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Benavides Valdivia, Ana Yarely

Chávez Villarruel, Kevin
Correa Castellanos, Javier Alonso
Hernández Hernández, Imanol Hari
Pérez Solórzano, Lucía Caso Práctico 2:
Rivera Nápoles, Francisco Javier Senco Electronics Company

Diplomado Negocios Internacionales

Comercialización y Distribución

Presentación del Caso

Senco Electronics company (Senco) is a US based contract manufacturer of Laptop and personal computers. All of its current assembly operations are
located in the United States and primarily serve the US Market. Transportation in the United States from Senco sites to its customers is primarily performed
by motor carriers. Rising costs in its US operations have caused Senco to begin construction of a new assembly plant in China.

This plat will be used to satisfy the growing demand for laptop and personal computers in the United States. Traci Shannon, executive vice president of
supply chain management for Senco, is concerned with how Senco will transport its sonal computers in the United States. “We have always had the
luxury of a very well-developed ground transportation infrastructure in the United States to move our products. Now we will be faced with moving
enormous quantities of electronic products across several thousand miles of ocean. We really don’t have that much experience with other modes of

“Skip Grenoble, Director of logistics for Senco, was called on for his advice. “obviously, we need to decide on whether to use ocean or air
transportation to move our products from the new facility. Air transportation will cost more than ocean but will result in lower inventory costs because of
the faster transit for our U.S distribution centers. Using either mode will require some fixed investment in loading/unloading facilities at both the new
plant and our US distribution centers.

Projected annual demand from the new Facility is 1.5 million pounds. However, we expect this demand to grow by 10 percent annually over the next
five years. Although the air transportation system appears to be more expensive option right now, we need to take into consideration our growth and
how each mode will help us achieve our profit and service goal” The relevant cost information for each alternative is presented din the following table.

Diplomado Negocios Internacionales

Comercialización y Distribución

Data del Caso

Ocean Air
Transportation Cost
$ 50,000.00 $ 190,000.00

Inventory Cost Ocean Air

Carrying $ 40,000.00 $ 15,000.00
Handling $ 15,000.00 $ 19,000.00
Ordering $ 5,000.00 $ 12,000.00
Fixed Cost $ 410,000.00 $ 350,000.00

Total Cost $ 520,000.00 $ 586,000.00

Diplomado Negocios Internacionales

Comercialización y Distribución

Preguntas del Caso 1:
If you were Skip Grenoble, which alternative would you advise Ms. Shannon to implement?
What criteria you use to arrive at your decision?

Seleccionaría el medio de transporte marítimo, no solo por el costo que es menos si

seleccionamos el aéreo, sino que también comentan que transportarán grandes
cantidades y la demanda de 1.5 millones de libras, siendo un mayor volumen que en

En vía aérea, aunque más rápido, es más complicado transportar, no solo se selecciona
por temas de volumen sino también por los costos de logística que se planifica a en los 8
años analizados. De la misma manera los costos van relacionados con el transporte,
almacenaje, maniobras .

Preguntas del Caso 2:

At what level of demand (in pounds) per year would these two alternatives be equal?
Según el análisis realizado el punto de equilibrio, en el nivel de demanda de las alternativas aéreas y marítimas son 714,285.71 libras

Diplomado Negocios Internacionales

Comercialización y Distribución

Preguntas del Caso 3:
Graphically represent these two alternative and their tradeoff point

Gráfico Marítimo y Áereo

Marítimo Áereo






0 2923075.65

Preguntas del Caso 4:

Which alternative would you recommend be in place to accommodate future demand growth?

Maritimo resulto ser la mejor alternativa de transporte

Diplomado Negocios Internacionales

Comercialización y Distribución

Data Gráficos
10 % anual en 10 años
Tiempo Año 0 Año 1 Año 2 Año 3 Año 4 Año 5
Libras 0.00 1500000.00 1650000.00 1815000.00 1996500.00 2196150.00
Tipo de transporte Marítimo Áereo Marítimo Áereo Marítimo Áereo Marítimo Áereo Marítimo Áereo Marítimo Áereo
Costo de transporte $0.00 $0.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 190,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 209,000.00 $ 60,500.00 $ 229,900.00 $ 66,550.00 $ 252,890.00 $ 73,205.00 $ 278,179.00
Costo de inventario $0.00 $0.00
Carrying $0.00 $0.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 44,000.00 $ 16,500.00 $ 48,400.00 $ 18,150.00 $ 53,240.00 $ 19,965.00 $ 58,564.00 $ 21,961.50
Handling $0.00 $0.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 19,000.00 $ 16,500.00 $ 20,900.00 $ 18,150.00 $ 22,990.00 $ 19,965.00 $ 25,289.00 $ 21,961.50 $ 27,817.90
Ordering $0.00 $0.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 13,200.00 $ 6,050.00 $ 14,520.00 $ 6,655.00 $ 15,972.00 $ 7,320.50 $ 17,569.20
Costo Fijo $410,000.00 $350,000.00 $ 410,000.00 $ 350,000.00 $ 451,000.00 $ 385,000.00 $ 496,100.00 $ 423,500.00 $ 545,710.00 $ 465,850.00 $ 600,281.00 $ 512,435.00
Total $410,000.00 $350,000.00 $ 520,000.00 $ 586,000.00 $ 572,000.00 $ 644,600.00 $ 629,200.00 $ 709,060.00 $ 692,120.00 $ 779,966.00 $ 761,332.00 $ 857,962.60

Año 0 Año 1 Año 2 Año 3 Año 4 Año 5

Marítimo Áereo Marítimo Áereo Marítimo Aéreo Marítimo Áereo Marítimo Áereo Marítimo Áereo
Costo fijo $ 410,000.00 $ 350,000.00 $ 451,000.00 $ 385,000.00 $ 496,100.00 $ 423,500.00 $ 545,710.00 $ 465,850.00 $ 600,281.00 $ 512,435.00
Costos variables $ 110,000.00 $ 236,000.00 $ 121,000.00 $ 259,600.00 $ 133,100.00 $ 285,560.00 $ 146,410.00 $ 314,116.00 $ 161,051.00 $ 345,527.60
Costos totales $ 520,000.00 $ 586,000.00 $ 572,000.00 $ 644,600.00 $ 629,200.00 $ 709,060.00 $ 692,120.00 $ 779,966.00 $ 761,332.00 $ 857,962.60
Unidades (libras) 1500000.00 1500000.00 1500000.00 1500000.00 1500000.00 1500000.00 1500000.00 1500000.00 1500000.00 1500000.00
Costos variables/unidad 0.073333333 0.157333333 0.080666667 0.173066667 0.088733333 0.190373333 0.097606667 0.209410667 0.107367333 0.230351733
$ $ $ $ $
Punto de equilibrio 714,285.71 714,285.71 714,285.71 714,285.71 714,285.71

Oceáno Aire
Costos Costos Costos Libras a 8 años 0 2923075.65
Costos fijos variables Costos totales Costos fijos variables variables Marítimo 410000.00 $ 1,013,332.89
$ 410,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 520,000.00 $ 350,000.00 $ 236,000.00 $ 586,000.00 Áereo 350000 $ 1,141,948.22

Diplomado Negocios Internacionales

Comercialización y Distribución


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