, filtering, cooling, etc. An intermittent fault in a circuit causes a malfunction of the
circuit only if it is active; if it is inactive, the circuit operates correctly. A circuit is said to be
in a fault active state if a fault present in the circuit is active, and it is said to be in the fault-
not-active state if a fault is present but inactive. Because intermittent faults are random, they
can be modelled only by using probabilistic methods.

6. Other types of faults

Assertion Fault: An assertion expresses a property of a high-level function in the form:

“antecedent consequent,” where antecedent and consequent can be simple predicates like
“line L takes symbolic value v” or conjunctions of simple predicates. An assertion fault
means that the corresponding property is not “true” for some input of the system. This fault
model has been used for generating tests for a microprocessor.

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Behavioural Faults: When the behaviour of an electronic system is described in computer-

readable form, it is generally written in a programming language (such as C) or some other
hardware description language that resembles a programming language. At the behavioural
level, also referred to as functional or high level, the variables or operations are not
necessarily electrical, but correspond to the specific application domain. Behavioural faults
refer to incorrect execution of the language constructs used in the description. Examples of
behavioural faults are assertion faults, branch faults, and instruction faults. At the behavioural
level, software test metrics, such as statement coverage and branch coverage, and an
additional toggle coverage, are also used although these do not conform to any specific fault

Branch Fault: This fault is modelled at the behavioural level where the circuit function is
described in a programming language. A branch fault affects a branch statement and causes it
to branch to an incorrect destination.

Cross-point Fault: These faults are modelled in programmable logic arrays (PLA.) In the
layout of a PLA, input and output variable lines are laid out perpendicular to the product-
lines. Crossing signal lines either form specific types of connections or remain unconnected
at cross-points, depending on the function implemented. There are two types of cross-point
faults. A missing cross-point means a missing connection at a crossing where a connection
was intended. An extra cross-point means a faulty connection at a crossing where no
connection was intended. Based on their influence on the logic function of the PLA, the
cross-point faults are further classified as shrinkage, growth, appearance, and disappearance
faults. Also see PLA faults.

Hyperactive Fault: A hyperactive fault causes a large number of signals in the circuit to
differ from their correct values. The fault thus produces very high fault related activity in the
circuit. If not readily detected, fault simulators usually remove hyperactive faults for later
consideration to save CPU time and memory.

Initialization Fault: Circuits with memory elements (e.g., flip-flops) are designed so that
they can be initialized by applying suitable input signals. Faults that interfere with such an
initialization procedure are called initialization faults. A typical example of such a fault is the
clock line of a flip-flop being stuck in the inactive state. Initialization faults are sometimes
detected as potentially detectable faults.

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Logical Faults: These faults affect the state of logic signals. Normally, the state may be
modelled as {0, 1, X (unknown), Z (high impedance)}, and a fault can transform the correct
value to any other value. Several types of faults can be modelled at the logic level. However,
the term logical faults often imply stuck-at faults.

Memory Faults: Faults modelled in memory blocks are single cell stuck-at-[0, l] faults,
pattern sensitive faults, cell coupling faults, and single stuck-at faults in the address decoder

Non-classical Fault: Although a non-classical fault, in general, refers to a fault other than a
stuck-at fault, the term has been used for the stuck-open and stuck-short faults of MOS

Oscillation Fault: These faults cause oscillating signals in the faulty circuit when the fault-
free circuit remains stable. Such a condition can occur due to certain single stuck-at faults in
sequential circuits that contain combinational feedback. Oscillations can also occur in a
purely combinational circuit if a bridging fault produces feedback. Oscillation faults are also
referred to as star-faults.

Parametric Fault: Such a fault changes the values of electrical parameters of active or
passive devices from their nominal or expected values. Examples are the threshold voltage of
a transistor (active device) and values of resistors and capacitors (passive devices.)

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