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Jl. Sumur Bandung No.5 Lebak Siliwangi

Kec.Coblong-Kota Bandung-Jawa Barat 40132
Telp.+62 22 2534178


1. Purpose
To give the systematic instructions to perform the conventional survey methods of traverse, network, resection, multiple ties,
and trigonometric leveling that easy to understood by the scanner operator in the field and or for training the new employees.

2. Scope
The client requirement, the company requirement

3. Appendices
- List of LAPI ITB Equipment
- Form Vertical Index and Horizontal Collimation
- Total Station Manual Book
- “Checking Tripod, Tribrach, and Adjusting Circular Level”
- List of Codelist of Total Station Measurement
- Form Verticality
- Form Callibration
- Accuracy Classifications and Standards
- Least Square Adjustment

4. Definition

5. General Responsibility

6. Procedure

Point Procedure References Responsibility

6.1. Preparation of Equipment
Field components of Total Station systems include:
• Total station
• Data collection system
• Laptop computer
• Various Cables Preparation
Accessories (such as tripods, tribrachs, batteries and chargers, prism of
poles, and other miscellaneous accessories) Equipment, Surveyor
List of
Total station vertical index and horizontal collimation should be checked each day. Equipment
(Form Vertical Index and Horizontal Collimation)

Set Up

Height of instrument and target: Measure and enter the H.I. and H.T. into the
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Jl. Sumur Bandung No.5 Lebak Siliwangi
Kec.Coblong-Kota Bandung-Jawa Barat 40132
Telp.+62 22 2534178

data collector at the beginning of each set up. It is advisable to check target and
instrument heights at the completion of each set up along with the plummet’s
position over the point.

Temperature and barometric pressure: Measure and enter the appropriate ppm
correction into the total station before work is begun each day for general-order and
third-order surveys. For second-order surveys, temperature and pressure readings
should be made and ppm correction entered into the total station again at midday.
Each 1.8° F change in temperature will cause a one ppm error, if the ppm setting in
the total station is not changed.

Checking: After setting up, measure the distance to the backsight to provide a
check. Observations of other known points are encouraged whenever practical. For
general-order surveys, it is good practice to observe selected points from two set
ups as a check. At the conclusion of each set up, the direction to the backsight
should be reobserved. For general-order surveys (construction staking, topographic
surveys, etc.), areas surveyed from two different set ups should have common
points from the two set ups to provide additional checks.

Mode: All distance observations shall be taken in the most accurate measurement
mode on the total station.

6.2. Operational Equipment

General Setup
1. SetUp Tripod
• The tripod must be stand up sturdily, find the most stable area as
• Tripod plate shall be as level as it could Total Station
• The height of tripod appropriate with the condition of survey area Manual
and the surveyor Book,
2. Setup tribrach “Checking
• The tribrach must be locked into a tripod Tripod,
• The leveling buble on a tribrach must be at the centre of the circle, Tribrach,
which means the tribrach has leveled (flat with geoid) .
• Check the plumb. If the buble is not stable, re-setup the tripod or Circular
find another more stable area. If the buble still not stable, the tribrach Level”
have to be calibrated. (See Checking Tripod, Tribrach and Adjusting
Circular Level)
• Open the tribrach key.
3. Setup Total Station
• Carefully, put the total station on a leveled tribrach, and lock the
tribrach key
4. Operate Total Station
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Jl. Sumur Bandung No.5 Lebak Siliwangi
Kec.Coblong-Kota Bandung-Jawa Barat 40132
Telp.+62 22 2534178

• Turn On the Total Station equipment

• Check the optical plummet of Total Station and do re-centering, so
the plummet certainly have leveled.
• Check the recmask
• Input code of measurement (See detail of Total Station Manual and
Code List of Total Station measurement).
• Do the measurement with the telescope. For each measurement,
read the
5. Targets
The target is the prism which putted at the tribrach for traverse and at the
pole for detail object. The target have to be seen from the total station. Make
sure the target is leveled too.
For more detail of Total Station operating, see the Total Station Manual Book.

6.3. Measurement Stage

a. Traverse Survey
Individual Loops

The step as follow :

1. Make sure that all personnel understand the scope of work that will be carried
out and conduct a briefing before start the work.
2. Check all equipment before use. (see General Setup)
3. Setup the equipment, check the recmask (format record) and the correction
that will be applied on the measurement.
4. Input of measurement code (List of TS code)
5. After the equipment is set up above the first reference point, aim the
telescope to backsight point, record the observation data then aim to
foresight point and record the observation data.
6. Make sure the total series of measurement data is appropriate with the
List of TS
technical specification.
code, Form
7. Move the equipment to foresight point, repeat step 4 and 5 for equipment
8. Repeat step 4 upto 6 until last point, for close loop traverse finish traverse
point with the point used at the start. On an open traverse start, the finish
traverse point will be on a difference point, both points are known as fixed

Purpose : Traverse survey with network method is a multiple point observation from
one fixed point in other words, one point tied in to more than one point.

