Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science Paper 2 Programming Notes (2023-2025)

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Development life cycle

Analysis: a process of investigation, leading to the specification of what a program is required to do

abstraction, decomposition of the problem, identification of the problem and


Abstraction – a method used in the analysis stage of the program development life cycle;
the key elements required for the solution to the problem are kept and any unnecessary
details and information that are not required are discarded.

Design: uses the program specification from the analysis stage to show to how the program should
be developed

decomposition, structure diagrams, flowcharts, pseudocode

Decomposition – a complex problem is broken down into smaller parts, which can then be
sub divided into even smaller parts that can be solved more easily.

Decomposing a problem

Inputs – the data used by the system that needs to be entered while the system is active.

Processes – the tasks that need to be performed using the input data and any other
previously stored data.

Outputs – information that needs to be displayed or printed for the users of the system.

Storage – data that needs to be stored in files on an appropriate medium for use in the

Coding: the writing of the program or suite of programs

writing program code and iterative testing

Testing: systematic checks done on a program to make sure that it works under all conditions

testing program code with the use of test data


▪ Top-down design is the decomposition of a computer system into a set of sub-systems.

▪ The process of breaking down into smaller sub-systems is called stepwise refinement.

Different methods to design and construct a solution to a problem

– Flowcharts: A diagram that shows the steps required for a task (sub-system) and the order in which
the steps are to be performed. A graphical representation used to represent an algorithm.

– Pseudocode: Pseudocode is a simple method of showing an algorithm; it describes what the

algorithm does by using English key words that are very similar to those used in a high-level
programming language but without the strict syntax rules.

– Structure diagrams: A structure diagram shows the hierarchy of a system.

Top-Down Design

The breaking down of a computer system into a set of sub-systems, then breaking each subsystem
down into a set of smaller sub-systems, until each sub-system just performs a single action.

Benefits of Top-Down Design

▪ Breaking a problem down into smaller parts/tasks make it far easier to understand, solve and
▪ Top-down design allows several programmers or teams to work on the same project, without
getting in each other’s way.
▪ Each module of code to be tested separately.

Variable: A variable is a storage location. It is a named value that contains data that can be changed
throughout the execution. E.g: Total

Constant: A constant is also a storage location. It is a named location that contains a value that we
don’t want to change during the running of the program. E.g: CONSTpi  3.142

Array: An array is a data structure containing several elements of the same data type and stored under
a single name. To reduce the number of variables used. Any item can be found using an index number.

Data Type

Char: A single character. Eg: A / # /

String: A sequence of characters. E.g: Hello World / #123?

Boolean: A data type with two possible values. E.g: True / False

Integer: A positive or negative whole number. E.g: 12 / -23

Real: A positive or negative number with a fractional part. E.g: 23.05 / - 24.56

Algorithm – an ordered set of steps to solve a problem.

Sequence and Selection

▪ Sequence is the concept of one statement being executed after another whereas selection
decides which statements are to be executed depending upon the result of a question.






Conditional Statement

▪ IF …. THEN …. ELSE

A conditional statement with different outcomes for true and false.


A conditional statement to deal with many possible outcomes.

Purpose of a Conditional Statement

▪ To allow different routes through a program

▪ Dependent on meeting certain criteria



Fixed number of repetitions. A loop that will always iterate a set number of times.


Always executed post condition test. The loop is continued when the criteria has been met. A
loop that will always iterate at least once.


Pre-condition test that means condition is placed at the start of the loop. The loop is continued
when the criteria have not been met.


– count-controlled loops (FOR.. TO.. NEXT)

– pre-condition loops (WHILE … DO … ENDWHILE)

– post-condition loops (REPEAT … UNTIL)

Subroutine is sub program, it is not the whole program to perform a frequently used operation with a
program. That can be called when needed and reused by another program. Eg: Procedure and Function

A procedure is a set of programming statements grouped together under a single name that can be
called to perform a task at any point in a program.

A function is a set of programming statements grouped together under a single name that can be
called to perform a task at any point in a program. In contrast to a procedure, a function will return a
value back to the main program.

Parameters are the variables that store the values of the arguments passed to a procedure or function.
Some but not all procedures and functions will have parameters.

Counting is used with repetition with the counter increased by 1 every time the loopis repeated.

Count  Count + 1

Totalling is used with repetition with the total updated every time the loop is repeated.

Total  Total + Number

A global variable can be used by any part of a program – its scope covers the whole program.

A local variable can only be used by the part of the program it has been declared in – its scope is
restricted to that part of the program.


Syntax Error

▪ Syntax Error occurs when a programmer does not follow the rules or structure of the language
they are writing in.

Logic Error

▪ A logic error is an error in the code that causes the program to do something it should not.

Validation – Automated checks carried out by a program that data is reasonable before it is accepted
into a computer system.

Validation is an automatic check to ensure that data entered is sensible and feasible.

Range check – a check that the value of a number is between an upper value and a lower value.

E.g: Number will be 1 to 5

Length check – a method used to check that the data entered is a specific number of characters
long or that the number of characters is between an upper value and a lower value.

E.g: 8 characters in password

Type check – a check that the data entered is of a specific type.

E.g: Email Address, ID-Number

Presence check – a check that a data item has been entered.

E.g: Enter nothing.

Format check – a check that the characters entered conform to a pre-defined pattern.

Check digit – an additional digit appended to a number to check if the entered number is error-
free; check digit is a data entry check and not a data transmission check.

Verification – checking that data has been accurately copied from another source and input into a
computer or transferred from one part of a computer system to another. Verification is
a way of preventing errors when data is copied from one medium to another.

Double Entry: Data is entered twice and the computer checks that they match up.

Eg: Enter password:

Re enter password:

Visual check: The user manually reads and compares the newly inputted data against the original
source to ensure they match.

Set of test data – all the items of data required to work through a solution.

Normal data – data that is accepted by a program.

Abnormal data – data that is rejected by a program.

Extreme data – the largest/smallest data value that is accepted by a program.

Boundary data – the largest/smallest data value that is accepted by a program and the corresponding
smallest/largest rejected data value.

Difference between Extreme Data and Boundary Data

▪ Extreme data is the largest/smallest acceptable value.

▪ Boundary data is the largest/smallest acceptable value and the corresponding smallest/largest
rejected value.

Linear search – an algorithm that inspects each item in a list in turn to see if the item matches the
value searched for.

Bubble sort – an algorithm that makes multiple passes through a list comparing each element with
the next element and swapping them. This continues until there is a pass where no more swaps are

Concept of string handling

– length: finding the number of characters in the string

– substring: extracting part of a string

– upper: converting all the letters in a string to uppercase

– lower: converting all the letters in a string to lowercase

The first character of the string can be position zero or one.

Library routines: Library routines that are ready to incorporate into a program.

MOD – returns remainder of a division.

DIV – returns the quotient (i.e. the whole number part) of a division
ROUND – returns a value rounded to a given number of decimal places.
RANDOM – returns a random number


▪ An Element is an individual data location in an array.

▪ Each of the individual items in an array is called an element.
▪ The index indicates the position of the element within the array
▪ The dimension of an array is the number of indices needed to select an element.

▪ A one-dimensional array can be referred to as a list.

▪ A two-dimensional array can be referred to as a table, with rows and columns.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Array

▪ In an array, accessing an element is very easy by using the index number.

▪ The search process can be applied to an array easily.
▪ Array size is fixed: The array is static, which means its size is always fixed. The memory which
is allocated to it cannot be increased or decreased.

Purpose of storing data in a file

▪ Data stored in RAM will be lost when the computer is switched off, when data is saved to a file
it is stored permanently.
▪ Data stored in a file can thus be accessed by the same program at a later date or accessed by
another program.
▪ Data stored in a file can also be sent to be used on other computer(s).
▪ The storage of data in files is one of the most used features of programming.
▪ Data can be backed up or archived.

Create a maintainable program

Including appropriate use of:

– meaningful identifiers

– the commenting feature provided by the programming language

– procedures and functions

– relevant and appropriate commenting of syntax

Use meaningful identifiers for:

– variables

– constants

– arrays

– procedures and functions

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