The step as follow:

1. Make sure that all personnel understand the scope of work that will be
carried out and conduct a briefing before starting the work.
2. After the equipment has been set up above the first reference point, aim the
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Jl. Sumur Bandung No.5 Lebak Siliwangi
Kec.Coblong-Kota Bandung-Jawa Barat 40132
Telp.+62 22 2534178

telescope to backsight point, and record the observation data, then aim to the
next foresight point and record the observation data, aim to second foresight
point, continue to other foresight point so that all of nearest foresight points
are observed.
3. Make sure the total series of measured data is in accordance with the
technical specifications.
4. Move the equipment into one of the foresight points and repeat step 1 and 2.
Do the first step until reaching the final step 4 so that all of the traverse lines of
the geometric network shape is measured

b. Detail Topographic Survey

Detail topographic survey carried out to get data of object features which needed at
field. The purpose of detail topographic survey is to produce the topographic map. The
step as follow :

1. Make sure that all personnel understand the scope of work that will be
carried out and conduct a briefing before starting the work.
2. Check all equipment before use. (See General Setup)
3. Setup the equipment, check the recmask (format record) and the correction
that will be applied on the measurement.
4. Measure the height of Total Station and record it along with target height,
5. Input of detail code (List of TS code)
6. After the equipment is set up above the first reference point, aim the
telescope to backsight point, record the observation data
7. Target is the prism which putted on a pole stick with certain height
8. Input code detail, pole height and number for detail point which measured.
9. For next data collecting the points which unseen from reference point before,
move the equipment after do the foresight for the next reference point.

c. Stake-Out
The purpose of Stake-out is determining the position point of plan at field. The step as
follow :

1. Setup Total Station until ready for use (See General Setup)
2. Input first list coordinates of the points which will be staked into the Total
3. For stake-out, it’s require 2 reference point which known coordinates. 1
reference point is for the total station and another one for the backsight point.
4. Input the coordinates of 2 refence point
5. Do the backsight to the another reference point and checked whether the
coordinates of backsight is same as the reference coordinates.
6. Input the scale factor to the instrument.
7. Input the point’s coordinates which will be staked.
8. Use the pole stick as a targets to find out the desired position at field and
directing the position and distance from the equipment.
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Jl. Sumur Bandung No.5 Lebak Siliwangi
Kec.Coblong-Kota Bandung-Jawa Barat 40132
Telp.+62 22 2534178

9. After the position founded, mark the point with pole and the tape on it.
10. Make sure the mark of point is safe and easy to find.

d. Verticality
The purpose of Verticality is to find out the declivity of rig position. The step as follow :

1. The Total Station stand on 1 of 2 reference point, do the backsight to another

reference point.
2. Directing the telescope to the edge of the casing, then record each Hz value.
3. Take the average from 2 of Hz value then obtained the centre position of
4. Directing the telescope to that centre position of casing, then record the
distance (d)
5. Do the same procedure to the top of rig, directing the telescope to the edge
top of the rig, record Hz value from each position.
6. Take the average from 2 of Hz value then obtained the centre position of rig
7. Calculate the rig declivity. DEC = d x tan δHz
DEC : Declivity
d : distance
δHz : Difference between Hz2 and Hz1
Form Verticality

6.4. Total Station Data Processing

Data Download, Editing, Creating Fbk File (Field Book File)

The procedure as follow :

1. Download the measurement data using a name and directory file

name for the survey.
2. Copy the measurement file (with extension raw) to directory
3. After entering the data into the program Softdesk Survey Programme
select the setting.
The choice for selecting the settings are as follows :
a) Point protection setting
b) Correction caused by equipment misused.
c) Correction caused by atmosphere influence interference.
d) Current Zone (Zone on the used coordinate system).
e) Scale Factor Correction and MSL.
4. Choose texteditor submenu into Cmdline menu, write down the raw
file name to display on the text editor.
5. Insert to the preliminary text !DCA COLLECTOR NUMBER 7
HEADER RAW DATA, save the file and go back to the survey
6. Choose submenu create the FBK in the Collect menu, follow the
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Jl. Sumur Bandung No.5 Lebak Siliwangi
Kec.Coblong-Kota Bandung-Jawa Barat 40132
Telp.+62 22 2534178

instructions to create an FBK file and RAW file in existing file.

7. Choose submenu, Edit FBK on Collect menu to do editing in the data
measurement in FBK file.
8. After the data has been checked, choose the submenu Import to
Drawing in Collect menu and do the commands interactively
(according to the message that is displayed on the computer
programme) so, the measurement data is displayed on the screen.
9. Repeat step 7 and 8 until measured data has been plotted correctly
on computer display.
10. After the process, the measurement data on the FBK form is the
measurement data which is considered correct and save the files in
the directory with the appropriate file name.
11. Create a backup data

6.1. Adjustment By Using Least Squares Method

A. Individual Loops

The step as follow :

1. Choose traverse menu, submenu Traverse Loops, and choose
submenu Define Loop to define loop or track through in measurement
2. Choose submenu Least Square settings to choose confidence
interval point (95% or 99%). Error detection is to be used to
determine data measurement that has significant mistakes, and other
parameters concerning the calculation process.
3. Choose submenu Individual Loops and choose submenus Create
Input File to create files yang digunakan untuk data masukan pada
proses adjustment. There are two steps in adjustment process that
has to be done, which are as follows :
a. Free Flatting. The step is :
- Choose submenu Edit Input File, decide one reference point
as a fixed coordinate
- Do the adjustment process in submenu file input process, the
result will be automatically displayed on the screen and
saved in an output file. Adjustment
- Analyse the result of file output, mark and record the data
which residual point is not matched and data that
considered an error.
- Discard the data which considered wrong (according to the
analysis result in step 6) by editing on the File input.
- Do the step 5 to 7 until all of the measurement data can be
accepted and flatting result that is shown by Ellipse Errors,
Standard Deviation of Unit Weight. Data in this process is
not the final coordinate.
b. String Flatting. The step is :
- Choose submenus Input File Edit, determine that all of the
reference point are fixed coordinates.
- Do the step 5 to 8 until all of the measured data can be
accepted for the process as a final coordinate.

B. Networks
The step as follow :
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Jl. Sumur Bandung No.5 Lebak Siliwangi
Kec.Coblong-Kota Bandung-Jawa Barat 40132
Telp.+62 22 2534178

1. Choose submenu Networks and choose a submenu to create an

input file that can be used to input data in an adjustment process.
o Work the same steps for adjustment to the above
Individual loops.

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